Chicken Eating: Invincible Sniper God

Chapter 116 Li Hao Entered The Soul With One Shot, And Drew Six Golds In Ten Consecutive Times. The

The Spring Split ended grandly.

The day after the Spring Split ended, the PCL Organizing Committee announced the best lineup for the Spring Split.

Commander and sniper: 4am team Haotian.

Assaulter: nh team obviously.

Assaulter: Brother Long from the iFTY team.

Assaulter: SMG Team 17 Beast.

Similarly, these three super giants are also the top four candidates in the God of War rankings in the spring split, whether it is the regular season or the playoffs.

Tinker Bell from the RNG team is also a super giant, but due to the drag of the RNG team, his personal data is far less luxurious than Ming Ming, Fourth Brother Long, and 17 Beast.

No matter in terms of KD, number of kills, or amount of damage, none of them are as eye-catching as these three super giants.

In an instant, when the best lineup of the Spring Split came out, the entire PCL was like a huge boulder dropped into the lake, causing huge waves in an instant.

This is the best lineup announced by the official collection of professional player data. Could it be that the PCL Organizing Committee intends to let Li Hao form an all-star team with Mingming, Long Sige, and 17 Beasts to compete in the Global All-Star Game to be held in June? ?

But it is obvious that fans of the RNG team Super Giant Tinker Bell are extremely unconvinced by this best lineup.

"Why is it that we are not in the best lineup?"

"The organizing committee is so superficial. They only look at the surface and determine the best lineup based on their position in the God of War list. They completely fail to see our Zuo Shen's dedication and efforts on the field.

"Yes, in terms of strength, our Zuo Shen is not inferior to anyone, even Hao Shen from the 4am team is no exception. But the players are incompetent. If we were not in the RNG team or in other teams, then our Zuo Shen's data would be the same It’s very explosive. By then, any Hao God will be trampled under our Zuo Shen’s feet!”

For a moment, Zuo Shen's fans clamored wildly, but this only caused a small ripple on the Internet.

At this moment, the time has arrived in May, and the first PCS Intercontinental Championship is about to start.

The PCS Intercontinental Competition gathers together multiple competition regions in Asia. Among them, the biggest attraction is the competition between the PCL Division and the PK| Division.

Nowadays, the PCL division and the PK division have completely different tactical styles and playing styles.

The teams in the PK division focus on operation and transfer. In the first few laps, they can avoid fighting as much as possible.

But the PCL division is different now. From the moment you land after parachuting, if you can fight, fight as much as possible. When they are either fighting or on their way to a fight, the teams in the PCL division especially like to initiate group fights.

Two extreme styles are about to collide in the PCS Intercontinental Competition.

As for the teams from other small divisions, they are not worth mentioning.

The PCS intercontinental competition mainly focuses on the professional teams in the PCL division and the PK division, which one is stronger and which one is weaker.

Moreover, for the super giants in the PCL division, if they want to be selected for the All-Star team, the intercontinental competition is the last chance.

As for a large-scale event like the Intercontinental Championship, if you perform well in it, it may not be impossible to enter the all-star team.

But at this moment, when many players logged in to the game, they suddenly discovered that Tengxun had added gun skins to the game.

Haotian Jade Emperor Series!

This series includes m416-Haotian Jade Emperor, mini-Haotian Jade Emperor, SLR-Haotian Jade Emperor, AWM-Haotian Jade Emperor, BeryIM762-Haotian Jade Emperor, M24-Haotian Jade Emperor, etc. There are six gun skins, including almost all the firearms that players usually use.

Obviously, this is a skin series specially customized for Li Hao by Tengxun official, and it is now fully online in the game mall.

In an instant, Li Hao's fans went to draw skins one after another.

Fang family villa.

His wife Fang Ziling accidentally discovered it while surfing the Internet. She was surprised and said: "Hubby, your gun skin is on the shelves, and you didn't even tell me before.

Fang Ziling, that is her husband who is determined to support her.

Li Hao smiled and said: "It was during the spring playoffs that Tengxun contacted me. I heard that I still had one-tenth of the share, so I naturally agreed. I will be busy with the following games and have many things to do." , I just forgot!”

At this moment, many players in the PCL division are taking advantage of these gun skins.

But soon, they shouted that they were cheating.

"Tengxun from Cao Mu Ma is so fucking cheating. This withdrawal rate is so low!"

"I'm so mean. I've lost one month's living expenses, but I haven't even come out with a gold box yet!"

"I've been smoking ten times in a row. They're all black boxes. Who can I ask to reason with?"

Players obviously feel that they have been cheated because the withdrawal rate is too low.

So much so that it caused an uproar on the Internet.

It’s not just ordinary players who feel cheated. Even professional players find this Haotian Jade Emperor series gun skin to be too cheating. Among them, even Xiao Hai, who is known as Tengxun’s number one leek, can’t stand it.

However, the gun skin design is so beautiful.

When Li Hao broadcast live in the evening, many professional players gathered in Wei Shen's channel.

When Li Hao entered, Xiao Hai couldn't help but complain: "Haotian, your Haotian Jade Emperor series is so difficult to smoke!"

Li Hao smiled and said: "Is there such a possibility? Maybe you are too non-chief and not the European Emperor!"

After hearing this, Xiaohai couldn't bear it.

"Damn it, I'm still a non-chief, Haotian, I'm going to tell you today, I won't pretend anymore, I'm showing off my cards, I'm a direct descendant of the 38th generation of the European Emperor, how can I be a non-chief!" Xiao Hai laughed.

"Haotian, your series of gun skins are good-looking, but the withdrawal rate is so low." Wei Shendu said with a smile.

"That's right, we think those who draw guns and skins are all non-chiefs!" 06 laughed.

"Really? Why the hell don't I believe it!"

Li Hao immediately logged into the game and entered the game mall.

At this moment, in Li Hao's live broadcast room, many fans heard Li Hao's words and knew that Li Hao was about to smoke.

As a result, everyone could not help but widen their eyes.

At the same time, many professional players also came to Li Hao's live broadcast room.

Everyone wants to see with their own eyes how Li Hao himself was fooled by the gun skins of the Haotian Jade Emperor series!

At this moment, before Li Hao drew, he first went to the system mall of the Sniper God System, spent experience, and redeemed a ‘One-shot Soul Super VIP VIP Point Coupon.

Then, Li Hao clicked on the game mall.

Find the Haotian Jade Emperor series.

Below, there is a single draw and a ten-draw draw.

Li Hao smiled and said: "Then I will do a ten-draw draw first and see how lucky I am!"

At this time, Li Hao couldn't help but start rubbing his hands.

At the same time, Li Hao's live broadcast room directly played a must-play song "Good Luck"!

Suddenly, the song of good luck sounded.

Then, Li Hao used the mouse and clicked on the ten consecutive draws.

In an instant, a QR code for payment pops up directly.

"Haha, Li Hao, you are so stingy. There is not even a penny on your game account!" Wei Shen laughed.

"Haotian, you make so much money in a year, but you don't give your Tengxun father a penny to recharge. If your Tengxun father knows this, I'm afraid that your own son may be moved out of the East Palace and infiltrated into the palace." Leng Gong!" Xiao Hai laughed wildly.

At this time, Li Hao was about to pay, but suddenly found that his mobile phone was not with him.

"Brothers, wait for me. I will go to my wife to get my phone and apply for the money for the gun skin. I may have to kneel on the keyboard for about fifteen minutes. Brothers, please wait patiently. This is a wonderful scene, don't miss it. ah!"

In front of the camera, Li Hao took off his headphones, then got up and left the chair, went to the living room outside, and asked his wife Fang Ziling to get her mobile phone.

But at this moment, Li Hao suddenly saw that the payment QR code in front of him suddenly disappeared.

Li Hao couldn't help but be shocked when he saw this scene.

"I'm sorry, that brother paid for it for me, thank you very much!"

The money required for ten consecutive draws is not too much. For a single draw, it costs six yuan. For ten consecutive draws, there is a 10% discount, which is equivalent to fifty-four yuan.

In an instant, as soon as these words came out, many barrages suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room.

"You don't need to thank me, host. It's just a small amount of money, just to save the host from the pain of kneeling at the keyboard!"

"I'm a huge fan of anchors, and I can't bear to watch anchors kneeling at the keyboard to apply for funding. Alas, for some reason, my knees are aching!"

"Anchor, if you have gold at your knees, how can you kneel on the keyboard just for ten consecutive lashes?"

"I heard that the anchor is hooking up with a rich woman!"

"Then farewell, anchor, don't ask for dignity, not even money!"

For a moment, Li Hao was full of joy.

After paying the payment, Li Hao clicked Ten Draws again.

In an instant, the lottery animation started playing.

Then, when the animation finished playing, all of a sudden, everyone watching in Li Hao's live broadcast room was stunned.

Everyone's eyes were widened in disbelief.

"Damn it, ten draws in a row, six gold!"

"Who the hell told me that the withdrawal rate of this series is very low! This is a fucking 60% withdrawal rate!"

.Open it quickly and see what's inside the golden box!"

"Let me check it out, Mubo is indeed Xunxun's biological son!"

"Dad Tengxun, I was wrong, I shouldn't have scolded you!"

"As expected, he is his biological son, so the treatment is so different!"

At this time, Li Hao clicked on each golden box one after another.

Then, everyone in the live broadcast room fell silent.

Open the six golden boxes and you will find the gun skins of six guns.

m416 Haotian Jade Emperor, mini-Haotian Jade Emperor, SLR-Haotian Jade Emperor, AWM-Haotian Jade Emperor, BeryIM762-Haotian Jade Emperor, M24-Haotian Jade Emperor!

Two fully automatic assault rifles, two sniper rifles, and two marksman rifles!

At this moment, this scene simply made the macho man cry and bleed.

"Holy shit, how the hell is this possible?" Xiao Hai was immediately stunned.

"This is the real European King. He drew six golds in ten consecutive draws, which is directly equivalent to one shot into the soul. He drew all six gun skins!" Brother was also shocked.

"Seeing this scene, I don't believe anyone who would tell me that it would be difficult to withdraw money. But it is so damn difficult to withdraw money. I invested thousands of dollars in it, and only one gold came out!" 067 was about to cry and fainted. In the toilet.

But at this moment, Li Hao's face was full of spring breeze.

"Brothers, you have all seen that this Haotian Jade Emperor series is really easy to draw, and it is easy to withdraw gold. You have all witnessed it with your own eyes. I drew all the skins of the gun in ten consecutive draws. It's out." Li Hao smiled.

At this time, many players who watched the live broadcast were impulsive and went to take another round.

Then, I returned to the live broadcast room in pain and tears.

"Anchor, you lied to me!"

"God, he drew six golds ten times in a row. It's all an illusion!"

"I'm just a non-chief, not a European emperor like you, the anchor!"

"I finally know why (Wang Zhao's) Haoshen often leads the 4am team to play games.

The key point is the finals. I think this luck is more invincible than my strength!"

In an instant, Xiaohai, Brother Run, 067, and Little Lion saw this barrage in the live broadcast room, and their defenses were broken instantly.

But at this moment, they were very tired and didn't know what to say.

At this time, Li Hao entered the training ground.

Show gun skin to fans in the live broadcast room.

It's really nice, each gun skin is a different color.

And it's well-made. It can be seen that the studio at Tengxun has made it carefully, and the design is very beautiful.

Seeing this scene, some fans went to make impulse purchases, and then returned to the live broadcast room crying.

At this time, Mingming from the nh team came to the live broadcast room.

Once it comes, it’s all about complaining.

"Haotian, you lied to us. If you draw ten times in a row, you won't get any gold at all! 17

After hearing this, Li Hao laughed loudly: "That's probably because you are non-chiefs, not like European emperors like me. I was so fascinated by it, I drew it ten times in a row and got six gun skins!

"Hey, you should pay me the money."

"That's impossible!" Li Hao said firmly.

"Then play games with me!" His true intentions were revealed.

"Damn it, Xiao Ming, you're here to steal our business!" Wai Shen joked.

Nowadays, that Li Hao is very popular.

"Hey, Haotian, don't play with these idiots. Today we are going to form the best lineup for the Spring Split to compete in the rankings!" As soon as these words came out, Wei Shen and the others suddenly

Sensing something was wrong.

Obviously, he is definitely being supported by others.

Because in the best lineup of the Spring Split, he obviously has the best relationship with Li Hao. .

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