China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 45 Cooperation, Domestic Violence

On November 11, all post-production of "Comet" was completed.

[Congratulations on completing the production of "The Night the Comet Came", the total completion rate is 91%, and the rewards will not change]


Lu Ping'an breathed a sigh of relief.

91%, which is a 2% loss compared to the completion time, and a thrilling pass.

Lu Pingping knows where this 2% loss lies. It is basically in individual shots and lines, as well as the final color grading stage, which accounts for a relatively large proportion. This has something to do with the lighting at the time and the post-production techniques. If Zhang Yifan It is estimated that this 2% will not be lost, and may even rise a little. Apart from these, the music is not 100% the same.

So I also need to learn more about post-production and music.

Details determine success or failure. If you want to surpass, you must master every aspect.

After the video passed, Lu Pingan looked at the reward.

[Language Learning Tenfold Booster Card (valid for three months)]

Lu Ping'an soon learned that the so-called three-month validity was calculated from the time he started using it, and the effect would disappear after three months.

The specific function is to increase his foreign language learning speed by 10 times, as long as it is a foreign language.

As for how much you can learn in three months, it depends on your original talent and hard work.

He feels that after three months of hard work, he can definitely unlock fluent English. On this basis, he may be able to learn one or two foreign languages.

Not bad, I am worried about not being able to open my mouth after leaving the country.

After accepting the reward, Lu Ping'an decided to start studying hard after his work was over.

After editing, the screening of "Comet" began the next day.

This film viewing meeting did not have the same style as "Looking for a Gun". It was just the most standard film review meeting for China Film's leadership, and the effect was also expected.

After 90 minutes, Han Sanpin was the first to applaud: "Not bad! I didn't expect that a mere 350,000 yuan could achieve this level."

He had read the script, and now after seeing the finished film, he felt that Lu Pingan's finished film was much more amazing than the script.

The difference between the finished film and the script lies in the various enhancements in editing, performance, soundtrack, etc., which make the film full of horror and suspense.

At the same time, "science" is inherently scary to think about.

So now that Han Sanpin has read the script and learned the relevant scientific knowledge, he is very satisfied.

And this is also the characteristic of "Comet". It is ultra-low-cost and has the feel of a blockbuster.

After praising it, he also raised some questions: "The threshold for viewing this film will be relatively high, and the audience will be more selective."

These words were also recognized by other China Film leaders present.

After all, concepts such as "parallel time and space coherence" are clearly explained in the movie, and the rhythm of the whole movie is also very good. As long as they watch it, it is not difficult for them to understand it and appreciate the mysterious fun.

The quality of the film is excellent, the suspense is sufficient, and at the end it is Lu Ping'an's iconic "It's scary to think about it".

I believe that Lu Pingan can really establish his brand through this time, and his fans will become more loyal.

But they also know that the appreciation level of most viewers is not high, and their viewing preferences tend to be more relaxed movies.

When given a choice between popcorn movies and art movies, at least 80 people will choose popcorn movies.

"Comet" is not so literary, but it is definitely not popcorn, nor is it a popular theme such as light love or comedy.

Although there are many actors that young people like joining the cast, the decisive factor is still the film’s subject matter.

Therefore, everyone's expectations for the box office are not too high, at least not so high that they think it can compare with "The Tuner".

Of course, it is not ruled out that Lu Ping An can show off his power at the box office, but this kind of thing must not be included in the plan.

But as everyone knows, it is not a problem at all that box office expectations are not that high. After all, the cost is low, and not ordinary low.

So the matter has been settled, and the next step is how to cooperate.

Lu Pingan has already thought about it. There are no theater chains these days. The first batch of 30 theater chains in the country will not be approved until June next year. There is no way to discuss distribution directly like the later theater chains.

There are now less than 1,500 big screens in the country, and theaters are managed by the top and the vassals at the bottom.

Without the involvement of large state-owned enterprises such as China Film and Shanghai Film Corporation, it would be really difficult for ordinary films to be released nationwide. Even after the release, it would not be so easy to get the box office share. It is common to spend half a year and a year to pay the bills. Huayi suffered from this loss in the beginning. It almost broke the capital chain and almost decided not to engage in film and television.

Therefore, if you want to save some trouble, you must now involve China Film. With the "uncle" Han Sanpin here, plus being tied to China Film's interests, you can save a lot of trouble.

This was the case last time for "The Tuner". China Film Group invested in it and was responsible for all distribution tasks. It was released nationwide from top to bottom, and everything went smoothly. If we had done it ourselves or found another inferior company, we would have been disappointed. It's going to be a lot of trouble.

So we started talking about the issue of sharing.

To discuss the share, the production cost must not be calculated as 350,000 yuan. Lu Pingan’s director’s salary and special effects fees must be added. Lu Pingan still asked for 500,000 yuan for the director’s salary. There were very few special effects, just a “comet”. Lu Pingan I called for 150,000 and finally got it together, which was exactly 1 million.

Han Sanpin directly agreed that the cost of 1 million was really not high, and the director's salary was in line with Lu Ping'an's current director's worth, and was even a little cheaper.

In the end, China Film and Lu Ping An reached a cooperation. The first thing they decided on was 100 copies, which at present is about a quarter of the national screening standard, mainly in the capital, radiating to several major cities in the north and along the coast. These costs are converted into the total cost, so the ratio becomes a 50-50 split, which is better than the last 40-60 split. Later, the scale of expansion will be determined based on the results. The additional costs will still be borne by each of them according to this ratio. China Film can advance .

And this is just distribution and does not involve other copyrights.

After talking about cooperation, Han Sanpin then asked: "Do you want to send this film to the three major European companies?"

Lu Pingan nodded and said: "I will send it to Berlin the day after tomorrow."

Speaking of Berlin, Han Sanpin asked again: "This time your short film will also go to Berlin to compete for awards, right?"


"Are you sure?"

"I don't know, but I think the quality of the new short film is better than the "Tuner" short film."

Han Sanpin said immediately, "Then this film will be scheduled to be released after the Berlin Film Festival. If you win another award in Berlin, take advantage of it. If you don't win, then have a viewing party in advance."

"Then I'll ask Uncle Han to make arrangements."

. . . . . . .

"I'm leaving, don't forget to drive while you're roaming."

At the airport, before sending Hu Qingquan to Berlin to deliver the film again, Hu Qingquan smiled and ordered Lu Ping'an.

"I know, you should also pay attention to your safety."

"Go back and go about your business."

Hu Qingquan smiled and turned around until he passed the border and left the airport safely.

Back home, Lu Pingping planned the next thing.

"Comet" cost a total of 350,000 yuan, which gave Lu Pingan a good practice.

I don’t know how much box office and profit this film will make in the future.

But Lu Ping'an has already prepared for the worst.

The big deal is a loss, and how much money can be lost?

However, considering that he is a director after all, if he wants to get ahead, he must achieve results in both box office and awards.

Then the next film will have to consider practical issues.

Still the same question, prizes or box office?

Lu Ping'an chose the box office without much hesitation.

It’s almost 2002, and the box office performance of directors will gradually become mainstream in the future.

If you can make money, you are a genius!

As for winning awards, of course it is also important, so Lu Pingan will decide whether to make a major literary film after making his next commercial film and then depending on the situation.

Back to the next commercial film.

Forget it if it has a domestic box office of over 100 million.

The current market is so small, and Feng Dapao's "Big Shot" at the end of the year, which cost 30 million yuan, can only achieve more than 40 million yuan, so Lu Ping'an doesn't want to have a box office of over 100 million yuan.

Unless he makes a blockbuster movie with huge gimmicks.

But not everyone can make a blockbuster, and special effects alone are not enough. In this era, what matters when making a blockbuster is the cast, connections, and director’s appeal.

Big-name stars, theater support, and the director's reputation are the foundation for a box office of over 100 million.

The cost would be too high and the market would be small, so let’s wait until later.

It's impossible to hit the domestic box office and achieve super high box office, but Hollywood can do it.

But we’ll have to wait until the results of Summit Entertainment’s “The Tuner” in May are released.

Therefore, the direction of the next domestic film will be clear.

It's okay to make a niche film like "Comet" once. If the box office performance is good in the future, I can continue to make such ultra-low-cost films.

But that’s something to talk about later.

So the next one will be a popular one, one that everyone will love to watch.

The cost does not need to be too high, at most within four to five million, and it can be comedy or romance. It is best to bring some imagination and continue his "different" signature.

As for the box office, Lu Ping'an doesn't have high expectations. It just needs to be better than "The Tuner".

In this way, with two high-grossing movies, his label as a blockbuster director will be firmly established.

With this in mind, Lu Ping'an began to select films. . .

At dinner time, Yan Danchen came.

It’s been more than half a month since I last saw you, and I miss you very much.

The same goes for Yan Danchen. She purposely visited the market first before coming here.

“Guess what’s for dinner today?”

"Is it the ribs?"

"No, it's pickled fish."

"Wow, I love it!"

Yan Danchen's cooking skills are very good, but she always likes to add chili peppers when cooking. The DNA of girls from southern Hunan has been engraved with chili peppers.

The meal was very enjoyable. After the meal, the two washed the dishes together, then lay on the sofa and watched TV.

"Don't Talk to Strangers" was playing on the TV.

The TV series that was broadcast on October 22 has now finished one round, but the film is so popular that the second round has been seamlessly broadcast on other stations.

Teacher Feng Yuanzheng probably has a terrible headache right now.

"Will you domestically abuse me in the future?"

Yan Danchen in his arms suddenly asked.

Lu Ping'an asked, "How is it considered domestic violence?"

"Just hit me."

"The kind that bangs and bangs?"

"Yeah... Hey, you're so nasty."

"Hey, woman, what are you thinking about..."

There is domestic violence on TV, and there is also “domestic violence” outside of TV.

An Jiahe can actually be very happy if he changes his mind. . .

Thanks to "book friend tail number 0898", "I am a genius 2333", "book friend tail number 8616", "Classmate He Dai", "Little Book Boy in the Book Room", "South Ranch", "Firefly's Lantern" and "Forbidden Love Juzilian" Monthly ticket support, thank you!

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