Chimera Wandering The Dead Roads

Chapter 89 - The Reaper Moves

very short chapter


After reading all of those reports from those that were brought back. Which became fourteen in total that were rescued from a surprisingly high. Concentration of controlled dead pokemon and human corpses in this forest. So something is guiding these corpses and I think its that tugging feeling. So I'll be going on a trip soon again while saving my remaining people in there. So I get up from my seat in the bridge and stretch out storing tbe reports.

Eventually walking out into ship deck looking down into the forest. Clicking a thing in my pants pocket multiple distress signals sound. With all of my pokemon going into the fray while I jump over the railings. Plummeting into the forest below with my old reaper gear on and ready. Upon landing with a destructive and loud banging impact explosion when my feet hit the ground. I look up and see I just plummeted about seven hundred feet? Which only took like eight thousand health from my ridiculous health.

Looking around though I see my landing has scattered tree's and destroyed corpses. With the ruins of an old church thats been consumed by tree's peaking out. Meaning that this place and the nagging feeling I have are all in a destroyed town. Thus without further a due I start walking towards the feeling I'm getting.

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