Chicken Eating: Invincible Sniper God

Chapter 163 The Impeccably Stable 4Am Team Won The First Weekly Championship!

At this moment, hundreds of millions of players in the PCL division are very happy.

"Who the hell is responsible for the decline in my Hao Shen's condition?"

"Is this state also called decline? Isn't this state still the peak?"

"The best joke of the year, Haoshen's condition declined and was no longer at its peak, and then he killed over 20 in a single game!"

"I think Hao Shen is no longer at his peak. He has never killed more than 30 people in a single game. This is indeed not Hao Shen's peak!"

"What about those haters who think Hao Shen has been shattered? Stand up for me!"

In the main broadcast room, many players were sending barrages like crazy.

In the end, the 4am team did not win.

That's because during the fierce attack, people were lost one after another.

After all, without the support of team skills, Wei Shen, Xiaolong and 112 would inevitably be beaten and supplemented even if they tried their best.

After all, this is the current atmosphere of competition in the PCL division.

Sometimes, 1 point is also very important.

Not to mention, when the 4am team lost people.

No matter which team competes with the 4am team, as long as the 4am team knocks down people, there is no chance of saving them.

As a result, Li Hao, as the commander, had to strictly prohibit team members from trying to save others during team battles and had to hit them.

Li Hao told Wei Shen, 112 and Xiaolong that as long as they fell to the ground during the game, they would be eliminated by default.

In the end, there was only one lone wolf left in the 4am team, so it was impossible for Li Hao to make a breakthrough even when the terrain was at a disadvantage.

After all, he was killed behind a tree by four people. In this case, it was impossible for Li Hao to come back.

However, the number of kills of the 4am team has exceeded the 30 mark.

Coupled with the ranking points of the second place, the points are naturally higher than those of the chicken team.

"The invincible 4am team we are familiar with is back again!"

"Haoshen didn't participate in the intercontinental competition, so the 4am team couldn't reach this peak state!"

"In the autumn competition, Wu Shen returns to the team, and the 4am team makes a comeback. It is bound to compete for the championship in the autumn competition!"

"Other teams are panicking, but they are all full of fighting spirit!"

After this game, it can be said that the 4am team can go home from get off work.

With more than 40 points, you can almost enter Zhoufa steadily.

Not to mention, in the Miramar Division, nine teams will advance to the weekly finals in the mid-week competition.

This is because the 4am team is the summer champion.

This is also the reason why many teams are willing to come to the Miramar Division even if they know that there are 4am teams in the Miramar Division. It is because the Miramar Division is very likely to have more teams than the Erangel Division and the Vikendi Division every week. A spot to advance to the weekly finals.

Li Hao said with a smile: "Now that we get off work after one game, we will continue to attack fiercely in the next five games. No matter where we go, we will never give up the pace of our attack. There is no need to be divided in the mid-week game. As long as we can enter the weekly finals, we don’t need to deliberately compete for the top spot in the mid-week finals!"

After hearing this, Wei Shen, Xiaolong and 112 were naturally filled with joy.

Because if they play like this, their personal data will keep rising.

In this way, the super giant's position can be consolidated.

F fell from the super giant.

Therefore, in the next five games, the 4am team will implement an onslaught tactic.

An extremely ferocious attack.

The 4am team is like four hungry wolves.

When I see other teams, I jump on them directly.

Even if the 4am team is down to the last person standing, they will never attack fiercely. Instead, they will find someone to fight or break up the fight.

This brought tears to the eyes of fans of the 4am team.

Because the once invincible 4am team is back again.

The 4am team staged this scene, either fighting or on the way to a fight.

In the end, in the six games, the 4am team failed to win!

However, the 4am team still ranks first in the Miramar Division mid-week standings.

Because in every game, the 4am team was killing everyone.

The reason why the 4am team has such a high score is because even the lowest number of kills in a game has exceeded 20.

One can imagine how crazy the 4am team played.

However, other teams in the PCL division are not afraid of the current style of play of the 4am team.

Because during the team battle, the 4am team lost people one after another.

Unlike before, when the 4am team had the support of team skills, it was almost impossible to defeat anyone.

But now, every time there is a team battle, almost 4am team loses one.

In this case, the 4am team will eventually be unable to win.

The most terrifying thing about the 4am team is that despite the crazy attacks and killings, they still didn't fall down.

4am in this peak state is the most terrifying!

But that requires the blessing of team skills.

Today, Li Bi is not thinking about using his team skills for the 4am team.

After the mid-week competition, there will be no games for the 4am team in the next four days of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, and they will directly prepare for the weekly finals on Saturday.

Wednesday and Friday are the match days for the Erangel Division and the Vihandi Division, so the training matches will only start on Tuesday and Thursday.

Li Hao did not participate in the training match.

The 4am team temporarily transferred a young professional player from the youth training team to form the team.

Li Hao has spent the past four days alone in four rows, doing crazy damage in exchange for experience.

Nowadays, the ladders in the PCL division are all of high quality.

That kind of ranking game and the intensity of the game are similar to those in training games.

One can imagine how powerful the current national server in the PCL division is.

As a result, many players are unwilling to play the national server, and would rather go to other servers to show off their misfortunes despite the relatively high latency.

Similarly, players from major competition areas around the world who are confident in their own strength want to come to the national server to experience how ferocious the national server, which can be called a hell of death, is.

Li Hao's day is very fulfilling.

The child is very well-behaved, doesn't cry or fuss, and goes to bed on time.

It is not as difficult to take care of as other babies, and there are also a lot of people to take care of at home.

In addition to the two mothers, Qu Dinglan also found a confinement nanny and a nanny to help. In this way, Li Hao would not have anything to worry about while his wife Fang Ziling was in confinement.

On the contrary, Li Hao spent the whole day with his wife, eating confinement meals, which were very nutritious and could fully support the physical exertion of performing his skills for a day.

In this way, four days passed by in a hurry.

It's Saturday again.

The first weekly finals begin.

0Please ask for flowers......

There is no doubt that the Six Emperors Team will advance in all three divisions.

But the battle between the teams under the Six Emperors Team was particularly fierce.

It was so tragic that the Six Emperors Team had just crossed the promotion score line. For example, the Tianba Team, which had performed well in the intercontinental competition and challenged the Six Emperors Team, was not even able to enter the weekly finals.

One can imagine how brutal the mid-season match was this week.

This also shows that the overall strength of the PCL division teams is still increasing.

In this case, the Six Emperors team at the top of the PCL division will be forced to continuously improve their strength.

Otherwise, it will be easily overturned.

But no matter what, the twenty-five teams that advanced to the weekly finals all gathered in the competition venue to compete for the weekly championship's multi-million bonus.

High prize money is why there are more and more professional teams in the PCL division.

Because as long as you are a team, you will almost never lose money.

This also leads to more and more capital risking the cause of this game.

Capital investment has further promoted the rapid development of PUBG.


Of course, for other teams that are determined to win the autumn championship, their road to the autumn championship must start with the weekly finals championship.

Otherwise, if you can't even defeat the 4am team in the weekly finals, there will be no talk of winning the autumn championship.

The current status and strength of each team are similar, because they dare not relax at all.

They all want to work hard to achieve a good ranking, strive to get more World Championship points, and then enter the global finals at the end of the year.

Weekly finals.

There are too many strong teams.

Without team skills, even someone as strong as Li Hao would not be able to push.

If this is the case, then it is not an honest start of operation.

When it's time to tie the knot, we will tie the knot.

If you need to take a detour, just take a detour.

In this case, every 4am team can have a weak side.

Of course, when it’s time to fight, the 4am team will never give up.

When the 4am team started operating, without crazy killings, other strong teams in the PCL division were even more uncomfortable.

Because this means that the 4am team is very stable and has no flaws at all.

In this case, the 4am team can always reach the finals.

Moreover, for the fully formed 4am team, the winning rate is simply ridiculously high.

In this case, the 4am team can kill more than ten people to win the chicken game. If they are lucky, they can kill more than 20 people to win the chicken game.

Of course, Li Hao can guarantee to average ten kills per game.

After two days of weekly finals, the other teams were in tears.

Team 4am is better off using bulldozer tactics.

Otherwise, if the operation really starts, there will be all kinds of big detours and various weak sides. This security will not give other teams in the PCL division a way to survive.

The 4am team finally won the first weekly championship with its solid performance.

Won millions in prize money.

After the game, Li Hao went home and started broadcasting.

"I have the milk powder money for my two sons!"

Li Hao smiled.

Indeed, although my son does not cry, he still needs to eat a lot of milk powder a day.

Breast milk is simply not enough.

Even Fang Ziling can be regarded as a mountain peak.

However, Li Hao feels very happy when he sees his two sons growing up healthily and happily day by day. .

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