"Brother Qin, this is your company, or you come!"

"What my company, you are sent from above, or together!"

In time, everyone walked to the office area of the new factory.

At this time, the staff are ready, and the personnel are in place.

Qin Mo and everyone arrived, and there were still ten minutes left before the auspicious hour.

The staff took a pair of scissors, Qin Mo took it, and handed it to Lin Tongfu.

But Lin Tongfu did not catch it, but pushed back, and took it again in desperation.

When a factory as large as this was established, the opening ceremony was a very grand thing.

The first step is to do a good job in publicity, which is a good opportunity to publicize to all sectors of society and further expand its influence, but look at the on-site reporters only in Matsuyama City, and there is no one above.

The second step is to draw up the list of guests, journalists and media friends are indispensable, as well as leaders of relevant departments, employee representatives, waiters...

The next is to arrange the scene of the opening ceremony, this is to find an experienced company to help, in this aspect Qinchuang Technology has experience, a phone call can call people over.

In addition to the above, there are some small matters to pay attention to, but these do not need Qin Mo to worry about, he only needs to pay for it, and the rest are completed by professionals.

Today is the opening day, and the personnel of all parts are already in place.

Admission, music, chairman, ribbon cutter, guests in turn....



One cut of scissors, ten thousand taels of gold.

As the two finished cutting the ribbon, the guests applauded and the band played.

"Congratulations to Brother Qin again!"

Lin Tongfu stretched out his hand, it had only been a long time before Qin Mo had his own business kingdom.

"Hahaha, congratulations to Brother Lin!"

The two clasped their hands together.

"This is not a blessing for Brother Tuo Qin!"

"Can you two be polite, two big men have been shaking hands for so long."

When Ye Yin saw this, he had to remind him.

"Hahaha... The younger brother and sister are jealous!

Lin Tongfu found out at this and quickly let go of his hand.

"Brother Lin, how many of us are around?"

"Well, that's exactly what I meant!"

Such a large factory area, in addition to seeing the appearance when he came in, the specific Lin Tongfu inside was also curious.

Not only him, but also the staff who came over also wanted to know if this factory was the same as others.

"By the way, you don't need to follow, gather here at half-half, disband now, you can look around!"

Just after taking a few steps, Lin Tongfu stopped, looked at the staff who followed behind, and then spoke.

"Boss, this..."

the man said first, but Lin Tongfu didn't give him a chance to speak.

"Zhengqing, you don't have to follow, Brother Qin, how long have you won't see you, let's go!"

Hearing Lin Tongfu say this, the other staff members did not follow, including Tan Zhengqing.

"Let's go, just have a chance to take a look here!"

Tan Zhengqing then walked away.

It's only half past nine, and it's still two hours before the convergence time.

For two hours, it's not good to walk around here, and when other colleagues ask, they don't know.

"Secretary Tan, wait for me!"

The staff who came over saw Tan Zhengqing walking away, and some people hurriedly caught up.

"Brother Lin, I'm sorry, such a good holiday, I want you to run over to Shuijiang County."

Qin Mo and Lin Tongfu walked in front, followed by several employees of the company.

"Isn't it a holiday, I don't know what to do during the holiday at this age, it's not to stay at home in a daze, now there is such a good opportunity to come down to Shuijiang County, just enough to breathe, I think it's very good, besides, if I want to come to Shuijiang County in the future, there are really not many opportunities."

As soon as I think that I will go to Yangcheng soon, I can't be as convenient as it is now, and I can come down to Shuijiang County as soon as I have time.

"Haha... If there is any inconvenience, Brother Lin is welcome here at any time in the future.

For what Qin Mo said, Lin Tongfu could only smile lightly.

Going to work in Yangcheng, the task will definitely not be light.

That is, for a while, don't want to get out.

"Let's talk about this later!"

"Yes, let's go shopping first, to be honest, this is also my first time visiting, I don't know if it has reached my heart's thoughts."

Hearing Qin Mo's words here, Lin Tongfu was stunned for a moment, such a large factory area, he didn't come to check it personally, it seemed that it was all handed over to his subordinates, thinking that this old brother Qin was really at ease with his subordinates, this is a project of tens of billions of dollars!

"Such a big factory, Brother Qin, how many people do you have to recruit this time."

Now the area where the two walked was the staff dormitory.

Looking at this area, more than two dozen buildings, even if they are not counted, can be guessed, at least tens of thousands of employees.

"Recruit 20,000 people for the time being, leave 30,000 people, and take your time later!"

The 20,000 people Qin Mo said are all front-line workers, and they will start work at the end of the year, this matter can not be delayed any longer, the new factory area is built, and the equipment is in place.

Now all that remains is the training of manpower.

"What, Brother Qin, your factory is planning 50,000 people?"

Lin Tongfu was shocked, there are only many people in Shuijiang County, and the resident population is only more than 400,000.

Except for some personnel, the elderly, children, staff, disabled people, half of the rest can be considered good.

That is only about 200,000, and more than 20,000 people have been recruited before.

Now that another 50,000 people are coming, he is going to turn half of the locals into his own company employees.

As long as Qin Mo's company has no accidents in the future, Shuijiang County is still the poor small county town before?

Lin Tongfu can now imagine that Qin Mo has turned the economic development of a place alive with the power of one person.

"Why, Brother Lin, do you not believe this?"

Seeing the expression on Lin Tongfu's face, Qin Mo was very happy, even he was like this, and when the others heard the news, Qin Mo believed that his expression would be richer.

"No, I just can't think of this.... I don't even know what to say, if there are a few more enterprises like Brother Qin, do those still need to worry?

Lin Tongfu didn't know what to think of, and let out a sigh.

"I plan to live in 50,000 employees here, and if I can't recruit so many people, wouldn't I be sorry for these 20-odd staff dormitories in front of me."

At this time, the two had already walked in, and there was a dormitory on the first floor, which was a double room.

"Fifty thousand people, Brother Qin, you are really willing to give up!"

After entering the dormitory, Lin Tongfu had to sigh again, the arrangement in front of him was completely different from other companies.

In the employee dormitories of other companies, it can be said that there is nothing else except a bed.

Those who are better treated may be equipped with an air conditioner.

But the scene I saw was completely different, it was a small apartment with all the organs, TV, refrigerator, washing machine, air conditioner... These appliances have them.

There are also desktop computers in each dormitory.

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