"Thunderfire, if you are a man, fight me well!"

The Rush Pioneer was embarrassed and angry at the thunderbolt fire.

At this time, the pioneer had just performed a trick and was still in a short period of weakness.

It happened to be a good opportunity for Xia Changge to make a move.

He naturally agreed: "As you wish, Thunder Half Moon Slash!" "

One knife, two knives.

They were all stopped by the vanguard.

However, the most powerful third sword, the Rapid Pioneer was slightly lacking in strength, and was directly blasted out tens of meters by a knife.

The pillars of the Lunar Temple were smashed several times.

"Pioneer, give in!"

After cleaning up a rush, Xia Changge and Thunderfire were angry.

Xia Changge walked out of Thunderfire's body.

Pioneer sat directly on the ground, as if he began to doubt the life of the locomotive.

His level is obviously two levels higher than Thunderfire, how could he not defeat Thunderfire in the end?

The Moon God Hall Master looked at the struck vanguard with some concern, but in the end he didn't say anything more.

After all, it is better to be taught by the warriors of the same motorcycle tribe than to be taught by the beast race in the future!

"Pioneer, as a man, daring to be bold is a must be done, you won't dare to assume your responsibility, right?"

The Lord of the Lunar Temple began to educate the Pioneers.

Pioneer knew that it was humiliating for him to kneel to the thunderbolt fire in front of so many soldiers.

But he didn't want to be a coward, and he didn't want Thunderfire to look down on the Moon Temple, so that the Thunderbolt Fire Moon Temple was not responsible.

Therefore, the pioneer gritted his teeth and came to Thunderfire, ready to kneel to Thunderfire.

But it was stopped in time by the thunderbolt fire.

"Thunderfire, what are you doing? Look down on me? In

addition to rejoicing, he was also a little annoyed.

"No, I think you just did it unintentionally, now that we have finished the duel, I also taught you a lesson for my master, kneel or something, no need."

Thunderfire is a robot that understands the human world.

He knew that if he really let the Rush Pioneer kneel down and apologize, there might be a huge gap between him and the Rapid Pioneer in the future, which would affect the cultivation of the Combined Strike Technique Flowing Shadow Lightning.

And this may also make the Moon God Temple Hall Lord look bad.

If you stop it in time, you can not only avoid these things, but also unexpected things will happen, which is naturally the best choice.

Sure enough, when Thunderfire said this, both the Pioneer and the Moon Temple Hall Master sighed in their hearts that Thunderfire was indeed a person.

"Okay, Thunderfire, you will be my brother in the future!"

At this time, Pioneer completely recognized Thunderfire, and was willing to practice combined attack skills with Thunderfire.

"This is the best, but the level of the two of you is still not enough, what are you going to do next, which beast clan to brush the level with?"

Xia Changge naturally wanted to end this situation as soon as possible.

Come out and bring the two robots closer.

"There are many panther beasts nearby, let's kill the panther beasts!"

This is the territory of the Moon God Temple, and the anxious pioneer naturally knows which fierce beast races are nearby.

The Moon God Temple Hall Master was still a little worried that doing so would anger the Tiger King.

But considering that if they didn't slaughter the Black Panther Beast to increase their level, it would take a long time for them to cultivate the combined attack stunt.

But the Moon God Temple Hall Master thought about it: After the Rapid Pioneer and Thunderbolt Fire cultivated into a stream of shadow lightning, what Tiger King was he afraid of?

"Okay, Pioneer, you will take the thunderbolt fire and deal with those panther beasts nearby!"

Recently, there have been many panther beasts near the Lunar Temple.

Many of the warriors of their Lunar Temple were killed as a result.

The lord of the Moon God Temple was afraid of the strength of the Tiger King and did not dare to resist.

But now, the Moon God Temple Hall Master intends to take this evil breath!


The matter of killing the panther beast is what Pioneer likes the most.

Immediately took the thunderbolt fire outside to search for the panther beast.

Killing ordinary panther beasts, Xia Changge did not control Thunderfire and Rush Vanguard.

But Xia Changge also took out his Dragon Emperor battle treasure and compared it with a first-level panther beast.

"Oh my God, can absorb?!"

Xia Changge could never have imagined that he could actually absorb the combat energy of this panther beast.

A little of the exotic energy of the panther beast has improved the quality of Xia Changge's Dragon Emperor battle treasure a bit.

In other words, the fusion degree of Xia Changge's dragon emperor battle treasure mecha materials is higher.

If Xia Changge absorbs enough power, it can also increase the combat effectiveness of the Dragon Emperor Battle Treasure!

"Hey, Battle King, your little mecha is a bit interesting."

Thunderfire was also the first time to see Xia Changge's Dragon Emperor War Treasure, but he was curious and didn't say anything more.

Pioneer asked directly for a showdown.

"It's okay, continue to look for panther beasts, thunderbolt fire needs to be upgraded to level 10, I'm afraid you need to kill more than a hundred panther beasts, and you two want to reach level twelve or above at the same time, panther beasts get three or five hundred, seize the opportunity and complete the task before the tiger king reacts!"

At this time, Xia Changge did not go to rob the two monsters with Thunderfire and Rush Pioneer.

The primary purpose now is to get these two thugs to develop, after all, they are the core output.

Thunderbolt fire and rapid pioneer development, level twelve can destroy the tiger king.

After level eighteen, there is a chance to hack the Tyrannosaurus God to death, and this chance is still more than 80%!

After level eighteen, Thunderbolt Fire plus Rapid Pioneer plus Moon God Temple Hall Master can also fight with the wild ape!

Under the moonlight blood storm, none of the three war kings can live!

Can the wild apes resist the moonlight blood storm? It is clear that this is impossible.

No matter how strong the wild ape's defense is, it is far from the power of all energy amethyst.

Therefore, Xia Changge relies on these two the most!

Make good use of these two, Xia Changge can solve the three major war kings!

Waiting for the two thighs to develop and solve the three major bosses, Xia Changge can slowly cut the panther beast, the black iron beast and even the ice dragon beast to upgrade!

Let them stand in line in front of themselves and let themselves chop, the kind that chop their arms soft!

"Hey, look there!"

Xia Changge rode the thunderbolt fire and followed the pioneer to look for the traces of the panther beast.

The eager pioneer was sharp-eyed and quickly found the target.

No way, the black color of the panther beast is too conspicuous in the desert.

And this time, it's not just black in the Vanguard's target.

And a purple!

"Yo roar, finally see some small boss wild monsters."

Xia Changge's eyes suddenly lit up.

Not surprisingly, this is the paint under the hands of the Tiger King.

I have to say that although the generals under the Tiger King say dishes, they really have a lot of paint.

Especially this monster, whether it is blue or purple, has appeared several times, which is enough to prove that the Tiger King has enough paint

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