Sadazuka Nao’s cuisine actually got a high score of 86 points, and before that, other scores were very low, even below 50 points, and Sadazuka Nao actually got such a high score, which shows that she is indeed much stronger than others.

And several judges also agreed with Sadazuka Nao’s cuisine, eating Sadazuka’s cuisine like a demon, almost all of them.

“It’s great, it’s very original to combine cuttlefish juice with this dish.”

“Although the smell is bad, the real feeling is really not a level.”

“Indeed, I was pleasantly surprised.”

Everyone commented one after another.

Hearing the judges say this, everyone also knows that the taste of this dish of Sadazuka Nao must be extraordinary, at least it conquered the judges.

“Hehe, hey…” Sadazuka Nao himself was also very happy, but this guy was a little gloomy, and he smiled conspiratorially, making the people around him speechless for a while.

Ye Nan remembered that in the original work, Sadazuka Nao was in a group with Scarlet Sand, and was easily defeated by Scarlet Sand, who knew that it was strange that he was actually in a group with him now.

Beside Senki Orie, standing is the ninth seat of the Ten Masters of the Far Moon, nicknamed the Alchemist, and Ruiyama Edatsuya said: “How, Miss Orie, the strength of the trainee this time did not disappoint you, this Sadazuka Nao is not bad.” ”

Qianqi Orijiang snorted coldly: “It’s not bad, although it is a surprise, but it is not to the extent of shock~magnificent, and it has not reached a high score of more than 90 points.” ”

“That’s right, but this time the autumn selection has just begun, and you will be pleasantly surprised.” Ruiyama Edzu said unhurriedly.

Qian Yu Zhijiang subconsciously thought of Ye Nan, and thought of the Buddha jumping off the wall that he ate before.

Can’t help it, Qianyu Orijiang focused his gaze on Ye Nan’s body, with a bit of expectation, as if hoping that Ye Nan would bring greater changes.

“I really miss it…” Remembering the amazing Buddha jumping over the wall dish made Senki Orijie’s heart feel strange.

That dish is truly unforgettable.

Qianqi Orijiang thought secretly in his heart, looking at Ye Nan with great anticipation, wanting to taste the delicacy again, the taste that felt the extreme, which made Qianqi Orijiang full of anticipation.

“Miss Orie, what’s wrong?” Ruishan couldn’t help but ask.

“No, nothing, keep watching.”

Autumn selections continue.

The host Kawashima said, “Another student who came down appeared, it was Ryo Hayama. ”

Ryo Hayama is here!

Even Ye Nan was slightly attracted to his attention, and immediately looked at Ye Shanliang.

Sure enough, Ye Shanliang also moved slightly.

At this time, Hayama Liang was also a top student, very well-known in the academy, and most of the students knew that a powerful figure came up as soon as they saw Hayama Liang on the stage.

“Ryo Hayama…”

I only saw that Hayama Ryo also appeared on the stage full of confidence at the same time.

At the same time, a faint smile appeared at the corner of Hayama’s mouth, and he served his special dish.

Curry dishes made by Ryo Hayama.

“This is…” Everyone was slightly stunned, but they saw that Ye Shan Liang had already brought his own dishes, and everyone saw it.

“It’s fish head puff pastry soup curry.”

Hayama said confidently, “This curry dish is my brainchild, please taste it.” ”

Fish head puff pastry soup curry?

Everyone was slightly surprised, after hearing it, they were stunned, this curry dish is not common, but saw a strong fragrance rushing to the face, a strong smell suddenly came, this smell is indeed completely different, smell extremely strong, the thick smell emitted, this fragrance is simply moving, so that the judges are surprised, and even open their mouths.

Unbelievable, this dish…

“The smell of good fragrance, this person’s understanding of fragrance and spiciness, is really beyond ordinary imagination, it is really too powerful, this smell is really strong, the rich fragrance bursts in, like a typhoon, the fury…”

“Indeed, this smell, the fragrance alone can’t help but make people move, it is almost drool.” The judges next to him also nodded repeatedly, feeling that the fragrance was too strong, making them all feel that the taste was really strong.

In the entire venue, many people smelled the smell of this dish and felt the strong fragrance, the strong fragrance as Senki Orijiang said, like a tornado, the storm-like smell spread like a wave, the strong storm rolled up gusts of wind, swept over, the fragrance filled the entire venue, making everyone exclaim and shock.

“Next, I’m going to take you into the world of spices.” But when he saw Ye Shanliang smiled lightly, full of confidence.

A world of spices!

The five judges looked at each other, all felt a burst of surprise, and then all tasted a bite of curry.

In an instant, a strong fragrance melted into the mouth, and the breath was rich and strongly overflowed the mouth.


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