
3.Old Steel (2)

“Oh my, who is that? ”

“Are you new to the Middle East? ”

Jungwoo, who was sitting in the reclining chair in the hallway tapping hard on the laptop keyboard, looked at the passing researchers with strange eyes and smiled.

‘Never mind. ’

Taking an outlet next to the vending machine and tapping on a junk laptop. Although it was embarrassing, it was better than sitting in a public office. You can't even use Dr. Thousand's lab during the day.

Jungwoo looked at the trends toward the public office at the end of the hall. No senior researcher came to summon the public bond this morning.

‘I have no time for work. ’

I focused again and continued my work.

Monday night to yesterday. Jungwoo was organizing the data to carry out Dr. Chun's study during the remaining time. Following the doctor's instructions, I decided to start with a study that quickly gained recognition for my performance. The planning evaluation next week will be the starting point.


As I was drafting the presentation, there was a head stuck in the back of Jungwoo.

“What are you doing?"

Jungwoo was flawed. He was relieved to have barely met him on his way to work, with two round-eyed rivals facing him from a mile away.

“Oh, synthetic resin? You're looking for a basic material center project? ”

Song Bo-young looks through the data on the laptop screen carefully. Her cheeks feel so close that she replies, her purple cheeks slightly distant.

“I'm thinking about it. ”

“What do you say, first place last year? ”

The big eyes of Fluffy without twinkles still flowed with vitality.

“If it's free, I'd appreciate it. ”

“Let's not talk about it. ”

The dimples were gently formed according to Song Bo-young's mouth. Seeing her exquisite smile, Jungwoo instinctively felt a palpitation.

‘Come to your senses. That's a deliberate smile, not a favor. ’

Song Young-man's strength reminded me of the bother, and Jung covered the laptop.

“Are you here for a coffee machine? ”


Jungwoo glanced at what was going on. Song Bo-young stepped forward and smiled and said.

“Pack your things, I have somewhere to be. ”


“Nice place. ”

“Only to you? ”

Song Bo-young's face seemed to exclaim that the answer was correct. I thought it might be better to use my body if I postponed it to the location of Song Bo-young, the youngest in the first room.

‘I was wondering how it went so quietly. ’

Jungwoo pulled the laptop code from the side of the vending machine and put it in his bag. Song Bo-young who was watching quietly opened her mouth as if she was sad.

“Are the bonds still discriminating against you? Can I tell you something? ”

“Don't get me wrong. I'm just having a hard time getting out of the public office. ”

“Ahem. I have to tell you something. ”

Song Bo-young walked towards the public office.

“Th-that's fine! ”

Jungwoo puts his bag on his shoulder and quickly follows. The problem of self-distraction is that you have to solve it by yourself.

“Sunbae · · ·”

“Behind you!”

Before drying it, Song Bo-young shouted inward from the hallway.

“I have to send you to a city hall seminar. Is anyone coming? ”


Jungwoo, who realized he caught it for a moment, stood still.

‘Let's not get involved. This boss Faith is not a normal person's category. ’

The public office was also quiet in Song Bo-young's call. Everyone seemed to notice because they didn't pick it up and call someone.

“They're all busy. ”

They were busy preparing for the planning appraisal. Recognize that you don't want to do as much auxiliary work as possible until next week.

Song Bo-young who sensed the energy passed by, but said aloud.

“I was on my way to tell you about last year's number one planning assessment. No need for that. ”

The municipalities raise their heads, not to mention you.

“But I don't know. All right, one first come, one first serve! One, two ·”

Song Bo-young jumped up and jumped, fearful of counting the six public bonds. After a struggle, the exhaust grabbed the lead and lifted his hand.

“That's me, I'm number one! ”

“Okay. The rest are gone. ”

I'm exhausted. I looked at my comrades shoulder-to-shoulder, screaming.

“Sir, can't I have one more? ”

“Up to number three!”

Jungwoo, who was watching the suddenly noisy public office, became a shivering face.

Song Bo-young's eyes met and smiled and said.

“Mr. Parachute, you're in luck. No one can attend these seminars. ”

“Do I have the opportunity to concede to the public servants? ”

I wanted to throw it, but Song Bo-young shook her head firmly.

“You're late. I already posted it because I'm going with you. ”

Jung felt like he was just pulling back in a second after deciding not to get involved. I stood next to her, pleading even more silently.

The exhaustion that came out of the excitement with the eyes of the jealous comrades met Jungwoo and stopped.

“Jungwoo's coming, too? ”

“That's it. ”

Song Bo-young said, "Let's go!” I shouted and walked forward. Exhaustion followed without a word, Jungwoo followed with a passive attitude.

Is it because you couldn't sleep well? I'm tired already. '

Jungwoo shakes his head.

Please don't make today feel like a long day.

Three men walked out onto the road in front of the twin buildings marked with KG chemistry on the outer wall.

Song Bo-young looked at her phone and said.

“I called a cab. They're coming in three minutes. ”

As I was waiting for the cab, I spoke to Jungwoo carefully.

“Mr. Jungwoo, I didn't see you this morning. ”

“It was near the rec room. ”

“Me again. I thought you were on a project. ”

“Team Leader Four? I haven't seen him since the weekly meeting. ”

When I remembered the normal face that was rough, I shook my head into Jung's heart.

“That's odd. I heard Sung-hwan was on the four-team roster. ”

“Is that so?"

“The seasoning sample that you changed that day was adopted. Haven't you heard? ”

Since I heard it for the first time today, I made a face that Jung doesn't know. Instead, Song Bo-young was surprised by the rabbit's eyes and entered into the conversation.

“Was that okay with KG food? Really?"

Song Bo-young looked at Jungwoo.


“Well, I guess it worked somehow. I changed it properly. ”

Song Bo-young pointed at Jungwoo with an indignant attitude.

“Well, look how confident you are. ”

“· · · · · · · · · Not confidence. ”

“You don't know how stubborn the food department is, do you? Taking care of a client-returned team-to-team project with the power of one person is really something."

When Song Bo-young unwittingly praised Jungwoo, she suddenly felt embarrassed. She met Jungwoo's eyes as she said, 'This isn't it.'

“· · · 4 Team Leader's determination. It's a bold passion to re-enter the food department once again. ”

Whether it's a compliment or a curse.

“That's right. This isn't happening. Mr. Exodus, come here. ”

Song Bo-young also insisted on being stabbed or rushed to talk.

“As promised, I'll tell you how to do the planning evaluation. You don't need a parachute as confident as you are. ”

Song Bo-young, who had a battle cry in her eyes, moved with exhaustion.

‘By the way, that's last year's number one, and this is this year's lead. ’

Unexpectedly, I felt like I was under similar control from two aces who were coming to the lab. I don't even want to fight.

Steady hunch.

"No, I'm going to watch. What could possibly happen? ’

* * *

An orange taxi stops along a one-way street.

“Air purification? ”

“From the beginning, there was a distinction between setting goals for public interest and profitability. Seoul has a huge population density. Thank you, Knight, for the dust, fine dust and aerosol particles. ”

After getting out of the car, Song Bo-young and Exhaust continue to talk about last year's planning assessment. Jungwoo silently followed behind and listened to the two of them.

“Dr. Shen was amazed at the observation filter that I proposed, and he said, ‘Good posture. The size of the particles makes a difference.’ It was really touching that you recognized the essence of my research at once. ”

“I'm sorry to say, but if you are Dr. Cheon, · · · · · · · ·? ”

“Oh, the junior official won't know it's autumn. Shin Yun-seok is also a legendary person. I'm on sabbatical. ”

Song Bo-young, who was talking like this, glanced at Jungwoo. Jungwoo smiled silently and asked me to talk to him.

Song Bo-young turned her head and continued to tell exhaustion stories about a year ago.

Jungwoo turned his eyes to the poem, thinking that it was better to talk to two people than to suffer.

A 15-story building near Duksu Palace.

The city hall was nicknamed Seoul's Seosom Shrine, a modern mix of expansive stone walls and soaring buildings.

As I entered the temple, I immediately saw the seminar information.

[Facility plan and public structure refurbishment seminar/chairman of 2nd floor meeting]

It was an unfamiliar themed seminar hosted by an unfamiliar department.

‘It wouldn't be so great if you were a year ahead of us in public debt. ’

After all, it was Jungwoo who wondered what a deep discussion would be about the management of public facilities.

“Here we are. Let's go up.”

In the end, Song Bo-young was ahead of her, after the conversation that she had only been boasting about with Dr. Heaven.

Upon coming up to the second floor, you see government officials receiving visitors.

“I'm from KG chemistry. ”

Soon, Song Bo-young revealed her affiliation. The city hall official looked at Song Bo-young's face and asked with a curious face.

“Are you in charge? ”

“Yes, it is. ”

It looked so young that the city hall officials didn't notice.

“You look like a student. ”

The gaze of the city hall official was on him because he was the highest emitter standing behind him, looking at his old rank. Exhaustion clears her throat, and Jungwoo laughs because it's fun.

Song Bo-young took out her badge and presented it to the city hall official.

“You didn't make it. I'm a second-rate researcher on a semi-crystal coating project with a railroad engineer. ”

“Ahh · · · · · · · · · · ·. ”

“I often get misunderstood because I don't wear a lot of makeup. Thank you for looking after me so young. ”

Song Bo-young bows her head. Even Jungwoo felt a slight panic from the tone of the city hall official, as opposed to the tapered look on his face.

“KG chemistry is the 12th place. ”

The city hall official handed her the name tag but could not take his eyes off her.

In the meeting room, Song Young-young was seated on a large square table. She looks back at Jungwoo and the exhaust she received from the official on her neck.

“Sit back comfortably. ”

Jungwoo sat on the chair and asked Song Bo-young.

“What do you mean, the railway project? ”

“This is a study I did this summer. I was looking for a coating that could withstand extreme corrosion conditions. Overlay the paint. ”


“Yes. It was a coating that you could use on the tracks, on the legs, all over the structure. And of course, the railroad was happy with the results. ”

Song Bo-young drew a ‘V’ with her finger and turned her head.

Song Young-young did not look as young as before, preparing for the seminar while pulling out the data. Even the intellectual researcher's atmosphere made Jung suspicious of his eyes once.

‘When you're serious, you're serious. ’

Jungwoo, who was watching Song Bo-young quietly, turned his back for a moment to put the bag aside and met her eyes.


“No, I'm not.”

Jung was clear-headed because he couldn't answer me because I was suddenly intelligent. Song Bo-young smiled as if she knew.

“Unfortunately, I didn't hear any other compliments at the time when Dr. Cheon wasn't there. But don't ignore it. The head of the center was satisfied, and I contributed enough to succeed. ”

This woman leads to Dr. Thousand. Jung had to swallow a bitter smile because he was somewhat impressed, not ignoring it.

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