Chicken Eating: Invincible Sniper God

Chapter 195 The Pcl Division All-Star Team Regroups!

You know, NH team fans and PeRo team fans have really hated Li Hao for too long.

The existence of Li Hao, like a big devil, has been harvesting and monopolizing championships, allowing the NH team and the PeRo team to compete in various large-scale events. If they win the championship, they will never gain anything.

Only in the Douyu Golden Grand Prix or other small cups, if Li Hao does not participate, the NH team and the PeRo team can win the championship.

But fans know how valuable these championships are.

Moreover, it is not recognized by industry players.

At most, it’s self-entertainment.

Because these championship honors are simply out of reach.

And once it is publicized, it will be mercilessly ridiculed by fans of the 4am team.

Therefore, on the Internet, fans of the three teams often break out into wars.

That is to say, Li Hao has no black spots at all. Otherwise, if there are any black spots, they will probably be exposed by these sunspots.

Although Li Hao has money, he never goes out to have fun.

Moreover, Li Hao will not have anything to do with female fans.

He doesn't even chat or flirt with his female fans online.

Once a female fan posts some inappropriate pictures, Li Hao will directly delete her friends.

In short, Li Hao keeps himself clean.

Li Hao's black spots have been searched for several years, but they have not been able to find any black spots or stains on Li Hao.

Therefore, they can only watch Li Hao gradually win from one championship to another.

But this time, as the fans of the NH team and the PeRo team completely erupted, Li Hao's anti-fans were also mixed in. For a moment, the Internet was a mixed bag.

And at this moment, when the fans of the NH team and the PeRo team were yelling at each other with great vigor, they were suddenly confused by an announcement from the PCL tournament organizing committee.

The announcement issued by the PCL Organizing Committee is about the Global All-Star Game to be held in June.

Just like last year, the PCL Division will also form an All-Star team to represent the PCL Division in the Global All-Star Game.

Last year, the selection of the four personnel was weighed and considered countless times by the PCL tournament organizing committee before finally selecting the members of the PCL division all-star team.

However, this year, the PCL event organizing committee began to shift the blame directly.

The PCL Tournament Organizing Committee appointed Li Hao as the captain of the PCL Division All-Star Team, and all selections of the PCL Division All-Star Team members are made by Li Hao.

In other words, Li Hao, the captain of the All-Star team, has the right to select players.

The announcement also cited many achievements of Ji Hao.

For example, in all the games Li Hao has participated in in his career so far, his average KD per game is above 10, and his average damage per game is a very scary 1500+!

Then there are the various honors that Li Hao has won personally, including five PCL league MVPs, No. 1 on the God of War list, and two MVPs of the global finals, and No. 1 on the God of War list.

Li Hao's personal honors are really countless.

Because whenever Li Hao leads the 4am team to win the championship, Li Hao will always be the MVP and God of War.

There is nothing we can do if these honors are not awarded to Li Hao.

Because Li Hao's personal data is so luxurious, he is completely superior to other players and teammates.

Therefore, the PCL Tournament Organizing Committee has completely delegated power this time, allowing Li Hao to form the PCL Division All-Star team by himself.

In an instant, as soon as this announcement came out, the fans of the NH team and the PeRo team, which had been the most popular before, were extremely confused.

"What is the PCL Organizing Committee doing? How can you do this?"

"Inaction, this is typical inaction!"

"PCL Tournament Organizing Committee, I'm a fool!"

"What's wrong with this world? Why has it become so absurd!"

At this moment, fans of the NH team and the PeRo team angrily cursed the PCL event organizing committee.

I feel like they are not human beings.

He actually gave such an important selection right to a mere professional player.

If we let professional players choose people, how can we guarantee fairness and justice?

Suddenly, rumors spread on the Internet.

"If I were the God of Haoshen, I would directly choose the 4am team!"

"That's right, there's no need to break in, and Wei Shen and the others will definitely obey orders!"

"This saves so much trouble and can directly transform the 4am team into a PCL division all-star team!"

"The fans of Team NH and Team PeRo have been so arrogant recently and insulted Haoshen so much. Haoshen will never tolerate it!"

"Haha, they were dumbfounded. Who would have thought that the PCL Organizing Committee would do something like this!"

"Now Ming Shen and Zuo Shen are so embarrassed!"

"But one thing is that after they started broadcasting, they were urging fans not to start a scolding war, but they wanted to take the initiative to stop the war!"

"Then they know that the Global All-Star Game is coming soon. Ming Shen is just that. He won a Global All-Star Championship with Haoshen last year and brought glory to the country. But Zuo Shen hasn't been there last year! "

"Now it's up to Haoshen how to choose people!"

"At this time, if I were a professional player, I would contact Haoshen immediately."

"That's right, if you play with Haoshen, won't you be able to win the championship?"

"In the Global All-Star Game, the powerful teams are nothing more than the NPL and the Polar Bears, but whether it is Brother Liang or Wu Shen, can they be compared with our Haoshen?"

"With Haoshen's current strength, I am afraid that with three super giants, he can easily win the championship!"

"That's true. Have you noticed that even a super giant playing with Haoshen can still perform at a god-level level?"

"Wei Shen: I knew you were talking about me!"

In an instant, the PCL division was experiencing a renaissance.

At this moment, many professional players are contacting Li Hao privately.

The 4am team is no exception.

Wei Shen, for example, is particularly eager.

In terms of fame, he definitely has it.

That can definitely represent the PCL division.

But in terms of strength, it may be slightly weaker.

At the very least, in the competition with the Eight Masters within the team, Wei Shen does not have any advantage.

Not to mention, with those god-level professional players from other teams.

Even 112 and Xiaolong, who left the 4am team, are above Wei Shen in terms of strength.

Therefore, in this case, Wei Shenna came directly to the door.

But Wei Shen didn't come alone. He brought his wife to Li Hao's house as a guest.

Of course, this is not the first time Wei Shen has come.

After Li Hao's child was born, he insisted on being the godfather of the child, but Li Hao had no choice.

When they came to the house, Wei Shen and Bee Bee looked at Li Hao's two fat sons and hugged them directly.

Li Hao knew Wei Shen's intention.

At this moment, Wei Shen wanted to say something.

Li Hao waved his hand.

"Awei, there's no need to say anything more!"

Li Hao has already had countermeasures for this.

Wei Shen didn't say anything.

At this time, Wei Shen and Bee Bee came, so Li Hao naturally wanted to show off his cooking skills.

So, Li Hao was in the kitchen and quickly finished it.

After Wei Shen and Bee Bee ate it, they were full of praise.

"Haotian, if you don't play games, I feel like if you open a restaurant, there will be a huge crowd of customers!" Wei Shen praised this cooking skill one after another, which is beyond words.

Li Hao smiled and said nothing.

His cooking skills, as a skill, have gained a large and long-term increase in experience points. Today's cooking skills can be said to have reached a level of perfection.

After eating, Wai Shen and Bee left.

The time comes at night.

Li Hao starts broadcasting.

In an instant, countless players came to Li Hao's live broadcast room.

Everyone wants to see who Li Hao will select to enter the PCL division all-star team.

Li Hao also knows what fans want to see.

"I will try to invite some professional players to join the PCL All-Star 097 team, but I can't guarantee that not all professional players will agree!" Li Hao takes a precaution first.

As soon as these words came out, Li Hao's live broadcast room was filled with people and barrages.

"How is that possible?"

"As a professional e-sports player, who would dare to refuse the opportunity to fight for the country?"

"If anyone dares to refuse, I will scold him to death!"

"God Hao boldly said, I want to see who dares not to be patriotic!"

Suddenly, many fans were excited.

At the same time, many professional players are also paying attention to Li Hao's live broadcast room.

They all wanted to know how Li Hao picked people.

But at this moment, Li Hao didn't show off.

He directly named the members of the PCL Division All-Star Team.

Besides him, Li Hao named four others!

Mingming from the NH team!

Tinker Bell from Team PeRo!

Ba Shao and Wei Shen of the 4am team.

Plus Li Hao, there are five people in total.

In an instant, the entire network was abuzz.

"Haoshen, why are there five people?"

Haoshen, this number is wrong!"

Suddenly, countless fans posted comments.

Li Hao smiled and said: "What's wrong? According to the rules of the game, each team can allow up to 5 people. Don't worry, I have researched everything!"

In an instant, the controversy across the entire network came to an abrupt end.

At this time, the most embarrassing thing is the NH team fans and PeRo team fans.

Previously, they were worried that Li Hao was deliberately retaliating. Unexpectedly, Li Hao chose Mingming from the NH team and Tinker Bell from the PeRo team.

But at this time, the fans who came back to their senses suddenly discovered that none of the members of last year's PCL All-Star team, Yasuko and Long Si, were selected for this All-Star team!

But considering that they have already won the honor of winning the Global All-Star Game once, it is normal for them to give up the opportunity to Wei Shen, Ba Shao, Zuo Shen and Mingshen this year. .

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