Chicken Eating: Invincible Sniper God

Chapter 156 The 4Am Team With All God-Level Members

At this time, it is no longer possible for the 4am team to gather together.

Because when skydiving, Li Hao brought Wei Shen to the villa, and Xiaolong and 112 each went to their own jumping point, which was the green warehouse and the long building.

Now, Li Hao looked at the eight umbrellas in the sky besides him and Wei Shen, and it was obvious that the landing point of these eight umbrellas must be the jumping point villa of the 4am team.

At the same time, Xiaolong also quickly reported the message: "Haotian, I am following four umbrellas here!"

112 also said: "I also have four umbrellas here!"

Li Hao said in a deep voice: "We have eight umbrellas here. If nothing else, they must be the nh team, the 17th team, the iFTY team and the pero team that are currently above our 4am team in the standings. They come to us for roll points. The four of them A team will come to kill our 4am team, or two teams will come to the villa, and two teams will go after you separately. Or two from each team will come to our place, and then the other two will go after you separately! "

At this moment, the members of Team nh, Team 17, Team IFTY and Team Pero, who were flying umbrellas in the sky, were also shocked.

They never thought of it, they thought of going together.

They want to completely kill the 4am team's hope of chasing points.

Let the 4am team be eliminated early in this game.

In this case, unless the 4am team performs against the odds in the last game, it will be impossible to win the summer championship.

Unexpectedly, the four teams, nh team, 17 team, IFTY team and pero team, all wanted to join together.

This has led to the current bizarre situation.

But Li Hao didn't panic at all, and said in a deep voice: "Awei, Xiaolong, 112, believe in your own strength. No one can stop our 4am team from winning the championship, not even these four nh teams, 17 teams, and FTY teams Besieging us with Team Pero won't kill us. But it will make us stronger in the end!"

In an instant, Li Hao suddenly displayed a new team skill [God Level for All]. Suddenly, Wei Shen, Xiaolong and 112 listened to Li Hao's words and their blood boiled.

At this time, a mysterious power seemed to be born in their bodies, making them suddenly become confident.

That's right, the four teams are now attacking the 4am team, which proves that they are afraid of the 4am team.

That being the case, there's nothing to be afraid of.

In an instant, the 4am team was directly at three jump points, directly engaging the nh team, the 17th team, the iFTY team and the pero team who came to the roll point.

Villa mansion!

Li Hao got the gun first because he was the fastest to parachute. And he jumped directly to the second floor, but Wei Shen did not jump to the second floor, but was on the first floor.

This also means that Li Hao and Wei Shen cannot support each other at all.

At this moment, someone was also parachuting on the second floor.

But their speed is still slower than Li Hao.

The gun in Li Hao's hand had been replaced with bullets, and they had just picked up the gun.

The gun Li Hao held in his hand was a powerful melee gun.

In an instant, Li Hao took the lead in firing!

With less than ten bullets, the two men in front of them, Ming Ming and Pin Yan, who were changing bullets, were directly knocked down.

Then, Li Hao was ruthless and beat them up directly.

And at this moment, the M416 in Wei Shen's hand on the first floor also fired.

In an instant, the surrounding gods also knocked down two of them.

But he didn't have the confidence of Li Hao, so he hit and made up for it.

Because he ran out of bullets, he started to reload directly.

Li Hao changed his bullets at this time and went directly from the second floor to the first floor.

At the same time, Li Hao did not ask Wei Shen to follow him.

At this time, Wei Shen went directly to fight the other team.

In an instant, there was another very fierce exchange of fire.

Li Hao directly defeated Tinkerbell and Ma Yunlong of the pero team.

On Wei Shen's side, a fateful showdown began.

Wei Shen knocked down all the 17 beasts and the fortress of the 17th team.

At this time, Li Hao and Wei Shen started to recruit people.

In an instant, Li Hao and Wei Shen won an unprecedented victory in the battle for the luxury villa.

At the same time, in the two green warehouses, Xiaolong and 112 seemed to have activated the mode of gods coming down to earth, directly annihilating all the enemies in the future.

In an instant, the 4am team landed directly and wiped out four teams.

It can be said to be extremely ferocious and violent to the extreme.

This scene shocked the whole world!

It’s not just the PCL division that was shocked, because on the last day of the PCL division’s summer playoffs, TV media and online platforms in many divisions around the world spent astronomical amounts of royalties to broadcast the last day of the PCL division’s summer playoffs. .

Therefore, at this moment, players all over the world have seen the extremely brutal and terrifying 4am team.

"Oh my god, this is impossible~~!"

"What happened to the 4am team?"

"In the villa and mansion, Haoshen and Weishen killed two teams respectively. Each team has two god-level elects!"

"Wei Shen is led by Hao Shen, and I don't think it's strange to have such a record. But why are Xiaolong and 112 of the 4am team so fierce?"

"Yes, they were just mindless and reckless, but with their superb marksmanship, which was completely comparable to Haoshen's precise marksmanship, they directly defeated the different players of the four invading teams!"

"In this landing battle, almost all members of the 4am team transformed into god-level professional players, completely bursting out with terrifying strength!"

"Haha, the four teams, nh team, 17 team, iFTY team and pero team, are probably all confused now!"

"Looking at their expressions, they really can't figure it out. Maybe they are all thinking that it is expected that Haoshen has such strength. But why do the other three members of the 4am team have such rapid growth in strength?"

"At this time, I am afraid that the happiest team is the OMG team. Now the nh team, the 17 team, the IFTY team and the pero team have all been wiped out when they landed. At this time, the 4am team has already caught up to third place."

"Could it be that this summer split, in the last two games, the 4am team will usher in the ultimate explosion?"

At this time, Xiaolong, 112, and Wei Shen were all very excited.

"Haotian, your words seem to ignite the blood in my body!" Wei Shen said excitedly.

Xiaolong also laughed and said: "I just felt like my little universe was on fire!"

112 even exclaimed: "So is this the peak invincible state of the 4am team that is widely rumored in the industry?"

Li Hao smiled and said: "In this desert map, we will win the game. We want to catch up and surpass the standings and let them know what a heavy price they have to pay for daring to roll points with us!"

In an instant, the 4am team, all members of the god-level team, started an onslaught!

Attack and push!

It makes absolutely no sense.

Any enemy that appears within the field of vision will be hit directly with a reckless face.

No matter which team the opponent is, even if it is the four super giant OMG teams, they will still be crushed.

Crazy attack!

Crazy murderer!

All this is for killing!

At this time, other teams were miserable.

Because they simply could not withstand the onslaught of the 4am team.

All members of the 4am team are now god-level, and the combat power they have unleashed is simply astonishing.

No matter which team, there is no way they can withstand the first wave of attack from the 4am team.

Then, it was gone.

Then, the 4am team continued their onslaught.

Unless there are no more bullets and projectiles, the 4am team will stop to take a lick and replenish supplies.

At other times, the 4am team is either fighting or on the way to fight.

The 4am team did not occupy any inner room area.

The 4am team just cleared everyone.

Crazy attack, invincible attack.

By the seventh lap, there were only two full formations left on the field.

One is the 4am team and the other is the OMG team.

The OMG team occupies the advantageous terrain, and I thought it would definitely win the 4am team.

However, the 4am team just didn't care about cleaning up and drove into the face.

Wei Shen drove the gun from behind, and Li Hao took Xiaolong and 112 to transform into assaulters.

(Good Zhao Zhao) In an instant, he came to the nearest point, exploded the flash bomb, and rushed forward.

Because the 4am team doesn't have any offensive throwing objects at all, and then it's time to compete in marksmanship.

The OMG team feels hot and their marksmanship is also very online.

But it is completely unable to resist the 4am team, which is now full of god-level members.

A Jedi charge, a death counterattack, and the OMG team was wiped out in an instant.

Li Hao went straight to the last wave, knocking down two and crippling one.

The remaining two were handed over to Xiaolong and 112 respectively.

In an instant, the OMG team immediately started to win the game at the beginning of the eighth round.

In this game, the 4am team scored 40 kills.

It's absolutely terrifying!

As soon as this number of kills came out, it immediately broke the record!

In an instant, the world was shaken again.

A 40-kill chicken game has never happened before in a professional game!"

"Even in a ranked game, the total number of team kills exceeds 40, which is very few!"

"I didn't expect that the 4am team would go crazy and be so terrifying!"

"I got 16 kills as soon as I landed, and finally destroyed the OMG team. It was equivalent to the 4am team directly destroying the other five teams of the Six Emperors team on this desert map. It is really invincible!"

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