A few minutes later, as long as the members who had left messages on the forum, under Qin Mo's self-made software, these member positions had been sent out by region.

"No need to be polite, a kind person!"

Under each message, Qin Mo is this symbol, the difference is the language.

At the same time, law enforcement agencies from four countries found their computer black screens hacked, which could scare them to death.

The information stored on their computers cannot be exposed.

Fortunately, this phenomenon only lasted for a few seconds.

Immediately after all computer monitors, there is a line of font.

[This is the position of the dark web member, no need to thank you, don't hesitate, but I announced the entire dark web member, slow down this credit is someone else. ] On

this day, the people of the law enforcement agency smiled and closed their mouths.

Over the past hundred years, I don't know how many powerful people have died at the hands of dark web members, and various families have still released rumors to this day, no matter who can bring the murderer to justice, you can come to them to receive a bounty.

If someone is happy, someone is panicked.

A middle-aged man, as usual, went out to buy vegetables and prepared to cook a good meal today.

Just as he walked near the house, he immediately noticed a difference, and a strong feeling of bad luck surged in his heart.

This feeling has not been encountered since I stopped it.

"For more than ten years, I can't imagine that I was still found."

The feeling in his heart, he chose to believe, did not continue to walk forward, but turned a direction, but his eyes still kept paying attention to the surroundings.

The man immediately noticed that there were more strangers around.

From time to time, these people's eyes will look at the location of their residence.

The man was already 100% sure that his position was exposed.

"Phew, finally escaped, what's going on, when I was in seclusion, even my family didn't know, how did I find this waste?"

"Could it be the dark web?"

Thinking of this time, the man immediately shook his head, this is even more impossible.

"Or is there a powerful figure in these wastes?"

Only this can explain everything that you see in front of you.

"Or look at the dark web to see if there is any information you want."

Although he has chosen to retire, the dark web forum has not been broken, and the man always believes that he can use it one day.

I don't know if I don't go up, but I know that this melon is as big as the sky.

[I'm exposed, it's important to run for my life first!] As

soon as he opened it, he saw this message, but the man believed that most of this person could not run away, just because this person he knew, located in the hot summer territory, and what he could do now was to mourn for him in his heart for a few seconds.

[I'm surrounded, is there anyone to rescue, which bastard exposed my location.] [

See you inside, I'm blocked at the door.] [

FUCK, Lao Tzu fought with them and actually sent out a gunship! ] [

Lao Tzu was halfway through the errand, a group of people rushed in outside, fortunately, I carried a bomb with me and directly blew the other party away, but I also didn't feel good...]

[I was finished, just went inside to run an errand, and was directly pointed at the head by a dozen guns.] [

You all have an accident, fortunately I am at sea, it seems that my location is also exposed, it is important to run for my life first.] [

It can't be that the dark web headquarters has been terminated, but why do forums still exist?] [

I think there is a high probability that the dark web offended some people and is now being retaliated against?]

The man looked at the information on the forum, his face became heavier, he looked at his phone, and immediately thought of something.

"Being able to expose so many people must be related to high technology, and the only address that can be exposed is this mobile phone, and in more detail, it is the ID exposure on the forum."

After the man figured this out, he quickly logged out of the account, squeezed his palm hard, and the mobile phone was pinched and deformed by him, squatted down and pretended to tie his shoelaces, and threw the mobile phone into the drain.

[Don't let me know who it is, or I'll kill his whole family.] [

It's so thrilling, I finally escaped, MD, this place is going to be replaced, it's a pity, this is just decorated, and the girl next door hasn't done it yet.] [

You're all in trouble, I'm calm here, basking on the beach and watching the beauty.] [

Me too, now drinking with beautiful women...]

[Just as calm!]

This phenomenon left dark web members confused as to what was going on.

[How come it that until now, the top layer of the dark web has not come out to speak.] [

After you said this, I found out that it is indeed the same as you said, once something happens before, they will make an announcement at the first time.] Just

when everyone wondered why the dark web didn't react at all when something so big happened, a bright red message was at the top.

[There are powerful hackers to break through the forum, but also please each member, immediately go offline do not log in, the other party is through this to lock your location.] As

soon as the dark web message came out, these members exploded.

[I said what's going on, it turned out to be this problem, damn this phone don't want either.] [

Grass, can't bask in the sun, someone has already noticed me...]

[Waste my good wine, I can't have dinner with my sister...]

[Take care, everyone!] When there

is a problem in the forum, the duty staff on the dark web will find the problem and notify the senior management as soon as possible.

The hackers sitting in the dark web headquarters also inquired about what happened in the first place.

After ten minutes of research, they couldn't find any clues.

Even if there is no gain, they can be sure that the forum of the dark web has been invaded, and the level of the opponent is still above them, which is the reason why they and others do not notice.

"Boss, the only explanation for this kind of thing is that after the other party invaded the forum of our dark web, through the ID of these members, so as to lock the location and send it to the local agency."

The final conclusion of several hackers was this.

After learning that this was the problem, as the boss of the dark web, he hesitated to log in to the account to send an announcement to these members.

But once this is done, the location of the headquarters will be exposed at any time.

After hesitating for five minutes, he made a decision with the assurances of the hackers.

"Boss, don't worry, it takes us a few seconds to log in to the forum to make an announcement, and we can still defend against the invasion of the other party."

The existence of the dark web depends on this member.

If they are all captured, or killed.

Then it will take several years, or even more than a dozen years, for the dark web to develop again.

"Okay, just do as you say."

In the end, he made the decision.

"FUCK, better not let me find you!"

As the leader of the dark web, everyone has always lived in their own fear.

But now that something like this happened, he was very angry and had to find this person and let him taste the consequences of provoking the dark web.

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