Chicken Eating: Invincible Sniper God

Chapter 105 Mingming And Tinkerbell Invite Li Hao To Rank!

That night, Li Hao rested in the Fang family villa. Such a large villa naturally had guest rooms.

Li Hao was in a very happy mood.

Fang Ziling has gone to the hospital for a check-up, which proved that she is indeed pregnant.

Nowadays, Fang Ziling needs Li Hao to accompany her.

As for taking care of her, she would naturally let Fang Ziling stay in the Fang family. With her parents and so many aunts, she would definitely be well taken care of. Li Hao would not go to their nest and would just stay in the Fang family villa.

Li Ji will be broadcast on the ninth day of the first lunar month, that is, February 2, 2020.

In the first month of the new year, Li Hao didn't broadcast much because of a busy day.

"I have returned to the Magic City now and have not celebrated the Lantern Festival at home. Now, I will definitely start preparing for the Spring Split." Li Hao said with a smile to the fans in the live broadcast room.

Li Hao has not been on air for many days, and fans miss her very much.

So as soon as Li Hao started broadcasting, and it was still the Spring Festival, everyone was free. In an instant, the popularity of Li Hao's live broadcast room began to skyrocket.

At this time, Li Hao saw a barrage in the live broadcast room.

very interesting.

"Is this true? You are not lying to me, are you?"

This barrage said that during the Spring Festival, the main players of the nh team and the smg team did not go home to celebrate the New Year.

It’s not that teams or clubs don’t take holidays, but that they take the initiative to stay in Magic City to celebrate the New Year, and every day, even including New Year’s Eve, they are ranking, honing their skills, improving coordination, and improving the team’s collaborative combat capabilities.

As for Li Hao, who was on vacation and returned to his hometown, he didn't pay much attention to these things. Now, even if fans don't tell him, Li Quan doesn't even know about it.

Fans are sure to tell Li Hao that this is true.

Of course, it is not just the main players of these two teams who have not chosen to go home to celebrate the New Year. In addition, there are also many players from professional teams who have not gone home to celebrate the New Year. After all, the taste of the year is getting weaker and weaker. Instead of choosing to go home to celebrate the New Year, , it is better to stay in the club and enjoy peace and quiet.

After all, not every professional player’s family supports professional players playing games and enjoying this youthful meal.

Many professional players dropped out of school to play games.

Or take a break from school, etc.

Professional players like Li Hao who graduated from college are completely considered senior players among professional players in the PCL division.

Li Hao is already 24 this year.

Most professional players are only 18, 19 and 20 years old, so there is no comparison.

But at this moment, Douyu's platform.

Tinkerbell is arranging with Mingming and Pinyan from the nh team.

With their strength, even three people in four rows can win the chicken.

Even if there is no waste, even if two people are in four rows, ranking chicken in every game, there will be no problem.

After all, they are all super giants, and their hard power is there.

At this moment, in their live broadcast room, a fan suddenly posted a comment.

"Hao Shen is alone. Do you want to invite Hao Shen to play games with you?"

This fan just walked over from Li Hao's live broadcast room, and an idea flashed in his mind, so he posted a barrage.

As a result, as soon as this barrage came out, their fans started to boo, and in the end, the screen was filled with barrage, asking them to play the game with Haoshen.

Fans even go to any lengths to achieve their goals.

All provocative methods were used.

"Everyone, please don't embarrass the anchors. All the anchors are defeated by God Hao. They are trying to play games with God Hao. Do you think the bad god will agree?"

Soon, this kind of barrage became the mainstream in their live broadcast room.

At this time, Ding Ding and Ming Ming looked at these barrages and were absolutely furious.

Fans actually questioned whether they could get Li Hao to play games.


The young and energetic Tinker Bell and Ming Ming immediately said boldly: "You all wait and see whether we can win Haotian!"

Therefore, Tinkerbell and Mingming were in the prestigious group of PCL professional players, @Haotian.

Li Hao's phone vibrated immediately. Li Hao picked it up and saw that it was Tinkerbell and Mingming@him.

Invite him to play games together!

Li Hao was preparing to play in a four-player solo, but now that Tinker Bell and Ming Ming have invited them, they are all super giants, so it is impossible not to give them the honor.

So Li Hao readily agreed.

After communicating on Weixin for a while, Li Hao went to their is channel.

At this time, after Li Hao entered the ts channel, he quickly completed the group arrangement in the game.

"Hello Hao Shen!" Tinker Bell greeted.

"Happy New Year Hao Shen!" He said hello with a smile even though he had a carefree personality.

"Haoshen!" Pinyan also greeted.

"Happy New Year, you three." Li Hao also responded.

At this time, the game begins.

At this moment, in Tinkerbell and Mingming's live broadcast room, their fans suddenly reacted.

"Oh my god, Hao Shen plus Lu Bu plus Dang Ge plus General Pin Yan, this lineup is ranked, who can withstand it?"

"This lineup, I feel, is more than enough to represent the PCL division and play in the Global All-Star Game!"

"I heard that there will be an All-Star Game this year, which will bring together the top players from all over the world to represent the country and compete for the supreme honor. I wonder who our PCL division will select when the time comes!"

"No matter who you choose, at least I, Haoshen, will definitely have a spot. Moreover, we, Haoshen, can do command, sniping, gun driving, and assault."

"That's right, Haoshen will definitely occupy a quota, and the other professional players will probably have to fight for the remaining three quotas!"

"Playing for the country and being able to wear the national flag when the time comes is the highest honor for a professional e-sports player!"

"I think we, Lu Bu, should also be able to get a spot."

"That's right, our Mingshen is so brave, how could he not go!"

Suddenly, in the live broadcast room of the four people, fans began to discuss who would eventually represent the PCL division and compete with other divisions for the highest honor.

At this time, Li Hao asked with a smile: "How to fight? I rarely fight this kind of four-row fight. How to fight, you say, I will listen to you!"

"No, Haoshen, why are you so modest? You can take command. We will fight as you say!" Pinyan, the gun-toting commander of the NH team, said with a smile.

"That's right, I obey the command. We will play whatever you say, Haoshen!" Ming Ming also said with a smile.

Li Hao smiled and said: "That's true!"

Obviously, Li Hao agrees with it.

Because it is true. In the nh team, even though he has the title of Lu Bu, he is a superstar and the core of the nh team. The nh team is built around him.

But in the game, he obviously listened to the instructions very well.

This is very rare among the super giants in the PCL division. Perhaps the only one who can rival him in this regard is Team 4am's Super Giant Eternal.

As for other super giants, they are not as good-tempered as Mingming.

"Haoshen, I am very obedient to orders. Don't be fooled by Lu Bu!" Tinkerbell said immediately.

In the RNG team, Tinker Bell is also a super player, but he is not a commander. Of course, in most cases, he is very obedient.

"Haoshen, you really don't have to be polite. We don't play against each other once or twice in the game. Everyone knows your strength. Don't worry, you can rank and command. If you ask me to go east, I will never do it. Go to the west." NH commander Pinyan said with a smile.

Although he is also a conductor, he knows very well that in the PCL division, the number one conductor will always be Li Hao of the 4am team, not him, nor Xia Tian.

Although the world may be amazed at Haotian's sniper accuracy, only those who are 007's commanders know how powerful Li Hao's command is.

"Hey, okay, then I'm not polite. If there is any inappropriate language or unintentional offending, please forgive me!" Li Hao said with a smile.

On the Erangel Island map, with this lineup, it’s natural to jump to the airport.

Li Hao immediately took over the command. After landing, after finding the gun, they immediately hugged each other.

"Obviously, you follow me. The two of you stick together, and we are the only two pure people!"

Immediately, Li Hao and Ming Ming formed a pair of assaulters, and both Li Hao and Ming Ming held macho guns in their hands.

In an instant, this lineup was simply invincible.

Don't talk about ranking, even if you compete with any super strong team in the country, you will not fall behind.

At this moment, Li Hao saw the kill information broadcast.

"Interesting, we bumped into the SMG team this time!"

At the same time, in the SMG team's live broadcast room, fans naturally tipped off that they bumped into the lineup composed of Li Hao, Mingming Dingdang, and Pinyan.

Seeing the comments posted by fans, Bastion couldn't help but take a breath.

"I'm sorry, how can we rank these games together?" Bastion exclaimed in surprise.

"Come out of P city, let's go have a good fight with them!" mad98 said with murderous intent. His handsome face was now full of solemnity. He wanted to have a chance with Li Hao and the others.

"That's right, brothers, let us touch them." Beast 17 was also boiling with murderous intent at this moment.

The airport was cleared quickly.

There are many teams jumping to the airport, but there is no single enemy at all.

He didn't even throw any projectiles, he just rushed over, crushing him all the way, and pushing him sideways.

When it comes to ranking with this kind of lineup, except for the professional teams that have been cooperating for a long time and have a slight resistance, other passers-by, even high-scoring passers-by who have been cooperating for a long time, cannot match it. .

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