China Entertainment 1997

Chapter 589: Hawkeye is irresistible to both men and women

Under Cao Xuan's arrangement, the Deyun storm calmed down more quietly and quickly than in the original time and space.

Mr. and Mrs. Xiao Hei and Mr. Yu came to thank Cao Xuan and asked for advice on how to run the business.

In their opinion, Cao Xuan, who could make the stars so big, was more capable than them.

Cao Xuan sighed, handed the tea to the three of them, and said, "Lao Guo, don't think I'm verbose about some words."


The fat little black man straightened his face and straightened his body: "Without your help this time, Guo Degang and Deyun Club would be gone. The kindness is as deep as the sea. I will remember it forever. I will remember this love forever. It will be useful in the future." If you stick to mine and say a word, the person named Guo will go through fire and water.

From now on, if you treat me as one of your own, you should talk to me and scold me if you should. I, Guo Degang, will be vague to say that I am a wolf-hearted person. "

"Well, it's not that exaggerated. I just helped a little. The matter itself is not serious. You can get through it without me."

The little black fat man gritted his teeth and stamped his feet to express his position, but Cao Xuan was embarrassed to speak.

At the same time, he also emphasized that his credit was not great. Firstly, he did not want to be greedy for credit. Secondly, he just wanted to give a few reminders and not act as if he was taking advantage of his favor.

However, this time, even the peaceful Buddhist teacher Yu denied Cao Xuan's words.

"The nature is different. You may think it is a small favor, but to us it is a big deal. We must remember such a heavy kindness."

Wang Hui, who was next to him, also nodded: "Brother Jian is right. Teacher Cao is a great benefactor of our Deyun Club. There is nothing we can't say. We are grateful for your praise and your willingness to give us some advice."

The three of them were not acting coyly, but were really grateful to Cao Xuan.

The Deyun Society was really in serious danger at that time. It was surrounded by strong enemies from outside, pressing every step of the way. There was a fire in the backyard inside, and there were traitors and relatives. If one of them failed, it would have to be closed down completely, and the little black fat man would also have to be banned.

Little Fatty Hei and others had no idea at that time, and had no idea what to do, so they had to pin their hopes on Cao Xuan.

And Cao Xuan did not disappoint them. Behind the scenes, he directed them to respond in various ways. Fanxingxing Media helped to speak up, and Cao Xuan also led the relevant units.

Later, many star artists took the lead to show support, which led to other people in the entertainment industry to help speak up, and finally passed the crisis safely.

They didn't know the situation in the original time and space. In the eyes of the three of them, Deyun Society relied entirely on Cao Xuan this time.

To truly turn the tide before it falls, to support the building before it collapses, to rebuild with kindness, I am grateful to you.

If Cao Xuan hadn't refused, the fat little black guy would have wanted to knock him out.

Don't think it's an exaggeration. The little black fat guy came to the capital three times and spent more than ten years struggling and enduring all kinds of hardships before he built up such a family fortune and reputation. Now he has just started to show some improvement, but he has not yet completely become famous.

If he and Deyun Society were both banned, no matter how tough the little fat guy was, he would probably be planning to jump into the Yongding River to feed the bastard...

The three people spoke too seriously, and Cao Xuan was too embarrassed to dwell on this aspect, so he turned to business.

"Lao Guo, I asked someone to find out more about you. Although this matter is unreasonable for my disciples, you are not wrong either.

When opening a company and doing business, the word "profit" must be clearly distinguished. No matter whether it is to learn skills from a teacher or follow you as an artist and talk about cross talk, what you are running for is money and success.

To put it bluntly, if you want people to be obedient and effective, you have to feed them. If you are not fed, you have to talk clearly so that everyone can get together and relax.

If you don't let people go and don't give them the treatment they want, no one will resist you.

For example, if "Tonight's Show" doesn't give you enough remuneration, and I just use the so-called kindness of knowing and meeting you and this matter as an excuse to prevaricate you, would you feel comfortable?

It doesn't matter if it happens once or twice. As time goes by, they will definitely become dissatisfied and won't give in to each other. Sooner or later, they will have to break up. "

Looking at the thoughtful little fat man, Cao Xuan added: "I'm not asking you to meet the apprentices' requests without restraint, but to talk.

As a boss, you have to listen to the voices of your employees and apprentices, and explain things clearly. You have to know what the apprentices mean, and you have to let the apprentices know what you think, and finally negotiate a price that satisfies both parties. If the negotiation is serious, If not, then let him go.

You should not regard Deyun Club as a team, but as a platform. If you make the platform bigger and make it the most popular platform in the cross talk industry, then you will have more and more room for negotiation.

It doesn't matter if the old people leave, they will soon bring out the new ones. Even in the end, they can't drive them away because they know that Deyun Club is the best place for cross talk. "

"You mean to make Deyun Club a star in the cross talk world?"

"That's what I mean."

Cao Xuan smiled and nodded: "Fanxing has never been afraid of artists changing jobs, because if one jumps, we can train two.

Countless artists are proud to join Fanxing, because this is the largest star-making factory in the entertainment industry. When you make Deyun Club a star in the cross talk world, you can develop a mentality of being relaxed about whether your apprentices will stay or leave.

This turmoil is not only a tribulation, but it is also an opportunity for Deyun Society. Lao Guo, you can think about the good talents among your disciples. "

"Been taught a lesson."

The fat little black man stood up and thanked him with a grateful face. He had been thinking about why his apprentice left him in the past few days, and he was also worried about the future development of Deyun Club after the departure of several pillars.

Cao Xuan's words solved his mystery and gave him the direction of management and development of Deyun Society.

The little fat man suddenly realized that Cao Xuan actually wanted to tell him the shortcomings of the dual management model of Deyun Club's class leader and the company.

Later, I felt that this matter was too complicated to break up, and there were indeed pros and cons. He was not the nanny of Deyun Club, so there was no need to take care of everything.

But he still gave a special explanation to the little black fat man: "I know you guys like to talk about cross talk, but you have to be more careful in the future. You must know what you can't touch and who you can't touch."

When the three of them were leaving, Cao Xuan personally gave Little Fatty Black a piece of calligraphy he wrote.

It comes from Huang Tingjian in the Song Dynasty. It is said to be the motto of Zhang Tingyu, a famous minister in the Qing Dynasty, and also some of Cao Xuan's personal attitudes towards life——

It’s better to say nothing than to be silent!

The meaning of these eight words is that if you say too much, you will make many mistakes. Many times, no matter how correct or perfect you answer some questions, it is better not to say anything. Be cautious in your words and deeds. Silence is golden.

Half of the negative turmoil surrounding the fat little black man was caused by his broken mouth. It would definitely be good for him if he could talk less.

Cao Xuan mainly reminded and warned the little black fat guy to stop pushing in the future, and if he caused trouble again, he wouldn't care.

In early September, Deyun Club reopened and invited Cao Xuan. However, Boss Cao did not show up and had someone send a celebratory flower basket.

He doesn't care about Deyun Society now. The family's current focus is on little Cao Li going to kindergarten.

On September 1st, the kindergarten started, and Cao Xuan’s family, except Hu Jing who stayed in Qin City to have her baby, all went out.

Xiao Cao Li went back to Beijing to go to school, and Zeng Li's Chinese opera school also started. The couple returned to the capital to live. Sun Lan and his wife were worried about their granddaughter, so they also came back to help pick up and drop off students.

Hu Jing still stayed in Qin City, planning to wait until November before returning to Beijing to give birth. Sun Lan came back from time to time to take care of her, but the main caregivers were Cao Xuan's father-in-law and mother-in-law.

In fact, whether it is picking up the children or the Empress of the East Palace, there are dedicated nannies and doctors, so there is no need for the elders to be busy at all.

But they couldn't sit still and didn't care about outsiders, so Cao Xuan just let it go. At least his family was with him and he felt much better.

On the day when little Cao Li was sent to kindergarten, neither Zeng Li nor Cao Xuan showed up. They just hid in the car and watched while Sun Lan and Cao Shuangguo handed the child to the teacher.

If nothing else happens, in most cases, it will be the grandparents who will come forward to communicate with the school. In a few cases, Zeng Li will directly communicate with the school leaders.

Cao Xuan and the others had thought up many explanations before, and made them up perfectly for little Cao Li's special situation.

Single parents are divorced, children are born out of wedlock, parents go abroad to work, and children are raised by grandparents. After thinking of a lot of predetermined rhetoric, Boss Cao even planned to buy customized scripts for screenwriters and online article authors.

But in fact, when going to school, teachers and other parents don't care about a student's family background.

Especially the old couple Cao Shuangguo and Sun Lan led their children out of an ordinary Xiali.

Not to mention it's not as good as the seven-figure luxury cars parked at the door, but it's still inferior to other mid- to high-end private cars that cost hundreds of thousands less.

They were not well dressed. Although they looked respectable and energetic, they were not from any brand. The schoolbags the children were carrying seemed to have been made by themselves.

Smart teachers and parents all focused their attention on those parents who wore famous brands and had an obvious yamen temperament.

The only thing that stands out to the young and old family is that the little girl is good-looking.

Although her face is chubby and a little round, her skin is fair and tender, and her eyebrows are delicate. It is obvious that she is a beautiful girl.

"What's the kid's name?"

One of the teachers liked it and squatted down to tease little Cao Li. She was not afraid of being born, and she replied with a smile on her face.

"Sister, my name is Cao Li. You can also call me Li Li. This is my nickname."

Before going to school, she specially practiced her famous names and nicknames, and she was eager to show off her skills whenever she got the chance.

"Li Li is great. Remember, you will call me teacher from now on."


Cao Li behaved well, and the teacher was amused. He thought the little girl was good-looking, smart and obedient, and he liked her very much.

Sun Lan and his wife were also surprised. Previously, they were worried that their granddaughter would not be able to adapt to school. The old couple and Cao Xuan outside were both prepared for a protracted war.

Unexpectedly, the child was not afraid of strangers at all. He chatted well with the teacher and was even a little eager to go to school.

Even when the teacher asked her to see her grandparents again, little Cao Li was a little reluctant to say goodbye, but she waved to her grandparents obediently, and then followed the teacher to the classroom with her schoolbag on her back.

Compared with the little kid next to him who was rolling around and crying with snot and tears, Cao Shuangguo and Sun Lan had long faces.

"As expected of Lao Cao's family/My Sun Lan's child is talented."

When they came back and learned from Cao Xuan and his wife, they were absolutely delighted, and Empress Xigong even blew it away.

"This preschool education is mainly about cultivating children's interests. I usually teach Li Li interestingly at home and enhance her yearning for kindergarten. Naturally, she is different from ordinary children..."

Cao Xuan nodded in agreement, and Sun Lan and his wife were even more happy. They thought it would be good to have a daughter-in-law who is a university teacher, so they don't have to worry about their children's education.

The result was a slap in the face.

When picking up the child in the evening, Xiao Cao Li changed from her calmness in the morning and cried like a little cat. She hugged her mother all the way and refused to let go. She said she didn't go to school the next day and made a fuss at home watching "Pleasant Goat". and Big Big Wolf".

Facts have proved that university teachers have no special aura for kindergarten students.

The child who had been playing wildly since childhood was not able to adapt to the centralized management of the school.

She was deceived by her mother before, thinking that going to school was particularly wonderful. But when she got to kindergarten, she realized that she was no longer deceived.

However, this situation is often not based on the students’ wishes.

Zeng Li acted like a strict mother and had to be sent to school even if she was tied up. Although Cao Xuan loved his daughter, he couldn't hold her back at this time.

Even though Mr. and Mrs. Sun Lan couldn't bear it, he persuaded them to back off. The small tree will not grow straight unless it is repaired, and the children must take care of what they should take care of.

"I'm looking for my second mother, wuwu, my second mother, please save me."

Seeing that his parents and grandparents who loved him in the past had changed their faces, Xiao Cao Li cried and asked Hu Jing to make the decision.

Hu Jing, who was originally only among the top five in the children's hearts, jumped to the first place in favorability. I don't know how the Empress of the East Palace would feel when she found out.

But it was useless to cry anymore. In the end, Xiao Cao Li was forcibly suppressed and sent to school.

In fact, seeing their daughter crying so miserably, Cao Xuan and Zeng Li felt bad, but they still had a white face and a red face, and would not let go no matter what they said.

The two of them know their daughter well. Although she may be silly and cute at times, she is very smart at critical moments and can sense the emotions of adults.

If she sees that the two of them are in love with each other, there is no way this matter will go away.

When two excellent actors started acting, not to mention she was a little brat, even some people from special departments might not be able to tell the difference.

As time went by, Xiao Cao Li gave up completely and understood that there was no room for negotiation between his parents.

In addition, he gradually became familiar with the teachers and classmates, and initially got used to the life in the kindergarten. Little Cao Li gradually accepted his fate and started a long student career.

"You can give me exercises for birthdays in the future."

Cao Xuan, who did not care about the future of being extubated, lamented the passage of time, and then got on a plane to the United States.

This time he officially signed a contract with Marvel and guest starred in the "Thor" movie.


Marvel's contract is very simple, mainly "Hawkeye" solo movie + "Avengers".

As for subsequent movies, it is no surprise that Cao Xuan will participate in "Avengers 2".

For further movies, the "Avengers" series may not be absent, but the personal sequel of "Hawkeye" or other personal movies will have to be discussed in detail.

The two parties have already discussed all the terms of the contract, and Cao Xuan himself has read the electronic document. Now that it is OK, he can just sign.

"Chris, welcome to the Marvel Universe."

AH President Kevin Feige and a senior Disney executive welcomed Cao Xuan on behalf of the company.

Cao Xuan said a few words, and then asked curiously: "When are you going to announce my joining."

“When ‘Thor’ comes out.”

Kevin Feige has already made arrangements to announce Cao Xuan's guest appearance in "Thor" as a publicity stunt.

After this news is digested and the project of "Hawkeye" is announced, there will be another wave of popularity. Not to mention "Thor", maybe "Captain America", which will be released two months later, will also benefit from it.

However, Cao Xuan is not at a loss either. "Now You See Me" is also scheduled for next year's summer release, and the popularity of Marvel can also bring exposure to this movie.


After getting the contract, Cao Xuan went directly to Mexico to guest star in "Thor", where the crew mainly filmed on location.

On the set, Cao Xuan met the director and two leading actors of "Thor".

The director's name is Kenneth Branagh, a British director who is famous for directing Shakespeare dramas. Many people were actually surprised when Marvel asked him to direct.

The style of "Thor" that was finally produced was also different from ordinary superhero movies, and it was not bought by the audience. He never made another Marvel movie after that.

The heroine Jane is played by Natalie Portman, the little girl in "The Killer Is Not So Cold".

This is considered a first-line actress in Hollywood. Kevin Feige wanted to use her and Cao Xuan's banner to increase the popularity of "Thor".

It is said that the reason why Natalie was willing to play "Thor" was because of the director, of whom she is a big fan.

Interestingly, even after the director left, she stayed in the "Thor" series, and even played the female Thor in the fourth "Thor" movie.

Cao Xuan was not familiar with these two people, and the director had never heard of his name before. Natalie Portman did know about it, but she had never interacted with him.

However, the Empress of the East Palace really liked the movie "This Killer Is Not Too Cold", while Cao Xuan preferred Natalie's "Black Swan".

However, what is interesting is that the movie "Black Swan" is suspected of plagiarism. When Natalie won the Oscar for Best Actress with this movie next year, she was ridiculed as a "cheating queen".

Cao Xuan was just polite to the two of them, but it was Chris Hemsworth. They were acquaintances due to the previous casting of "Now You See Me".

Speaking of which, Cao Xuan's English name is Chris Cao, and the American team's name is Chris Evans, plus the Thor Chris Hemsworth.

There are three Chriss in the entire Avengers, so it’s easy to get them confused if you’re not familiar with English.

But they can be distinguished by nicknames. Captain America is called Mr. Peach, and Thor is called Brother Hammer or Old Hammer.

There is a rumor that Hemsworth was chosen to play Thor because he worked as a construction worker in Australia for several years and is familiar with the hammer.

Cao Xuan remembered that all the leading actors in Marvel seemed to have Chinese nicknames, and wondered if he could have one more.

Brother Eagle?


Bending a bow and shooting through the sky?

With his imagination in mind, Cao Xuan went to the dressing room to try on the costumes. He only had two scenes in "Thor" and showed his face briefly.

However, considering that this is his first appearance, and there will be a solo movie in the future, Hawkeye is still fully equipped.

The black streamlined tights perfectly displayed Cao Xuan's slender figure, stern face and sharp eyes.

There is a black recurve bow with a dark dragon pattern in his left hand. There is a bib on the left side of his waist, which hides twelve throwing knives. He also carries a multifunctional quiver similar to a sword box on his back.

This thing is a black technology in the movie. There are almost endless bows and arrows. You can also change the arrow function at any time. At the same time, it hides Hawkeye's [Dragon] sword.

His bow is also a black technology. At a critical moment, with a flick of the bow, the bow will automatically fold and put into the quiver, and then with a touch of his hand, he will draw his sword for close combat.

Let's put it this way, if Hawkeye does not have this quiver, it will be like Captain America without his shield and Thor without his hammer, and his combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

Cao Xuan was very satisfied with his hawk-eye appearance. In one word——


It’s no secret that he personally participated in the design, especially the weapons, bows, arrows and swords. Cao Xuan also gave his opinions, especially adding dragon patterns. When he went back to enlarge the moves, [Qi] would make the dragon patterns swim, giving the thief a strong character.

When Cao Xuan appeared on the shooting scene with an arrow on his back, the scene was quite lively, with many girls and boys looking at him very enthusiastically.

Girls mainly stared at Cao Xuan's face, figure and temperament, while a small number of boys were similar to girls.

But more boys are staring at his costume and bow and arrow. Just like many boys like Iron Man, Hawkeye's costume and bow and arrow are also very interesting.

Even Lao Chui kept taking aim at him. After all, compared to the hammer in his hand, Cao Xuan's weapon was indeed more eye-catching.

Cao Xuan's cameo is also very simple. Thor sneaks to SHIELD's base to steal the hammer, and relies on his extraordinary strength to defeat the guards along the way, while Hawkeye is responsible for security.

Looking at Thor rushing towards the hammer stupidly, Hawkeye bent his bow and arrow in the dark night and spoke to the person in charge, Phil.

"Phil, do you want me to take care of him?"

The director specially gave Cao Xuan a profile shot, with a cold expression in his eagle eyes and a strong sense of confidence in his words, making him very handsome.

Phil stopped Hawkeye's attack and wanted to see Thor's actions. As a result, the latter was deprived of the qualification and could not lift the hammer, so he shook his head in disappointment.

"Forget it, it seems I guessed wrong."

The other guards rushed forward and pushed the confused Thor down. Hawkeye looked at him coldly, and suddenly touched the earphones, his tone became obviously gentle,

"Natasha, I understand..."

The previous shots are not much different from the original version of Thor, except that Cao Xuan's version is more domineering and confident. The last shot was specially added to pave the way for the "Eagle Eye" movie.

When "Thor" and "Captain America" ​​are released later, there will even be a separate Easter egg trailer for "Hawkeye".

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