On March 12, the movie "The Tuner" officially started filming.

The crew accepted media interviews before filming started.

Since the short film "The Tuner" won the award on February 18, the short film "The Tuner" has been broadcast on many domestic TV stations.

At present, the public is already very familiar with "The Tuner", but the director Lu Ping'an is a little unfamiliar, because he rarely accepts interviews and only visited Six Princesses once in the middle.

So this time the "Tuner" movie was suddenly launched. The cast included two big names, Jiang Wenli and Jiang Wen, as well as the original cast. This attracted a lot of media.

"There is a certain correlation between big movies and short films, but it is not a simple expansion of the plot. The new plot will be more brain-burning. What does "brain-burning" mean? Oh, it is more brain-consuming, but it is not the kind that cannot be understood. This movie I will make it so that ordinary audiences can understand it at a glance and feel very happy, but after watching it, they will feel that something is wrong the more they think about it, and it is scary to think about it carefully, that is, the kind of movie that has great staying power..."

Lu Ping'an made a strong show of his voice to the microphone and camera.

Jiang Wen and others also showed off.

Jiang Wen: "I thought it was just an extension of the short film at first, but the script was beyond my expectation. Yes, this is a friendly appearance. I want to see this script turned into a movie with my own eyes."

Jiang Wenli: "I just came to watch it at first. I only watched the short film and thought it was quite interesting. After I came here, I found that the scripts of big movies were more interesting, so I shamelessly asked for the role."

Zhang Songwen: "I can't tell what the plot is, anyway, there is none in the whole film... Well..."

Before Zhang Songwen could finish his words, Zhou Yiwei covered his mouth.

This scene also made reporters more curious.

And what appeared on the news after returning was naturally full of suspense.

"The Silver Bear Award-winning short film is a remake of a major movie, and the excitement of the script attracted Jiang Wen to take the initiative to participate."

"Lu Pingan's talent as a screenwriter impressed all the actors."

"Lu Ping'an: I want to make the audience unable to sleep after watching the movie."

"Simple, yet terrifying to contemplate and brain-burning, this is Silver Bear director Lu Ping'an's definition of the new film."


Thanks to the efforts of China Film Group Corporation, the news of the launch of the "The Tuner" movie became known across the country overnight.

At the same time, the Sixth Princess also played the short film again at the right time.

It also lets more people know the story behind the movie.

Silver Bear Award, 18-year-old genius director, very interesting short film. . .

Lu Ping An's reputation has risen again.

However, this kind of publicity cannot last long, after all, it is just a boot.

As filming began, the market was quickly overwhelmed by other news.

But Lu Ping'an no longer paid attention to this.

It is enough that the first wave of propaganda has achieved its purpose.

The next task is to make a big movie.

. . . . . . .

If you want to successfully restore the "The Tuner" movie, it will not be easy if you only rely on safe roads.

But now that Jiang Wen is here, many things are different.

During the filming process, Lu Pingan discovered that Golden Finger was actually very flexible in scoring scenes.

For example, in the scene "the protagonist enters the celebrity's mansion and sees the murder scene".

If Lu Ping'an were to do the filming, he would have just copied the original shot shot by shot like a fool. If it was not 90%, he would have to start over.

But if Jiang Wenlai is allowed, the shots, lines, performance movements, etc. will be different. Maybe the filming will be from inside the door from the beginning, and the expression will be a little weirder.

Goldfinger will not lower its score because of changes in camera angles and performance methods. Sometimes it will give a high score, sometimes even exceeding 110%.

Lu Pingan now knows that as long as the content of the story remains unchanged and the overall essence and quality can be guaranteed to be no less than 90%, any filming can be done.

But Lu Ping'an couldn't play like this because he had no money in his stomach.

Jiang Wen can, that's because he is Jiang Wen.

Of course, leaving Jiang Wen to his own devices would definitely not work.

Because of the requirements for the golden finger trigger reward, in addition to 90% restoration and completion of production within one year, there is also the most important indicator, that is, Lu Pingan must be the director, and the standard is that at least half of the film must be directed by him personally.

So during the filming, Lu Pingan and Jiang Wen reached an interesting cooperation method.

We discussed before starting the shooting. Lu Ping'an gave his own shot-making suggestions, and Jiang Wen also gave his own. Don't worry about anyone, just say it.

Then start comparing to see whose one is better. If it’s similar, then let’s go safely. If there’s a dispute, let’s discuss it. Whoever wins in the end will get to take the photo.

Lu Ping'an likes this kind of straightforwardness, and Jiang Wen happens to do the same. In his words: it's fun!

Because he is such a person, his teacher Xie Fei told him that if he has any opinions, just raise them and don't worry about anything.

Of course, it seems that Lu Pingan will suffer a big loss. After all, Lu Pingan is just a student, how can he compare to Jiang Wen? Even if he was strong enough, he couldn't compete with Jiang Wen, so how could he win the battle for land?

But in fact, the idea given by Lu Ping An is highly unified and stands on the shoulders of giants, which is the original film.

Jiang Wen was more of a flash of inspiration and gave suggestions on lines and performances.

So in the end, Lu Ping'an was the director, and Jiang Wen would only take the microphone in certain shots.

It looks chaotic, but it is actually highly harmonious.

Jiang Wen was very optimistic about Lu Pingan. He felt that this guy might lack some theoretical knowledge, but his natural sense of camera was really strong, so he also knew that he should let Lu Pingan use his own ideas and not break the whole film. Tone, don't destroy his intuition, unless there is a real mistake, he will go up and correct it.

Plus the script is complete, so naturally he won't say much.

Unlike the later "Gun Hunt", he felt that there was something wrong with the script from the beginning, so as he continued filming, he couldn't figure out whose film it was.

Lu Ping'an also felt that Jiang Wen's image in his impression had been subverted.

He had already prepared a script, and would come to surround Wei and rescue Zhao whenever something happened. It turned out that Jiang Wen was far better than he thought, and he was indeed a good teacher.

Therefore, it is natural to make good use of Jiang Wen's advantages during filming to make up for and optimize the problems caused by the Chinese language and the actor's ups and downs during the filming process.

If you can do it, I'll let you do it. If you know a lot, do more. But if I can do it, don't compete with me.

The two reached a consensus and actually abide by this consensus.

So for a while, the cooperation between the two made the veteran actors in the crew marvel.

Jiang Wenli smiled and said: "These two are one big and one small. Those who don't know would think they are father and son."

Fu Biao also smiled and nodded: "It's rare to be able to cooperate with Jiang Wen like this."

Fu Biao had participated in some of Jiang Wen's projects. In his opinion, as long as Jiang Wen participated in the directing work, there would inevitably be quarrels.

But this has never happened to this crew, let alone the script being changed.

At most, the lines will be changed, but it will not affect the entire story structure.

Because of this, the old actors looked at Lu Ping'an differently again.

Wu Yanshu concluded with a smile: "This kid will be great in the future."

Everyone nodded in unison.

In this way, the crew of "The Tuner" maintained a harmonious atmosphere amidst high efficiency. When reporters visited the crew, they were received very kindly. Mainly because Lu Ping'an knew that reporters should be treated kindly, because in the past few years, the crew of "House of Flying Daggers" Not long after the phone was turned on, he beat up a visiting reporter, which suddenly caused a stir in the honeycomb. Various media criticized him. That kind of attitude cannot be tolerated by Ping An Lu now.

. . . . . .

During the filming process, many major events also happened in the outside world.

The most important one is the Oscars ceremony on March 25.

On the same day, Li An's "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film.

When the news spreads back to China, it is definitely too much for the whole country to be excited, but it is certain that the entire entertainment and film industry will be excited.

The first Chinese-language film to win an Oscar!

The first Chinese director to win an Oscar!

Li An's fame instantly reached the top in the country.

As a result, many movie fans went back to watch "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" and then changed their previous unfriendly comments to "666".

There was a man in the northwest who was persuaded by his partner: "Lao Mouzi, do it!"

Lao Mouzi nodded: "Then do it!"

As a result, the project for China's first commercial blockbuster began.

It seems that because of the Oscar, Ning Hao said to Lu Pingan before attending the BJ Film Festival: "I have a feeling that I may win the award."

Sure enough, on April 15, Ning Hao's "Thursday Wednesday" won the best director.

Ning Hao has now made his debut in the domestic film industry.

On April 29, singer Tian Zhen publicly accused the organizer of the lack of fairness in the award at the "China Pop Song Chart" awards night in Nanjing and refused to accept the award.

As soon as the microphone fell, the entertainment room was shaken again.

This made the news that "The Tuner" was finalized the next day unable to achieve the expected publicity effect.

. . . . . .

April 30th.

The movie "The Tuner" took one and a half months to complete, two weeks faster than expected.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the movie "The Tuner". Since the original film is an Indian film, some force majeure factors have been eliminated in this settlement, and the overall completion rate is 101%]

[The completion rate exceeds 100%, and the reward has been upgraded to a super reward]

[Super reward for the movie "The Tuner": a copy of the source code of the one-stop special effects generation software "X" from 2050]

[Congratulations to the host for completing his first feature film. The feature film simulator function has been turned on. 】

A series of prompts dazzled Lu Pingping.

He calmed down and looked at each one one by one.

The first is this super reward.

"A copy of the source code of the one-stop special effects generation software "X" from 2050"

This surprised Lu Pingping.

He's learned a few things about special effects these days.

In short, one sentence is that China is too backward at present. All software is imported from abroad, and it is expensive. There are few talents and the level is not high.

Now it seems that Goldfinger has solved a big problem for him.

But then the problem came.

With the current hardware conditions, can such a thing run? !

He will study it carefully after he is ready.

Maybe the software of 2050 will really be beyond common sense.

Continuing to think, Lu Pingan looked at the 101% completion rate and felt grateful to Jiang Wen in his heart.

During the last "Black Hole", Jiang Wen helped him unlock the super reward.

This time it was also thanks to him.

But after the joy, there was some frustration.

We have worked really hard during this filming. Several scenes exceeded 110%, and the highest one even exceeded 120%. This is all the result of Jiang Wen’s experience and talent. The biggest manifestation is the lines.

Originally the movie was from India, and the translation was a bit awkward. Lu Pingan changed it for a long time, and it was considered localized, but his level is naturally not comparable to Jiang Wen. In the same sentence, what Jiang Wen changed is naturally the same as what he changed. There will be a big difference, so the results will be very good when shooting.

But even so, in the end, he almost failed to surpass it.

He felt that Goldfinger's transcendence mechanism was really difficult.

Without the assistance of masters like Jiang Wen, Lu Ping'an thinks that he currently does not have the ability to surpass himself again and again, so super rewards may not be common in the future.

Of course, there must be a solution, which is to find more screenwriters, optimize the script, and then ask more people of Jiang Wen's level for advice.

It's very troublesome, but everyone in the market does it, so Lu Ping'an doesn't find it troublesome at all.

But now Goldfinger seems to have unlocked an emulator function.

He accepted it directly and clicked on it.

Suddenly a piece of information came into my mind.

[Simulator function: Pre-shooting of long-form film and television dramas. The host can be understood as a small world where the flow of time is not affected by reality. It can be mixed with other rewards in the system. Predicted actors can be set for trial and error practice, and scoring can be simulated. But box office and ratings cannot be simulated. 】

[Usage restrictions: You can only pre-shoot one work at a time. After the pre-shooting is completed, the work must be completed and started within one month, otherwise the reward for the work will be cancelled. 】

Lu Ping'an understood, and he quickly thought of the use of this thing.

In his opinion, many movies don’t actually need to use this function at all. Only when they encounter foreign works, such as the current movie "The Tuner", because it involves different cultures, the actors are also very different, and they also need to be Chineseized. , so many adjustments are needed.

Now that he has this function, it will be much easier for him to remake his works in the future.

As for having to turn it on within a month, this is actually not a problem at all.

So this wave is not bad. There is an extra super reward, a training ground and an insurance. Lu Ping An is very satisfied.

. . . . . . .

After the filming was completed, Han Sanpin, who came to visit the team, came up and praised: "Ping An, I didn't expect you to be a quick shooter."

Lu Ping'an repeatedly denied it, saying that it was all because of Jiang Wen's help.

He didn't dare to accept this title, especially with Yan Danchen around.

So he found a gap when no one was around and explained directly to Yan Danchen: "I'm not happy, really. Don't listen to his nonsense."

Yan Danchen rolled his eyes at him without any surprise and left shyly.

After finishing the finishing work, everyone went to the closing banquet.

Because the funds were completed in advance, the funds this time were used more efficiently than expected. There are still more than 500,000 left. This is reserved for special effects, but it is more than enough to deal with a luxurious finals banquet.

So Lu Ping'an booked a nice hotel in the capital, and China Film didn't even ask. The producer they sent left in the middle of filming, and everyone understood what he meant.

The closing banquet was very luxurious. The reporters present did not distinguish between you and me. We sat down to be our own and just ate and drank.

The next day, online and offline media published articles.

"The movie "The Tuner" was successfully completed, and director Lu Ping'an thanked the crew members."

"Silver Bear director Lu Ping'an, the new film "The Tuner" is about to meet the audience."


News of the completion of "The Tuner" spread quickly.

It's a pity that this time period is all about "throwing microphones", and "The Tuner" only made a small splash before being completely submerged.

Fortunately, the real popularity of Lu Ping An has just begun.

On May 9, the 54th Cannes Film Festival opened. . .

Sorry everyone, the editor said not to update the new book issue too quickly. Starting today, we will update it twice a day, with a minimum word count of 6,000.

In addition, I would like to thank "Book Friends 606.CA", "gao Tiantian Sunny" and Book Friends' tail number "6318" for their monthly votes. Thank you!

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