Shinomiya Kojiro seemed to question Ye Nan’s cuisine.

“This Dongpo meat is indeed delicious. But there’s something wrong with the way you approach your cooking, and if I’m guessing correctly, you’re going to make some big innovations and changes to the recipe every time, right? Shinomiya Kojiro asked lightly.

Ye Nan nodded.

Shinomiya Kojiro sneered: “That’s right, these private changes you make to the dishes may make the original deliciousness of the dishes lost, especially when you make dishes, you can change the recipes at will, and improvise in your own way, which is even more impossible.” ”

“Really?” Ye Nan turned to look at Shinomiya Kojiro.

“So, Chef Shinomiya thinks it’s right that I need to be the same?” Ye Nan asked lightly.

Shinomiya Kojiro said lightly: “Not really, if you have enough strength, you can change the recipe.” But your current strength, and the original famous dishes of Chinese cuisine, seem to be insufficient. ”

Shinomiya Kojiro has a characteristic, that is, his tone is annoying and his personality is bad.

Now this scene of Shinomiya Kojiro has been fully reflected, he looked at Ye Nan, and the tone he said was indeed a little annoying.

Ye Nan frowned and said lightly: “Yes, no matter what, this time it was I who won the halberd.” Next, I think I will let you see my strength too. ”

“Hmph.” Shinomiya Kojiro pushed his glasses: “Fame in advance, what I hate the most is the garbage that modifies the recipe without permission.” ”

Shinomiya Kojiro is very proud in his heart, he is the first Japanese to receive the “Order of Pruspur”, and he is also the best at vegetable cuisine, and he is very famous internationally. Therefore, he attaches great importance to the recipes and absolutely does not allow anyone to modify the recipes without permission.

Ye Nan, on the contrary, likes to try many times, almost every time he will improve the recipe and make a different dish.

“Just be happy.” Ye Nan shrugged and replied lukewarmly.

“Okay, let’s say two words.” Dojima Silver came out to play the round, and Dojima Silver smiled: “This time Ye Nan actually performed quite well, I was full of praise for this Dongpo meat, and the taste seemed to be better than your previous Song sister-in-law fish soup and West Lake vinegar fish.” ”

“Thank you.” Ye Nan smiled.

Fuyumi Mizuhara also nodded slightly: It’s very good, I also appreciate your cuisine, no wonder Senior Dojima Silver praised you like this. ”

Ye Nan continued to smile.

Only Shinomiya Kojiro does seem to have a feeling of not dealing with Ye Nan.

Shinomiya Kojiro didn’t have one, just said coldly, and then went back.

It can be seen that Shinomiya Kojiro is still a little dissatisfied with Ye Nan.


But Ye Nan didn’t care, anyway, he didn’t plan to shoot anyone’s, even if this person used to be the chief of Yuanyue Shijie.

Alice looked at Ye Nan with a complicated expression, sighed softly, her heart is indeed very complicated, at present, Kurokiba Ryo has left, making her a little unaccustomed, and Ye Nan’s performance also made her very surprised ~ gorgeous, which made Alice a little overwhelmed for a while.

“Alice.” Erinai stepped forward and wanted to comfort Alice, but Alice shook her head and bit her lower lip lightly, “I’m fine, I’ll go first.” ”

Alice obviously wanted to be alone for a while, and left first.

Everyone else left one after another, and then tomorrow they will continue to stay together, but there are many assessments, heavy tasks, and everyone has gone to prepare.

Everyone also left one after another, and Rina and Ye Nan came together side by side.

“I can’t imagine that you actually won.” The first words of Rina made Ye Nan smile bitterly.

Ye Nan said dissatisfied: “Hey, what do you mean by this, it seems that you really want me to lose.” ”

“Hmph, so what, you should have lost, didn’t you? This is exactly what I don’t have to compare with my halberd, and it saves me from wasting my strength. Erina.

Hearing Erina’s tone, Ye Nan was very speechless.

“If you don’t want this, I thought you wanted to eat the halberd with me.” Ye Nan couldn’t help but say.

Hearing Ye Nan’s complaining tone, Xue Che Erina’s mouth couldn’t help but turn up, revealing a little smile.

In fact, Xue Che Eri Nai did not have this idea at all, but pinched a sweat for Ye Nan, but I don’t know how, the words became tsundere on his lips.

Ye Nan also probably knew in his heart what Xue Che Erina’s thoughts, this is indeed a tsundere nizi, and this girl’s tsundere has penetrated deep into the bones.

Ye Nan and the tsundere cat walked side by side, and at this time the sky had gradually darkened, and the bright moonlight sprinkled the earth, covering a soft layer of silver.

Ye Nan, on the other hand, was two people, Eri Rina and Hirina, and the others had already returned to the hotel to rest.

Walking in this middle of the night, Ye Nan and Erina had a strange feeling between each other.

The light and clear air around them, the dew of the woods, and the dormant insects and birds all seem to be the embellishment of the scenery. _

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