Because it was the Autobots who came, the lightning and tornado were very calm, allowing them to fly over.

After all, they are all motorcycle families, don't panic.

"Hey, it's you, the lord of the Moon God Temple."

Lightning had a relationship with the Moon Temple Lord.

He never imagined that the person who came was actually the Moon God Temple Master!

At this time, the Moon God Temple Hall Master was completely different from before.

This wing is too windy.

"Lightning City Lord!"

Falling on the outer wall of Energy City, the Moon Temple Lord opened his mouth to the lightning.

This can be regarded as an equal dialogue between the city lord and the city lord.

Thunderfire and Pioneer also greeted one after another.

"Moon God Temple Hall Master, I don't know what you want to do when you come to my Energy City? And you wings..."

Lightning was curious.

Xia Changge flew out from the thunderbolt fire.

"I transformed it."

This is the credit of Xia Changge, even if he doesn't take it out to pretend, he definitely wants to say something.

"Are you..."

Lightning was a little puzzled.

He had never seen a creature like Xia Changge.

Does the locomotive family have this classification?

"He is the Battle King of our motorcycle clan and has led us to kill the Tiger King and the Wild Ape."

The Lord of the Lunar Temple opened his mouth to answer.

"What, the Tiger King and the wild apes are dead?!"

Tornado and Lightning were taken aback.

These two war king-level bosses actually died?

Xia Changge took out the token of the Thunder Hall and the token of the Wild City.

"I really can't imagine it!"

Lightning sighed with emotion, only feeling that he was really old.

Tornado has nothing more to say.

He prides himself on being the number one expert in Energy City.

But in the face of the thunderbolt fire of the City of Time, the vanguard of the Lunar Temple.

Tornadoes don't have the slightest advantage to speak of.

The current tornado is only ten magnitudes.

This is a big blow to tornadoes.

After all, the energy city is the first city recognized by the machine beast world, the locomotive race and the beast race.

However, he, a general defending the city, is not as good as some small cities.

"Lightning City Lord, we came today to invite you to join us, go to the capital of the dead, kill the Tyrannosaurus God, and let our motorcycle clan continue forever."

Xia Changge personally said his thoughts.

The tornado listened, and the oil on his body was rolling.

Yes, he intends to join these people and slaughter the Tyrannosaurus God together!

But the tornado immediately thought about it and replied: "What I hate most about tornadoes is to bully more and less!"

Xia Changge: "........."

Aren't you the favorite tornado to bully the less?"

The Lightning City Lord also said: "I have an energy city, and whether the Tyrannosaurus God is alive or dead has little to do with us. "

Yes, the Lightning City Lord is old, and his courage has become smaller.

Now he only dares to stay in the energy city, and he does not dare to go out at all.

The Moon God Temple Hall Lord and Thunderbolt Fire, they all felt a little pity, and they didn't know how to be good.

In this regard, Xia Changge has long been prepared.

He smiled and said, "Is it? The lightning city lord seems to not want to avenge his brother Feng Xue, it is really pitiful that the Wind and Snow warrior looks away, in order to verify your innocence, he can go deep into the tiger's den to find out, and finally die, I can't think that the good brother in his heart lacks not even the courage to avenge him, but alas, sighs! "

The method of agitation is what Xia Changge uses.

Lightning suddenly changed color: "What did you say?" What happened to him in the wind and snow?! "

Xia Changge said that he is a shrunken-headed turtle and lightning forbearance, because he is here to take care of the overall situation.

But Xia Changge said that he did not dare to avenge Feng Xue?

What's wrong with the wind and snow?

"After the Wind and Snow Warrior parted ways with you in the past, he found that something was wrong, secretly tracked the Blue Poison Beast, found that the Blue Poison Beast had colluded with the Tyrannosaurus God, and also knew why you retreated, knowing that he misunderstood you, but he was discovered by the Tyrannosaurus God, and finally killed by the Blue Poison Beast and the Tyrannosaurus God, and has been dead for many years, but it's a pity that the good brother in his heart!"

Xia Changge shook his head with a look of regret.

"Nope... That's impossible...... This is not true! Lightning

had always felt guilty in his heart for his brother a hundred years ago.

This made him dare not go to Wind and Snow City at all.

But Lightning could not have imagined that his brother had been dead for hundreds of years.

Lightning is broken inside.

"The Wind and Snow Warrior is dead or not, if you go to the Wind and Snow City yourself, it will be clear, Thunderfire, let's go!"

Xia Changge developed the radical method to the end, turned around and prepared to leave.

Thunderfire, Rush Pioneer, and the Moon God Temple Hall Master were all confused by the story that Xia Changge had just told.

But Xia Changge wanted to leave, and they followed.


In the end, Lightning was spoken.

"Okay, I hope you didn't deceive me and wait for my whole army to go to the capital of the dead!"

Yes, Lightning believed that Xia Changge they did not deceive themselves.

No matter what, Xia Changge is also the king of machine battles.

And the other motorcycle clan fighters are not bad.

In this way, his brother Feng Xue may really be killed by the Tyrannosaurus God!

Lightning knew that with the strength of Energy City, it was basically impossible to kill the Tyrannosaurus God.

Then he could only follow Xia Changge and them together.

"Okay, then give the city lord two days!"

I have to say that all this is in Xia Changge's calculation!

In two days, all the fighters of Energy City were assembled.

The energy city has simply become an empty city.

There's nothing wrong with that.

After all, as long as the token of the Energy City is in the hands of Lightning, it is useless for other people to occupy the Energy City.

In addition, the wild ape and the tiger king have been solved, and the beast race has no possibility of invading the energy city except for the tyrannosaurus god.

There is nothing wrong with leaving the empty city.

There are not too many warriors in Energy City, but they have just broken through 10,000.

But in terms of combat effectiveness, it is much higher than the City of Time and the Temple of the Moon God.

More than 10,000 helicopters sailed to the capital of the dead.

The current Tyrannosaurus God is waiting for the blue poisonous beast under the mountain to deliver news to him.

He didn't know that at this moment, the world of machine beasts had undergone great changes.

No way, the location of the capital of the dead has relatively reached the edge of the machine beast world.

"Huh? Are these guys from Energy City looking for death?! Sensing

that his undead were surrounded by helicopters, the Tyrannosaurus God was a little surprised.

Where did they have the confidence to take the initiative to attack themselves?!

Neither the wild ape nor the tiger king has this guts!

"Well, I'll send you to meet your brother!"

Without sensing their tracks at supersonic speed, only helicopters remained outside, and the Tyrannosaurus God did not panic at all.

Lightning came just in time, he took the initiative to send him the token of Energy City, can the Tyrannosaurus God not be happy?

"Ice Wolf Beast, Purple Dragon Beast, kill me!"

Although he didn't care too much in his heart, the cautious Tyrannosaurus God still planned to let the purple dragon beast try the depth of this.

After the purple dragon beast got the order, it immediately flew out.

The Purple Dragon Beast at this moment, with a level of 15, is already very good.

The Lightning City Lord is only level 18, plus he is older, and his combat power is probably only a little more than that of the Purple Dragon Beast.

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