China Entertainment 1997

Chapter 716 Guangshi: Don’t you have any ideas of your own?

"The more romantic this relationship is, the more beautiful it is

Parting is the most unbearable thing

I can't bear to see you turn your back to me

It's time to leave, please don't be too attached to me

The ups and downs are like the tide of people. How can I not miss you?

Can't say goodbye


On the computer screen, everyone in the huge stadium turned on their mobile phone flashlights and waved their phones, forming a wave of stars across the field.

At the same time, everyone also sang Principal Tan's classic song "Can't Say Goodbye" loudly in Cantonese. The sound shook the sky and the emotion moved the sky.

This time was playing, and the female host's voice also sounded on the TV.

"A few days ago, Cao Xuan held a farewell concert at Shenzhen Bao'an Stadium. At the end of the concert, 45,000 people in the audience sang Alan Tam's "Can't Say Goodbye" in unison to say goodbye to Cao Xuan...

It is reported that this show was designed by the Cao Xuan fan group in Shenzhen. Cao Xuan himself did not know about it in advance, so he was moved to tears after hearing the song..."

The picture was shown to the stands, with countless fans singing and crying. Cao Xuan on the stage was also affected by the atmosphere. He couldn't help but turn away to wipe his tears and bow to the audience in thanks.

"This is blatant plagiarism!"

Wang Yang, who has always loved watching football, was very familiar with this operation of Shenzhen fans and couldn't help but complain.

In 2013, Evergrande Club's meritorious foreign aid Konka left the team. Countless fans at the scene sang this song "Can't Say Goodbye" to bid farewell, which became one of the famous scenes in the Chinese Super League.

Unexpectedly, after two years, a wave of fans from Shenzhen City came to steal the song and copied it and used it on Cao Xuan.

Wang Yang could already realize how angry the fans in Guangzhou were. The plagiarism was on the one hand, but what was probably even more angry was that they didn't even think of doing the whole thing, and the idea was stolen.

Although fans and fans in Guangzhou may not be the same family, there are also a lot of overlap, especially Cao Xuan himself who prefers football and is even more able to attract fans among the fans.

Directly double the anger!

It is estimated that the two families still have a lot of legal battles to fight, but this has nothing to do with Wang Yang.

What he himself is more concerned about is that the fans in Shenzhen City made this concert so eye-catching. How can the fans in Chongqing City not lose the show?

The farewell concert is not only Cao Xuan's farewell to his fans, but also the fans' farewell tribute to Cao Xuan, their favorite singer and even their idol.

In previous concerts, many local fan groups would design some activities for Cao Xuan to express their welcome and attention to Cao Xuan, or to bid farewell and pay respect to the legendary superstar.

Activities vary in size from grand to grand in Chengdu, depending on the ability of the local fan organizations and even the organizers.

For example, in Manchester, England, a small alley decided to be named after Cao Xuan to express friendship.

During the concert in South Africa, nearly 5,000 people came to greet him, causing an unprecedented traffic jam at the local airport.

Singapore attracted a crowd of 200,000 fans to watch. During the Tokyo concert, local fans funded 40 fireworks shows in Japan to celebrate Cao Xuan's birthday soon.

Even in Guangzhou, there are actually similar activities.

On the day of the concert, Guangzhou fans raised funds to use lights and LEDs to display photos of Cao Xuan and blessings from Guangzhou fans at multiple local landmark buildings, including the Qiyue Provincial Tower.

This design is actually quite good. It achieves its purpose and also promotes a wave of local elements.

However, it could not withstand the infighting in Shenzhen City. Several landmark light shows were obviously not as shocking and topical as the collective farewell chorus.

Regardless of Cao Xuan's own reaction and the feedback from other fans, Shenzhen City, let alone others, definitely beats Guangzhou City in terms of effect.

While this made fans in Guangzhou unhappy, it also put a lot of pressure on fans in other cities.

With Shenzhen's pearls in front, who wouldn't want to make a splash in front of Cao Xuan and even the people of the country.

To a certain extent, when regional competition began to emerge, Cao Xuan had already moved to the back. The key was that his city could not lose.

Wang Yang is the deputy leader of the Chongqing Cao Xuan official fan group.

Under normal circumstances, the leaders of this kind of celebrity fan groups are mostly women, and even most of them are young female fans. However, the composition of Cao Xuan's fan group is relatively diverse.

The reason is that although Cao Xuan has good looks and many female fans, his own strength and brilliant career have also attracted a large number of male fans to join him.

Wang Yang is a die-hard male fan of Cao Xuan. He is 32 years old this year. To a certain extent, he is already considered an uncle in the eyes of many people born in the 00s and even in the 1995s.

In fact, it was "late" that he fell in love with Cao Xuan, and he only started chasing stars in college.

He likes Cao Xuan's music the most, and also admires Cao Xuan's personal career status. He joined Cao Xuan's fan group early on.

At that time, it was still Baidu Tieba and Penguin Blog, and the fan group had only just been roughly formed. It was relatively loose and more like an internal discussion group. Later, it gradually grew into a formal one.

More than ten years have passed, and Wang Yang has never left the fan club after graduating, working, getting promoted, getting married, or having children. He has transformed from a prosperous college student into a fat middle-aged man with a general belly and a slightly bald head. And served as the deputy leader of the Chongqing Fan Club.

That's why Wang Yang was particularly worried about Cao Xuan's concert activities in Chongqing City, and immediately had a video discussion with several people in charge after work.

"I just went to the group in Xia City and asked around. I didn't leak anything."

"The same is true in Xingcheng. We agreed to love each other as a family, but now we are holding back our rivalry."

"Rongcheng has done some research. I heard it's a drone show, sponsored by a sponsor, and it costs a lot of money."

Several people in charge kept talking and complaining, summarizing the results of their inquiries.

"No, our plan is a bit inconspicuous."

The person who spoke was a sharp and forthright young woman, who was the leader of the Chongqing Fan Club.

His real identity is the owner of a chain beauty shop with a net worth of tens of millions, so he is not only the leader of the group, but also one of the financial backers of the Chongqing Fans Group.

"How about changing the plan and spending part of it from the public account, Lao Zhang, Brother Lan and I will do the rest."

The donors speak with pride, and things that can be solved with money are not difficult for them.

In many fan groups, such rich fans may not be large in number, but they have always been an important part. In many fan groups, these financial fans provide important support for celebrities' rankings, performance data, gifts, and activities.

What's more, some wealthy fans can even bring certain related resources to these stars.

Of course, the above mentioned relationship is generally a relatively normal relationship between celebrities and fans, but due to reasons such as money and resources, wealthy fans are relatively more proactive.

As for those who are more evolved, that is the financial sponsor. This is a different relationship with celebrities.

Rich fans may become financial backers of celebrities, but they are by no means equal to financial backers of celebrities.

Relatively speaking, the original intention of Tuhao fans is simpler.

Some people just like the pleasure of cultivating a family, watching the little star they like grow up step by step, and contributing to it themselves.

Some people have a favorable impression of celebrities because of their appearance, works, etc., and their financial conditions are easy, so they are willing to spend money to support them, just as a hobby.

Others simply have too much money and have nowhere to spend it, and like to gain some vanity and a sense of existence in the process of chasing stars.

Among all the celebrities, Cao Xuan has an extremely large number of wealthy fans, and they are spread all over the world, otherwise he would not have made such a big fuss before.

What's interesting is that 99.99% of wealthy fans are not as rich as Cao Xuan. Many of them even admire and like Cao Xuan because of his wealth and net worth.

Just like many people worship Bill Gates and Jack Ma, when wealth is accumulated to a certain extent, he will also become a business idol.

Because of this, many wealthy fans of Cao Xuan do not have the same high profile as "supportive" fans of other celebrities. Some even have a feeling of "I am proud to spend money on Cao Xuan" that outsiders cannot understand.

They felt that Cao Xuan was richer than them, and they felt honored to be given to such a "superstar rich man".

Even sometimes, the more Cao Xuan blocked them, the more energetic they became...

Of course, most people are relatively normal. For example, this time, fan groups from all over the country are taking turns to cause trouble. At first, they wanted to give their idols a decent farewell ceremony, which can be regarded as a release and resolution of their inner feelings and beautiful memories.

So even Cao Xuan, who has never supported fans spending money randomly, adopted a default attitude this time.

Later, due to involution and competition, some places went a little too far, but the momentum was already established, and I couldn't stop it even if I wanted to. It was the last section left and right, so I had to let it go.

Foreign fans are like the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each showing his magical powers.

Because many behaviors in China are relatively sensitive, Cao Xuan does not support and recognize the "good intentions" of some fans, so he can only work hard on new ideas and pomp.

It’s harder to come up with new ideas, good solutions are not easy to come up with, and they may not necessarily be effective.

The pomp is as simple as throwing money at it!

"I would tell you that we have reserved all the advertising spaces on buses and taxis in the entire mountain city. The streets and alleys are full of Cao Xuan's advertising flyers, and they are no match for us."

A fat, bald man suddenly popped out of one of the camera screens and came up with an idea.

"Old man, go away, I'm in a meeting."

"It's okay, Brother Zhou is not an outsider."

Everyone present knew this fat bald man. His daughter was the backbone of their Chongqing fan group, and this fat man Zhou was also half a Cao Xuan fan.

To be more precise, this is Cao Xuan's friend, but this is what the latter claimed and there is no actual evidence.

But according to her daughter’s revelation, her father did know Cao Xuan, and the two had taken photos together, and there was Cao Xuan’s WeChat account, but Fatty Zhou never bothered him in private except for sending two blessings during the holidays.

Wang Yang and the others still believe in this.

Because Fatty Zhou started his career as a game agent in his early years. At his peak, he was one of the major game agents in the Southwest, with a net worth of ten figures. His daughter has not yet graduated from college and drives a Ferrari worth more than 3 million.

The relationship between Cao Xuan and Box Games is no longer a secret, but the outside world doesn’t know how many shares and voice Cao Xuan currently has.

But no matter what, Cao Xuan, the famous gaming tycoon, cannot escape.

Fatty Zhou started his career in gaming, and it was normal for him to get to know Cao Xuan. He might even have been working with them for a living.

There is evidence for this, because Fatty Zhou, a rich man with a net worth of ten figures, is very supportive of his daughter's pursuit of stars, of course, the prerequisite is Cao Xuan.

Moreover, he also invested several sponsorships in the Chongqing City Fan Club, which not only made his daughter the backbone of the group in a short period of time, but also made him the largest non-staff financial sponsor of the fan club.

He is more willing to spend money than the Young Women's Leader and others, and he also speaks highly of Cao Xuan, acting as a more die-hard fan than a die-hard fan.

This kind of support and positivity makes people wonder whether Fatty Zhou has other emotions and psychology involved...

This time, Fatty Zhou also gave full support, and his words were very loud.

"The last concert in Caoxuan Mountain City will never happen in the future. We in Chongqing City cannot be underestimated. This time, I, Lao Zhou, have given me a big favor. I paid for all the advertising expenses."

"That won't work. According to the rules, public accounts should be publicized first, and then funds can be raised voluntarily."

The young woman leader was very principled, and several other key members had similar opinions. Only Wang Yang hesitated slightly and raised two questions.

First, I am afraid there is not enough time.

Now Cao Xuan is in Xia City, and it only takes a few days to arrive in Chongqing City. The time is too short.

According to Fatty Zhou's idea, not to mention the time it took to design advertising flyers, printing advertising stickers, contacting transportation companies, and distributing vehicles, if you want to achieve a certain scale, this cannot be completed in a short time.

The second is the question that Wang Yang hesitates the most.

"When we do this, does it change the taste a bit? There can be rituals, but there is no need to be so extravagant and wasteful. I always feel that it is putting the cart before the horse.

In fact, regardless of plagiarism or not, I quite appreciate what the fans in Shenzhen did. The boss held a concert to say goodbye to us, and we also used songs to say goodbye to him. This is the most decent and touching farewell ceremony. "

Wang Yang's words also made everyone a little thoughtful. The young woman leader pondered for a moment: "What do you mean..."

"Imitate Shenzhen fans."

The young woman group leader had not made a decision and discussed it with a few key members. Although it was a bit off-putting, Wang Yang's words did touch a few people.

The performance of the fans in Shenzhen City actually shocked the hearts of these fans and fans, so as soon as they heard that similar actions were to be repeated, they immediately received great support.

However, in order to retain its characteristics and avoid being ridiculed for copying Shenzhen City, the Chongqing City Fan Club still retained the original plan.

They didn't stop Fatty Zhou when he went to advertise on traffic flyers, and even paid some public fees.

Not to mention, Fatty Zhou’s strength should not be underestimated.

Even though it only lasted a few days, on the day of the Chongqing concert, although Fatty Zhou had not imagined, the public transportation advertising space in the entire mountain city was reserved, and Cao Xuan's concert posters were everywhere in the streets and alleys.

But there are indeed many figures, at least two or three out of ten.

It became a scene in the mountain city that day and even for a period of time after that. Later, it was copied by Jinling and carried forward, making Fatty Zhou angry.

However, the most talked-about part of the concert was the end of the concert, when more than 50,000 fans raised their hands, turned on their flashlights, and sang an adapted version of "Goodbye" to Cao Xuan on the stage.

"I will remember your face

I will cherish the thoughts you give me

These days will never be erased from my heart

You must promise me

No matter whether you come back or not


Keep walking happily


On the stage, Cao Xuan no longer held back tears as he had done in the Shenzhen market, but he kept playing the beat for the fans in the audience with a serious expression and listened quietly.

At the end of the song, Cao Xuan bowed to the audience many times and left the stage.

But many of the audience in the audience were in tears, including Wang Yang. As a backbone of the local fan group, he had the benefit of buying tickets internally and brought his wife and son to watch the concert.

For the last song "Goodbye", Wang Yang let tears flow down his face, but still shouted and sang while waving his mobile phone.

The young son didn't understand what was going on with his father, and asked his mother in horror. Wang Yang's wife didn't know how to answer, so she could only say to her son.

"It's something your dad likes very much. It won't be available anymore."

The final chorus of the Chongqing concert received rave reviews, which directly attracted many fans to imitate the song at the Chengdu concert shortly afterwards, and magically modified "Days on Jingcheng East Road".

Since then, it has affected the atmosphere of domestic concerts to a certain extent.

The focus of the competition has shifted from ceremonial activities that waste people and money, to focusing on farewell songs, and triggered a wave of magic reform. Compared with which place's songs are better selected, better modified, and sung with more emotion.

As the turning point that directly caused this wave, Chongqing was praised by fans and netizens across the country. Even Cao Xuan himself gave high praise, but he was tired of the first two companies.

Shenzhen fans: "Those who copy others will be copied. There will be retribution."

Canton fans: “Don’t you have any ideas of your own?”

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