Chicken Eating: Invincible Sniper God

Chapter 107 A Wedding Is Held, The Spring Competition Is Coming!

The tenth day of the first lunar month.

In the morning, Li Hao continued to make love breakfast for Fang Ziling and the whole family.

Even the aunts were shocked while eating breakfast.

Because Li Hao's craftsmanship completely surpasses them.

After breakfast, Lao Fang did not go to work.

"Xiao Wu, let's see, when is it convenient for your parents to come to the city, and let's discuss your marriage, what do you think?" At this point, the old market can only accept Ji Hao as his son-in-law.

And after his many inquiries and inspections, Li Hao can barely be regarded as a good young man.

Of course, there is no shortage of outstanding young people around him.

But since the daughter has fallen in love with Li Hao and is now pregnant with Li Hao's child, their marriage will naturally be put on the agenda.

"Uncle Fang, I want to wait until after the Lantern Festival, when my younger brothers and sisters come to school, I will bring my parents to the Magic City." Li Hao said with a smile.

"That's okay, it doesn't take many days." Old Fang smiled.

After the Lantern Festival, Li Hao's younger siblings Li Qinxin and Li Baixuan brought Li Hao's parents to the Magic City.

The Fang family naturally focused on arranging reception and booking rooms in five-star hotels. At this time, Fang Ziling, who was pregnant, met her future parents-in-law for the first time, accompanied by Li Hao.

Li Hao's mother smiled from ear to ear when she saw Fang Ziling.

Li Hao's parents naturally agreed with this marriage.

So, in the end, the wedding of Li Hao and Fang Ziling was scheduled for March 1, which is the eighth day of the second lunar month, which is an auspicious day.

The Fang family began to prepare for the wedding.

Li Hao also invited his college classmates in Shanghai to attend the wedding.

Then 740 also invited the entire 4am team, and then some familiar professional players, such as Tinkerbell, Mingming, etc.

On March 1, Li Hao's wedding was held at a five-star hotel in Shanghai.

At this time, Li Hao announced it on his personal social media in advance, so fans came from all over the country to congratulate him.

Of course, many local fans in the Magic City came to give gifts in person.

The wedding was lively and lively, and it was famous in the magic city.

There is no concession compared to the so-called world weddings of those celebrities.

After the wedding, Li Hao took Fang Ziling back to his hometown and held another lively and luxurious wedding in the most luxurious hotel in the county.

In this case, the wedding will finally come to a successful conclusion.

Finally, Li Hao took Fang Ziling back to the Magic City alone.

Originally, Li Hao's mother was planning to take care of her daughter-in-law Fang Ziling, but in Shanghai, Fang Ziling could get better care at the Fang family villa, so she continued to stay in the county to take care of her grandparents.

After returning to Fang's villa, Li Hao's life continued as usual.

There are three meals a day with the aunt. Occasionally, Li Hao can't stand his wife's request and cooks a love meal.

At this time, the PCL division has already gone from strength to strength.

On April 5th, the 2020 PCL Spring Split is about to begin.

Before that, each team completed the final reinforcements.

The spring split champion’s bonus is as high as 10 million, and even every week, the bonus is 10 million.

It can be said that the excitement for each team is unparalleled.

Not to mention, only the top ranked players in the Spring Split (abfb) are eligible to participate in the PCS Intercontinental Split.

Regardless of whether it is spring, summer or autumn, according to the points ranking, you will get points to participate in the global finals, including the intercontinental competition.

So, whether it is the spring, summer, autumn or three intercontinental competitions in the PCL division, every team that wants to enter the global finals at the end of the year must not slack off and must take it seriously.

Nowadays, the pcl division is becoming more and more popular.

The price of spring game seats has been rising again and again.

This has also led to the fact that the Spring Split has not yet started, but the promotional activities have been launched and have already received a strong response in the PCL competition area.

Before the spring game, there are still several small competitions.

For example, in the Hero Cup held in February, the prize money was very low. It was similar to that kind of training match. Li Hao did not participate, but the 4am team did.

There are also competitions such as the Fat Tiger Cup and the Bib Martial Arts Invitational Conference in March. Although the 4am team participated in these competitions, they did not win the championship.

Then there will be a relatively large event in March, which is the Douyu Golden Grand Prix 59.

But this time, Douyu did not invite the 4am team at all.

Because before the Huya Destiny Cup, one of Douyu’s signed teams, the Four Holy War Team, was not invited.

So this time Douyu has enough reasons not to invite the 4am team.

But this time, Tengxun did not stand up for Li Hao, and the 4am team was not able to participate in the $9 Gold Grand Prix. Douyu’s good intentions can be said to be known to everyone.

Douyu just doesn’t want the championship to continue to fall to the 4am team, and wants to keep the championship on the Douyu live broadcast platform.

Obviously, Douyu is interested in letting the nh team, the sng team, or the team signed by the DMG team Douyu to get it.

However, Douyu never expected that the 4am team was not invited, and Li Hao, the current number one player in the PCL, did not participate, which directly led to the popularity of the Douyu Golden Grand Prix being 59, which was very sluggish and the response was mediocre.

Although the final championship was indeed won by the nh team signed with Douyu, the smg team was second, the IFTY team was third, and the Tianba team was fourth, the popularity and popularity of this golden grand prix was even one-tenth of that of s8 nothing.

This simply made Douyu regret it.

In other words, Douyu spent a lot of money this time, but it did not have that high popularity and popularity.

Moreover, if the 4am team does not participate, even if the nh team wins the championship and the smg team wins the runner-up, the gold content of their championship and runner-up is not high.

At the very least, it won't be recognized by the entire network of players, and it's just Douyu's own entertainment.

But no matter what, the Douyu Golden Grand Prix S9 is over. At this time, all teams must prepare for the PCL Spring Split.

As a professional league in the PCL division, the Spring Split not only has high bonuses, but more importantly, the winner of the Spring Split can directly get a ticket to the global finals at the end of the year.

Even if you don't win the Spring Split championship, the top eight in the Spring Split can enter the PCS Intercontinental Championship. In addition, you can also gain certain World Championship points by ranking in the Spring Split.

In short, every team cannot turn a blind eye to the championship of the professional joint exhibition.

The professional league is in the ascendant in 2019, with the vc team and the 4am team winning the spring and summer championships respectively.

Now in 2020, the Spring Split is to test the spring preparations of each team.

As for the 4am team, in the spring competition, Xiaolong, one of the three fantasy gods of the 4am team, has finally reached adulthood and can participate in the competition.

In this case, the thickness of the 4am team's lineup is quite impressive.

Li Hao, Wei Shen, Yong Yong, Xiaolu, Wang Ge, Xiaolong, and Xingwu are seven professional players. Although Xingwu has not played for a long time and is only considered a star-level professional player, the likes of Xiaolu, Wang Ge, and Xiaolong are Superstar.

And then forever, in the 2019 Global Finals, the lone wolf won the game and sealed the super giant in one game. As for Wei Shen, as the owner and founder of the 4am team, in terms of fame

That is no less than any super giant in the PCL division, but based on current game data, it is still a little short of the super giant standard.

In this case, Wei Shen is considered a super giant in terms of popularity, not a real super giant whose popularity and strength are at the level of a superstar. It can also be said to be a half-step super giant.

For the coaching staff of the 4am team, this is now a happy worry.

As Li Hao is the commander, he must naturally go into battle.

What's more, in February and March, when Li Hao did not lead the team to play games, the 4am team was completely unable to win the championship. It was simply unable to compete with the nh team, smg team, ifty team, OMG team, etc., or even like the The rng team, the vg team, and the Tianba team can all compete with the 4am team.

This allowed all fans of the 4am team to see that the 4am team was completely a first-class team in the PCL division without Li Hao leading the team.

It is completely inferior to a super team with a super first-class level!

But with Li Hao's leadership and command, the 4am team will jump up and directly become the only team above the super strong teams.

It can be said to be a super first-class team.

If teams have ratings, for example, NH team and SMG team are S-level teams, while 4AM team is a $4-level team.

If the NH team and the SMG team are SSS level teams, then the 4AM team is an SSSS level team.

In short, the 4am team must be above other teams no matter what. It can be said to be at the TO level, while other teams are at the T1 level.

With Li Hao, the 4am team is full of spirituality, whether it is fighting or operating, but without Li Hao's command, the 4am team is an ordinary and satisfactory team, no different from other teams in the PCL division.

However, as time enters April 1st, the coaching staff of the 4am team must decide on the main lineup of the 4am team in the spring split.

Only in this way, it must be adjusted in advance.

Only in this way can we make great achievements in the spring competition.

But how to choose is indeed difficult.

Because the strength is almost the same.

At this time, the 4am team coaching staff consulted the conductor Li Hao for his opinion. .

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