
At nine o'clock, Qin Mo appeared in the previous leisure bar.

He found the place in a nice environment.

Unaffected by outside influences.

Nine-thirty arrived.

It's stock market trading time.

Qin Mo first opened the stock he had purchased.

After a two-day closure.

I saw that this stock suddenly fell sharply.

As soon as he saw this, Qin Mo's eyes lit up.

The five million that had just been transferred in again hurriedly set the price of the whole warehouse purchase.

It didn't make Qin Mo wait long, but ten minutes passed.

The stock just dropped to the limit.

Qin Mo's money was also all exchanged for a low price.

Seeing this, he stopped paying attention to the stock.

It was pretty much what I predicted.

Start researching other stocks, if you analyze them well.

In the next few days, the stock will come three or four times to the limit.

So the stock he's looking at now is the next stock.

When Qin Mo calmly checked the information.

To open an account for him, Hu Shishuang's mood was different.


A new week.

On the first day of work, I looked at the previous customer and transferred five million again.

This time she didn't shout, this kind of customer is still in her own hands.

The mood is even more beautiful.

"Big customer!"

But the good times are not far away.

The stock market is one minute before the open.

Hu Shishuang's mood jumped violently.

How is it possible not to be nervous?

All of his savings were smashed down.

As the time approached, the arms couldn't help but tense.

At this time, she began to feel the mood of those shareholders.

I was funny when I saw the shareholders outside.


Right at this time.

She saw that Qin Mo's account had changed.

Five million dollars hung up in a blink of an eye.


Seeing that Qin Mo was at this time, he still had to go to the bottom at the lowest price.

Ten minutes later.

The funds on the account are cleared again.

That's more than 7,000 lots of stock.

Hu Shishuang, who was originally worried, saw Qin Mo smashing down another large amount of money.

Compared with his small money of only 20,000 yuan, he was in a fierce mood just now.

Calm down slowly.

Over the next day, she looked at the stock whenever she had time.

The stock has not changed since the morning.

Hu Shishuang thought that his money was trapped.

Until the last half hour of the closure of the city in the afternoon.

The stock began to rally and rise.

Wait until the moment before closing the market, it is just the limit of the increase.

In the process of stock rally, Hu Shishuang has been considering whether to make a move.

In the end, I put up with it.

At this time, she quickly calculated how much she had earned.

After finishing his calculation, he glanced at Qin Mo's account again.

Breathing suddenly became rapid.

The money people make in a day, they may not earn in their lifetime!

"Is this capital?"


After Qin Mo bought it in a full position, he did not look at this stock again.

Now he has a full understanding of the information in his head.

"It seems that knowledge is money!"

If you are not mistaken, this is a dealer entering.

Just show up before them.

Of course, you can't be too greedy.

If it is not discovered, the dealer will withdraw early.

At that time, the person who will cry will be himself.

"It's eleven!"

Looking at the time, Qin Mo immediately put away his laptop.

Leave after checkout.

I didn't expect time to pass so quickly, and two hours passed by when I looked up the information myself.

Although now you don't need to go to the shop yourself.

But if you want to expand your business, you still don't have enough people.

So go back every day to improve everyone's cooking skills.

Now I rushed back to prepare lunch for several ancestors in the family.

Just after Qin Mo had just driven out his lunch, there was a sound of the door opening.

"It's so fragrant!"

Qin Xinxin rushed in from outside.

Even the schoolbag was left at the door.

Holding a piece of drawing paper in his hand.

Ran straight towards Qin Mo: "Dad, look, Xinxin just drew it at school." I

saw the drawing paper Qin Xinxin holding in his hand, and there were three figures on it.

Now Qin Xinxin's painting level has far exceeded before.

Even beyond some painters.

"What is Xinxin drawing!"

Qin Mo saw that the scarf on his body had not yet taken off.

Hurriedly stopped her daughter from rushing over.

"Dad, you know it when you see it!"

Watching Qin Mo take off his scarf and wash his hands.

Qin Xinxin then handed over the painting in his hand.

"This is?"

Looking at the characters above, it was really him and Ye Yin, as well as the three daughters.

Qin Mo asked suspiciously.

"It's so stupid, this is a portrait of a family!"

"I didn't teach it, I just learned it!"

Ye Yin, who had just walked over, saw the drawing paper in Qin Mo's hand.

Hurriedly said, but the expression on her face had already betrayed her.

"Dad, isn't Xinxin drawing well?"

Looking at the expression on Qin Mo's face, Qin Xinxin stepped forward and hugged his thigh and shook.

"Good painting, Shin Shin painting is the best!"

After speaking, Qin Mo squatted down and picked up his daughter at once.

"After eating, make Xinxin your favorite dish."

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