Chicken Eating: Invincible Sniper God

Chapter 160 The Birth Of Twin Sons

But then, in Li Hao's live broadcast room, barrage appeared like an endless ocean, crazily.

At this time, the bandwidth of Li Hao's live broadcast room was directly used to the extreme.

"Damn it, God Hao, this is so outrageous!"

"No wonder the 4am team has hundreds of millions of things to choose. Is Haoshen so strong?"

"Haoshen, you are the real god!"

At this time, the extremely shocked fans fulfilled their promises and went crazy for gifts in Li Hao's live broadcast room.

Suddenly, the popularity of Li Hao's live broadcast room skyrocketed.

The popularity value has risen to a very scary level.

The game continues, and so does Li Hao's prediction.

At this time, more and more players came to Li Hao's live broadcast room to watch the game.

Then, I followed Li Hao to watch the panoramic map without opening the main live broadcast room.

Through this panoramic map, we can predict and calculate the winning rate of each team in a group fight.

In the end, Li Hao even went so far as to predict the precise outcome of the team battle. For example, which team would win, but only a few would survive.

This series of incredible operations left fans completely stunned.

It can be said that Li Hao has completely conquered the players in the pcl division.

At this time, the eight teams far away in the pk| division could not imagine that they were fighting extremely hard at the home court of the pkl division.

However, in China, Li Hao's income from live streaming and casual remarks completely exceeds theirs.

On this day, Li Hao’s live broadcast room gift flow exceeded 10 million.

This made Huya simply overjoyed.

In the beginning, they signed Li Hao purely to enhance their influence. 01 wants to build Li Hao into Huya’s brand name and make Ji Hao become Hushan’s number one anchor.

This will completely overwhelm Douyu and Tengxun.

However, Tengxun does not have much ambition in the field of live broadcast platforms, because they have investments and shares in Douyu and Huya.

However, Huya and Douyu have directly formed a competitive relationship. They fight to the death for the status of the boss and the second in the industry.

But now, Li Hao's gift flow is so terrifying.

Then I am afraid that the 80 million signing fee they paid to Li Hao may be recouped from the gifts.

In the two-day competition, Li Hao was obedient throughout.

The 4am team also played well.

They all fought vigorously with the other Six Emperors teams.

Although it is not as terrifying as Li Hao's presence, under the leadership of Commander Xia Tian, ​​it is still in the top six in the standings, which can be regarded as maintaining the dignity of the Six Emperors team.

However, the top six in the standings are not all the Six Emperors.

Team Tianba, for example, is very strong and has directly entered the top three in the standings.

This time, the Tianba team is coming with a fierce force, which is bound to impact the Liuhuang team's current dominance in the PCL division.

After playing, return to the hotel.

Xia Tian felt a little ashamed, and couldn't help but say: "It's my marksmanship that is dragging you down, otherwise, we would definitely reach the top three in the standings!"

As soon as he said this, Wei Shen smiled and said: "It's okay. I am completely satisfied with this result now. As long as the 4am team is in the top eight in this intercontinental competition, it is enough. What's more, sometimes it's not your problem, it's the three of us. It’s a question about the assaulter. Your point selection is already very good, but our strength is too weak to hold the undefended room area!”

Wei Shen comforted.

Xia Tian also smiled and said: "Playing games with you makes me feel like I am in command. I didn't expect you to listen to me so much!"

Before Xia Tian came, he never thought that his command would be so smooth.

Regardless of whether it is Wei Shen, Xiaolong or 112, all judgments made and orders given by his commander are obeyed and executed without any discount.

In Xia Tian's view, this is simply unbelievable.

You know, even in the VC team, although he is the commander, he does not have such high authority in the team.

But in the 4am team, he is a loaned player, and the 4am team gives him such high trust.

Completely obey his command.

So now that the 4am team has not entered the top three, Xia Tian feels guilty.

"Haha, this is probably a subconscious habit of obeying the command!" Wei Shen laughed.

In the 4am team, they are completely accustomed to listening to the command.

If the conductor says how to fight, then fight.

In the 4am team, no member has ever dared to question the command.

Even the boss Wei Shen is no exception.

As soon as these words came out, Zhong Tiancai suddenly remembered the graphics tradition of the 4am team.

Although he had been admitted to a private hospital in advance, there was still no movement.

Until another week passed, when the intercontinental competition was in full swing, Li Hao disappeared.

Because at this time, my wife has been pushed into the operating room.

Li Hao waited anxiously outside.

At this time, Li Hao could only pray to God sincerely that mother and son would be safe.

God bless you too.

Not long after, two beautiful nurses came out holding a swaddled baby.

Li Hao glanced at his son, but at present, he was more concerned about his son's mother.

When I walked into the ward, I looked at my wife whose face was covered in sweat.

"Honey, thank you for your hard work!"

Fang Ziling opened her eyes when she heard Li Hao's words.

"Where is our son?"

"They are very good, very healthy!" Li Hao laughed.

Fang Ziling felt relieved, and then, very tired, she fell asleep directly.

Although the child has been born, it is impossible to leave the hospital immediately.

He spent a full week recovering in the hospital before returning to the Fang family villa.

In the villa, Li Hao's two twin sons are very cute in the stroller.

Lying quietly in the stroller.

Then Li Hao and Fang Ziling, each holding one in their arms.

The Fang family villa was very busy at this time, because Li Hao's parents, brothers and sisters were all here.

After dinner, Li Hao and his family returned to the large flat-floor house. When they got married, the Fang family had officially used it as a dowry. Now the names on the property certificate of this house are the names of Li Hao and Fang Ziling.

At this time, Fang Ziling was not used to Li Hao's mother's enthusiasm.

Because Fang Ziling gave Li Hao two chubby grandsons, Li Hao's parents doted on Fang Ziling even more at home than they did at the Fang family.

Therefore, sometimes being too enthusiastic made Fang Ziling feel a little embarrassed.

After staying for a few days, the younger brother and sister continued to go back to school. They came to Shanghai on leave. After all, their nephew was born. As uncles and aunts, they naturally wanted to come and see the current third generation of the Li family.

And Li Hao's parents stayed in Shanghai.

Fang Ziling was in confinement and did not go to a confinement center because the careful care of her two mothers at home was much better than in a confinement center.

Moreover, Li Hao is always ready for orders.

In this way, Li Hao's life focuses entirely on his wife and two children.

When it comes to live streaming, it means one day to cast the net and two days to catch fish.

But Li Hao never forgot the contract he signed with Huya. You know, he has a very long effective live broadcast time in one month.

So, Li Hao started live broadcast.

Li Hao smiled and said: "I don't have many live broadcasts these days because my twin sons were born. Now that I am a father for the first time, I have to take good care of them. Now, I have more time to live broadcast!"

Li Hao first explained to fans the reason why he rarely broadcasts live during this period.

Fans understand.

There's nothing I can do if I don't understand.

The only choice is to forgive Li Hao.

At this time, the intercontinental competition has been completed.

The intercontinental championship finally fell into the hands of the nh team.

The god-level player of the nh team, that is, the core thigh Mingming, exploded wildly on the last day, fully displaying the strength of the god-level professional player. 497

Therefore, in the end, the nh team won this intercontinental championship.

However, the nh team has not yet received a direct quota.

However, based on their current World Championship points, it is almost certain that they will enter the global finals at the end of the year.

At this time, all teams began to prepare for the autumn competition.

After the autumn season, it’s time for the intercontinental competition!

Then, there is the most grand global finals of the year.

This time, the global finals will be held in London in the PEL Division!

Also not in the country.

This shows Tengxun’s ambition to gradually promote this game around the world and increase the popularity of the game.

Of course, whether they can go to the finals at the end of the year depends on how many World Championship points Qiu Duhuo and the following intercontinental competition get.

At this time, the Six Emperors team was under pressure.

Because, in the global finals, the PCL division, because the 4am team was the champion of last year’s global finals, and the winner of the mid-season championship invitational tournament was also the 4am team, we will fight for two additional spots for the PCL division.

In this case, there are a total of six places in the pcl division.

At present, only the 4am team is guaranteed to have tickets.

Because the 4am team is the champion of the spring and summer games.

According to the competition rules issued by Tencent at the beginning of the year, only three league champions have direct qualifications to the global finals.

Then, it’s about looking at the World Championship points.

Well, in this situation, the Six Emperors Team naturally wants to make things right.

However, how can other teams under the Six Emperors Team be allowed to do so?

Especially the Tianba Team, which is eyeing the Six Emperors Team.

What's more, they want to join the Six Emperors' Team, either squeeze out one of them, or become the Seven Emperors' Team.

But at present, the title of Six Emperors Team has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

The Seven Emperors Team is unrealistic, so the only way is to squeeze into a certain team and become a part of the new Six Emperors Team. .

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