Qinchuang Technology's press conference, a few days have passed.

All sectors of society have begun to pay attention to the next move in this matter.

Everyone is looking forward to the early launch of Qinchuang Technology's products.

At this time, it is not only domestic attention.

It's the same abroad, everyone thought that it was just a joke, or the other party was still in the stage of envisioning.

Unexpectedly, only a few months later, the press conference came out.

With the previous practice, Qinchuang Technology will bring its products to the market in the next step.

The six vehicles seen in the live broadcast room show that the other party's technology has matured, and now the difference is only time, once it can be mass-produced, the cars on the market will usher in a big challenge.

"Give me all the vehicles and drop the price by ten percent!"

Some CEOs who realized that something was wrong immediately held a general meeting of shareholders of the company, and finally everyone agreed that they wanted to temporarily stop production, and that they could significantly reduce prices.

Everyone feels that this is the only way to reduce losses.

The previous Qin Mei mobile phone is a living example, if it were not for Qin Chuang Technology, if it were not for Qin Chuang Technology, and finally did not kill them all, these bosses would have jumped off the building.

"Ten percent is too little, directly reduce the price by 20%, there is not much time left for us, we can sell as much as we can."

After the press conference, citizens of major cities discovered a strange phenomenon.

At that time, major car dealers held annual activities, and all domestic vehicles in them were greatly reduced in price.

Some citizens who originally did not have thick pockets saw such a powerful activity and hurriedly bought their beloved vehicles.

There are also those who have just bought a car, see the price difference of 20% before and after, and start to go to the car shop to discuss the explanation.

However, these phenomena have not affected foreign-funded vehicles, the value has not changed, and even some brands of vehicles go the other way, and the price has risen a little.

"What do you think?"

"What is there to worry about this, isn't it that the appearance is good-looking, before the hot summer people did not also have good-looking vehicles, the results behind everyone can see, the quality of other aspects of the vehicle can not pass, not the same eliminated by the market."

"I mean if Qinchuang Technology's other aspects of technology also pass, how should we deal with it then?"

Hearing the man's hypothesis, someone immediately refuted and said with disdain.

"If, that's impossible, this kind of thing won't happen to the Yanxia people, but it is possible for us beautiful country."

"You all have the same idea?"

The man looked around at the bosses present.

"Okay, since everyone thinks so, then today's meeting ends here, I hope I just worried that it is superfluous."


half a month later.

It was the same conference room again, but this time everyone present had very ugly faces.

Even the red wine in front of him was too lazy to taste.

At this time, it was already a new year in China, January


There are still more than 20 days left before the Spring Festival.

"This is the latest report, see for yourselves, hehe..... I have long told you to pay more attention to your opponents, now it's good, soon your products will withdraw from the hot summer market, the losses suffered at that time, I believe that the company's board of directors will kill you! It

was still the same man from last time, only this time he was full of sadness and could not see any expression on his face.

"What else can we do, we can't imagine that the other party shot so quickly, this is only how long, less than half a month from the press conference, the first batch of products launched so smoothly, there seems to be a force behind it!"

The people here are the CEOs of major companies, and now they are worried that if the company's profits are damaged, those directors will not reason with you, and even kill you.

Don't look at being an old man who is always so beautiful, it's good that there is no accident, and the consequences of an accident are not something they can bear.

"Salome. Egbert, here is the best product of the company, tell me your feelings! "

Early this morning, these bosses received an email, all of which were arranged to be sent back by the staff in the hot summer.

They couldn't think of what they had ignored before, the other party opened directly in several major cities in the hot summer a few days ago.

After a few days of business for the other party, it was not until today that the staff of my own company found that it was too late to stop it at this time.

Qinchuang Technology's products are really on the market, and the market response is good.

None of this matters, the most important thing is that the price of competitors is stuck in the hundred thousand, except that the price of sports cars is slightly more expensive.

In three days, the sales volume of various car dealers fell off a cliff, not even one-fifth of the previous one.

Many of them came to see the car, did not pay, were on the sidelines, and even the customers who had been contacted before said that they would consider it for a few days at this time.

When investigators returned, they finally found the problem.

These guests all ran to Qinchuang Technology to buy a car, and those who waited and watched were just looking at the reaction of the market.

Once the first batch of customers is satisfied, they will also follow.

However, the good news is that the production volume of Qinchuang Technology cannot keep up with the market demand.

Some customers who are in a hurry to use a car, can't wait for that time, so they have to go to other car dealerships to buy cars.

"Well, I won't say anything extra, once the production line of Qinchuang Technology is perfected, I believe that everyone here does not want to see this day come!"

Salomei. Egbert said so much at once, feeling thirsty, and quickly took a glass of water and drank it.

"What else can I do, is it possible to solve the other party?"

This is their usual method before, once there is a threatening competitor, there will be all kinds of accidents, the cake has already been divided, but outsiders are not allowed to share a share!

"This method is good, but the other party is in the territory of the hot summer, and it is not as good as those opponents before me!"

A boss thought of this and frowned.

"Hired killers?"

"This idea can, don't care, we just need to pay money, so many bosses present, each of them makes up a little, it adds up to a huge bonus, I believe no one can resist this bonus!"

Salomei. When Egbert heard someone talk about the killer, a little cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Hire a killer, this is the only way to do it at the moment!"

They believe that as long as it is solved, the boss of Qinchuang Technology, the rest of the things will be solved.

"There is no problem with this, our company pays 100 million US dollars!"

"One hundred million dollars, I still need to talk to the board of directors."

Not every company CEO can use such a large amount of money privately.

"Your life is important, or the company's money is important, first pay to solve the opponent, and then slowly explain to the company's directors!"

"Okay, I agree."

The boss gritted his gums and said.

Ten companies, that adds up to a billion dollars.

"Salome. Egbert, I'll leave this to you! "

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