Chicken Eating: Invincible Sniper God

Chapter 137 The Provocation Of The Top Super Giants, The Challenge Of The Top Teams

Bean game begins.

Ming Ming, Xiao Ding Dang, and Pin Yan all know Li Hao's temper.

Even if Li Hao is ranked, he is extremely serious.

When I rarely play on the ladder, I always play Xia Jiba.

Unlike some professional players, when ranking, they only focus on entertainment effects and try to increase the viewing and appreciation of the live broadcast. That is understandable.

All kinds of scheming bitches and green tea bitches are staged.

But Li Hao is different.

"Haoshen, it's you who are in charge. Let Zuo Shen and I experience the feeling of an all-star team crushing and pushing!" Pinyan, the commander of the nh team, said with a smile the moment he entered the game.

In fact, in his heart he wanted to learn more about Li Hao's command.

But he found that he couldn't learn.

What he especially wants to learn is Li Hao's tactic of hitting the center point.

However, his judgments about the center point and circle refresh are often wrong.

But in this regard, Li Hao's judgment is particularly accurate.

Many times, Li Hao leads the 4am team to a certain point, which is the center point.

And it also performed vividly in this Global All-Star Game.

Many times, when the PCL All-Star team does not push forward, it means that they are in the center of the city.

Invincible target shooting at the center point.

The target-shooting made the other All-Star teams extremely painful.

Li Hao was not polite and said with a smile: "You obviously obey the command, but you two are currently the super giants that Douyu is very popular with!"

Li Hao made fun of Tinkerbell and Pinyan.

Tinkerbell couldn't help laughing immediately, "In front of you, God Hao, who dares to call you a super giant? Don't worry, we will absolutely obey orders, even more than Yasushi and Brother Long!"

Mingming smiled and said: "What you said is as if Kangzi and Brother Long dare not obey orders!"

As a comrade during the Global All-Star Game, Mingming now knows Brother Long and Yasuko very well.

They are all proud and arrogant people!

However, in front of Li Hao, he couldn't get mad at all.

Because regardless of data, performance or strength, Li Hao completely crushed them.

This is something that all professional players in the PCL region recognize today.

They do not think that the 4410am team is invincible. However, Li Hao is definitely an invincible sniper.

As long as he has a sniper in hand, Li Hao is invincible.

Whether it is bolt sniping or continuous sniping, the various marksmanship shows will make people's scalp numb.

Li Hao smiled and said: "Today in the bean game, I will use bolt snipers throughout the game, so you can't blame me for stealing your heads."

Li Hao felt that he had not used a pull bolt sniper for a long time, and now he was playing a bean game with Mingming, Xiao Dingdang, and Pinyan. With their continuous sniper strength, there was no problem in picking up the target.

Hearing this, Mingming and Tinker Bell immediately became excited.

Even if Hao Shen allows you to play the bean game, he can only allow you to play bolt sniper. You can't use continuous sniping, otherwise, it's just bullying!" Pinyan said with a smile.

In an instant, you enter the game.

Li Hao also fulfilled his promise. Even though he had an SLR, he didn't even look at it. He just gave his teammates punctuation marks and then picked up his beloved m24!

Compared to 98k, Li Hao prefers m24.

It's not because his damage is a little higher than 98k, but because the m24 is equipped with a sniper silencer. The sound is very nice. When fired, it is like a stapler, very clear.

In addition, m24 can also be equipped with sniper rapid expansion.

As for the cheek support, it’s up to you to use m24 or not. Unlike continuous sniping, the cheek support is very important.

So, Li Hao picked up the long-lost bolt sniper and played a ranking game with Mingming and Xiao Dingdang.

At this time, Li Hao also showed extremely terrifying bolt sniper skills.

As long as you see someone exposed, it will be a direct shot.

Even if it is a moving target, as long as you want to hit the head, you can hit the head.

Even if it is a high-speed vehicle, Li Hao will not hesitate to shoot as long as there is an angle and opportunity to attack.

At this time, it means that Li Hao is in harm's way, but don't think too much about the head count.

The bolt sniper is very accurate.

But if you need to pull the bolt to change the bomb, then other players who are sniped by Li Hao can crawl back to the room area, or go back behind the bunker, or their teammates can seal the smoke for him.

Therefore, Li Hao often has damage, but no heads.

But that's okay.

Of course, Li Hao (abdb), with Mingming, Tinker Bell and Pin Yan, four men and a car, roamed freely in the Erangel Continent or Miramar Continent.

Often Li Haoshuan would knock down one of them with a sniper, and the four of them would immediately start charging.

Hit in the face while driving.

Close combat to the face.

In this case, the triple mirror macho in Li Hao's hands becomes a big killer.

Of course, at this moment, whether it is Mingming or Tinker Bell, they all have Macho and SLR in their hands.

I didn't pick up these two guns when I first landed, but as long as I lick the bag later, I can get these two guns.

Nowadays, in the PCL competition area, among professional players, a strong man and a cannon are the standard equipment for professional players.

Except for a very few, I still love m416 and mini14 marksman rifles.

Finished the first round of ranking.

Li Hao's head count is not the largest.

Among them, Ming Ming had the highest number of kills, followed by Tinker Bell, Li Hao third, and Pin Yan last.

At this time, it’s time for the exciting dice rolling session.

"Obviously, at this time, it is time to show the brotherhood of our NH team!" Pinyan said with a smile.

"Brother Ming, at this time, if the two of us join forces, we will be invincible!" Tinker Bell also smiled.

And at this moment, Li Hao waited for them to finish rolling the dice before rolling the dice last.

In an instant, Li Hao was bound to Mingming.

"Damn it, this can't be possible!" Pinyan shouted.

They are destined to lose.

When the reduction is finally completed, it needs to be multiplied by two, because if you want to eat chicken, you have to double it.

"I think the next episode must be broadcast first" Pinwei said suddenly.

"I think it's okay. Haotian shakes last every time, and all his wishes come true!" Tinker Bell also discovered.

Li Hao smiled and said: "Okay, okay, in the next round, I will be the first to shake!"

Li Hao doesn't care at all.

In the next bean game, even if Li Hao rolls the dice first, Li Hao is still completely bound to the one who kills the most.

Li Hao smiled triumphantly and said: "Anyway, I don't care who of you kills the most tonight, as long as I don't kill the most, I will definitely be tied to you!"

Seeing this scene, they were obviously in pain.

In short, if they want to win Li Hao's beans, it is completely impossible.

Even if Li Hao spends the whole night playing bolt sniper.

But Li Hao's killing efficiency is also very high. In the end, Suan sniped and snatched the head, which was also very powerful.

Anyway, with a silenced m24, I can fire without restraint.

When playing the rank game, it doesn't matter at all.

Therefore, every day life is spent in this happy atmosphere.

Mid-season is finally here.

The 4am team set off for Southeast Asia.

If you take a plane from Shanghai, you'll be there quickly.

At the same time, all the super teams from major competition regions around the world are rushing to Southeast Asia.

The Mid-Season Championship Invitational Tournament is about to begin.

The hot July, the hot Mid-Season Championship Invitational Tournament.

Tengxun directly invited 24 top teams to play 18 games in three days.

After eighteen games, let’s see who is in charge.

At this time, Li Hao was no longer surrounded by the most powerful and invincible all-star team, and he no longer had three top super giant assistants. This made other top teams in the world see the hope of revenge.

For example, Li Kui's team.

There is also the faze team.

There is also the SQ team in the NPL division.

In the pk1 division, there are also teams that are determined to take revenge on the 4am team.

In short, the Mid-Season Championship Invitational Tournament has not yet started, and many teams have already announced on their respective social media that they will have a good encounter with the king of the PCL Division 4am team in the Mid-Season Championship Invitational Tournament.

Many of the world's top super giants come with endless anger.

The 4am team gathered in the hotel room.

Wei Shen smiled and said: "Haotian, the trouble you caused in the Global All-Star Game will be borne by our 4am team today. The top teams in other divisions all want to kill us in the game. What the hell are you doing? How many of the world’s top super giants have we made enemies with?”

"These top super giants all want to kill gods and prove their enlightenment. I am a god, so if they want to kill me, shouldn't I be allowed to kill them?" Li Hao said with a smile.

"Haha, you really think you are a god!" Wei Shen laughed.

Li Hao said meaningfully: "Ah Wei, on the playing field, I am really a god!"

But it is obvious that Li Hao's meaningful words are just like playing the piano to a cow.

At this moment, coach Xiaoyao said in a deep voice: "In this mid-season championship invitational tournament, we will try our best to show the style of our own team. As for whether we can win the championship, it depends on God's will!"

As soon as these words came out, Ah Wei was confused and looked at Coach Fang Xiaoyao.

"After I was woken up by Li Hao that day, I went to see the recent training matches and games of other teams, and found that many of their teams were hiding their strength. All of them were deliberately hiding. Nowadays, like the other three teams, they are hiding their strength. A top super giant has returned to the team, and their technical and tactical level, to be honest, is now completely above our 4am team. Whether it is teamwork and gun-line coordination, they are almost the same as when we were at our peak!" Coach Xiaoyao said with some frustration.

As soon as these words came out, Wei Shen was shocked.

"Damn it, are all these teams pretending to be us?" Wei Shen was stunned.

"It doesn't count as acting. In short, they are all working hard to improve. We had their will to win the championship before. But now, we no longer have this kind of perseverance and perseverance." Coach Xiaoyao said with a wry smile.

As soon as these words came out, many team members fell silent.

"No matter what, let's work hard to win the mid-season championship this time!" Wei Shen said solemnly.

Before the game, all the top super players in the world were madly provoking team 4am and Li Hao.

Everyone felt that it would be impossible for the 4am team to win this competition.

Because the 4am team is now attracting global attention, every move of the 4am team is known by other teams.

So what is the status of Wei Shen and the others, the other teams know clearly.

If you can't even make superficial efforts for a day, you can imagine their state.

Li Hao is ready for a hard fight and a fight to the death.

The more it reaches this juncture, the more Li Hao wants to win the Mid-Season Championship Invitational Tournament.

Because this is a preview of the global finals.

In the global finals, these are the teams that will be able to enter the finals.

In this case, let's stage the showdown in the global finals in advance.

Li Hao doesn't care about the status of the other members of the 4am team, but he knows even in the polar bear country that everyone in the 4am team has indeed slacked off.

I didn’t participate in training matches every day, but played in regional cup competitions. Now I spent a lot of money to invite the 4am team to play. As a result, the results of the 4am team were not as good as others.

Li Hao never responded.

This even makes the world's top super giants think that Li Hao is a coward.

As a result, I became more and more proud on social media.

In addition, major media around the world are also adding fuel to the fire.

Nowadays, the Mid-Season Championship Invitational Tournament has completely attracted the attention of global media.

Therefore, in this case, all the top teams and top super giants all believe that the 4am team will plummet in this mid-season championship invitational tournament, so now it is the best choice to step on the 4am team to get the upper hand.

All this makes the fans of the 4am team feel extremely aggrieved.

This is also the reason why fans of the 4am team were too arrogant before.

When the 4am team was going smoothly before, 4am team fans made fun of others.

But now, these fans have had enough of the ridicule of the arrogant and domineering 4am team, so they are returning one after another.

In the end, before the game, everything was a dispute.

Next, it depends on whether the 4am team can make a comeback.

That's right, the game hasn't even started yet, and many media around the world have already begun to badmouth the 4am team.

I think that the 4am team will definitely not be able to win the championship, or even make it into the top eight.

As for the countdown, the global media dare not write that.

No matter what they think in their hearts.

Because after all, the 4am team still has Li Hao.

Li Hao can guarantee the lower limit of the 4am team.

As long as the 4am team has Li Hao in the game, no matter how bad it is, it won't be that bad.

Therefore, the mid-season championship invitational tournament finally started in this atmosphere of public opinion that was very unfavorable to the 4am team.

We went directly to the finals, with no group stage at all.

In three days and eighteen games, who can take away tens of millions in prize money depends on the ability and luck of each team. .

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