Chicken Eating: Invincible Sniper God

Chapter 170 In The First Game Of The Intercontinental Competition, The 4Am Team Killed 42 Chickens!

In Li Hao's mind, the 4am team must win three world championships and three consecutive global finals before it can be called a dynasty.

However, in the hearts of hundreds of millions of players in the PCL division, if the 4am team can defend the world championship in the global finals at the end of this year, then the 4am team will be worthy of being a dynasty.

This year's three consecutive league championships, two intercontinental championships, plus the mid-season championship invitational championship, the global all-star championship, and the defending global finals world championship at the end of the year, these achievements are completely enough to establish a dynasty.

But no matter what, Li Hao cannot afford to lose.

Li Hao has many commercial endorsements, and his annual sponsorship fees exceed 100 million.

What's more, he doesn't want to lose.

But now, the 4am team has the blessing of team skills [God-level for all members], how can they lose?

After parachuting, Team 4am suddenly discovered that there were actually two teams of parachutists jumping with them.

Of course, Li Hao instantly knew through the skill panoramic map that these were teams from the pkl division.

And their purpose of jumping across schools and dormitories was to kill the 4am team.

And these two teams are the leaders in the PK division.

They have each won the league championship in their own division. In this case, like the 4am team, they will not have the pressure to advance to the global finals.

Therefore, now they come to the jumping point of the 4am team and run wild unscrupulously.

Seeing this scene, a look of anger appeared on Li Hao's face.

"Awei, Xiaolong, 112, the three of you jump directly to the highest building in the dormitory building and follow them to the ground. Remember, my request to you is not to fall down.

If you are not allowed to lose blood, this requirement is indeed a bit harsh. "

And Li Hao took his umbrella and went directly to school.

Obviously, these two teams from the PK division, one team 01 jumped to the school, and the other team jumped to the dormitory.

They want to join forces and eliminate the 4am team in the early stages of the game.

In this case, let’s see how the 4am team can become more aggressive.

At this moment, the directors turned their view here, and the commentators' surprised words immediately sounded.

“Two teams from the PL division came to roll points against the 4am team, and they are both teams with tickets to the global finals.

"It seems that the 4am team had a difficult time in this first game!"

"Hey, the 4am team's tactics are a bit strange!"

"We Haoshen went to school alone, in a full formation. Wei Shen and the three of them rolled in the dormitory!"

"I have to say that the 4am team is indeed a very talented and courageous team!"

“I just don’t know what the two teams from the pkI division will think when they see this scene!”

how to think?

Naturally, he was angry and heart-wrenching.

The two teams in the pk division saw that the 4am team dared to split up and fight.

Moreover, it is still a one-three distribution.

This completely ignores them.

The two teams from the PKL division, which were jumping between dormitories and schools, were extremely angry.

The team that jumped into the dormitory was so angry because the 4am team underestimated them and even asked three people to give them landing roll points, and Li Hao didn't even participate.

The team that skipped schools was even more furious.

Li Hao dared to fight four of them alone.

This completely ignores them.

They vowed to kill Li Hao.

From now on, Li Hao will never dare to be so arrogant when facing teams like them from the pkl division.

However, despite this, they are still afraid of Li Hao.

At the very least, no Tietou boy would dare to jump off the roof of the school building with Li Hao.

At this time, two of them went to the swimming pool.

One of them landed directly in the school playground, and I wanted to climb into the first floor.

But one of them still fell to the roof.

However, his location is from the top of the building to the entrance to the lecture theater.

It was obvious that he wanted to fall from this mouth and jump into the lecture theater.

In this case, Ji Hao will be surrounded from all directions.

When all teammates have guns in their hands, they can clear out all the enemies and kill Li Hao.

I have to say, his idea is very beautiful.

However, the reality is extremely cruel.

When he just landed at school, Li Hao suddenly had a gun in his hand.



At this moment, a gunshot rang out, suddenly kicking off the war.

In an instant, Li Hao knocked down this professional player with a direct spray.

Immediately afterwards, there was another spray, and it was completely covered up.

Hit and mend directly and neatly.

Seeing this scene, the commentators in the PCL division shouted out "nice!"

"Hao Shen is still the same Hao Shen. He knocks him down with one spray and repairs it with one spray. It's so smooth and neat that there is no time wasted at all!"

"Haoshen jumped directly from the roof of the building and completed changing bullets in the air. Then, he suddenly came face to face with the professional player who jumped into the small room on the first floor!"

"When we meet, we just start trolling. Haoshen's trolling is extremely accurate!"

"This troll, God Hao must have understood it as AWM! But this kind of melee power, the lethality of the troll, is still higher than AWM!"

"Haoshen flipped in and filled it up directly. Haoshen immediately started to change bullets again. At this time, he took the initiative to press forward!"

"The two team members from the swimming pool also rushed over. Their faces seemed to have murderous intent!"

Let's turn our perspective slightly to the dormitory building. Wei Shen, Xiaolong and 112 from the 4am team are fighting a shocking battle in this dormitory building!"

"Let me choke you, Wei Shen and Xiaolong are so fierce today!"

"Without any injuries, we destroyed this PK division team that came to the dormitory building to roll points with the 4am team!"

"In this game, I feel that the 4am team is back in shape!"

When the commentators said this, the battle in the dormitory building was over.

The perspective immediately shifts back to school.

At the same time, Wei Shen and Xiaolong who were in the dormitory did not lick their bags, but ran straight towards the school.

It was obvious that they were coming to support Ji.

At this moment, Li Hao was stuck in school.

Anyway, he is not in a hurry now.

His teammates have now come from the dormitory building to support him.

Now that he has no headgear on his body, Li Hao will not act rashly when facing two people, because if he is knocked down, he will definitely be beaten and replenished.

But now that his teammates are all free, as long as they wait for Wei Shen and Xiaolong to come over and fight four against two, they can surely defeat these two.

In this case, Li Hao sits firmly on Diaoyutai. Not panicked at all, but at this time, these two professional players were anxious.

Of course, they are all in the PKL division, and they are all super giant professional players.

This is no ordinary professional player.

At this time, they suddenly launched a fierce attack.

Because they all understand that at this moment, the other three members of the 4am team in the dormitory building must be running towards the school at high speed.

Wei Shen and the others don't have a car. They know this because the dormitory building doesn't know how to use cars.

In an instant, they made up their mind and took the initiative to attack Li Hao.

"Haha, who dared to attack Haoshen? Who gave them the courage!"

"I, God Hao, don't have a head or armor on my body. Otherwise, how could I be stuck here and rush out with S686 long ago!"

"That's right, Haoshen now has two sprays in his hands. Just one spray per person can directly solve the battle!"

"The opponent is charging, let's see how Haoshen responds!"

"One rushes in, sprays one. The second rushes in, sprays another!"

When the commentators finished speaking, the hundreds of millions of players watching the entire PCL area became excited.

"It's really like what the commentator said, Haoshen sprayed one, two sprays, and took away the opponent!"

"This explanation is poisonous!"

"Haha, Hao Shen Niu Wall, Hao Shen is mighty!"

"As expected of me, God Hao, I can destroy the team by myself!"

"They dare to come and run wild on my 4am team's territory. They probably don't know that no matter who comes to the school or dormitory, they must be guarded by me if they are dragons or they must be laid down by me if they are tigers!"

"Hao Shen destroyed a team by himself, and Wei Shen and the others destroyed this team without any injuries. It was indeed as Hao Shen said, not only did no one of them fall to the ground, they didn't even lose blood!"

"I feel that in this game, the 4am team is going to make a killing again!"

At this moment, Wei Shen and Xiaolong rushed over to support, and Li Hao destroyed his opponent in an instant.

At this time, they did not return to the dormitory building.

Instead, they went to their respective sites, namely the Longmen Inn, the Garden, and Room L, to search for supplies.

After searching these places and getting the car, they returned to the dormitory building and searched the dormitory building before the 4am team set off.

"Brothers, let's attack and kill fiercely, okay?"

Although Li Hao seemed to be soliciting Wei Shen, in fact, Wei Shen and others knew the meaning of this sentence very well.

"Attack fiercely, hit fiercely and kill fiercely!" Wei Shen and the three of them all said in unison.

In an instant, the entire momentum of the 4am team became completely different.

Wei Shen and the others didn't know it was because Li Hao used team skills secretly.

But at this moment, they can all clearly feel that the blood in their bodies is boiling, and the soaring fighting spirit and fighting spirit are burning crazily.

In this case, let's start killing everyone.

The 4am team immediately started their onslaught. No matter which team they saw, they all attacked fiercely.

Just one belief and kill fiercely!

In the past, the 4am team relied on Li Hao's personal super performance, but now, the team skill [God Level for All] has been added, which has temporarily raised the combat power of Wei Shen, Xiao Long and 112 to God Level. That is to say, their current state and strength are comparable to god-level professional players like Mingming and Tinker Bell.

In this case, under the leadership of Li Hao, the 4m team instantly broke out with a terrifying dominance that made other players despair.

Kill all the way!

Team 4am doesn’t enter the circle directly, it just looks for people to fight with.

Regardless of whether it is a full formation or a broken formation of 283, the 4am team will attack fiercely.

If the enemy dares to shoot, Li Hao can switch positions in the car and knock down the opponent directly.

Not only Li Hao, but now Wei Shen and Xiao Long are also extremely accurate with their marksmanship.

Therefore, a full formation cannot withstand the first charge of the 4am team.

Even if they met the Six Emperors team in the PCL division, the 4am team was not polite and also attacked fiercely.

The more the 4am team fights, the more excited they become, and the more they fight, the more invigorated they feel.

So in this case, the state was unprecedentedly good, which actually stimulated Wei Shen and Xiaolong.

This allowed them to continue to advance wildly on the road to super giants, constantly making breakthroughs towards the road to god level.

Finally, this game is over, 4a

The number of kills of Team M directly exceeded the forty mark.

A high number of kills of 42, plus chicken!

The 4am team directly scored 52 points in the first game of the PCS3 Intercontinental Tournament.

This state can be said to have completely shocked the entire Asia.

Teams from other divisions and countries are extremely desperate.

However, they hated Team 4am even more because of this.

Because in the competition, the 4am team is just like playing a ranking game, treating them as the best in their respective divisions and countries as ordinary passers-by.

Come to fight, how can you not be angry, how can you not hate.

The high-pressure rule of the 4am team not only did not scare these teams, but instead aroused their fighting spirit.

The more they hate the 4am team, the more they will fight to the death with the 4am team.

In this case, as long as the 4am team can kill in the next game, there will definitely be no shortage of kill points. ,

At this moment, for the Six Emperors team in the PCL division, their faces were all green.

At first, they all watched the fire from the other side.

They gloated over the 4am team's situation where they were the enemy of the entire world.

The 4am team is too arrogant.

As the saying goes, if the sky is crazy, there will be rain, and if people are crazy, there will be disaster.

Before it perishes, it must first be driven crazy.

They all felt that the 4am team was on the verge of destruction.

But who would have thought that in the first game of the PCS3 intercontinental competition, the 4am team would go crazy and reach its peak state.

You know, the current Six Emperors team in the PCL division has never set a record of more than 30 kills.

But for the 4am team, the kill record has now been raised to more than 40 kills, and they have also successfully won the chicken.

Moreover, this is not the first time that the 4am team has won more than 40 chickens. .

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