"Boss, finally wait until you come over!"

"What do you need me to do, Manager Lin can do it in the same way!"

After accompanying his daughter at home for a few days, Qin Mo went to the new factory.

As soon as I saw Qin Mo coming over, the company's marketing department, production department... Several managers hurriedly ran over.

"We also want to ah, but Manager Lin said, this matter must be signed by you!"

Entering his office, Qin Mo sat down, and several managers quickly put the documents on the desktop.

"Even this is for me to sign, it seems that it will be difficult to be a dispenser in the future."

Looking at several documents, all related to the use of funds.

For example, this one million reimbursement must also be signed by yourself.

I remember that I said at the last meeting that only hundreds of millions of funds need to be signed by themselves, and the following can be effective with Lin Yingman's signature.

"I said it last time, you all forgot?"

Qin Mo raised his head in confusion and asked.

"We all told Manager Lin, but she must not wait to come back, boss, everyone doesn't want it!"

It seems that he did not come to the company this week, and this old classmate has an opinion.

Thinking about it himself, Qin Mo knew what was going on.

"Is there anything else?"

Seeing that several managers did not leave, Qin Mo quickly asked.

"There's another meeting next that we want to bring with our boss."

"Meeting, yes, I don't have anything to do now, so it's okay to go over and listen."

This time, I came to the new factory to see if there was anything to help myself.


Entering the conference room, seeing Lin Yingman, Qin Mo was about to say hello.

When she saw herself, she turned her head to the side.

"Okay, since everyone is here, then now we will hold the second batch of our company's products on the market, the first batch of products on the market before the overall response is good, but there is still a little flaw, this time the product is to improve on the previous basis, I believe..." As

soon as Lin Yingman entered the state, he began to speak.

She first summarized the problems of the previous finished product, then expanded the problems one by one, and finally handed the topic to the high-level people present.

Half of the high-level members on this side of the new factory were originally promoted from the middle level, and the remaining half were recruited by headhunting companies.

Now the people outside, as long as they heard that they served in Qinchuang Company in the past, they almost didn't even have time to think about it.

Before it was impossible to recruit people, now it is to pick people, the best of the best!

Today's Qin Chuang can, but it's not that you want to come over, but that you can pass five levels and kill six generals!

It can be said that the management of the company today is all elite.

Half an hour.

Qin Mo did not participate in it, he kept sitting and drinking tea, listening to everyone's conversation, and the smile on his face never stopped.

"Boss, what is your opinion?"

At this moment, Lin Yingman suddenly asked Qin Mo a word.

"Ah..." Tasting

the tea all the time, Qin Mo didn't expect Lin Yingman to ask himself, so much so that he almost spewed out the tea in his mouth.

"What advice can I have, with your group of strong generals, there is nothing to worry about, just do as you discuss."

The things discussed by the company's senior management just now, Qin Mo listened to it, and remembered it in his heart, who said it well, he had a number in his heart, but there were flaws in it, and they were small problems in today's market, so what he just said was right, the company's affairs really didn't need him to worry about.

"Ignore him, let's continue the meeting!"

Compared to others, Lin Yingman did not give him face at all.

This meeting is mainly aimed at, the type and quantity of the second batch of products... And so on and so forth.

In the production process of the company's equipment, Xiang Feiyu is not idle, he constantly improves the equipment, so as to improve production efficiency.

In terms of technology, he doesn't need to worry at all, if there is anything he doesn't understand, he only needs to give Qin Mo a call, he will give himself a hint, and the problem that he couldn't figure out before will soon be solved.

The new plant has gone from producing only 20 cars an hour on the first day to now producing 40.

In contrast, this efficiency improvement is very large.

The production line on the new site is 24 hours a day, which means that 960 cars can be produced in a day.

For the current production efficiency, Xiang Feiyu will not be satisfied.

Now the new factory area is so large, and there are enough production lines, and the front-line workers can also ensure that they are in place.

According to Qin Mo, under the current conditions, the production efficiency can be tripled, which means that by that time, it will be able to produce nearly 4,000 cars a day.

After a month of non-stop production, the company now has nearly 30,000 vehicles.

30,000 seems like a lot, but when you put it into the market, you can't stir up a single wave.

In the final analysis, it is still production efficiency, can not keep up with market demand, but this is also urgent, can not be compared with mobile phones, daily production efficiency is limited.

Unless you multiply the production line several times, and the workers recruit several times more, then you can increase the output.

When Xiang Feiyu and Qin Mo mentioned it, there was no way to provide efficiency, he said so at that time.

As soon as he heard that it was this, he quickly refused, saying that now that the company is on the right track, there is no need to do this.

"It's still a little less, only 30,000 vehicles, I suspect that I can't hold on to it for a few days when I reach the market."

A senior executive said a little disappointed.

The income of these high-level executives is related to the company's earnings.

Everyone hopes that the company can produce more cars, so that it can sell a few more, so that the profit will increase, and its own dividends will increase.

"Thirty thousand, you are not satisfied, the first batch of cars went on the market, there were only five thousand at that time, and how long our company was established, this achievement is said, I don't know how many people are envious."

"Manager Deng is right, now a car, our company's profit is close to 30%, other companies only 10%."

From the factory to the sale, a car goes through four aspects: taxation, manufacturer profits, 4S store profits, and raw material costs.

Among them, the production company, sales company, and operation store are all operated by Qinchuang Technology, which has a profit of nearly 30%.

"But seriously, compared to Qin Mei's mobile phone, the profit is still a little low."

Selling ten Qin Mei mobile phones in China is equivalent to the profit of a car.

When it comes to operating costs, Qin Mei mobile phones are even less.

The same goes for productivity.

So this high-level is right, he was a middle level in the production department of Qin Mei's mobile phone before.

"How can this be compared, in the domestic mobile phone up to the sky." That is, several thousand, but the car is different, if the living standards of the people improve in the future, we can also increase a little, so Manager Zhong, we can't just see the immediate profit, we must look farther. "

It is worthy of being a high-level who was killed from a headhunting company, and immediately grasped the focus of the problem and picked out the key point at once.

"Let's do it according to the matter at hand!"

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