After the premiere, there was the usual dinner, and the topic during the dinner was naturally inseparable from the super big production plan that Lu Ping'an just talked about.

But Lu Ping'an didn't answer much. He only said that he was already doing it and had invested a lot in it. He would talk about it when he was ready.

At present, not many people know about the "Pacific Rim" project.

Originally, I was thinking of using "new technology" to promote a wave at the beginning of the year, but later encountered a great poet who used this gimmick to promote it, so Lu Ping An simply shelved it.

"District 9" has been announced, but even Lu Pingping himself has not set a plan for when the film will be released.

So everyone chatted dryly about the film industry, and then started to imagine how to film Journey to the West, Mountains and Seas, etc., the topic about advanced film and television and industry ended, and then the topic turned to Lu Ping'an's "Brokeback Mountain" 》.

Unfortunately, "Brokeback Mountain" doesn't even have a name in everyone's mouth, only the code name "that gay-themed literary film".

Lu Ping'an knew that if he hadn't been the biggest protagonist today, they would have forgotten this film long ago.

After all, everyone currently admires Lu Pingan's ability in commercial films, but when it comes to literary films, to put it mildly, Lu Pingan seems to be a bit angry.

It’s not that I’m not optimistic about it at all, but compared to commercial films, Lu Ping An is obviously not capable in literary and artistic films.

Lu Ping'an was too lazy to explain too much on this topic, and just replied: "The film has been delivered, and it will depend on whether God will favor him or not."

Then the topic started to float again, Jiang Wen began to control the situation, and Lu Pingan was finally able to get away and chat with the others.

There were so many people here today that we couldn’t take care of them all, and everyone expressed their understanding.

After the event, a drink with everyone is definitely in order.

Yang Mi is also here today. Unsurprisingly, she came with her sister-in-law.

If she doesn't seize this opportunity, she won't be Yang Mi.

"Brother, we will be alumni in the second half of the year."

"Then study hard and don't embarrass the school."

"How could that be? I'm good at studying. Guess what my score was in the college entrance examination?"

Secretary Yang looked showing off, but before Lu Pingan could say anything, her sister-in-law slapped her awake, "My brain is short-circuited. Are you showing off your college entrance examination results in front of your brother?"

Yang Mi blinked and asked curiously: "My brother's grades are very high?"

"Of course, it's okay if I don't say this. I just want to laugh when I say it. At that time, our whole family didn't agree with him taking the Nortel exam."

The whole family chatted about the glorious deeds of the original owner.

His tone was full of pride.

The little girl who was weak and introverted back then has become a big shot now.

Lu Ping An hurriedly ran away, and a series of happy voices sounded from behind: Ping An is still the same, thin-skinned.

Only Yang Mi was messy in the wind.

705 points, my God, in front of Lu Ping An, how dare you show your score of less than 600 points!

Leave the relatives and go to the table of friends like Ning Hao.

Liu Qianqian was also at this table. When she saw Lu Pingan coming over, she caught an opportunity and Liu Qianqian asked Lu Pingan:

"Brother Ping'an, you haven't given me any advice on that matter yet."

Liu Qianqian was talking about her consultation with Lu Ping An on QQ a few days ago.

Like the original time and space, Liu Qianqian was arranged to sign with Sony and develop into the music industry to become a singing and dancing artist.

Lu Ping'an didn't give a definite answer because he was very busy.

Now that Liu Qianqian asked again, he had no choice but to continue giving advice.

"What do you think?"

"I can do it."

"Then do what you want."

Still not an exact answer, Liu Qianqian nodded confusedly, thought about it, and then asked:

"Brother Ping'an, is neon fun?"

"Is not fun."

"Isn't it fun? Everyone says neon is fun."

"Just because everyone says yes, doesn't mean I will like it."


Liu Qianqian nodded. At this time, someone was talking to Lu Pingan again, and Lu Pingan changed his attention.

In fact, he had also thought about Liu Qianqian.

It's just that since there is currently no preparation to accept her like Baoqiang, and it is not easy to accept her.

So Lu Ping An would not give a clear answer to some of her future plans.

For example, the issues of coming-of-age ceremony, nationality, and now signing with Sony were mentioned before.

He only gave suggestions, and it was her own business to choose.

Unless the other party is determined to mess with you.

For example, Baoqiang, if he hadn't been pitiful and clearly stated that he wanted to follow him, Lu Pingan would not actually have signed him.

The same goes for Huang Bo. Although he didn't say anything, in fact he had already concluded that he was following him, but he never dared to speak, and finally spoke through Ning Hao.

At this point, Bao Qiang is actually smarter than Huang Bo.

That's a long way to go.

Liu Qianqian is a star with great commercial value, but she now has her own interest circle, which currently does not have a sustained interest relationship with Lu Ping An.

Both parties currently have no intention of formal cooperation.

Then the relationship between the two can just stay as friends.

Talking too much is not helpful, but harmful.

So what to do, just let her go back and make her own decision with Mother Liu.

Putting Liu Qianqian's matter behind him, Lu Pingan finally focused on a few women.

It's not bad. The women are peaceful and well. Except that they all know each other, everything else is fine.

But there are also huge risks lurking inside.

Everything else is easy to say, Dong Xuan is sensible, Yu Feihong is more sensible than Dong Xuan, she is the most stable one.

The rest is hard to say.

As the owner of the cinema, Yan Danchen's identity has not been made public today, but what if she is tricked accidentally or she can't help it?

As soon as she said it, Zeng Li would definitely react immediately.

Gao Yuanyuan is not stupid either. Although she agrees that the relationship should not be made public, she does not reject Lu Pingan's current "uncertainty".

But so far, Lu Ping'an has not really exposed other women.

So it's hard to say that today will end peacefully and harmoniously.

Thinking of this, Lu Pingan couldn't help but look at the ceiling above his head.

Looking through the suspended ceiling, I seemed to see cracks in the beams.

But the good news is that the worst outcome did not occur.

After the banquet, several women left without changing their expressions.

Of course, there are also not so good things. During the banquet, Gao Yuanyuan and Yu Feihong sent text messages one after another asking: Are you coming tonight?

Of course I won't go. It's still a question whether Yan Danchen or Zeng Li will stay in the palace tonight. I can't take care of you.

There is no other way, Director Lu Da decided that we can only do Nomadism once tonight.

After the banquet was over, Lu Pingan went to Zeng Li's house on the pretext that he wanted to have tea with Han Sanpin and others to talk about things.

At two o'clock in the morning, an "emergency call" came in. Lu Ping'an got up and went out, returned to the courtyard, took a shower and went to bed.

When Yan Danchen woke up the next morning, what he saw when he opened his eyes was Lu Pingping, who was sleeping like a dead pig.

And her first reaction was that Lu Pingan must have been busy very late last night. After all, Lu Pingan's sleep time was very short.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Yan Danchen kissed Lu Pingan gently, got up and went out to buy groceries.

Lu Pingping was left lying on the bed with his eyes open and continued to look at the ceiling.

He felt that this kind of trick could be repeated several times at different home and away games next time.

At the same time, he also decided that some things had to be planned.

The next day there was news about the premiere of "Batman" and Lu Ping'an's blockbuster plans.

The media and movie fans still have great expectations for Lu Ping'an's ambition.

Identity conversion is very useful at this time.

Mainland directors and Hollywood directors have different prefixes, and their sense of trust is vastly different.

Then netizens began to discuss the feasibility of Journey to the West, Fengshen, or Classic of Mountains and Seas.

Investors and sponsors are waving cash again.

The colleagues didn't say anything, but they must have thought that most of them wanted him dead. Lao Guo's famous saying made sense.

But Lu Ping'an wouldn't care even if he knew.

. . . . . .

Returning to the Neon crew to continue filming, Lu Ping'an's daily routine became regular again.

After being confused at first about the difficult and high-risk racing scene, the team quickly found the trick.

The filming progress is also gradually accelerating, and the entire crew is getting better.

It’s July, and many interesting things are happening outside.

The second season of "Super Girl" became a hit in the mainland, and many well-known stars now look like tomboys.

"Brother Xinchun will have eternal life" will soon become a hot word on campus and on the Internet.

On July 12, "Science Discovery" published China's three-step plan for future lunar exploration.

In the plan, "circulation" will be achieved in the next three years, "reduction" will be achieved within six years, and "return" will be achieved around 2020.

At the same time, other countries have also released relevant plans, each of which looks very high-end, and the planning time is many years faster than that of our country.

It’s just that not many people know it. Everyone is bragging, but only our country takes it seriously.

In the middle of the month, Shonan Satellite TV announced that "Dae Jang Geum" will land in the mainland in September.

Still, few people know how terrifying this film can be.

By the end of July, "Seven Swords" by Mr. Xu was released nationwide.

Lu Ping'an, as a theater operator and 3D technology developer, took a day to go to the premiere to support it.

During the premiere, another 3D order was accepted, which was "The Night Banquet" by Feng Dapao.

Huayi asked Lu Pingan if he was interested in investing, but Lu Pingan refused because funds were temporarily tight.

Huayi didn't ask any more questions and expressed encouragement for Lu Ping'an's large-scale industrial plan.

There is still no need to care whether you are sincere or not, just do your own thing.

After "Seven Swords" was released, the 3D effect of the finished film was quite good. In order to adapt to 3D, Mr. Xu brightened the film's screen, which also made the film look more comfortable to a certain extent.

But this still doesn't change the ending of the movie.

But Lu Ping'an wouldn't pay attention to it. He had already earned what he should have earned anyway, so why bother with so much.

On the last day of July, the global box office of "Batman" finally exceeded 400 million.

While Lu Pingan has completely advanced as a director, according to good media statistics, his personal global box office has also reached 8 billion yuan.

It's so scary.

I don’t know if there are any benefits to releasing this kind of data. Anyway, bad things must come to mind.

So when Lu Ping An responded, his expression was very speechless: This kind of data has no meaning at all. This data is not collected in the whole world. You are too busy!

After responding, continue shooting.

By August, the news coming from the outside seemed not to be very good.

At the beginning of the month, the Huayi family split up. Sister Hua left Tianyu, taking many celebrities with her. The media claimed that Huayi was hollowed out.

Many media are also discussing why Sister Hua doesn’t go to Star Film and Television.

What is there to discuss? Xingchen Film and Television is so high-quality and pure, right?

In the first ten days of the month, Huang Shengyi and Zhou Xingxing had a fight, and the contract termination incident once again raised questions about Zhou Xingxing's character.

Shortly after the incident, news of Gao Xiumin's death swept the mainland.

After Lu Ping'an found out, the first thing he thought of was Fu Biao.

If I remember correctly, Fu Biao was also in this month.

Lu Pingan and Gao Xiumin have collaborated in "Wonderful Night", but they are not very familiar with each other, and they are still filming, so they will not attend the funeral.

Hu Qingquan was relatively familiar with Gao Xiumin, and he could also represent Lu Ping An to a certain extent, so he temporarily left the crew on the third day after the accident.

It was a coincidence that just after Hu Qingquan left, Yu Feihong came.

The reason is that I want to see the follow-up of the "I Love You" script, which is also a code that has been used for many years.

Lu Pingan's "I Love You" script has not added a single word in many years.

Yu Feihong was very excited tonight, as if he had been holding back for a long time and then broke through the limit.

I wouldn't have swallowed it before, but it tasted delicious tonight.

After it was over, the two chatted about the past year.

Yu Feihong's "I Love You Goodbye" has completed filming and post-production and is expected to be broadcast next year.

She said: "I think the only regret about this production is the casting."

"Have a bad sleep?"

"not good."


"Asking knowingly."

"do not do that."

"I don't want this either. I planned to forget you, but just now, you carved another steel seal for me."

After Yu Feihong finished speaking, he straddled Lu Ping'an, held his face and looked at him for a long time. His lips moved, but he stopped talking, then bit his lips, first hard, then licked slowly, and finally separated. : "Okay, see you next year."

After the literary young woman broke through the physical boundaries, she almost broke through the spiritual boundaries.

Lu Ping'an could feel that she wanted to say something just now, and what she was going to say would be difficult for him to accept, but in the end she held back.

Lu Ping'an didn't ask any further questions.

This is fine, but asking too many questions is asking for trouble.

After the artistic young woman left, Lu Ping'an also ushered in the final scene.

Night, on the street.

The last scene of "Initial D" is Jay crying in the car.

After seeing the beloved woman and the old man together, love died.

Takumi couldn't stop crying while driving the AE86.

With just such a shot, the original Jay looked so embarrassed.

Let’s not talk about the acting, it’s ugly anyway.

But the situation is much better now.

After nearly two months of filming, best actor Tony Leung Ka Fai and director Lu Da performed doubles in succession.

Jaylen has been able to achieve emotional substitution very skillfully.

So he fit into the situation perfectly.

I kept hypnotizing myself with the various setbacks of the past two months.

I remembered that I, the king of singing, was actually more cheerful than an amateur in terms of acting skills.

A mixture of sadness and anger arose spontaneously.

Do you know what kind of bullying I, King Zhou Datian, am subjected to here?

Just because I have facial paralysis, I have no acting skills!

I'm not even as good as Guan Xi!

What a broken place!

I, King Zhou Datian, will step by step to reach the top in the film industry.

I want to be the Best Actor of the Week!

I can not stand it any more.

I don’t want to be looked down upon anymore.


Sorry, I got involved.

But the effect is the same.


Jaylen was crying sadly in the camera.

The sense of immersion is very good.

BGM also appeared in Lu Ping'an's mind.

"Where you stand

There are tears between you and me

Streetscape keeps receding

Your collapse is in pieces outside the window

I'm heading north

Leave the season with you


"Initial D".


. . . . . . .

[Congratulations on completing "Initial D", the completion level is 112%, and the super rewards have been distributed]

[Super reward: Obtain a single technology in the movie, number of uses: once. 】

The movie was finished and everything was packed. Before going to the finals banquet, Lu Pingan called up Golden Finger in the hotel.

The film's transcendence was expected.

This version of "Initial D" will have about 15 minutes more racing scenes than the original version.

Of course drag racing movies have to do with drag racing, and with this in mind, it’s not difficult to surpass them.

In addition, as the protagonist, Jaylen also made outstanding contributions in terms of acting skills, averaging about 103% per game.

very nice.

But compared to the overall movie, the biggest credit goes to Lu Pingan himself.

So Lu Pingan still decided to drink him tonight, but it was negotiable to drink a few less drinks.

Generally speaking, "Initial D" can be regarded as the first film that Lu Ping'an independently achieved transcendence.

Although he was happy, Lu Pingping did not take it lightly.

Because there is still the next level of editing.

When it comes to new movie content, editing has to be done independently, and the 112% score is likely to drop in the future.

However, Lu Ping An is confident that he can maintain his transcendence.

Then look at the rewards.

Lu Ping'an soon learned that the so-called single technology acquisition in the movie, as the name suggests, is a technology reward.

How to get it, you have to choose from the movies directed by Mirai Ping An.

Is it powerful? Of course it is very powerful.

None of the super rewards are exaggerated.

If Lu Ping An is willing to do so in the future, he can definitely become a technology giant in some aspect, such as the "chip" category.

On the one hand, this will also have limitations, that is, the number of years that humans can achieve before 2050.

On the other hand, Lu Ping'an estimated that he wouldn't need it in the short term.

At present, there is no shortage of technology in several industries under our control for the time being.

Even if the technology is in short supply, there is no money or energy to expand it.

So just wait until later. One day there will be no more movies to watch and you will be ready to retire from the film industry. Then you can choose a direction to play in.

So Lu Ping An just accepted the reward calmly, and then thought about what is special about the year 2050. He has mentioned it several times.

At the closing party of "Initial D", the one who felt the most emotional was none other than Jay Chou.

The "torture" of the past two months has become the most unforgettable memory in his life.

Shy little Zhou was once again bold and wanted to have fun.

But in the end he failed to do so because the boy had a poor drinking capacity and rarely drank because he had to sing.

I wanted to take advantage of the situation to wrap up, but I ended up not getting through the first half of the first game.

In contrast, Edison's drinking capacity is very good, and this young man also has a lot of fun. Suzuki Xing has already been defeated by him.

Lu Ping'an wondered whether there would be a new heroine of a certain sect in the future, and then wondered whether she would take his previous reminder seriously.

I mentioned the issue of data repair once before during filming.

There was a problem with a camera at that time, and Lu Ping'an took the opportunity to intentionally remind him that there was no secret in data.

After all, in his opinion, as a good friend, it is definitely not appropriate to do nothing.

But there is no particularly good reason for intervening too much.

So if you have a chance, take the opportunity to say something.

But for now, it seems that Guan Xi probably won't listen.

Also, when you are young and frivolous, you really can’t listen to many things.

So let it develop naturally, and Lu Pingping won't think about it anymore.

The day after the filming was finalized, Lu Pingan declined all invitations from Neon and returned directly to China.

That night, Liu Qianqian and her daughter came to the courtyard to visit Lu Ping'an with gifts.

Lu Ping'an originally thought they were here to send invitations to the coming-of-age ceremony.

Unexpectedly, what Liu Xiaoli wanted to say was indeed something unexpected, but it was indeed reasonable.

. . . . . .

"Why don't you sign a contract with Sony?"

Lu Pingan asked Liu Qianqian in the courtyard living room.

Liu Xiaoli, who was in the kitchen, was gentle and eavesdropped.

In the living room, Liu Qianqian was holding a big orange, looking at Lu Ping An, smiling and replying: "Because Brother Ping An, you don't like neon."

"That's your own career."

"I actually don't really like singing or dancing. As you know, Brother Ping An, my voice is just average, ranked third in the world."

"This is a big opportunity."

"Yeah, it's a big chance, so I'm very sad now."

Liu Qianqian pouted slightly and stroked the big orange in her arms wildly.

Daju couldn't stand this, so he jumped to the floor with a cry and hid under Lu Ping'an's feet.

Liu Qianqian wrinkled her nose to express her annoyance at Daju, then seemed to think of something again, and continued: "Brother Ping'an, let me show you something else."

As she spoke, she took out a stack of forms and documents from her bag.

"Transferring citizenship?"

"Yes, after you asked me that day, I thought about it carefully, but my situation is a bit special and it will be more troublesome."

Lu Ping'an listened to Liu Qianqian's explanation, looked at the documents in his hand, and couldn't help but smile and shake his head.

Liu Qianqian listened to the suggestion of coming of age ceremony.

Now I am not planning to sign a contract with Sony, so the 1.8 million coming-of-age ceremony has become an ordinary and undisclosed coming-of-age ceremony.

There is also the issue of nationality.

Liu Qianqian really decided to transfer back to China, although she has not yet succeeded.

But it also made Lu Ping'an understand that his influence on the mother and daughter was much greater than imagined.

And in this case, this intention goes without saying.

"Brother Ping'an, why don't you speak?"

Liu Qianqian's eyes were full of hope, and she didn't need to say what she wanted to hear.

Lu Ping'an put down the document and said to Liu Qianqian: "The next step is your business."

With that, he shouted to the kitchen with confidence: "Sister Liu, stop eavesdropping, let's have a good chat."

The kitchen door opened quickly, and Liu Xiaoli walked out with a smile: "The food is not ready yet."

One meal, three dishes and one soup, all delicious and delicious.

The atmosphere at the table was also good.

The main reason is that everyone’s minds are actually aligned.

For Liu Xiaoli, there is no one more suitable to seek refuge than Lu Ping'an.

People are not stupid.

Lu Ping'an has now become a major Hollywood director. He has such a large industry in China and has an extraordinary say in Hollywood projects.

If you mess with him, unless you change it to Spielberg or something, this is definitely the best thigh.

Although Lu Ping An may encounter various crises in the future.

But whose future is not in crisis?

It's a gamble left and right.

Compared to Sony, or Boss Chen, or other big guys in the Hong Kong and Beijing circles.

No need to think about it, it is definitely more appropriate and more promising to hold on to Lu Ping An.

Of course, hugging someone's thigh doesn't mean you have to sign a contract of betrayal.

The goal is to slowly negotiate a model that both parties agree on.

The relationship between Liu Qianqian and Lu Ping'an is placed here, and there is a basis for a slow discussion.

At this point, Liu Xiaoli once again praised her wisdom.

After all, not everyone can be like her. She has known Lu Pingan for so many years and never asked for resources once!

This is indeed the case.

For Lu Pingan, from a business perspective, taking over Liu Qianqian is indeed a profitable business.

Liu Qianqian is already very popular at the moment.

The commercial value is very high, even if no resources are given, it can still create considerable profits.

And it has also been completed.

With the two characters of Ling'er and Xiao Longnu, they can carry the film for many years in the future.

Then it became popular very quickly.

What boss wouldn’t like this kind of top quality?

In addition, Lu Ping'an also has several movies that are more suitable for her. In addition to the original movies, even if she shoots one movie a year, it will be no problem to shoot "Menghua Lu" more than ten years later, which is relatively labor-saving.

And if she does this, she will be much better than she was in the original time and space.

Emotionally speaking.

Both sides did have a good sense of proportion.

Liu Xiaoli, who was different from what she had in mind, did satisfy Lu Pingan with her actions over the years.

Liu Qianqian is also very close to Lu Pingan, almost no different from ordinary siblings.

So now, people take the initiative to deliver it to your door.

Is there any reason not to accept it?

As for how to collect it, Lu Pingan actually had the same idea as Liu Xiaoli.

Both sides actually currently have resources that they are good at.

Lu Ping An doesn't want to devote more energy to managing some miscellaneous resources.

So slowly come up with a model that works for both parties.

Anyway, for now, one thing is certain.

"Brother Ping'an, I will hang out with you from now on."

"I have already played the role of Little Dragon Girl. How can someone who will be an adult in a few days look like a bandit?"

"I wouldn't do this outside."

"Forget it, forget it, you are still underage, and I am not as familiar with you."

"Thank you, Brother Ping'an, for your noble hand. Come and pick up some food for you."

The two interacted at the dining table.

Liu Xiaoli smiled like an aunt again.

Then he also served Lu Ping'an some vegetables: "Eat more of this, it's almost autumn, this will nourish your body."

"No, no, I'll do it myself."

Lu Pingping takes care of his job.

But I was shocked very quickly.

Does Liu Xiaoli have other ideas?

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