Taking a deep breath, Ye Nan began to act.

First open the packaged lactone tofu, then reverse it, cut off a corner, then gently tap the bottom of the box with the blade, and finally pinch the box and slowly lift it.

In this way, the tofu is poured on the board intact.

After doing this, Ye Nan officially cut it.

A piece of tofu cut out thousands of silks, each silk is thin and even, and it does not scatter, this is the basic requirement!

I saw Ye Nan holding the Chef God’s knife in his hand, hanging his wrist and cutting, one knife down, extremely decisive, knife after knife, piece by piece was quickly born.

“So skillful, good sword technique, it is really worthy of being said that even Shinomiya Kojiro has defeated…” Hayama’s bright eyes showed a look of consternation, and he was shocked, obviously stunned by Ye Nan’s performance, because Ye Nan’s expression was too strong, this sword technique was really only seen in his life, very shocking.

A large piece of special tofu on the board is now gone, replaced by a neat arrangement, a little thicker than a hair, thousands of shredded tofu!

Unbelievably, this is food made with just a kitchen knife.

Not only Ryo Hayama, but also Jun Yumi was also stunned.

As for Alice, Alice had seen Ye Nan cut shredded tofu blindfolded before, so she was not very afraid to see such a dish again, but only slightly surprised.

Ye Nan’s expressiveness is amazing, and it is indeed extraordinary to achieve such a degree with just relying on a kitchen knife.

This amazing knife technique is really indescribable, making people want to savor it after watching it.

“It’s really worthy of Ye Nanjun…” Alice muttered, and at the same time grinned, as if remembering something: “It seems that this time Erinai will not be so good, interesting, hehe.” ”

Alice smiled, thinking that Erina’s would definitely not be so easy.

But on the other hand, Erinae is not affected in any way, but is completing her own cuisine, Italian lasagna.

I saw Erina making lasagna, putting the required ingredients in the oven and then baking them, skillfully and meticulously, completely following her own steps, without giving people the slightest chance.

I have to say that Erinai is really powerful.

After seeing Erina’s performance, he was also shocked in his heart: “It’s really worthy of being the Ten Masters of the Far Moon, the Tongue of God, Erina, and the people of the Eiji family, it is really extraordinary.” ”

Erina’s performance was so good that Ryo Hayama was also surprised.

Perhaps under Ye Nan’s play, Erinai also fully exerted her strength, and unexpectedly showed an aura that was not inferior to Ye Nan.

Ye Nan and Erina started at the same time, both of them were amazing cooks, and the two quickly completed their respective dishes in almost the same time.

Fish chisi, Italian lasagna!

Two very different dishes, but both with the same ingredients, these two dishes are completed by their own, and the amazing aroma is even richer, wafting in the air, which makes people feel appetizing.

This fragrance is really mouthwatering.

Hayama Liang also used his special nose to analyze the fragrance: “Well, the taste of good fragrance, there are peppercorns, pepper, fennel…”

Hayama Liang almost accurately said the taste of all the spices, which made Alice also glance at Ye Shanliang with slight surprise, probably surprised by Ye Shanliang’s accurate judgment, and immediately the gaze was always intertwined on Ye Shanliang’s body.

“This guy’s nose seems extraordinary, almost like Erina’s tongue…” Alice quickly noticed something unusual and muttered.

That’s right, Alice has gradually noticed the difference in Hayama’s bright nose.

At this time, Ye Nan and Erina’s cooking had already come to an end.

Both are almost in the final stages of plating.

“Plated, done!”

Ye Nan’s fish thousand silk noodles were completed first.

And immediately after, there was Erina’s Italian lasagna, which was completed almost ten seconds later, and the cooking of the two was almost at the same time.

Erina snorted softly and glanced at Ye Nan, she was very confident in her cooking, and felt that she would never lose to Erina.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Ye Nan’s mouth, and he was also confident. Because Ye Nan also has enough self-confidence.

Every good chef is certainly confident in his own cuisine.

And Ye Nan and Erinai are such people.

“My cooking is complete, please taste it.”

“My cooking is also done.”

Ye Nan and Erina both served different flavors of dishes in front of the three at the same time.

Yumi Jun smiled and said, “I really didn’t expect to have a taste today, these two dishes look very delicious.” ”

Alice was already impatient and said, “I’ll eat first!” ”

Subconsciously, Alice ate lasagna first. Because Alice has been living in Europe and is more adapted to the Western food environment, he subconsciously chose the Italian lasagna first.

First tasted a mouthful of lasagna, a completely different feeling, melted into Alice’s mouth! _

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