Chicken Eating: Invincible Sniper God

Chapter 184 The 4Am Team Easily Defeated The Four Holy Warriors, With Li Hao Holding A Bolt Sniper

And at this moment, the game is about to begin.

The commentators are already starting to analyze.

"The 4am team has finally appeared. In this last Group A survival match, the 4am team must win the chicken. Only in this way can we advance from the Group A survival match to our next semi-finals!"

"In the last game, the 4am team only has this chance. Let's see if the 4am team can seize it!"

"Judging from the strength of the currently surviving teams, we all know that in terms of pure hard power, the 4am team is far superior to other teams!"

"That's right, although the 4am team has had a normal flow of personnel after winning the world championship in two consecutive global finals. Previously, Yong Xiaolu left, and after the 4am team won the championship last year, Xiaolong and 112 left again. However, 4am However, the team recruited Ba Shao and Long Si Ge during the offseason. It can be said that the current lineup of the 4am team has truly reached the peak in history!"

"That's right, some players on the Internet jokingly call it the smooth 4am team lineup, the iron-clad Haoshen and Wei Shen. Needless to say, Wu Shen is the absolute core of the 4am team, with super thighs, invincible sniper god, and peerless command. Wei Shen , is the captain and boss of the team!"

"Now, let's see if the 4am team can seize the opportunity in this last game!"

"The route has been released, from the Holy Mountain Guangmingding to Port P. If this route passes over the dormitory building, it is good news for the 4am team!"

"The only news that may not be friendly to the 4am team is that the Four Holy War "973" team, which has been competing with the 4am team for the jumping point of the school dormitory building, is still on the court! The Four Holy War team has entered the finals many times before, and there are also a few In every game, there was a chance to win, but it was a pity that in the end we were not able to seize the opportunity and got off work early. And now that the 4am team has arrived, it will definitely be another fateful showdown, which will be staged in the school and dormitory building!"

"The interesting thing about the Four Holy Warriors is that at the beginning of this year, the Four Holy Warriors changed a group of professional players, and there are four brand new professional players, with the game IDs of Qinglong, Suzaku, Xuanwu and Baihu, we don't know. Which generation of the Four Sacred Beasts lineup is this?"

As the commentators talked nonsense, at this time, when the plane was about to arrive over the dormitory building, Li Hao led the 4am team to parachute.

Li Hao went to the school, Wei Shen went to the garden, the eighth master went to the dormitory, and then the fourth brother Long went to the dormitory building.

Li Hao didn't play any tricks with the Four Saints. He was just the most traditional skydiving of the 4am team.

In fact, if there were no Four Holy Warriors, Fourth Brother Long should go to Longmen Inn.

But now, the dormitory building cannot be left unguarded. In this case, if the Four Holy Warriors really jump out of the dormitory building, it will be a very huge threat to the 4am team.

So in this case, Li Hao asked Brother Long to go to the dormitory building, so that he could take care of Wei Shen in the garden and the eighth master in Room L.

At this moment, all the famous professional players in the PCL division who had already got off work were watching the game.

Naturally, they all entered the first-view room of the 4am team, which is Li Hao's live broadcast room.

Rather than Wei Shen's live broadcast room.

It is conceivable that Huya currently values ​​Li Hao more than Wei Shen.

There is no way, Li Hao's live broadcast has brought huge profits to Huya. Huya has fully earned back the 80 million signature fee given to Li Hao through the share of the live broadcast.

Now, Li Hao is equivalent to Huya's financial backer.

So in this case, it is naturally impossible for Huya to offend the father of the funder.

At this moment, when the Four Holy Team saw Team 4am parachuting, they were extremely angry for a moment.

"Team 4am doesn't take them seriously at all!"

"Damn it, which one are we going to do now?"

"The 4am team skydived separately, which gave us a God-given opportunity!"

"You can't go to the garden or L room, so you have to choose one from the school or the dormitory!"

"In my opinion, we should build dormitories. For schools, we have to land on the roof of the building, but our skydiving is obviously slower than them. No matter who jumps from school, we have no advantage.

But the dormitory building is different. There is only one, and it is impossible to occupy all the dormitory buildings. Then we only need to avoid him, find the gun, and then arrest the dormitory building. We don't believe that, we do. Even if he catches one of the four, he still can't be killed. So what if he is Li Hao, we are not the trash of the previous generations!"

Immediately, the four professional players of the Four Holy Warriors expressed their opinions and thoughts one after another. Among them, the new generation Qinglong, the commander and assaulter, was the most arrogant.

Immediately, the four holy warriors came to a unified understanding and jumped off the dormitory building.

At this time, Brother Long was naturally in the highest dormitory building.

Seeing this scene, Li Hao said in a deep voice: "Eight Masters, after you find the gun, immediately drive over to the dormitory building to support Brother Long! I am here at the school, and I have to drive the gun for Brother Long for the time being! Ah Wei, you Drive a garden car and take a detour to the school to pick me up, but be careful of R City’s team to attack you!"

Li Hao, as the commander, issued orders instantly.

Li Hao's order was clear and clear, and Wei Shen, Ba Shao and Fourth Brother Long all understood it.

Brother Long also knew that he had to withstand the first wave of pressure.

Buy time for the arrival of the Eighth Master.

Otherwise, if he is eliminated first, then maybe the 4am team can kill the Four Holy Warriors, but Brother Long will not allow this to happen to him.

He came to the 4am team, abandoned being the boss in the iFTY team, and came here to be the younger brother. He is no longer short of money, he just wants the championship!

Therefore, it is natural to make due contributions to the 4am team.

At that time, he will have a share of the championship won by the 4am team.

At this moment, Li Hao landed on the roof of the school, but there was no good gun on the roof, so Li Hao went directly down to the lecture theater.

At the same time, the dormitory building was turbulent.

Brother Long was guarding the tallest dormitory building alone. At this time, the four holy warriors landed in different dormitories, all looking for guns.

"Haotian, I already have a gun!" Brother Long reported the information to Li Hao.

"From now on, don't miss your steps and don't let them lock your position. Avoid throwing objects and buy as much time as possible. Remember, don't be greedy for guns. Don't make up for people, even if the enemy may save them. Don’t make up for it! In today’s chicken game format, kill points are completely useless to us! Therefore, you must stay alive as much as possible, and for us who have a full formation, the chicken game hope is the greatest!” Li Hao said solemnly.

"I know!" Brother Long said solemnly.

"Haotian, I have found the gun. I will drive over immediately to reinforce Brother Long!" At this moment, the Eighth Master also said in a deep voice.

"I also have a gun, but I can't do it now because someone must be watching me." Li Hao said solemnly.

At this moment, A Wei Bian also drove out of the garden.

However, Ah Wei instantly felt something was wrong.

"Haotian, I feel like the R City team has ideas for us!" Wei Shen said in a deep voice.

"It's not about us, it's about you. Drive more carefully and drive as fast as you can!" Li Hao said in a deep voice.

In an instant, Wei Shen drove his vehicle and was shot at by the R City team.

But at this time, Li Hao was already bending the gun to Wei Shen at the window.

In an instant, R City shot at Wei Shen, a professional player, and was knocked down by Li Hao in an instant!

Bolt sniper!

Li Hao is holding an iron sniper M24!

Without the points-based competition system, Li Hao feels that it is completely possible to pick up the bolt sniper in the game again.

Because sometimes, the breaking points of bolt snipers are incomparable to even snipers.

Just like now, Li Hao shot a bolt sniper bullet, which penetrated the soul and directly knocked down a member of the R City team who was shooting at Wei Shen from the rooftop. When another team member heard the sound of bolt sniper, he immediately fell down. Dare to scan again.

Otherwise, once Li Hao pulls the bolt and changes the bomb, he will stand on the roof and shoot at Wei Shen, which will be like a fixed target.

Test Haoshen with a fixed target?

How could God Hao not be able to withstand this test!

Under Li Hao's guidance, Wei Shen successfully drove to the wall.

Then, Li Hao came to the wall.

"From the swimming pool, attack the tallest building directly. I'm driving a gun in the car!"

Li Hao said in a deep voice.

Immediately, Wei Shen continued to drive, then rushed out from the wall behind the swimming pool, and in an instant, went straight to the dormitory building.

Seeing this scene, Qinglong, the commander of the Four Saints who was searching for things in the second-highest dormitory building, was furious.

"You dare to drive your car into my dormitory building so arrogantly, you 4am team don't take me seriously!"

How can Qinglong endure it?

He has such a bad temper.

In an instant, he poked his head out of the window.

He was holding an M416 with triple scope in his hand. In an instant, he was directly aiming at Wei Shen who was driving!

The moment he fired!

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a dark, long and long sniper, and he immediately felt something was wrong.

He wants to shrink back!

But by this time, it's already too late!

Li Hao didn't open his scope at all, just a blind sniper shot!

He forced the M24's crosshair onto Qinglong who was protruding from the window of the dormitory building to shoot, and directly fired a blind sniper shot plus an instant sniper shot.

In an instant, a gunshot rang out and Qinglong fell to the ground!

Li Hao's blind sniper shot directly destroyed Qinglong's secondary head.

In an instant, the Four Holy Warriors faced a devastating situation.

Because at this time, the Eighth Young Master also arrived at the richest dormitory building in the university.

Baihu and Xuanwu of the Four Holy Warriors arrived at the highest dormitory building first, and they wanted to go out to pick up the Eighth Master.

However, they were directly knocked down by the Eighth Master who walked in from outside and the Fourth Brother Long who ran out from the stairs.

There was one left, shivering in the dormitory building next door.

He doesn't miss a step.

But at this time, after Li Hao and the others made up for them, Li Hao directly used projectiles to arrange points.

Suzaku thought he had been discovered and missed a step.

Then, he was blown to pieces in front of his eyes by an extremely accurate fragmentation grenade from Li Hao.

In this way, the 4am team seemed to easily defeat the Four Holy Warriors who had performed very well in the finals.

At this moment, every team in the PCL division felt shocked.

The 4am team is now in this state, which is really scary.

At this time, the circle shape has naturally been drawn out.

It's the middle circle.

The double warehouse outside P City, under Bald Mountain, happens to be the exact center of the circle.

Therefore, the 4am team is not in a hurry.

Long Si brother drove Ba Shao to the Longmen Inn, where Wei Shenxu was growing up in the dormitory.

Li Hao returned to school and continued the search.

At this moment, Brother Long and Master Ba, who had just arrived at Longmen Inn, suddenly heard the sound of a car.

"Haotian, we have a car here! Two cars, should be a full formation!" Brother Long said calmly.

"Then you get up at six, Awei and I will come right away!"

Li Hao said in a deep voice.

Then, Li Hao and Wei Shen met.

At the same time, this team directly occupied the fake garage.

Then, they saw the car in Okura.

"There's someone on the other side!"

As soon as this report came out, this team immediately did not move their cars and returned to the fake garage.

At this moment, while they were still observing, Li Hao and Wei Shen were already close to the fake garage.

"You two, go to the second floor of Shanghai Jingfang, shoot guns for me and Awei, and then give us the information. This team will eat them. We don't have enough supplies now!"

Li Hao said in a deep voice.

What's more, how can one allow others to snore on the side of the 1.7 bed?

This team was very unlucky. They came to Longmen Inn early and were discovered by Fourth Brother Long and Eighth Master.

Li Hao instantly decided to fight.

Although this is a chicken-eating competition system, it is not a points-based system.

But Li Hao has already chosen this place.

There is no way. Through the skill [Plum Blossom Pile], Li Hao knows that the final plum blossom pile in the ninth circle is on the mountain north of the fake garage. When the time comes, the 4am team only needs to sit in the fake garage and defend it, and then they can finally Play the finals.

By then, with the strength of the 4am team, isn’t it still a matter of hands to win the chicken?

That’s why Li Hao decided to attack the team in the fake garage!

At this time, the fake garage team naturally heard the sound of Li Hao and Wei Shen's cars.

Even if they are gliding over, at such a short distance, professional players are now very good at hearing and identifying positions.

Especially for professional players who want to play in competitions, every peripheral equipment is the best in the industry today.

There is no way, every team in the PCL division is very rich.

At the very least, the peripherals of professional players are top-notch.

Even if the fake garage was on guard, when the 4am team attacked, they knew what a sense of oppression was.

With Fourth Brother Long and Young Master Eight driving guns on the second floor of the ocean view room opposite, the team in the fake garage could only huddle inside the fake garage, not daring to leak through the windows, let alone lie on the second floor balcony.

In this case, Li Hao and Wei Shen will approach the fake garage very smoothly.

At this time, it is the turn of the throwing objects to show their power. .

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