China Entertainment 1997

Chapter 592 New Stars Emerging in Group Performances

October has entered the golden autumn

Cao Xuan's new album is basically finished, and now he is mainly shooting the MV.

The MV for the album "Xuan" is relatively rare because Hu Jing was not in good health and did not participate in the MV.

Zeng Li is busy with work and raising children, and he also wanted to keep a low profile after "Sword Rain", so he did not participate in the show this time.

King Cao Tian suddenly became a loner.

But it wouldn't work if the MV wasn't filmed. So Cao Xuan would either act it himself, or use an anime style, and use the other songs to praise newcomers, playing the male and female protagonists, with Cao Xuan appearing as the singer.

There is also a song "Because of Love" that directly asked the crew of "Carry Love to the End" for material, and it can be regarded as a trailer.

Cao Xuan promised not to let anyone other than Dongxi Ergong play the female lead in his MV, but if he doesn't play the male lead this time, it shouldn't be considered a broken promise... right...

But no matter what, Cao Xuan’s recruitment of actors for the MV is definitely a big news in the industry.

Cao Xuan is the world's top king. The sales volume of each album has never been less than 5 million copies. The MV coverage is often popular all over the Internet and even spread around the world.

For example, Cao Xuan’s MV for “Sugar” is currently at the top of the YouTube playlist.

Several newlyweds who appeared on the show have become small stars. One of them, an American couple, has been on the hot searches in many countries because of their divorce.

Cao Xuan was a little scared at that time, so he divorced the couple. Otherwise, he would not be the king of affairs, but the king of divorce...

This influence is definitely enough to make some popular flowers put down their status, and ordinary celebrities are willing to steal it.

Not to mention that Cao Xuan is not only the king of the world, but also a big shot in the entertainment industry. If he takes this opportunity to be noticed by Boss Cao, he will skyrocket.

However, to the disappointment of the entire entertainment industry, the MV crew announced that famous artists would not be considered, only amateurs with certain performance experience would be given priority.

To be an essential person, do you need to have acting experience?

If you think about it carefully, isn't this aimed at extras or ordinary actors who are not well-known?

This is specially given to newcomers!

Countless newcomers who dream of becoming stars shouted "Long Live Boss Cao" and then rushed to the capital to sign up.

In fact, this matter is placed on a separate official website, and applicants upload their own information and video photos to participate in the audition.

After passing the audition, and then participating in the video interview on time, there are two rounds of re-examination. In the end, only a few hundred or even dozens of people may be qualified to come to the capital for an interview.

This also prevents everyone from running to the capital and not being selected, thus wasting time, energy and money.

Unfortunately, this opportunity is so rare that many people don't worry about interviewing at home and directly pack their bags and come to the capital, thinking about whether they can increase their chances of being selected.

There is no guarantee that one day I will happen to meet Cao Xuan or the interviewer. When the other person sees it, he will be shocked and accept the interview.

This kind of situation is really not uncommon in the entertainment industry, so many people believe that they may not be able to catch such good things if they go to the capital, but they will definitely not be able to keep up if they don't go to the capital.

In particular, many group performers do not have regular jobs, so they might as well give it a try and benefit greatly.

Besides, if you really can't do it, just go to Fanxing Film and Television City not far from the capital to find some odd jobs. You won't starve to death anyway.

It is no exaggeration to say that in the days after the news was announced, at least tens of thousands of extras came to the capital, and the number was increasing rapidly.

Even Hengdian was hit by a labor shortage, not to mention other small film and television bases. Prices for group performances doubled several times in a short period of time.

I don’t know whether they scolded Cao Xuan or not, but the extras who stayed to make money were quite grateful to Cao Xuan...

However, for Fanxing, regardless of whether the interviewer is in the capital or across the country, the process remains the same. Online interviews are conducted first, and in-person interviews are conducted in the final round. Only 4 to 8 candidates are admitted.

4 to 8 people can choose, and the number of applicants is more than 35,000.

Moreover, these 35,000 people must answer a basic film and television knowledge questionnaire at the beginning. The questions are not difficult. As long as they are literate + have actually filmed or have certain acting knowledge, they can pass easily.

Then go to the next level and fill out three forms + a personal resume of 1,000 to 3,000 words, as well as three photos + ID photo + a 5-minute performance skit with your own title.

The website has a special review system, and registration is considered successful only after completing all steps. The main purpose is to persuade and eliminate those who come to make trouble, otherwise the number of applicants will be hundreds of thousands and it will be impossible to stop it.

Of course, it is not ruled out that some boring people really have the patience to complete these steps, but the number is definitely not large, and they cannot pass the subsequent manual review.

The workload of 35,000 people's resumes is not small. The review team is mainly composed of Fanxing staff and MV crew members. There are only a dozen people. It is impossible for them to look at everyone's information carefully.

Those who review the information sheet may only look at key information, those who review personal resumes and photos may only briefly review it, and those who review videos may only take half a minute.

Even if the cross-scoring method is used, each review team will give a score, and then the computer will comprehensively evaluate it, but it is still a test of luck and has the highest risk of elimination.

After all, for those who are strong and have great advantages, as long as they make it to the interview, the chance of being eliminated is not high. What they fear most is that they will be killed in the audition due to confusion, and their great abilities will have to be put to rest.

After that, there are two rounds of re-examinations, which mainly involve self-introduction, answering questions, performing talents + a skit of a few minutes.

Cao Xuan did not participate in the auditions, but asked for recordings of some contestants for the re-examination to see if there were any good prospects.

After all, it was Cao Xuan who really had the final say on this matter.

If he thinks it's good, it will be smooth sailing from now on. If he thinks it's not good, there's no need to participate in the rest.

The Empress of the East Palace is not far away from her due date, and the weather has turned colder, so she also moved back to the capital and is currently waiting for her birth in a villa in Changping.

When she had nothing to do, she also served as an examiner, helping Cao Xuan with the review, which was also a way to pass the time.


Hu Jing eliminated a boy with an unconventional hairstyle and was a little devastated: "What's wrong with kids nowadays? They all have such weird hairstyles."

"You don't understand. This is the rebellious spirit of the new generation of the Internet. It is a gesture of individuality. Just like when we were young, didn't we also like to pursue some so-called fashions?

It's just that their performance is more exaggerated, and many people can't accept it. In fact, upon closer inspection, it's quite touching. "

Cao Xuan said something nice to the non-mainstream, but turned around and eliminated a girl with a green afro in his hand.

Although he understands, it doesn't mean he accepts it.

For Cao Xuan, this fashion style is still too avant-garde, and he would not agree to appear in his MV.

Before the re-examination interview, I have reminded everyone to dress appropriately during the interview and try not to be too unconventional.

Maybe they didn't care about the rules, maybe they wanted to be new and unique, but unfortunately they didn't impress Cao Xuan.

Hu Jing had time, but she couldn't bear it. Cao Xuan had to be busy with other work, so she occasionally took a look at it in her spare time. In three days, the two of them only read more than a hundred titles.

But honestly, these guys are pretty lackluster.

Cao Xuan and Cao Xuan still have very high standards. Even many students from the Chinese Opera Department are not outstanding in their eyes, let alone these amateur actors. Putting aside their appearance, their performances are really young and rough.

It can’t be said that there are no highlights at all, but it is far from meeting Cao Xuan’s requirements.

Of course, it's not like there aren't all good prospects. Cao Xuan took a fancy to one named Anze.

An Ze, a native of Jin Province, is 25 years old. He is actually a semi-professional. He studied at an art school run by Sun Yanjun, the actor who played Liu Bei in CCTV's "Romance of the Three Kingdoms". This school is a private university and is considered a junior college.

I graduated in the summer of 2006 and have been doing group performances for more than four years. Last year I officially turned into a special guest, and this year I also participated in the starring role in a small crew. It can be said that I am doing it steadily.

Cao Xuan liked him for three main reasons.

The first is that he has good looks, thick eyebrows and big eyes, tough and handsome, and he is handsome and recognizable.

To put it bluntly, he has a star look.

Second, the acting skills are acceptable, although not great, but judging from the video, the basic skills are quite solid, and he is very courageous.

The sketch he chose was Cao Xuan's classic crying scene in "When a Man Falls in Love", which was extremely difficult. Most people would not dare to take such risks in interviews.

Thirdly, I have a background in extras in the Stars Film and Television City, and I have studied in the training classes for extras in the Stars.

As mentioned before, Cao Xuan intends to promote a few group idols, and this MV audition actually has this intention.

But Cao Xuan is not a saint, and he praises all the extras, but he definitely hopes to advertise his own film and television studio, and at the same time, he can also make the extras in the film and television city more ambitious.

Maybe, it might even cause Hengdian a heavy blow.

It would be even better if Hengdian followed suit and started praising group performances, as there would be another way out for group performances.

Anze perfectly met Cao Xuan's needs and asked Cao Xuan to put him on the candidate list. If there are no problems in the later rounds of interviews, and if his reputation and character meet the standards again, he will be officially included in the "star-making list" ".

Cao Xuan likes a boy, and Hu Jing also likes a girl.

She didn't encounter it by herself, but after the first round of re-examination, the review team listed several key targets, and this girl was one of them.

She graduated from a dance major and has just been admitted to the theater. She has little performance experience, but she has great looks.

Even Empress Donggong, who is used to seeing beautiful women, was a little surprised. Such a beautiful face, even if she has little acting experience, is enough to make up for it.

"Dili's meatball!"

Cao Xuan looked at the information Hu Jing sent him specially and raised his eyebrows.

He didn't know whether it was the Empress of the East Palace who had good vision or whether Dili was lucky, but this one was indeed a good prospect.

Cao Xuan handed the information of the two people to the person in charge, paid special attention to it, and then asked someone to call and inquire about Anze's reputation.

After all, Boss Cao has good intentions, but he can't rely on others to bring out another disaster. It would be embarrassing and disappointing.

For this MV selection, registration started in early September and ended on September 15th. Retests began in late September and the final selection was on October 6th.

Of the 35,000 successful applicants, only 156 were finally interviewed in real life. On average, only one person out of 200 got a ticket, and the 156 people had to fight fiercely to finally select a few.

The real-person interview lasted for two days, with two rounds in total. The first round of examiners was led by the MV deputy director + the deputy director of Fanxing’s agency department. The former was for the MV, and the latter was to see if there was a need for training to sign a contract.

In the last round, Cao Xuan and director Chen Hanzhu came in person to make the final decision.


Sun Yanyan looked at her best friend boredly. She had been tinkering in the mirror for a long time and still didn't give up, so she couldn't help but interrupt.

"That's almost enough. I'll be here at 8 o'clock. It's already 7:10. Are you still going?"

"Go! Go! Go."

Finally, her best friend sprayed herself with some perfume, took her in a taxi, and went straight to the final interview location, Fanxing Building.

During this period, the driver heard that they were going to Fanxing Building and immediately started chatting.

"Hey, these two sisters are celebrities. Look at my luck today. I got a 20% discount on the return fare."

Taxi drivers in Beijing are definitely the most chatty people. They opened up their chat boxes and started talking.

"I often travel around this area, and I have also attracted a few celebrities. Just that Huang Bo, the one who speaks the local dialect of the island. Don't look at TV and see that he is so talkative. He is introverted in private.

Another time, I invited Li Xuejian, Cao Xuan’s master, and the old man didn’t bring any money. I called him, and guess what, Cao Xuan came over to pay the fare in person.

What I mean is that I don’t want it. He wants to give it life and death. If it weren’t for the fact that his business is big, according to our old Beijing dialect, the situation will be bad..."

The driver chatted for a while. He was quite reliable at first, but then he became more and more arrogant. Nine lies and one truth. If the road hadn't been so short, he would have almost made Cao Xuan his brother.

Sun Yanyan and her best friend listened with interest at first, but then they just listened perfunctorily.

When they arrived at the building, they paid the money and quickly got out of the car. Looking at the word "Stars" on the building, their best friend's face showed longing.

"This is Yang Mi who brought out Liu Yifei, Yang Mi, and Hu Ge. It's so spectacular."


Sun Yanyan took a look at Fanxing Building. Although it was not a small household, it was not a particularly impressive building in the capital. The praise from her best friend had a strong filter element.

But having said that, aside from the building itself, this building does have a good aura.

I don’t know how many high-quality films and TV shows are born here every year, and newcomers enter this building one after another, becoming famous all over the country, and even becoming popular in Asia.

Fanxing Group has become a very influential star company in China and even Asia, and Fanxing Building is considered a semi-landmark building in Beijing.

Every year, tourists and fans come here to try their luck to see if they can meet celebrities and get autographs and photos.

For young people who are interested in the entertainment industry, Fanxing Tower is simply like a "holy place", a paradise where fish can jump over the dragon's gate.

As a little-known actor, Sun Yanyan can actually feel the magic while standing in Stars Tower.

However, she was born with bad luck, and she never believed in anything soaring into the sky.

It's not like she has never participated in these so-called open selections. During the auditions for "A Dream of Red Mansions", she was even expected to become the champion of the Daiyu group.

As a result, she found out that her role had already been pre-decided, and someone wanted to use other characters to subvert her, which caused Sun Yanyan to withdraw from the selection in anger.

From then on, she never believed in the so-called open selection. Even if her best friend made it to the final round this time, she was forced to be brave by her best friend, and at the same time, she accompanied her with the mentality of comforting her best friend after losing the election.

There are many friends who bring relatives, and the most exaggerated ones bring their parents directly, so that the staff keep looking at them for fear of causing trouble if they lose the election.

When they came to the special rest area, their best friends looked around, observing these potential competitors, and murmured a few words to Sun Yanyan from time to time.

"Yanyan, look at that handsome guy, does he look like Zhao Wenzhuo?"

"Hey, that one actually has a close-fitting skirt underneath, so you won't have to worry about freezing to death in the middle of winter."

"Wow, the girl next to us is so pretty."

Sun Yanyan looked up and saw a girl with a bun, big eyes, and delicate appearance who was silently reciting interview tips and the like.

"It seems that they are not Han Chinese."

Sun Yanyan saw that the girl had slightly deep eye sockets and a high bridge of nose, with a bit of exotic color, but it was not obvious and she was not sure.

But regardless of whether it was true or not, Sun Yanyan had a small moment of silence with her best friend.

Even if there is no internal decision, given this girl's conditions, my best friend has little chance of winning against her.

However, my best friend had no such vigilance at all. She ran over to get close to her very familiarly, and ran back two minutes later.

"You guessed it right, Uighur, freshman in theater."

"The big three."

Sun Yanyan once again paid a moment of silence for her best friend. After all, she was still in the acting department of Zhonghua University, not as good as the top three, but she could still be ranked in the top five in the art performance category.

My best friend graduated from Luyi University and said she was from a major, but many people don’t know this school exists, and the most famous among its alumni are only singers.

If Cao Xuan knew her thoughts, he would definitely correct her. The singer trained by Lu Yi could not be compared to the singer from the three major schools together...

Sure enough, Sun Yanyan watched with her own eyes the Uyghur freshman who was going to the theater was called out for an interview. The interview lasted for more than half an hour, which was the longest among all the people.

When she came back, although the examiner told her to go back and wait for notification, the happy smile on her face showed that the interview went well.

Seeing that she was getting closer and closer to her best friend, Sun Yanyan felt a little nervous, not to mention her best friend herself.

"Yanyan, come with me to the bathroom."

My best friend planned to go to the bathroom to touch up her makeup and adjust it. Sun Yanyan followed her with her bag.

As a result, the bathroom near the conference room was full, so I had to ask the staff to take a detour to another one. Then I met Cao Xuan at the door who had just come out of the bathroom and wiped his hands with a tissue.

"Hello, Teacher Cao."

Sun Yanyan reacted very quickly and immediately pulled her best friend to bow. Cao Xuan nodded: "Hello."

Then Cao Xuan walked away, but before leaving, he looked back at Sun Yanyan thoughtfully.

And although the two of them didn't expect to meet Cao Xuan, they were surprised and scared at the same time.

I was pleasantly surprised, but I was afraid that the scene just now would leave a bad impression on Cao Xuan and affect the interview.

Sun Yanyan could only keep comforting her girlfriends. The two of them bowed so fast just now that Cao Xuan might not have seen their faces clearly. Besides, there were so many people coming and going, people might have thought they were Fanxing employees.

With her persuasion, my best friend gradually felt relieved.

However, what they don't know is that Fanxing employees must wear a badge with the department, position, and employee on their chest when they go to work. Whether they are employees or not can be recognized at a glance.

At the same time, Boss Cao has a very good memory and does not dare to say that he never forgets anything, but at least he will not fail to recognize the person he just met.

So when my best friend attended the interview, she saw Cao Xuan nodding and smiling at her, and then she was completely confused. After two or three sentences, she was carried away.

"The girl who was with you just now was..."

"My good friend Sun Yanyan."

"Did she participate in the interview?"

"No, she came with me."

"Can you help me go out and ask her to come?"

"Ah, okay."

As a result, Sun Yanyan was dragged into the conference room by her best friend, introduced herself, and performed a few skits at the request of the examiner.

The more Cao Xuan looked at her, the more satisfied he became. He just saw that this girl had gentle and heroic eyebrows, a calm temperament, and a bit of the style of Empress Xigong when she was young.

I asked more out of curiosity, but I didn't expect to find a talent.

He is a 27-year-old from the acting department of Zhongchuan. He has been on stage for two years and acted in dramas for three years. He just entered the People's Art Department in 2009 and is currently serving as the substitute for the role of Zhou Ziping in the People's Art drama "Wotou Guild Hall".

Let's put it this way, the threshold for talent and art is so high. Basically, only 1 to 2 actors are recruited every year, mainly for middle-level and top-level dramas.

Sun Yanyan was able to pass the exam and quickly served as a substitute for the B role in the drama, which is considered extremely outstanding.

It's rare for Boss Cao to have a love for talents, but it seems that Renyi actors cannot sign with outside agencies.

After knocking on the table, Cao Xuan still planned to let Sun Yanyan participate in the MV and then ask her agent to talk to her.

He is very talented and worthy of admiration, but it is too difficult to get ahead and he earns very little.

But signing with Fanxing is different. I dare not say that it is more than that. The 1.8 million earned a year is just like playing. If you become famous and famous, your income will increase several times or dozens of times.

The other party chose to stay, and he respected it.

When the other party comes to the stars, he welcomes them.

Of course, it would be great if we could find a way to benefit both parties. If Cao Xuan remembered correctly, those big names in talent and art seemed to have companies outside.

Sun Yanyan and her best friend left the conference room in a daze. Today had given them too much stimulation.

The person who came for the interview became a foil, and the original foil was appreciated. Not only did he participate in the MV, he was even expected to sign a contract with Fanxing.

One day later, Sun Yanyan received a notice from Fanxing and came to sign the MV actor contract, and then met the final winner of the interview.

Counting her, there are 6 people in total, three women and three men.

The Uighur girl from yesterday was also there, and Sun Yanyan learned that her name was Dili Rouba, and she was the youngest among the group.

There is another girl named Wang Ya, who also worked as an extra in Fanxing Film and Television City for two years and graduated from the Academy of Opera.

It is said that in the past two years, Wang Ya has monopolized all the opera-related bit parts in Fanxing Film and Television City. During the interview, she sang "The Injustice of Dou E" and her skills shocked everyone.

The three boys are An Ze, Ma Yuntao, and Yu Shi.

The first two were also extras. Needless to say, Anze and Ma Yuntao were from Hengdian and looked a bit like the Roaring Leader when he was young. At first, they thought the two were related.

At the same time, Ma Yuntao is also the only one among this group of people who has not attended any professional art school or even university.

Cao Xuan thought that he had an evil spirit and ruthlessness in him, which made him suitable for playing the role of a villain, so he won the role.

Yu Shi is a student at Nanyang University of Arts. He is a senior this year and is considered the best among everyone. He has filmed a few movies, but they were all minor supporting roles. It is better to call him an ordinary actor, but it is not an exaggeration to be considered an extra. .

Several people took a moment and found out that what they all had in common was that they were extravaganzas, and they could vaguely guess part of Cao Xuan's intentions.

But this is a good thing for them. After all, if they compete with those real college students, they have little chance of winning.

After signing the MV contract, their agent came to sign Fanxing's official actor contract with them.

Except for Sun Yanyan, who had not thought about it for the time being, the other five people signed their names on the contract without hesitation.

However, it is worth mentioning that Ma Yuntao, Wang Ya, and Yu Shi only signed three-year contracts.

The meaning is obvious. If you do not perform well in three years, you will terminate the contract and leave immediately.

Although Fanxing is a star-making factory, not everyone can succeed. There have been a few cannon fodder here and there over the years, and they are even included in entertainment gossip.

Anze is slightly better, having won a five-year contract. It seems that the company still has some confidence in him.

Only Dili Rouba was awarded an 8-year contract right away, and her emphasis on training was palpable.

Looking at the well-behaved Dili butt, several other people had mixed feelings in their hearts.

However, what they don't know is that apart from the contract, the key is to distribute it to Rouba's agent.

Liu Rui!

Fanxing’s agents rank among the top three, and their artists are Zhao Xiaodao, Yang Xue, Damimi, and Hu Jing.

Dili Rouba is the only newcomer she has taken the initiative to take care of in the past five years...

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