
Ye Nan didn’t expect to see this tsundere lady here again, and he didn’t know whether it was a good fate or a bad luck.

However, Rina didn’t seem to have found Ye Nan, which made Ye Nan happy.

Not far behind Erina, Rina was followed by Scarlet’s little secretary.

The little secretary trotted behind Erina, her short pink hair danced in the wind, and her face was also red, “Miss, you wait for me for a while.” ”

“Crimson, you’re too slow.” Erina.

“There is a lot of food here, I want to see it, it looks delicious.” Crimson whispered to the side.

Erinai shook her head: “Hmph, these foods are too ordinary to stimulate Miss Ben’s interest at all.” ”

Erina, who has grown up in a variety of food environments since childhood, can’t help but have a strong tongue, and his vision is not ordinarily high, and ordinary food is really difficult to enter the eyes.

Crimson scratched her head, and followed behind Erina, suddenly remembering something, and said puzzled: “By the way, Miss, when I told you that there was a summer festival two days ago, you didn’t mean that you didn’t want to see Ye Nan, so you didn’t participate in the summer festival.” Why did you change your mind again today? ”

Scarlet reported to Erinai two days ago and told Erinah about the Summer Festival, but Erinai said that she didn’t want to see Ye Nan’s hateful guy, so she didn’t participate.

And today I don’t know why, suddenly changed my mind.

“Hmph, I just feel that the weather is too hot and I have no appetite, so I just want to see if there is any food here.” I didn’t want to see that guy, nasty bastard. At the mention of Ye Nan, Erina’s silver teeth clenched and her expression was bulging.

Crimson snorted, only felt that the eldest lady was very abnormal recently, she who used to be unfake to any man, seemed to have a lot of mood swings when she mentioned Ye Nan’s name, which made Crimson once suspect that these days were Erina’s menstrual period.


Ye Nan saw Erinai and Crimson from a distance, and did not have the idea of going up to say hello, Erina’s tsundere girl was a trouble, and Ye Nan did not want to provoke easily.

Ye Nan opened the shop, prepared the ingredients, and began to make the prepared food.

Summer festival, due to the large number of guests, the food Ye Nan chooses to make naturally cannot be something that takes a long time to cook, such as West Lake vinegar fish, but chooses the best match for summer.

Ice cream!

Yes, ice cream.

Ice cream can be described as the best summer relieve, Ye Nan chose to make ice cream is certainly not comparable to ordinary ice cream, he chose to make ‘rum blackcurrant ice cream’.

The same ice cream, the taste is also very different.

Rum Blackcurrant ice cream.

The famous ice cream shop ‘Haagen-Dazs’ that Ye Nan knew in his previous life sold this ice cream and it was extremely popular.

Of course, Ye Nan’s cuisine is far beyond Haagen-Dazs.

This ice cream has a rich and silky taste, melts in the mouth, the taste is combined with cream, vanilla and rum flavors, coupled with blackcurrant Portuguese ~ dried grape, the explosion of various textures in the mouth is absolutely unstoppable, and it is an unforgettable delicacy.

Ye Nan had already prepared all the materials.

Rum, vanilla, caster sugar, fine blackcurrant Portuguese ~ dried grape, eggs… In short, Ye Nan was all prepared.

Preparing these materials, Ye Nan looked at some of the surrounding shops, and sure enough, as Dojima Silver said, many chefs also came this time.

These chefs include the resort’s chefs and senior students of Far Moon Academy, all of whom show their best and show their best side.

After a while, I saw a burst of fragrance wafting from the food street, which also attracted customers.

Ye Nan is also ready to be busy, there are many guests around who are specially coming to Ye Nan, waiting for Ye Nan’s delicious production, Ye Nan wants to hand over a satisfactory answer sheet at the Summer Festival, he also set himself a goal, this time the sales share, must reach the champion among all the stores of the Summer Festival!

Ye Nan is also full of confidence.

Just as Ye Nan was about to start making it, he suddenly saw two figures walking in front of him.

Erina, Rina and Scarlet!

These two chicks actually took the initiative to come to the door, Erinai and Scarlet Sand walked in front of Ye Nan, Erinai turned her head and did not speak, looking arrogant, and Scarlet Sand greeted Ye Nan politely.

“Hello Ye Nan, meet again.”

“Hello Crimson Sand, it’s still so beautiful after a few days.” Ye Nan smiled.

One sentence made Crimson blush and retreat.

And Erinai heard Ye Nan say this, and an anger rose in her heart inexplicably, and she said angrily: “It’s really rude guy, you know to tease girls!” ”

“Oh? Isn’t this Miss Erina-sama Eikiri? Why did you have time to come to me, I remember the last time someone seemed to say that they never wanted to see me again…” Ye Nan shrugged.

“You…” Erinai was embarrassed, she didn’t know how, she also found Ye Nan from a distance, and subconsciously came up with crimson sand.

“I, I just wanted to come and taste the food, I didn’t see you guy, if I knew you were here, I wouldn’t come!” I’m just looking for good food every day, just everyday! Erina made an excuse and said loudly.

“Daily ‘usual’?” Ye Nan touched his chin and pretended to be shocked: “How do you know that my nickname is Chang?” ”



2 more ~~~~ pumpkin begs for all support

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