“Well?” Erinai looked at Ye Nan with some doubts in her eyes.

Ye Nan, on the other hand, seriously analyzed: “Judging from the results of this time, I injured my arm, and I already have a disadvantage in participating in the autumn selection, right.” ”

“Uh-huh, yes. You mean…” Erina, suddenly remembering something.

“Well, the opponent is against me or Alice, but Alice and I have one thing in common, that is, we are both students who are likely to win the championship in the fall selection.” Ye Nan said seriously: “Under such circumstances, whether it is Alice or me, they have actually been attacked, so who is the biggest beneficiary on the surface?” ”

“Ryo Hayama.” Erinai said seriously.

“Well, it’s indeed Ryo Hayama.” Ye Nan smiled.

“You mean to doubt Ryo Hayama? But looking at Hayama’s personality, it doesn’t seem to be that kind of person…” Erina, on the other hand, frowned.

Ye Nan smiled: “Knowing people knows their faces but not their hearts.” Of course, I also think that Ryo Hayama is unlikely, but Erina, you know, my goal is not to be the first in the autumn selection, but only the ten masters of the far moon, right? ”


Ye Nan shrugged: “To put it bluntly, the autumn selection is just a springboard for me, and after winning the first place in the autumn selection, I have the qualification to challenge the Ten Masters of the Yuanyue.” And I will not hesitate to challenge the Yuanyue Shijie at that time. ”

Ye Nan said seriously.

“Well, yes.”

Hearing Ye Nan say this, Erinai also nodded in agreement, this is indeed what Ye Nan will do.

Ye Nan smiled slightly: “In that case, then who is the most vulnerable to threats among the Ten Masters of the Distant Moon?” Who does things so uncompromisingly? Who likes to hide behind their backs and calculate everything? ”

Ye Nan asked three times in a row.

Erinai was stunned and blurted out, “Alchemist! ”

That’s right, alchemist, Tsuya Eizhan!

Ruishan Zhijin is really one of the ten masters of the Yuanyue, regardless of the strength or weakness, but his means are indeed good.

First of all, Eizan Edatsuya himself is extremely wealthy, good at using various kinds of wealth to accumulate wealth, and his own strength is also very strong, at this time, Eizan Edatsuya’s performance is special.

Among the ten masters of the Far Moon, Ruiyama Edatsu also ranked ninth.

With the current strength of Erina, it is only a matter of time before it surpasses Ruizanya, and if Ye Nan rises, then the first threat seems to be the status of Ruiyama Edatsuya.

Besides, Ruiyama Edatsu’s dream is now defeated by Ye Nan and accepted as a follower.

So Eizan Edatsu is indeed the most questionable object.

“You mean, Eizan Edatsuya… Designed this conspiracy against you? Erinai asked.

Ye Nan smiled: “Most likely. ”

Hearing Ye Nan say this, Erinai also nodded gently: “What you said is indeed very likely, and Ruiyama Edzu is also such a person as far as I know.” ”

When Erinai heard Ye Nan say this, her brows were completely furrowed, and she was also full of anger, and a pair of small fists were clenched tightly, “No matter what, I will definitely make the price pay.” ”

Hearing Erina’s words, Ye Nan smiled slightly, “Don’t worry. ”


Ye Nan smiled and said, “Even if we go to find Ruishan Zhijin now, we don’t have any evidence. ”

“What?” Erina’s heart moved, and her face was full of wry smiles, what Ye Nan said was not wrong at all, Erina’s own smart person, she also knew very well that Ruiyama Edzu would definitely not leave hidden dangers and mistakes when doing things, and this time it was definitely certain.

Neither Ye Nan nor Erinai had the most direct evidence.

Thinking of this, Erinai couldn’t help sighing, it was really hateful.

Erina’s face was very annoyed, and her face was also indifferent. For Eizan Edatsuya, Erinai really hates it to the extreme.

Especially when he learned that Ruiyama Edzu had actually hurt Ye Nan, Erina’s anger could be imagined.

“So what should we do?” Erina’s opinion was respectful of Ye Nan’s opinion.

Ye Nan smiled and said, “First of all, what I just said is just my guess, and secondly, the conflict between me and Ruiyama Edatsuya is inevitable, but since this is the Yuanyue Academy, let’s solve it with cuisine.” ”

“You…” Erinai already knew what Ye Nan was going to do.

The corners of Ye Nan’s mouth also flashed a smile, what could be cooler than pulling Ruishan Zhijin into the water?

Isn’t Ruiyama Edzu also afraid of Ye Nan’s threat? Then come and try it, let Ruiyama Edatsu also see and see, their own strength.

Finally, let’s talk with the chef’s knife in your hand.

Ye Nan will definitely not be merciful, and this time, Ye Nan will take revenge fiercely.

The gentleman complained directly

“But the injury on your hand…” Erinae was still very worried, looking at Ye Nan’s gaze, showing genuine concern.

Ye Nan’s heart warmed, and Erina’s concern for him made Ye Nan very happy in his heart.

Ye Nan laughed softly: “Silly girl, don’t worry, this little injury is nothing.” “_

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