Chicago 1990

Chapter 874: Esoteric knowledge

"Goodman, at that time, send a trustworthy lawyer to follow me, Northern Trust and Comcast's 10 million promotion fee into A+CN, and use a senior position to supervise the use of this money to restrain Gordon. Keeping an eye on the topic of the news, I still can’t rest assured of his apology and assurance today."

After Gordon walked out of the study and did not stay at the party, Song Ya raised the curtains and stared at the taillights of his car driving away from Highland Park.

"Okay, how about King Wexler? She is very capable." Goodman nodded.

"Jimmy's girlfriend? Okay." Song Ya recalled. Jin was a young lawyer at Goodman and Hamlin Law Firm. He was very beautiful. For a while, I often saw her and Goodman's brother Jimmy. Double-in pairs.

"Huh?" Goodman frowned, he didn't seem to know it.

"Uh, don't you consider Alicia's feelings? A+CN legal business belongs to her Flock and Argus law firm." asked a close friend of the Sloan Gang.

"This has nothing to do with legal work. Hamlin's law firm and I help APLUS manage A+CN's parent company A+ copyright and investment management company. Of course, we have the right to monitor the flow and use of this fund." Goodman retorted.

"Yes, that's it. Ms. Sloan, please invite Alicia."

Of course Song Ya trusted Goodman's people more, and gave a serious order, "I will explain it to her alone, I believe she will not have any opinions."


"OJ Simpson has no money? Why did he not hire a dream lawyer team to help get rid of the murder in the civil lawsuit that will be held next month? Those criminal identification experts can't help in civil lawsuits. Even Cochrane doesn't need it. Is he too careless? ’

'Simpson has more than one civil lawsuit, at least three, the distribution of his murdered ex-wife's inheritance, his struggle for custody of the children with his ex-wife's parents, and the two deceased in the criminal case, his ex-wife and the restaurant. The civil compensation proposed by the family of the waiter...He may indeed be unable to afford Cochrane, and after Cochrane has achieved the perfect achievement of acquittal in criminal proceedings, he may not be willing to help him win a civil case with a lower rate. Losing is bad for Cochrane's reputation. ’

‘Lower winning percentage? Is there a high chance of a settlement in a civil case? ’

‘Lower, some evidence that is not accepted by the court in criminal trials is permitted in civil trials, such as polygraph data, such as some recorded evidence...’

‘How much will Simpson lose if he loses? ’

"A lot, but he has been lucky to escape criminal responsibility. Civil cases can be solved with money. For him, what does he spend more money on? Of course this is my personal feeling."

‘According to the latest polls, Quanmi holds the same idea as you in the majority. ’

‘Well, and he should have bought relevant insurance before. Unlike criminal felony, part of the civil compensation can be paid by the insurance company. Therefore, compared with the sky-high remuneration of the Dream Lawyers, it may be a little more economical for him. ’

‘Haha! There are so many ways! ’

‘Yes, in the Commonwealth System, how to reasonably use legal weapons is a very profound knowledge. ’

‘So we invite you to be a guest, right? ……Doctor, thank you for your wonderful explanation, we laymen have no way of getting started, and I believe most TV viewers are the same. So... the next topic, what about MJ's new troubles? ’

The lights in the study were all turned off, and only the small TV screen was still on. In a talk show on Channel 88, the host and guests were still chatting about the new case of Simpson and MJ. Talking, as if you can talk until the world is destroyed.

This kind of talk show is the most economical. There is no need to go out on location or too many editors and editors. In addition to the host and director's salary and guest announcement fees, other costs are probably studio rental costs.

The TV sound was turned on very loudly to cover up the intense and embarrassing noise from the sofa.

‘The dentist father and son who got his 20 million settlement gold? I personally think they are still hesitating...’

‘Hesitate? They claim 60 million yuan. ’

‘The more the amount of the claim, the higher the litigation cost. They already have a huge sum of 20 million in their hands. The father and son have spent their entire lives on drinking and drinking. Do they really dare to invest a lot of money to bet on this? Hard to say. MJ’s reaction was fierce this time. He should not be willing to be blackmailed again. The possibility of reconciliation is extremely low...’

‘They haven’t initiated a lawsuit yet, have they? ’

‘Yes, it’s probably just a stage where the wind is released to test the reaction of public opinion. The effect is not very good. They are too greedy. Uh, to be more rigorous, it was the dentist himself. That Evan Chandler was too greedy. His son was underage. The father should not blame the child for all this. ’

‘MJ shouldn’t bear all of this either. All our African hearts are on the side with him. He is an extremely kind, capitalized person. ’

‘Yes, the result of the criminal trial in the 1993 case also shows all this. It was over at the grand jury stage. Maybe he shouldn’t pay the dentist, absolutely. ’

‘His body was almost destroyed by endless lawsuits, and all commercial activities had to be suspended. The choice of ending the lawsuit as soon as possible and resuming work cannot be wrong. ’

‘Anyway, too much to indulge Evan Chandler’s greed. ’

‘You are mentioning the word greed repeatedly. ’

"Yes, greed. Evan Chandler has become a bad example for many people. Recently, a gardener who has only worked on the periphery of Dreamland for a few days also sued MJ in California. Other similar small-scale lawsuits have not been discontinued. Everyone thinks he is weak and can be deceived, and they are all trying to spend his money."

'do you know? After hearing these bad things, I really want to scold someone for MJ. ’

‘Haha, it’s better not. Your personal attacking remarks now may cause you and A+CN to become a defendant and receive a fine from the (Federal Communications Commission). ’

‘Thank you for your legal advice...Doctor, then I won’t scold you. ’

‘It’s free for you. ’

"Haha, thanks again..."

"What a bad show." Song Ya panted and picked up the remote control, viciously turning off the TV. "It's smelly and long..."

"Huh..." The governor's wife sighed in contentment, and then languidly got up to pick up the clothes and socks scattered everywhere, "Is it long or you short?"

"It's long... and don't forget that there is still a party outside, I have to hurry up."

"Okay, okay, the objection is valid." Alicia didn't entangle this anymore. After laughing and joking with a judge's terminology, she quickly returned to the image of the noble and indifferent elite mature woman before entering the door. "I just heard outside, you Want to cooperate with Lockhart and Gardner?"

She has a better understanding of public and private divisions than Song Ya, and seamlessly switched to the topic.

"Yes, I have to make myself a customer to solve some of the hidden dangers in the Barn Chemicals case. You know Alicia, Will Gardner has acted for Edward before in the early M&A case of Barn Chemicals. in."

Song Ya helped her sort out the small details that might be exposed in her appearance, "Can you understand me?"

"Of course, don't forget that I was also working at Lockhart and Gardner at the time."

She understood, "Edward finally turned against Will. He thought that Will scammed him too much money, and in the end he almost lost his qualifications."

"If my Barn Chemical case has the worst outcome, that is, entering the trial stage, I believe Will has a chance for revenge." Song Ya said.

"Well, Will hates Edward very much."

Alicia nodded, "But if you form a dream lawyer team, don't forget to bring me. This is a good opportunity to increase your status."

"You are the governor's wife." Song Ya has I will convince Peter that he is him and I am me. "Alicia said.

"Okay, but I want to hear Peter personally promised me that he agreed that you would act for me in court..."

When the two talked about Peter, it was natural that they were talking about a tool man who only had a relationship of interest. Song Ya solemnly warned: "Otherwise, don't blame me Alicia."

"OK. But... appearance? After the Simpson case, Quan Mi began to reflect. It is very difficult to get a live TV license for major cases. I think the possibility of my appearance is very small." She said.

"My case is less likely to enter the court trial..." Song Ya smiled confidently: "I'm going to be a top student at the University of Chicago Law School. The subject of law is not profound to me."

"Haha, I'm proud. Can you?" Alicia smiled and hooked the bag to her arms, turning around in a circle.

"Hmm." Song Ya wiped his mouth and motioned.

"Oh yes." She took her mouth blush from her bag, pursed her lips and began to apply it.


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