Chicken Eating: Invincible Sniper God

Chapter 118 Crazy Provocation To The Pkl Division Team Of The 4Am Team, The Intercontinental Competi

Next, although there was no fourth brother Long, Li Hao still led Mingming and Kangzi to kill wildly.

After all, their strength is simply overwhelming to other players in this kind of ranking game.

Even those teams of high-scoring passerby players simply cannot match them.

So in the end, I killed the chicken with high speed again.

The team's total kills also exceeded fifty.

This time, Li Hao had the highest number of kills, Ming Ming was second, and Kang Zi was third.

While rolling the dice, Kangzi said with a smile: "I'm not the unlucky one, right? This is Haotian playing you. Every grievance has its owner, and every debt has its owner. If you want to find someone to settle the accounts with, you go to him!"

However, when the results came out, Yasuko was as confused as Mingming before.

Mingming was extremely happy, "Haha, I finally followed Haoshen for once.~"

And Brother Long, after this experience, would no longer dare to be careless and follow orders. Otherwise, Li Hao would really be able to do it.

Moreover, it is also very effective in the program. The popularity of the live broadcast is simply rising.

Li Hao used this small method to punish Brother Long. Brother Long would not dare to do it again in front of Li Hao.

Invisibly, Li Hao has completely established authority.

In addition, Li Hao is above them in terms of performance and strength.

Li Hao smiled and said: "Even if you are not convinced in your heart, you have to pretend to be convinced on the surface. If we are really lucky enough to be in the All-Star team and represent our PCL division, then the execution ability and team The discipline will be much stricter. Because we are fighting on behalf of the motherland. We can be humiliated personally, but we can never humiliate the motherland!"

Li Hao's words are a bit heavy.

However, the other three super giants were obedient and did not dare to refute at all.

Next, Li Hao continued to win money until zero.

The other three super giants sometimes lose and sometimes win.

So in the end, Li Hao won alone and all three of them lost.

At the end, Ming Ming still smiled and said: "Damn it, you are the only winner in the end!"

Be willing to admit defeat.

Li Hao was not polite to them either.

They are super giants, but they are not ordinary professional players.

What's more, a bean is only worth five yuan.

This little money doesn't count.

After Li Hao collected the money, he ordered supper for the three losers and almost ate them.

Li Hao naturally went to rest, but these three night owls continued.

Because their live broadcast room is now extremely popular, especially Li Hao's offline broadcast, many players have gone to their live broadcast room to hear their subsequent evaluation of Li Hao.

Kangzi's live broadcast room.

"Haotian has ordered a cup of wedding tea for you, and you will all drink it for me when you come later, Ma De, you are my guest!" Kangzi said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the SMG team was shocked.

Team nh, Mingming also smiled and said: "I'll treat you to some iced tea later!"

The iFTY team is similar.

In name, it was Li Hao's treat, but in fact it was three super giants who paid the bill.

May 20th.

On this day, Li Hao did not start broadcasting. He took his wife Fang Ziling to go shopping early. Because today is a special day, he stayed with his wife all day until evening before returning home.

"Husband, go ahead and start the show. I've been shopping all day today and I'm a little tired. I'm going to rest first!" Fang Ziling said softly.

Li Hao gently closed the door and came to the e-sports room on the first floor, which has now become Li Hao's live broadcast room.

Li Hao came to the ts channel of the 4am team.

The Intercontinental Championship will start this weekend, on the 23rd and 24th.

The Intercontinental Tournament consists of two weekends, four days of games, and six games per day. Twenty-four games will determine the intercontinental championship.

When he came to the ts channel, Li Hao suddenly discovered that Wei Shen was not lining up with the cross talk team, but was lining up with Yong Yong, a double four.

"Hey, aren't these Teacher Da Wei and Brother Epiphyllum? How come they are playing a double row of four!" Li Hao joked.

Wei Shen smiled and scolded: "Haotian, you guys are playing the role of me and Yongming. If we end up, you will start killing like crazy."

"Then who told you two to cook? As for cooking, it would be good if you practice more!" Li Hao said with a smile.

Being told off by Li Hao, Wei Shen and Yong Yong were completely unable to refute.

Because there is currently no professional player in the PCL division who dares to say that he is incompetent in front of Li Hao.

They can't do it, even a super giant like Ming Ming and Brother Long can't do it.

In this case, there is no choice but to silently endure Li Hao's ruthless ridicule.

And at this moment, Wei Shenhe and Yongyong were in the game and were being tricked!

It's okay to be killed. The key is that they were killed and the enemy insulted them!

The people who insulted them were not players from the PCL division, but professional teams from the pkI division that came to Shanghai to prepare for the intercontinental competition.

I can't stand this anymore.

Wei Shen instantly became furious.

In an instant, it caused huge waves on the Internet.

In the end, it directly triggered a scolding war between the PCL Division and the PK| Division.

Players in the PCL competition area went to the local forums in the PKL competition area and posted messages like crazy.

Similarly, players from the PK division also came to the PCL division, made wild remarks in Hupu, and madly mocked the teams in the PCL division, thinking that the PCL division was vulnerable.

For a while, the intercontinental competition has not yet started, but the heated atmosphere has already risen.

At this time, the 4am team received the most attention.

Not only the players in the PK division mocked the team, but the 4am team's anti-fans also mocked the 4am team.

"The 4am team is the phantom god of civil war. Once it comes to foreign war, it will definitely be a weak shrimp!"

"If the 4am team meets the pkl team, I'm afraid they will be beaten!"

All of this has pushed the 4am team to the forefront.

At this time, Li Hao really knew that the gods were moving.

"Haotian, come and take us, we must get this place back today!" Wei Shen said angrily.

"Awei, there is no need to be angry with these clowns. Aren't their professional teams in the PK division proficient in operations? They focus on operations, but in this intercontinental competition, our 4am team will focus on operations!"

The mystery of Chinese characters lies here!

As soon as Li Hao's words "focus on operations" came out, there were two completely different explanations.

Li Hao feels that keeping Wei Shen angry may be a good way to maintain his peak condition.

Otherwise, in his current state, regardless of his status as the boss, he really cannot compete with the main force.

At this time, Wei Shenhe of the 4am team was insulted by a professional team in the PKL division in the ranking round, and soon it started to spread across the entire network.

0request flowers0

All of a sudden, the PCL division shared the same hatred.

Just like that, the seeds of strife were sown.

Time flies and it’s the 23rd.

The intercontinental competition begins.

Li Hao had lunch at the Fang family's villa, and the Fang family's driver drove Li Hao to the competition venue. This competition venue is the playoff venue for the spring game.

Because today is the weekend, I heard that all the tickets for the venue that can accommodate tens of thousands of people watching the game have been completely sold out.

Li Hao carried a peripheral backpack and came to the exclusive lounge of the 4am team.

When passing by the VLG team from the pkl division, the people from the vlg team spotted Li Hao and started provoking him.

Li Hao naturally responded to their insults, and then came to the exclusive lounge of the 4am team.

In the lounge, they all heard the vlg team provoking Li Hao just now.

"Haotian, these guys actually look down on you and our 4am team. This time, they must be taught a harsh lesson!" Wei Shen is still angry so far.

Because there are anti-fans who come to his live broadcast room every day, saying that he was insulted by the professional team in the PL division, but they dare not fight back, which makes Wei Shen's mentality explode every day.

And today, I finally have the opportunity to take revenge in person.

"In the PK division, the jump point of the vlg team is also a school. Therefore, if we conflict with them in the intercontinental competition, it will definitely be rolled. And the turmoil these days, our 4am team must also calm down. Anyway, I have already moved the 4am team The tactics of 'main operations' are announced in advance, whether you can do it or not depends on how much strength you can exert!" Li Hao said with a smile.

"Then we must kill this team from the PK|competition area. If you dare to come and roll with us, it seems that they have not been beaten severely!" Wei Shen was still angry.

At this time, 4am team coach Xiaoyao announced the list of players on behalf of the coaching staff.

Li Hao, Wei Shen, Yong Yong, Xiaolu.

Xiaolong, Wang Ge and Xingming are temporarily substitutes.

The 4am team starts with four tigers, which is this lineup.

At the same time, as the audience entered the venue, at five o'clock in the afternoon, the PCS Intercontinental Tournament began.

Of course, the competition doesn't start right away. There is also an opening ceremony and performances by the guest performers, making it extremely grand and grand. It’s such a feast for the eyes of the audience who came to the scene today.

Because there happened to be a female team from the pk division that was in the Magic City recently, they were invited to perform, and then at the end of the performance, they openly cheered for the teams in the pk| division.

In an instant, it completely ignited the atmosphere of the entire competition venue.

The team from the pkl division, at this moment, is like a chicken blood.

After being inspired by the goddess, they felt that their morale had improved several times, and their combat power could also increase accordingly.

Finally, at almost half past five, pcs1, the first intercontinental tournament, officially started.

In an instant, professional teams from all major competition regions in Asia gathered, a total of twenty-five teams and one hundred professional players boarded the plane.

The 4am team is already ready for the roll point.

As for the route, it is from the city to the western wild area. .

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