Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 543: To do the same thing

"Now it’s open. It’s not about telling the world that Lieutenant General Huo of the Ninth Army has openly used his power to enter his wife’s school and serve as a military instructor. When this happened, did the reasons you told the principal hold? If it is used by someone with a heart, have you ever thought about the consequences?"

Huo Yizhen was stunned. On the battlefield, he could be the decision-maker to kill and decide, but when off the battlefield, many times he was indeed not as thorough as Qi Anran in terms of people's calculations.

In this world, many times, a small thing done by an ordinary person will turn into a big thing full of malice after being over-interpreted, not to mention that he is not an ordinary person.

Qi Anran's concerns were unreasonable, and it was precisely because of this that he became more and more frustrated.

So, is he now picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelon?

Qi Anran looked at his face that was so obvious that he was disappointed, and was a little softhearted, and said in a low voice, "It's all right, it's only half a month. And you didn't mean that you just need to stay with me." Is it? In this case, there is nothing wrong with it, as long as you pay attention, nothing will happen."

Huo Yizhen's eyes flickered, and he gave a frustrated answer, and then said, "I can promise you that you won't move your feet in front of so many people in the next half a month, but when you go home, You have to make up for me."

Qi Anran almost didn't laugh when he heard Huo Yizhen's words, but as soon as he turned his head to meet the full of expectation in Huo Yizhen's eyes, the angry words that came to his mouth suddenly became unspeakable.

The two of them stared at each other with such big eyes and stared at each other for a long time. Qi Anran's face was not as thick as Huo Yizhen in the end, and she was defeated and said: "Well, well, after this period of time has passed, you will do whatever you want. whatever."

Anyway, calm down the people first, and talk about things later, maybe Huo Yizhen will change his mind at that time? Even if he doesn't change his attention, she still has a way to avoid this person's sneak attack, perfect!

Huo Yizhen lowered his head, and at an angle that Qi Anran couldn't see, a flash of light and calculation flashed across his eyes.

He knew that his daughter-in-law would be soft or hard, and Qi Anran would not refuse most of the time he made a request as long as he could sell it badly.

The husband and wife were pregnant with ghosts, but unexpectedly reached a consensus.

Qi Anran leaned in Huo Yizhen's arms. After agreeing to Huo Yizhen's words, Qi Anran suddenly felt that this posture was a bit bad, and had to change the subject without a trace.

"Speaking of which, those people who went to our school today seem to be more familiar with you and Haochen, and other people don't seem to be particularly impressed. What about Shengnan and Jinheng? Why didn't they come with you?"

"Well, they both have problems."


"Jin Heng, he... Compared to the girls in your school, he is more enamoured of the parts in his laboratory."

"Puff..." Qi Anran smiled, which is somewhat similar to herself. Before Huo Yizhen appeared, she always felt that a stinky man was not as cute and loyal as the mechanical parts in her laboratory.

"Moreover, Haochen and I came out, and the military department can't be left alone, so I didn't bring him out."

"What about Shengnan?" When Huo Yizhen is away, Ji Shengnan seems to be in charge of these things, right?

"Sheng Nan." Huo Yizhen leaned closer to Qi Anran with a smile, "He's going to do the same thing as me."

Qi Anran was stunned, could the same thing happen...

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