On the other side, Chen Jinfei hung up the phone and asked Liu Qianqian with a smile:

"Sissi, don't you want to act in a movie directed by Lu Ping'an?"

"Yeah." Liu Qianxi blinked, the stars in her eyes slowly grew bigger, she had realized something.

Sure enough, two hours later, Lu Ping'an and Liu Qianqian met at Chen Jinfei's manor.

"Hello Director Lu."

"Hello, classmate Liu Qianqian."

Lu Ping'an looked at Liu Qianqian in front of him with a calm expression, but actually he was still surprised in his heart.

It’s really her!

Liu Yifei is 15 or 14 years old, young.

The two eyes blink and blink, very beautiful.

Liu Xiaoli on the side is still young, no wonder Chen Jinfei goes to such great lengths.

Liu Qianqian also looked at Lu Ping'an very curiously.

This is the first "big director" she has seen since returning to China.

And he was the director of the first movie I liked after returning to China.

So Liu Qianqian asked curiously: "Director Lu, what is the story of your new movie?"

Liu Xiaoli on the side spoke quickly: "The scripts are all confidential, so it's not easy to inquire about them."

Lu Pingan said with a smile: "Even if you read this script from beginning to end, not many people will understand it quickly. If you want to know, I will tell you later."

Liu Xiaoli asked: "Isn't it true that after the movie is made, not many people can understand it?"

Lu Ping'an said calmly: "When it is filmed, you will find that you can understand it, but you can't understand it. In the end, you understand it, and you will have endless aftertaste."

"Like "The Night the Comet Came"?"

Liu Qianqian's eyes flashed and she reacted quickly.

"That's right!"

After receiving Lu Pingan's confirmation, Liu Qianqian's eyes became even more hopeful.

Like other fans of Lu Pingan, she likes Lu Pingan's movies very much.

In the words of the Internet: Director Lu’s movies are for smart people.

Liu Qianqian feels that she is a smart person because she understood "Comet" on the first time.

So now I have more desire to conquer Lu Pingan's new work.

So she asked: "When can I watch the movie?"

"We need to see if the location is suitable first. If it is suitable, filming will start in a few days."

"So what kind of venue do you need?"

Liu Qianqian is like a curious doll.

Lu Ping'an didn't hide anything: "It needs to be big, with a single-family villa and a small forest."

"Like here?"

"Yes, I think this place is really suitable."

"Then is your movie scheduled to be shot here?"

"It depends on how much your godfather charges me."

Chen Jinfei on the side smiled and said: "No charge, Director Lu, you can use it as you like here."

Lu Ping'an didn't talk nonsense to him and said directly: "I understand what Mr. Chen means."

It's nothing more than plugging people in. Lu Ping An has already thought up a plan and a price.

In the original film, the male protagonist's wife does not play much, but it is important enough. Changing her identity will affect the plot. If "wife" is replaced by "daughter", the passionate scene will have to be changed, and Lu Ping'an is not willing to do so. , if the status remains unchanged, Liu Qianqian is obviously not suitable, and giving the second female lead to Liu Xiaoli is probably not Chen Jinfei's purpose.

So if it can be solved by giving the second female lead to Liu Xiaoli, then so be it.

If the other party must push Liu Qianqian, then keep the "wife" and add an ornament to her, which is the "daughter".

The "daughter" only needs to appear at the beginning of "moving", "hiding in the warehouse" with "mother" at the end of the film, and finally "waiting for the end of the cycle with the hero".

Its function is almost the same as adding a dog or a cat. Just let the "wife" lead the whole process. It is purely a decoration. This way, mother and daughter can appear together. It sounds better and is very respectable. Chen Jinfei should be generous with the money. .

Lu Ping'an smiled and said, "I have several plans. Let's talk while walking?"

Chen Jinfei was slightly surprised that Lu Pingan was so direct. He had thought that Lu Pingan would adopt a literary style.

But that’s fine, just lay everything out and say it clearly and neatly.

So the two of them walked aside and started chatting facing the woods on the open grass.

"This time my movie only has four characters in total, two men and two women. The second female lead is not suitable for Liu Qianqian, but it is suitable for Aunt Liu. Do you think this plan is okay?"

"Only four actors?"

"My movies are different from other people's."

"That's true. Director Lu's movies can't be judged by their cost." Chen Jinfei nodded in agreement and then asked, "Are there many scenes?"

"Except for the male protagonist, there aren't many, but every shot will not be superfluous. This film is going to win awards."

"Can a female party go? I can add money."

"Girl One wants to take off her clothes."

"Forget it, just do as you say."

"So." Lu Pingan looked at Chen Jinfei and smiled.

"I understand, 500,000, how about it?"

"If it's less, I'll give you a big close-up shot of the real estate company's logo."

"Then 800,000, you can find a way to arrange for Sissi."

"I need a scientific research room of about 100 square meters for scenes in the film. I can just look at the buildings on the mountain. I'll give it to Mr. Chen. You are the best at construction."

"Okay, that house is originally used as a restaurant, so it won't be troublesome to make some changes to the warehouse."

"Okay, the second female lead can have a daughter, but the plot cannot change. This is the bottom line."

"No problem, as long as it appears in the movie."

"Don't worry, I'll give you a rough drawing later. Happy cooperation."

“Happy to work with!”

The two shook hands and the matter was settled.

There is a movie venue, and there is also 800,000 sponsorship fees, which will not be divided. This is what was agreed before coming, otherwise he would not come.

How much did it cost to produce the entire film? The car used for crashing in the film was purchased in full, so the overall production cost would not exceed 500,000, and it could still be used after the crash.

The price is only to provide two idle decorations, which have no impact on the plot.

I have to say that Liu Yifei’s godfather is really hardworking!

I just don’t know if future coal bosses will be so cheerful. . .

After the matter was settled, Lu Pingan stayed at the manor to have a meal with Chen Jinfei and Liu Xiao.

During this period, Liu Yifei always asked about movies.

The main reason was that she really couldn't understand the script of "Time and Space Crime" given to him, but she thought it was very powerful.

I also understood "The Tuner" and "Comet", but when I asked, I found that I was still superficial, so I asked more and more questions.

Liu Xiaoli also asked, because she was very happy today. The second most important thing was that she participated in the movie. Her daughter would be in a big movie when she returned to China, and it was an award-winning movie by a talented director.

Finally, Lu Ping'an and Liu Yifei suggested registering on QQ so that they could discuss anything on QQ. Then the two parties agreed to turn on the phone in a few days, and then drove the A6 and said goodbye to Hu Qingquan and the director.

In the afternoon, Lu Ping'an returned home, turned on his computer and logged into QQ, and found that someone had added him.

Qianqian: "Director Lu, I am Liu Qianqian."

Quite a simple and straightforward name.

Click through.

After waiting for a while, a message came from there.

"Hello, Senior Lu, I am Liu Qianqian."

The little girl is quite positive.

Lu Ping'an curled up his lips and typed a few words:

"Hello Sissi, I'm going to take a shower first and chat later."


Lu Pingan smiled.

"What did you see so funny?"

Yan Danchen came in and asked.


Lu Ping'an shook his head.

It just lights up an achievement. . .

The corner and venue were settled, and Lu Pingan continued to the school the next day. When he arrived at Hu Qingquan, Lu Pingan quickly met the first and second male students he wanted.

This time, a total of five actors will be cast with new faces in the casting of "Time and Space Crime".

The male lead needs to be older, at least 40 years old, and Zhang Songwen is not suitable.

Even if he was suitable, he wouldn't be able to come. He and Yiwei Zhou and others went to rehearse a play.

Jiang Wen said that he should try a drama if he had the chance, and Zhang Songwen resolutely followed through.

Lu Ping'an, the male lead actor, already has some goals.

Feng Yuanzheng, Jiang Wu, Fan Wei, Wu Liansheng, etc. are all suitable.

They can perform some comedy effects and be serious at the same time, and their acting skills can fully support it.

The key is that it is not expensive and is suitable for small costs.

In fact, Lu Ping'an's favorite is Wanwan actor Jiukong, the one in "Crazy Racing" who has a fat wife who sells fake medicine, but now he has no way to contact him, so he simply gave up.

Later Yan Danchen said that the rubber band player in "Who Says I Don't Care" was very good.

When Lu Ping'an heard that it was indeed possible, he chose him directly.

The name of the rubber band guy is Wang Jinsong, but he is not that Wang Jinsong.

Wang Jinsong's stage name is "Qi Ke" and he is also a teacher at Nortel.

Needless to say about his strength, he and Lu Ping'an have also met.

So after being conveyed by Hu Qingquan and reading the script, Qi Ke immediately agreed.

The salary is 50,000 yuan, a friendly price.

Later, when I found out that the people who played his "wife and daughter" were the mother and daughter of the Liu family, I laughed out loud.

Because Chen Jinfei has connections for Liu Qianqian, he is one of the key figures.

What a coincidence. Not so.

The first male is done, and the second male is next.

The second male lead didn't have too many roles. The original film was directed by the director himself. Lu Ping'an thought he didn't have the ability or interest, so he simply asked the department chair to help select the actor.

The head of the department helped contact the big manor and attracted sponsorship. Lu Pingan met Comrade Xiao Liu along the way. This small benefit was just the right thing to return his favor. Of course, Lu Pingan also reminded him not to find any star second generation for him. Too troublesome.

So the head of the department brought the current person: Li Bo.

The name is not famous, but Gan Xiaoning is familiar when talking about "Soldier Assault".

He is another friend of the department head and a student of a certain teacher in the acting department.

This favor was sold and changed hands several times.

Li Bo was not bad, and Lu Ping'an was deeply impressed by his Gan Xiaoning, so he agreed without much hesitation.

The second male lead is done, and then the first female lead.

The acting skills of the female pair are not particularly high, but they have to take off their clothes, which is not easy to find.

In the original film, the female lead had to be completely naked, and from the front, but he asked Goldfinger, and Goldfinger said that this would be classified as a "force majeure factor", and like the Indian song and dance sequence in "The Tuner", it would not be included. Restore settlement.

Therefore, you don’t need to take off your clothes from the front during filming to challenge the bottom line of the review, but you still need to expose your big back and create some sexy scenes that are reminiscent of others. After all, the male protagonist will only go to the woods after seeing these. If he just sees a beautiful woman, the male protagonist will The reason to be attracted is too weak.

Therefore, Lu Pingan was not prepared to let Yan Danchen act. If she wanted to act, she would have to play the lead role. Lu Pingan had already arranged it for her, so there was no need for such sacrifice.

Having said that, since the two teachers from the acting department are here, let them find this kind of special role, which can save a lot of trouble.

After several teachers heard this, Teacher Qike smiled and said:

"I've heard about your search for a stripper. The 00-level Che Xiao and Dong Xuan just missed your role and it seems to have become a joke now, right?"

The acting teacher on the side nodded: "Yes, Che Xiao doesn't come to school often, so Dong Xuan has become the biggest target."

Li Bo added after hearing this: "I've heard that too, and there's something even more outrageous. You said that Director Lu dumped Dong Xuan and used the movie to humiliate her."

The corner of Lu Ping'an's mouth twitched: "Is there still such a thing?"

Teacher Qi Ke said with relief: "The more famous you are, the more people will like you and be jealous of you. This kind of thing happens often in the circle. You will encounter it sooner or later after you leave school."

But Lu Pingan was still a little angry, so he asked Li Bo: "Do you know who said that?"

Li Bo shook his head: "This is really unclear."

"Three people make a tiger. It's hard to investigate even if you want to." Hu Qingquan asked Lu Ping'an with a smile, "You really don't have that kind of relationship with Dong Xuan, right?"

"Of course not, I'm not familiar with her!"

"That's good. If you think this rumor doesn't matter, then don't worry about it. If you think it does, then find a way to deal with it. I think it's not a bad idea to give Dong Xuan a chance."

Hearing this, Lu Ping'an nodded in approval.

So he immediately decided to give her a chance.

Anyway, I am looking for an actor, and the role requirements are a bit special. If I give her a chance, I can clarify it.

If she doesn't want to, she has to clarify. Lu Ping'an has thought of a way.

Soon, the teacher from the acting department led Lu Pingan to find Dong Xuan.

After explaining her intention, Dong Xuan agreed directly and asked with a smile: "Do you still want to take off your clothes?"

How can this not be a bad life?

Still so confident and eye-catching.

It was the same as when Lu Pingan met her for the first time: she graduated from the dance department of Shenyang Conservatory of Music and was a member of the General Political Department Song and Dance Troupe. Is she qualified?

Lu Ping'an smiled and said, "If I have to take it off, will you still act?"

"Of course! Anyone who doesn't act in a movie directed by you, Lu Da, is a fool. Besides, you can't fall into the same pit twice."

"No regrets?"

"No regrets!"


The first female and the second male were both settled. Lu Ping'an exchanged numbers with the two actors, and then signed the contract under Xiang Guoqiang's arrangement.

Teacher Qi Ke is 50,000, Li Bo is more expensive because he has already appeared in TV, so it is 8,000, and Dong Xuan is 3,000. For a newcomer, 2,000 is enough, and the extra 1,000 is for the stripping scene.

The matter was settled and everyone had a meal together in the evening.

During the dinner, Lu Pingping took many photos with a digital camera.

The photos are full of smiling faces, and it looks like a group of old friends are having a dinner together. There are also many funny photos of Lu Ping'an and Dong Xuan, who look like good friends at first glance.

This is the evidence.

We are friends!

From now on, if anyone says that I dumped Dong Xuan, just show them the photo!

Thanks to book friend "20230508181946666" for the guru tip, thank you very much!

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