“Unexpectedly, Ye Nanjun, do you also like the combination of strange food? What a difference! Kohei Sojin immediately stood up and said loudly, his face full of excitement that made Ye Nan speechless.

In fact, Ye Nan is really interested in dark cuisine, after all, it is actually a very interesting thing.

In his previous life, when Ye Nan had just learned cooking, he had also tried a lot of dark cuisine. In fact, dark cuisine is not as scary as imagined, but the imagination of each chef is different.

“Yes, do you want to try it, just have an alternative competition, it is more difficult to taste than who made the dark dishes, how?” Ye Nan suddenly said with a bad smile, and then pointed to the three sisters on the scene and said, “Just let Xiaohui and them be the judges.” ”

The three sisters of Tasho Megumi all looked at each other, Ye Nan and Kohei Sojin were actually more difficult to eat than who made the dishes?

What a fresh competition.

Megumi Tasho, Yuhime Yoshino, and Ryoko Sakaki looked at each other and all had a bad premonition.

The other boys in the dormitory looked at Ye Nan and the two of them with strange eyes, Ye Nan actually came to this for real? No way.

Isshiki was very interested, watching from the sidelines.

Kohei Sojin’s face was full of excitement, he now had a feeling of seeing Ye Nan and hating each other, and he was immediately preparing his favorite dark cooking.

Five minutes later, Kohei Sojin’s dark dish was finished, while Ye Nan was still making it.

Kohei Sojin smiled and took out his own dish, only to see that it was octopus feet.

Octopus foot is a dish that is very common in Japan, and it can even be eaten raw in Japan.

Kohei Sojin had already finished making the octopus feet, put a plate of peanut butter next to the octopus feet, and said: “Hehe, mine is done, this is the dish I made with grilled octopus feet with peanut butter, absolutely weird taste!” ”

Kohei Sojin’s dark cuisine is indeed a little weird, and hearing Kohei Sojin say this, everyone feels a little pit ah.

This kind of dark cuisine can’t really say how bad it tastes, but it must taste very weird.

“Hehe, I’m ready, let’s try it!” Kohei Sojin asks Megumi Tasho’s third daughter to evaluate his dark cuisine.

Hearing Kohei Sojin say this, the three of them hesitated, and finally tried to clamp the octopus’s feet, ready to try.

Tashoe first tried a piece of octopus feet, dipped in peanut butter and tasted it, and then suddenly felt that this smell spread in the mouth, this octopus foot dipped in peanut butter, the taste was completely changed by peanut butter, the taste is very strange, indescribable.

“No, it’s not delicious!” Tashoe Megumi tasted it, and his expression suddenly changed: “It’s really dark cuisine, it’s such a strange taste, this combination is too weird, completely discordant…”

Even the always well-behaved Tasho Megumi had to complain, and Yoshino Yuhime and Sakaki Ryoko tasted it, and soon spit it out, and they also said that it was not delicious.

Kohei Sojo was not ashamed, but proud, laughed proudly, squeezed his eyebrows and said: “Yes, super weird taste, right!” This is my secret dish, grilled octopus feet dipped in peanut butter, hehe, do you want to try them all? ”

Kohei Sojin took the dish and asked the other boys with a bad smile, and these boys also shook their heads in fear.

Kohei Sojo really felt that he had won, well, even if he won Ye Nan once in the dark cuisine, this must feel very good! His desire to win or lose at this time has been fully displayed.

Kohei Sojin felt like he was in control.

And the three sisters of Tashoe, Yoshino Yuhime and Sakaki Ryoko also shook their heads slightly, and Tashoe shook his head and said: “The combination of octopus feet and peanut butter is indeed too discordant, I feel that this dark cooking competition, Ye Nanjun can’t win ah.” ”


“Uh, it tastes so weird.”

When the boys saw the expressions of the three of them, they all had palpitations, and this darkness looked terrifying.

At this time, Ye Nan was also making dark dishes, and Ye Nan’s dark dishes were almost finished! ~

“Hey, Ye Nan is actually cooking instant noodles? It’s not a bad dish. Kohei Sojin glanced at Ye Nan’s cuisine and shook his head.

Isshiki Hui finally spoke, “No, this is not ordinary instant noodles, Ye Nanjun seems to have added something just now, exuding a strange smell.” ”

“Well, it seems to be.” Megumi Tasho also nodded.

“The color of this noodle soup…” Kohei Sojin took a closer look, and suddenly found that the color of the noodle soup had changed, and it was actually a little black.

“Okay, I’m done making it, let’s just pack it in a watermelon.” Ye Nan found a large watermelon, divided everything into two, and then hollowed out the melon flesh, and actually used the watermelon to hold instant noodles.

Everyone looked at each other, and they all had a bad premonition.

This…… Sure enough, it’s dark cuisine, it looks so scary~!

Ye Nan finished cooking and said with a bad smile: “It’s done, this is my secret, watermelon plate blue root instant noodles, come, taste it, this is the real dark cuisine!” ”

Watermelon plate blue root instant noodles?!

Ye Nan directly took out this terrifying dish, which was extremely lethal.

This is a famous dish in the dark cuisine of the previous life, and Ye Nan believes that it is enough to kill Kohei Sogen’s octopus foot dipped in peanut butter~.

This is the true legendary dark cuisine! Ye Nan did not bring banlan root, so he used a variety of ingredients to roughly simulate the taste of banlan root instead, and then made it.

Ye Nan smiled darkly.

Ye Nan smiled and let Tian Suohui and the three have a taste.

Tian Suohui hesitated for a long time before succumbing to Ye Nan’s eyes and trying this ‘watermelon banlan root instant noodles’.

“Xiaohui, how does this dish taste?” Ryoko Sakaki and Yuhime Yoshino both looked at Megumi Tasho and asked.

Tasshoe almost didn’t cry: “I, I… You may not believe it, but I actually think that octopus feet dipped in peanut butter taste pretty good! ”


Don’t try to make banlangen instant noodles, don’t ask me why!

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