Chicken Eating: Invincible Sniper God

Chapter 114 Super Giants Who Want Luxurious Personal Data

By Tuesday, the rhythm was getting louder.

Coupled with the statements of some professional players on various social media, the rhythm has become bigger and bigger, and many super giants have been involved.

At this time, Team 4am, on the other hand, seemed extremely calm.

Because the presence of Li Hao in the 4am team has invisibly blocked the shining stars of Wei Shen, Yong Yong, Xiaolu, and Xiaolong.

Even if they perform well, they will give the audience an illusion, and that's all because of Li Hao.

And indeed it is.

In those small cup matches that Li Hao did not participate in, the 4am team not only failed to win the championship, but also failed to show the spirit of a strong team.

Being beaten by other teams.

In this case, when many fans consider the PCL All-Star team, they rarely consider Wei Shen, Yong Yong, and Xiaolu.

As for Xiaolong, he has just grown up and played in the game. Although he has a certain reputation because of the three fantasy gods, they are not super giants yet, so naturally they will not be considered.

But this is different for other teams.

Being able to play for the country is the highest honor for professional players.

Therefore, in order to compete for the All-Star team, each team has more and more reasons not to play well in the "June 43" spring competition.

In this atmosphere, the spring playoffs have finally arrived.

The playoffs start on Wednesday and end on Sunday, with a total of five days, six games every day, and a long game format of 30 games to determine who is the king of the spring split.

Who can reach the top of the spring competition and win the spring championship trophy?

In the afternoon, twenty-five teams gathered at the competition venue.

At this time, each team has its own separate lounge.

At this moment, in the lounge of the SMG team.

The coach of the smg team was smiling and said: "Although to this day, the official competition organizing committee of the PCL Division has not officially announced how to select professional players to enter the All-Star team and represent the PCL Division in all-star games with various national divisions around the world. However, Rumors have spread that the PCL Division Competition Organizing Committee will use the comprehensive performance of various players in the spring competition and the PCS Intercontinental Competition held in May to select the strongest super giants to enter the PCL Division All-Star Team. So this time In the spring playoffs, I hope that our SMG team can also improve the personal data of our core beast while competing for the championship. In this case, we will be more qualified to be selected for the All-Star team!"

At the same time, coaches from the RNG team, nh team, IFTY team, OMG team, etc. all made similar speeches.

Among them, the rest room of the nh team.

Pin Yan, the commander of nh team, said with a smile: "This time, our nh team will not only try our best to win the championship, but your personal data will also be more explosive. I don't think there is any need to compete with 4am team Haotian, I just need to be better than a few of them." That’s it.”

If Mingming of the nh team can really be selected into the All-Star team, it will be a supreme honor for the nh team.

After all, any professional player has a sincere and patriotic heart.

If you can represent your motherland in the competition, it will be the highest honor for professional e-sports players.

Obviously a little shy, he smiled and said: "Thank you very much, brothers, I will work harder. If nothing else, if you can be successfully selected for the All-Star team, Haidilao, I invite you!"

The same is true for the ifty team, but the iFTY team itself is based on the alien Long Si brother as the core of the team. The IFTY team has decided to go all out to let the Long Si brother brush his personal data. Of course, the premise of all this is that the IFTY team must compete in the spring split. Well played.

Suddenly, the matter of the All-Star team caused the spring playoffs to take on a different meaning.

Not only competing for the spring championship, but also preparing for the All-Star team.

As five o'clock arrived in the afternoon, more than 30,000 spectators came in to watch the game.

There are huge projection screens everywhere in the huge venue. Various curtains fall from the sky, and the game pictures will be projected. In this way, the audience can also participate in the game in person.

Cheer for the players you support.

As for the players, they all sit in the soundproof glass room. In this way, they can avoid being disturbed by the outside world and affecting the fairness and justice of the game.

Everything is ready and the game officially begins.

"We saw that the route for this game is from Port P to City Y. It is considered a relatively good route and can take care of the jumping points of most teams. Of course, there are still some teams that cannot go home, so in In this case, you can either go to the secondary jump point or find a car and return to your home."

"Those super strong teams, from the perspective of jump points, there is no conflict. However, the 4am team now has to face the Four Saints fighting for jump points again, so it is bound to roll."

"But similarly, the SMG team in P City and the NH team in Y City will also face the situation of roll points. This is not much different from the situation of the 4am team."

In the sky above the school dormitory, Team 4am looked at the four umbrellas following them very indifferently.

The Four Holy Warriors continue to come to the roll point.

Seeing the 4am team jumping out of the school, the Four Holy Warriors quickly parachuted into the dormitory building.

But at this time, Li Hao, who jumped from the roof of the school building, suddenly held an m416 in his hand!

In an instant, Li Hao changed his bullets and fired at the Four Holy Warriors in the dormitory who had not yet landed.

A round of bullets!

Continuously fight and replenish!

Bai Hu, the commando of the Four Holy Warriors, was hit and injured by Li Hao in the air before he even landed.

You can imagine how fast Li Hao jumped.

At this time, Li Hao immediately jumped off the roof of the school and went straight to the dormitory building.

Zhuque clearly saw this scene and quickly announced, "Haotian is here!"

And at this moment, Eternal, who is searching the lecture theater, can also fight.

"I'm coming too!"

Yong Yong immediately came out of the lecture theater and headed towards the dormitory building!

Seeing this scene, Qinglong, who picked up a gun in the dormitory building, was about to shoot.

However, Xiaolong, who was driving the gun, hit his head directly and fell to the ground.

Because he didn't have a helmet, and Xiaolong just needed an SLR.

"On the first floor, someone has fallen!" Xiaolong reported the situation indifferently.

"You and Wei Shen are fighting in the school. The Four Holy Warriors are closer, and Yong Yong and I will deal with them!" Li Hao said coldly.

In an instant, Li Hao and Yong Yong launched a charge.

Because the remaining three members of the Four Holy Warriors had different jump points, at this time, Xuanwu from the dormitory building closest to the first year of high school went to rescue people.

Li Hao and Yong Yong suddenly rushed into the second floor of the high school.

Li Hao heard Suzaku's footsteps clearly and locked his position instantly.

Downstairs, Li Hao changed his spray.

In an instant, he rushed upstairs with Yong Yong.

When they reached the third floor, Li Hao fired a flash, and suddenly, the two super giants of the 4am team rushed towards Suzaku at the same time.

Suzaku stuck the door and wanted to fight back.

But he was sprayed down by Li Hao.

Then, with quick hands and quick eyes, he directly hits and replenishes them.

At this time, Xuanwu had just rescued Qinglong and took a look at it from the window.

Wei Shen, who had been holding the window open, found an opportunity.

The extremely accurate mini shot down Xuanwu with two direct shots.

Suddenly, Li Hao and Yongyong went straight to the top.

At this time, Qinglong did not choose to save people, but attacked first.

Otherwise, by the time he rescued Xuanwu, Li Hao and Yongyong would have already rushed forward.

But as soon as he showed his head outside the window, the m416 in Li Hao's hand hit his head one after another with extremely accurate accuracy!

In an instant, the Four Holy Warriors were wiped out.

The 4am team was so clean and tidy that it didn't waste much time in wiping out the Four Saints.

At this moment, other teams in the competition were not surprised to see the 4am team destroying the Four Saints.

Because with the current state and strength of the 4am team, it was completely within their expectations to quickly wipe out the Four Saints.

The next game was astonishing.

The SMG team in P city and the NH team in Y city also quickly eliminated other teams that rolled with them.

This speed is not much slower than the 4am team.

Then, the smg team and the nh team played very unrestrainedly at 2.6.

At this time, the nh team, the smg team, and the IFTY team began to frantically look for other teams to fight in team battles.

Although the rng team has the super giant Tinker Bell, its staffing is not as good as the nh team, smg team and IFTY team.

Therefore, Team ng cannot play so boldly and freely.

So, when the first safe zone was cleared and the second circle started, there were only a dozen teams left out of the twenty-five. In this case, it was a huge difference from the previous competition.

Through the kill information broadcast, Li Hao knew clearly what other teams were doing.

"These competitions, in order to get into the All-Star team, you really have to do whatever it takes!" Li Hao said with a smile.

"Then we also want to enter the All-Stars!" Tie Hanhan is always outspoken and blurts out his thoughts directly.

"Then let's see how you perform!" Li Hao didn't dare to vouch for it, because in his mind, winning the spring championship was the first priority.

But now, it is obvious that winning the spring championship, including Wei Shen, is no longer the primary goal. What they want now is personal data!

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