Chicago 1990

Chapter 763: ?Arrogant Microsoft

On August 24, 1995, WhateverYouLike announced that the itinerary came to an end. This song of showcasing wealth was dragged down by negative news such as the attempted suicide of fans and dissatisfaction of some mainstream media. It was suppressed by the thriving TLC combination and the single Waterfalls Second on the B chart, the second week of release failed to reach the top as Daniel wanted, but the single sales were very high.

In the Netscape conference room, Song Ya leaned back in the chair and snored.

As he is about to return to school in Chicago, the intensity of this announcement is the highest since he entered the industry. On the way, running announcements, going on talk shows, fan meetings, live performances, news appearing in various media from time to time, and only sleeping three times a day , Four hours, really exhausted.

Some of the Netscape executives who came to the meeting did not disturb him under the reminder of Dr. Chen, and sat down silently.

"What's wrong with you APLUS, I just saw you on TV, singing at an event in downtown San Francisco."

It wasn't until Netscape President Bucksted and Mark Anderson walked into the meeting room that Dr. Chen woke him up. Bucksted asked, "Actually, you don't need to be there in person for this meeting today."

"I'm here to talk to Jim."

Song Ya yawned, "What about others?"

"He will come, but he will be later, and watch Microsoft's Windows 95 conference with us." Backsted replied.

Jim Clark is worth more than one billion, and he is gradually withdrawing from Netscape's management frontline and starting to set his sights on new venture capital projects.

"Ok, I'll wait for him."

Song Ya came here on the one hand, and on the other hand, he was worried about the next round of 3DFX financing, and he needed to ask Jim Clark for advice.

According to what Dr. Chen and Dr. Mei learned, 3DFX’s 3DAPIGlide has been recognized by many game companies. The acceleration chip is compatible with the current mainstream D3D and OpelGL open graphics libraries. In addition, he has just achieved success in Netscape. There are a lot of people who are interested in pig belt casting.

But there is currently a problem. Microsoft will include a similar API called WindowsGamesSDK, or DirectX1.0, in its Windows95. It is supported by Microsoft's operating system. In addition, Bill Gates has recently frequently asked the founder of IDSoftware, The genius game engine programmer John Carmack expressed his favor, and Carmack also gave a very friendly response. Those investors began to hesitate again.

D3D is Microsoft's own, and OpelGL is led by SGI, a company founded by Jim Clark.

3DFX will soon be unable to pay the subsequent costs to the chip foundry, and will not immediately solve the financing problem. Once the capital chain for the production of ES version 3D acceleration chips in October is broken, the company will be finished immediately.

"The Netscape and 3DFX projects I'm currently involved in both compete with Microsoft, which is really a headache."

Now I'm not in the mood to scold the three liars of 3DFX. When Jim Karak arrives, Song Ya takes the time to complain to him alone.

"They are like this, relying on their own operating system's high market share to reduce the dimensionality of competitors, so I am determined to overthrow them."

Jim Clark hated Microsoft, "If only for this matter, I will let SGI deepen the cooperation with 3DFX, and then help to endorse, but you know, among the three guys at 3DFX, some of them came from SGI, and their mouths It’s impossible to manage the company. You have to find a professional manager to replace them in daily management, just like the Baxter on Netscape, otherwise 3DFX will go bankrupt sooner or later."

"Uh, don't you still vote?"

Song Yaxin said that it is best to bring this big man in. Once he joins, those hesitant investors will definitely break their heads, "I can let 3DFX give you the most favorable financing conditions."

"Forget it, I am only interested in Internet companies now." Jim Karak refused to vote.

"Is there a new goal? Then take me too!" Song Ya immediately seized the opportunity.

"Uh...Yes, let your Dr. Chen go talk to my people." Jim Clark didn't scold him too embarrassed this time.

"The press conference is about to begin."

At this time, Baxter came to remind them that the two returned to the large conference room and accompanied others to watch the Microsoft press conference.

Netscape has been carrying the banner of the Internet to attack, ridicule, and despise Microsoft. After its successful listing, it has become more severe, but this does not mean that they will really underestimate their opponents. As a software company, their market value has already ranked among the top in the world. Petroleum and automobile giants and established technology companies such as Intel and IBM are in an echelon.

Microsoft has high hopes for Windows 95, and the press conference is full of momentum, with a pure blue background wall, and the long-awaited audience crowded the venue with cheerful rock music.

Along with cheers, Bill Gates showed up on the stage. The male spectacles camp he belongs to came to the stage from the right side of the screen. It seems that in order to get closer to the young group, several guys relaxed and swayed their limbs to the music, slightly deliberately, and even less It's just a matter of spectatorism, it's just like a few single people warming each other in the corner of the high school prom, or a disco ball that is no longer popular.

Then there is the bald camp of Microsoft President Ballmer. From the left side of the screen, Ballmer is the one who jumps the hardest and swings the most. He leans forward and closes back. The shiny Mediterranean top faces the camera from time to time, reminding Song Ya. The villain Penguin in the movie Batman Returns...

"It's funny, this clown!" Jim Clark's complaint to Ballmer caused a loud laugh in the conference room.

A group of billionaires wearing various colored Polo shirts, trousers and electronic watches, none of them stepped on the beat, and they all smiled silently...

Song Ya felt that the embarrassment was about to burst through the screen, "If we hold a press conference, I can come on stage to help you sing a song." He said.

"Haha!" Jim Clark and others laughed again.

"If you also want to dance on stage, you may need my help to train a little bit." Song Ya said again.

This time it’s cold, they are all technical houses. They are really on stage and probably not much better than people like Microsoft...

"Hello everyone, welcome all Microsoft fans to the scene..."

The successor of Johnny Carson and the NBC talk show host Jay Leno ended all this. He began to host the press conference. First, he played with the system compatibility issues that Microsoft had not dealt with in recent years, and then said: "Please Microsoft Chairman, this man is amazing. Let me tell you that even Rospero is only allocated to him as a driver..."

Rospero was the spoiler representing the third party in the last general election. He was a soldier and a staunch conservative, but he was also a member of the technology industry. He worked for IBM for a period of time and later founded his own EDS company and IBM competes, and especially respects the quotations and the three major disciplines and eight points of attention, and regards them as the norms of life. Once he drove Bill Gates and was photographed by a reporter, and then passed down the story that he was only assigned to Gates as a driver.

Of course it was just a joke, "You all know that we have many differences with Apple, but now! We have reached a consensus." Gates stood in front of the demo stage amidst the enthusiastic cheers of the audience.


Jim Clark, they immediately became nervous. Apple is going to die or not. Now, will Microsoft be willing to abandon its former rivals? Pull them to deal with the new competition?

"Until now, only Apple has insisted that Windows 3.1 is a bad operating system. Now! We agree! Windows 3.1 is indeed a bad operating system. It is **** and useless, because... we have windows 95!"

Gates used these words to lift the veil of the new operating system, and the audience laughed again.

It turned out to be just playing with apple whip corpses, poor apple, Jim Clark and the others relaxed.

"looks great."

The new operating system is much more exquisite than Windows 3.1. The people at Netscape used the few presentation screens and the words revealed by Gates to analyze, "A better Windows operating system, that's all! They are becoming more and more arrogant. IBM is now and hasn't made any response to the Internet tide..." Bacchus is very happy, maybe a little fortunate in my heart.

"Yes, we and SUN's intranet server project should continue to advance steadily. By the way, the acquisition is on the agenda..."

Jim Clark held another small meeting on the Since the giant ship of Microsoft still shows no signs of turning around and entering the Internet field to compete, Netscape will continue to make strides, at least doubling its employees, and the same for hardware and software investments. , A large part of the money raised from the stock market has to undergo various mergers and acquisitions to maintain the leading position in the Internet industry.

"APLUS, what do you think?" Mark Anderson noticed that Song Ya held his forehead on the seat in a daze.

"Oh, me? I don't have any comments. With Mr. Bucksted and Jim, I'm fine."

Just now when Gates clicked on the Windows95 start menu to demonstrate, Song Ya had a strange sense of familiarity in his mind. Will Windows still exist in the future? But Netscape's browser and JavaScript are also familiar to you? That means... everyone is a winner?

Since Microsoft will not disappear, do I still need to reduce the Microsoft stocks I plan to hold...

"Don't think too much, everyone should buy a copy of Windows 95 and study it carefully." Jim Clark announced the meeting.

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