After seeing Lin Gaoyi, everyone understood what was going on.

"Boss, what do you mean, this hospital is in charge of Dr. Lin?"

"Not bad, you're not stupid!"

Hearing Qin Mo praise himself like this, the manager's face turned red.

This is not an obvious thing, just talked about the hospital, and then the boss came in with someone, still a doctor.

"Okay, give me a little seriousness!"

After seeing Lin Gaoyi sit down, Qin Mo entered the topic.

It's just that everyone looks at Lin Gaoyi so young and a little doubts about his ability, but no one dares to say it.

This is the person pulled by the boss, I believe it must be of his use.

"Xiao Chen, come and introduce Dr. Lin's resume."

As Qin Mo finished speaking, a beautiful woman next to him stood up.

Her name is Chen Simin, and she can be regarded as Qin Mo's secretary.

Usually stay in the company, and things that are not in a hurry are usually handed over to her and reported to Qin Mo after sorting them out.

"Dr. Lin, Chinese New Year's Eve three years old, a world-class expert, has obtained a doctorate degree in Western medicine..."

Chen Simin shocked everyone as soon as he spoke, world-class expert, what is this concept, how many there are in the world, both hands can count it.

No wonder the boss wants to hand over this hospital to him, it seems that his vision is very different from the boss.

With Chen Simin's introduction, everyone can be regarded as having a preliminary understanding of Lin Gaoyi.

With such a big god sitting in the new factory area, not to mention minor illnesses and the like, major diseases can be cured for you.

"This time, the hospital is mainly traditional Chinese medicine, supplemented by Western medicine."

After Chen Simin's introduction, Qin Mo continued.

Just the first sentence, let everyone be puzzled.

Why is a world-class Western doctor, now the boss says that traditional Chinese medicine is the mainstay, is it possible that this Dr. Lin has deeper achievements in traditional Chinese medicine.

But think about the impossibility of everyone's situation, Lin Gaoyi is only how old, a person's energy is limited, it is impossible to go to such brilliant achievements in two fields, of course, the boss is not included, he is an addition, can not be compared with ordinary people.

"At present, in terms of manpower, only Dr. Lin is alone, which means that it will take a while to be able to find all the personnel."

When Qin Mo said this, Lin Gaoyi snatched the words over.

"Boss, I promise you this, within a month, the personnel will match you, but in terms of funds..."

Lin Gaoyi did not continue, the meaning was already obvious.

"Dr. Lin, don't worry, this hospital, we will arrange a full-time financial staff to go over, will give you a billion funds, if it is not enough, when the time comes, you talk to the finance, my side will make arrangements."

"Listening to the boss say this, then I will be relieved."

Lin Gaoyi knew that Qin Mo was very rich now, and he never imagined that he would be so rich.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he transferred a billion funds to the hospital's account, it seems that his worries before are superfluous, as long as there is money, the rest of the things will be easy to handle.

"Well, now that the hospital's affairs are solved, let's take a look at the desktop plan, this is only a preliminary plan, not perfect enough, let everyone see the original meaning, is to want you to be able to complete it."

At the time of everyone's meeting, Chen Simin had already sent a plan to everyone present.

"Give you half an hour."

Qin Mo then got up, Lin Gaoyi also followed out, the next meeting no longer needed for him to attend, now his task is this private hospital.

"So urgent, don't stay and eat before leaving?"

As soon as he walked out of the conference room, Lin Gaoyi said goodbye to Qin Mo.

"Boss, no need, I have a heavy task, so I won't stay!"

"Okay then, wait until you're done!"

Looking at Lin Gaoyi, who was walking away, Qin Mo smiled and nodded.

Now the people around him, everyone has such a big momentum, then the rest of the things don't need to worry about themselves, but it's a pity that Ding Jianyi wants to take a back seat at this time.

"Hey, why did you come out too?"

When Qin Mo was about to enter, he saw Lin Yingman walk out.

"Smoking no?"

I saw that she skillfully took out a pack of cigarettes and handed one to Qin Mo.

"When did you learn to smoke?"

Qin Mo took the cigarette and asked curiously.

"Not long ago, old student, do you believe it?"

Lin Yingman took a cigarette and pulled the hair that blocked his eyes back.

The whole action is particularly elegant.

"I don't believe it!"

Seeing this action, Qin Mo did not believe that he would learn it in a short time.

"Oh, I don't believe it either!"

Lin Yingman learned to smoke very early, but he quit it later, and he didn't think of rechecking it now.

She just arrived in Shuijiang County and smoked again.

I thought I still had a chance, but after I finished fighting with Ye Yin that day, I knew that I had no chance in my life.

As soon as I thought of this, I was full of time looking for a cigarette to smoke, and only in this way could I resolve my troubles.

Seriously, after smoking a cigarette, I feel a lot better.

Slowly yourself, you will fall in love with the taste of smoking, especially when you are troubled, the effect is the best.

"Is there something troublesome, tell your old classmates and see if I can help you solve it?"

Seeing the sadness on Lin Yingman's face, Qin Mo asked with concern.

"Old student, you really want to help me!"

Lin Yingman stood in front of Qin Mo at once, and the two of them could hear each breathing.

"Haha... Lie to you, I'm in a much better mood now, let's go in for a meeting!

After Lin Yingman finished laughing, he walked into the conference room, and the expression on his face returned to cold.


Seeing Lin Yingman walking into the conference room, Qin Mo followed behind and entered.

What she said just now, I also understand.

But this kind of thing pays attention to fate, if they are before Ye Yin, it is really possible, but unfortunately it is still one step late.

"Boss, we've thought about it!"

Half an hour.

Chen Simin began to collect everyone's opinions.

"Guys, please wait ten minutes."

Chen Simin collected everyone's information, let everyone wait, and he also had to sort out these opinions.

"Now take a fifteen-minute break, if you want to smoke, hurry up, don't wait for the meeting to say that you will not be allowed to smoke."

Qin Mo knew that there were many smokers in these managements.

However, the company clearly stipulates that smoking is not allowed during meetings.

The meeting just now, but it took more than an hour, which was really a torture for people who were addicted to smoking, this Qin Mo's voice just fell, half of the management present stood up and walked straight to the outside of the conference room.

"It's so cool!"

Walking outside, these smokers couldn't wait to light a cigarette, took a deep breath, and showed a satisfied expression on their faces.

"It's so cool, everything is good in our company, but this rule is not good."

After the name manager took a sip, the whole person relaxed and slowly smoked.

"Hehe, if you have ideas, you can go to the boss to mention them, we all support you spiritually."

"I don't dare, I still have to find a girlfriend in the company!"

This smoking ban, but considering that only female colleagues in the company have it, he is not so stupid!

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