"It is worthy of Qinchuang Technology, this technology really stands at the forefront of the world!"

"Commissioner Wang, you've passed the prize."

Visit half an hour later.

The smile on Wang Chengyong's face has never stopped, especially now.

He held a USB flash drive tightly in his hand, and Xiang Feiyu had copied the relevant technology of the engine into it.

Such an important technology, put in a USB flash drive?

Everyone thinks of this, if there is no password, once you want to open the information inside, it will destroy the data in the first time.

This is the small software developed by Qin Mo, and no one in the world has been able to crack it at present.

As for the password, it will be safely returned to Wang Chengyong, and you can contact you by phone at that time.

"Mr. Qin, Xiang Gong disturbed you, now I'm going back to the capital."

This time, Wang Chengyong did not come alone.

He waited for half an hour in the new factory area, and immediately a small group of soldiers parachuted over.

The appearance of helicopters or landing in the new factory area is the first case in Shuijiang County, which can attract the attention of all employees.

However, no one went over when they saw the helicopter landing.

As everyone knows, it's a forbidden place for companies.

No one should come near except for work needs.

When entering the company, the first employee system regulation is this.

No one is expelled for being curious about the past.

It was hard to enter the work of Qinchuang Technology.

"Mr. Qin, when Xiang Gong arrives in the capital, remember to drink with me!"

After boarding the helicopter, Wang Chengyong said goodbye to the two.

But at this time, Xiang Feiyu was very depressed in his heart, the technology was taken away by others, and he had to send the other party off with a smile on his face.

"Boss, what's going on?"

Regarding Qin Mo's backstage, Xiang Feiyu also knows.

In his opinion, if Qin Mo did not agree, no one dared to force it, that is, the other party could take away the technology, which was to get Qin Mo's approval.

"Xiang Gong, rest assured, it's just an engine technology, and besides, the other party is not commercial, and it does not pose a threat to our company's products."

Seeing Xiang Feiyu's depressed expression, Qin Mo knew what he was thinking, and quickly comforted him a few words.

Even if there is no such incident, after a while, he will give this technique to Ye Yangxia and let him hand it over to the relevant departments.

"I know what the boss is thinking, but it's just a little unwilling, the other party didn't pay at all, so I took it."

In the business business, Xiang Feiyu felt that the other party took it, and he had to give Qin Chuang Technology the corresponding compensation.

"Haha... Xiang Gong, you think that I will come up with the technology for no reason, I believe that soon the above promises will come down.

"In this way, then I am relieved!"

Hearing this, Xiang Feiyu felt a little better in his heart.

"Xiang Gong, don't think about these, soon you will have a new research direction, take a good rest in the past few days, there will be no time to rest at that time."

Before leaving, Qin Mo said something inexplicable.

In Xiang Feiyu's view, what new research directions can there be.

What can be done now is to continuously improve the relevant technology to make the company's products more perfect.

"Forget it, don't think about it, this must be the boss comforting himself."

Xiang Feiyu did not take this sentence to heart.


half a month later.

This is Qin Mo's third Spring Festival back in Shuijiang County.

Twenty-nine years, tomorrow is the first day of the new year.

As in previous years, tonight's annual meeting is very grand.

All employees of the company are there, gathered in the hot summer science and technology park to celebrate the Spring Festival.

A week after Wang Chengyong returned to Beijing, a document came from above.

Qin Mo's car listed this time was named Yanxia Automobile, and the new factory area was also named Yanxia Science and Technology Park.

It is a great honor to do this.

How many companies, products want to be named after the hot summer, and in the end they have not passed.

This time, Qinchuang Technology is really famous.

"Boss, except for a few employees who can't come, all the other employees have arrived."

Deng Tianhua gasped and interrupted Qin Mo's musings.

"Okay, I know this, remember that the employees who did not come over, all send a thousand red envelopes to everyone."

This year's gala is the same as last year, and the raffle is indispensable.

The worst prize is $1,000.

"Boss, don't worry about this, we will arrange it in place."

Today, Deng Tianhua is the department manager of Yanxia Science and Technology Park.

In two years, he was satisfied with being able to rise to this position.

This is Qinchuang Technology Company, and the classmates who were in the same batch as themselves before also had the opportunity to enter Qinchuang Technology, but in the end they gave up, feeling that a new company had no future.

But now everything they have, give everyone a slap in the face, but the income is several times their income, not to mention the subsequent development space.

Seeing that Deng Tianhua developed so well, those students wanted to come in again and wanted to arrange a management position for them.

Hearing the classmates say this, Deng Tianhua refused without thinking.

It is good to be able to enter Qinchuang Technology, and I want to have a management position, and it is really possible to change it before.

At that time, Qinchuang Technology lacked talents, but now there is no shortage, there are many talents.

"Boss, there are still ten minutes before the party starts."

Deng Tianhua glanced at the time and quickly reminded Qin Mo.

Today's party is too important, journalists from various places have come over, as well as some leaders of Guangdong Province.

The total number of people present was more than 40,000.

The pure taste of Ye's, Qin Mei mobile phone, and the employees of Yanxia Auto are all there.

This scene is very spectacular.

Before the party, Qin Mo had already indicated that this level of party would be held once every five years.

In other words, if you want to participate in a party of this scale in the future, you will have to wait five years later.

Employees of the three companies, after seeing the notice from their bosses, tried to find time to participate.

"Don't worry, Manager Deng, this is not ten minutes left!"

Qin Mo slowly got up and looked at Deng Tianhua in front of him, who had just come out of the school gate less than three years before becoming the manager of the company.

"Boss, is there something on my face?"

Seeing the boss staring at his face, Deng Tianhua quickly asked.

Today's day is too important, as a manager of the company, I can't disgrace the company department!

Another point is that I am still single.

Most of the same colleagues have now found girlfriends, and only some of them are the same as before.

Those who don't have a girlfriend are all because of two factors.

The first factor is that they are still ordinary employees, and now the beauty in the company is looking for potential stocks.

As for another factor, that is, the appearance is too average.

But now the two factors have nothing to do with him, Deng Tianhua just can't understand why he can't find a girlfriend.

Tonight is a good opportunity, you must seize this opportunity to get rid of singleness, otherwise you will be teased by those high-ranking people every day about whether you have a problem with your sexual orientation.

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