China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 668 Over-interpretation of bullets

The explosion of "Let the Bullets Fly" has a magical flavor that fits "Let the Bullets Fly".

At the beginning, the popularity of "Let the Bullets Fly" was divided by several major topics, and the attention was not very high.

First, "Warring States" exploded in word-of-mouth and was ridiculed by everyone.

Afterwards, it returned to normal, but at this time, the world is dominated by "Source Code 2". After all, this is the most popular movie this year.

The reputation of "Source Code 2" is also good, and the topic is even more popular because of Liu Qianqian's figure.

So it wasn't until the third day of the Lunar New Year that "Let the Bullets Fly" surpassed the heavily promoted "Detective Detective" at the box office, and this made many people really pay attention to this movie.

And this attention directly caused "Let the Bullets Fly" to explode completely.

Various lines from the movie soon started trending online.

What about "Brother, you know me", "Eating hot pot and singing", "Fair, fair or fucking fair".

Among them, the first thing to break the circle was actually the various swear words in the film.

So far, there is really no movie in the history of domestic movies that is filled with so many swear words and is still enjoyable to watch.

As a result, the level of attention increased again.

What really made "Let the Bullets Fly" explode was the content of the movie.

I won’t say much about the content of this movie.

In short, the score of 9 on Douban here explains everything.

So starting from the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, "Let the Bullets Fly" has completely become the most talked about and most popular movie during the Spring Festival.

By the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, the box office of "Let the Bullets Fly" had surpassed the 370 million of the third-placed "Detective Dee" and reached 489 million. It was only over 200 million away from the first-placed "Source Code 2"!

It's just that although "Let the Bullets Fly" has an "outrageous" reputation and its box office growth rate is "stunning", not every audience wants to see Jiang Wen.

On the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, CCTV 7 o'clock news anchor Guo Zhijian criticized "Let the Bullets Fly" on his blog for its profanity-laced use and "bloody scenes and sexual innuendo" that tortured him to the point of leaving the show early.

Guo Zhijian believes that such movies abandon social responsibility and have a bad influence on young people.

The CCTV host's personal "critical comment" could have a huge impact at this time in 2011.

After all, he is the "national mouthpiece" who hosts the 7 o'clock news!

It's okay to not speak at ordinary times, but as long as you express your views in public, you represent the country to a certain extent, and your appeal and authority are very strong.

But this Guo Zhiqiang also ignored one point.

That is, it is already 2011, and the atmosphere of the entire society is also changing.

The rapid development of the Internet has made netizens far more "awakened" than before.

Moreover, the current Internet trend is actually at its peak period of "worshiping beautiful dads".

"Wish you the United States in your next life" all over the Internet are not curses, but the highest level of Internet blessings, the kind of praise.

And its opposite can be said to be Guo Zhijian.

At this time, Guo Zhijian not only failed to realize the sacredness and seriousness of this identity, but also used this identity to show "aloofness" on the Internet, which just gave netizens an outlet to vent.

Therefore, only a few netizens agreed with Guo Zhijian's criticism of "Bullet" in his blog, while most netizens supported Jiang Wen.

"Let the Bullets Fly" publicity director Yan Yunfei said upon seeing this, all kinds of comments can be made about the movie, and director Jiang Wen will not respond to any personal comments.

But still can't stop netizens.

Everyone continues to "speak and write":

"The characters in the original novel are just ordinary people in the city. It's disgusting that a bandit can't say bad words but still speaks in a coherent manner."

"So don't let "Transformers 3" be released. If you are over 70 years old, you will have a heart attack if you watch it."

""Joyful" also needs to be withdrawn. Adults will be mentally retarded after watching it."

""Warring States" is so crappy and I didn't see you, Guo Zhijian, come out and say a few words."

"Liu Qianqian's fighting power in "Source Code 2" is incredible. Does Mr. Guo also have to say a few words about 'female virtue'?"


All kinds of comments poured in, some were reasonable, and some were outright offensive.

Everyone is very enthusiastic.

There is quite a strong "gun in hand, follow me" trend in the comment area.

CCTV Guo Zhijian probably never imagined that he, a dignified CCTV host, thought that standing up and giving a few words of advice would attract the recognition and admiration of countless people, but now he would be "sprayed" like this. It's so shameless!

The public is also very surprised, feeling that netizens don't seem to have much "awe" of CCTV hosts. This was not the case before.

Some people are thinking whether times have changed.

Some people are confused and feel that this generation of netizens seems a bit difficult to figure out.

Others are using this to prepare to do something. For example, film critics who promote the film rating system also use this to speak out:

""Let the Bullets Fly" is not what Guo Zhijian said. Although there are swear words and bloody scenes, this is all caused by the lack of a rating system for domestic films. The lack of a rating system is not the responsibility of director Jiang Wen. I think the director I don't want to make the movie for children. I also want to say that your understanding of movies really needs to be strengthened. When everyone says that the plot of the movie is too compact to follow, what you see is "dragging and lengthy". '."

If it is graded but not graded, there will definitely be no response.

But Guo Zhijian does.

Because he couldn't keep his mouth shut, his career basically ended here.

Since then, he has completely left the CCTV comprehensive channel. From a host who can broadcast the 7 o'clock news, he has become a soy sauce for other channels.

The trend of netizens "Follow me with a gun in hand" triggered by Guo Zhijian has become more and more intense.

What manifests itself on the film side is various "over-interpretations" of films.

Among the various interpretations, one version is very "profound" and has been recognized by many people, and it involves Lu Ping'an.

The review begins with an analysis of the "train scene".

What's the significance of Lu Ping'an's cameo?

The most obvious version is the film crew’s explanation: Lu Pingan is the investor, and he has supported his “mentor” Jiang Wen from beginning to end, which is why "Let the Bullets Fly" was created. In order to support Jiang Wen, Lu Pingan also participated in a guest appearance to increase the attraction.

But with the popularity of "Let the Bullets Fly", it exploded.

This version is clearly not the "right answer".

So what is the correct answer?

There are many levels of analysis required here.

The superficial one is to play with the name, the road is safe, but the road is not safe, eating hot pot and singing songs, and suddenly being robbed by gangsters, achieving comedy effect.

At the middle level, it was Jiang Wen who was teasing Lu Ping'an for being obsessed with making money.

Master Tang fell into the water and died. Ma Bangde, played by Ge You, kept pretending to be Master Tang in order to survive.

It can be said that in the movie, Ge You represents Lu Ping An.

What Ma Bond said was what Master Tang said, and what Lu Pingan said. (End of chapter)

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