“Improve!” Mimasaka shouted and began to cook, only to see that he was also fully engaged in cooking, and at the same time Mimasaka really used this dish to the limit, and with his cooking, I saw that this cod burger was like it would bloom.

This hamburger dish is completely different under Mimasaka’s grasp.

Cod burger, improved!

“Hey, look, Mimasaka took out something…”

“It seems to be, what did Mimasaka get there?”

Everyone was talking about it, they all looked towards Mei Zuoang, only to see that Mei Zuo Ang really took out something, which made everyone slightly stunned.

It turned out that Mimasaka took out a very thin piece of chicken chops!

I only saw a sneer at the corner of Mimasaka’s mouth, and said, “Ye Nanjun, your cuisine itself is indeed the ultimate, but you have overlooked a problem. That’s the flesh of cod. Although the meat of cod itself is delicious, it lacks one thing, and that is chewiness. ”

“In burgers, the taste of the meat is very important, the meat quality of the cod is delicious, but the taste is checked some, I add a chicken steak on top of the cod steak, which can not only enrich the taste of the cod burger, but also increase the level of the burger, this is what I made – Cod Big Mac burger!”

In an instant, the corners of Mimasaka’s mouth burst into a sneer, staring at Ye Nan, but this was him and Ruiyama Edatsuya, in order to defeat Ye Nan thought hard, and finally thought of a method that took several days to come up with, specifically targeting Ye Nan!

Even if Ye Nan is strong, there is no reason to find a way to deal with it in this short period of time, so the corner of Mimasaka’s mouth flashed a cold smile, looking at everyone, showing a smug look.

Anyway, Mimasaka thought that Ye Nan had lost this time!

Sure enough, when Mimasaka said this, everyone’s expressions were different, but they were all a little solemn.

“Damn, Mimasaka is right, the cod itself is indeed chewing is lacking in taste, although it tastes delicious, but because the fish meat is too tender, it still lacks layering…” But when she saw it, Alice shook her head slightly, looking at Ye Nan worriedly in the stands, thinking in her heart what to do.

At this point, Alice really didn’t know what to do.

If she were to change to Alice herself, she would definitely feel that she would panic at the cooking counter, but Ye Nan is so calm at present, she is already very powerful.

Next to Alice, it was Erina.

Erina’s eyebrows were also locked, looking at the beauty in front of him, and his eyes showed a little stunned.

Although she thinks that Mimasaka Ang is very strong, but Mimasaka can be strong to this extent, this should definitely not be the level that Mimasaka can achieve before, what is going on, is there someone behind it?

Erinai couldn’t help but think to herself.

Erina’s guess is a little good. Eizan Edatsu is also the main messenger of all this.

In the distant stands, Edzu in the corner has been silently watching all this, and when Mimasaka uses the chicken chops, Eizan Edzu also smiled happily and whispered in a voice that only he could hear: “Ye Nanjun, it’s a pity, you lost.” Although your strength is even fearful of me, I’m sorry, it’s you who lost this time. ”

Mimasaka finished frying the chicken steak in a blink of an eye, and then began to make the double-layer burger, an improvement that made everyone gasp.

There was a sound of saliva coming from the stage.

“This double cod burger really looks delicious…”

“yes, I want to eat…”

“The saliva came out, you can imagine the different tastes and surprises at that level…”


Everyone said one after another, the situation was indeed a little unfavorable to Ye Nan, and gradually everyone was changing to Mei Zuoang’s side.

Ye Nan remained calm.

On the stage, Qian Li Xia Ya frowned and slammed the table: “This is wrong, this student called Mimasaka Ang is completely imitating Ye Nan’s cuisine and creativity, this situation cannot be called a chef at all, this is plagiarism!” ”

“Miss Chikan, although Mimasaka’s behavior is indeed immoral, this is the arena for autumn selection, and there is no such rule.” But when he saw Dojima Gin, he also frowned slightly, and said lightly.

Xue Chexian Zuoemon also nodded: “Well, although Ye Nan’s creativity and cuisine have been known by Mimasaka, this is a competition.” ”

“Abominable.” Qianli Xia Bud was uneven for Ye Nan.

And Qian Hinata also clasped her hands slightly, looking at Ye Nan with a worried look, obviously worried about Ye Nan.

“Ye Nanjun…”

Dojima Silver shook his head and said with a smile: “I think maybe the situation is not as bad as we think, you see Ye Nan, even under such circumstances, he is still calm and calm, coping fully, and can maintain enough calm in difficult situations, which is the potential of a top chef.” ”

“That’s what I said, I believe Ye Nanjun.” Kanhyuga also said.

And by this time, Mimasaka’s cooking has been completed!

I saw Mi Masaka bring up the double-layer cod burger, and then put it in front of the five judges, and said with a smile: “Please taste this dish, the double-layer cod burger, absolutely amazing ~ stunning and shocking cuisine!” ”

The five judges all frowned at the same time, and although they were very dissatisfied with Mimasaka’s Deser, they still tasted the burger carefully and took a bite.

Suddenly, the taste of the burger comes to the mouth.

It’s like the flavor of cod and chicken coming out of your mouth at the same time, and the amazing texture and layering make everyone feel shocked!


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