"I Love You" is a South Korean movie. It talks about the love between the elderly. It is very warm and delicate.

Lu Pingan took it out not to take pictures now, nor to take pictures for others, but just to whet his appetite and test it out.

To say why, it's not to prove anything.

It's just a matter of sex.

Lu Ping'an admits that he has never been an innocent man.

The other person is beautiful, intellectual and feminine, and I have a perfect figure and is handsome.

Living in a foreign country, Yu Feihong was the only fellow member of the opposite sex, and the two of them got along well with each other again. The distance between them became closer and closer under the influence of various factors.

In this case, how can we stop the hormonal stimulation?

But how things will develop with Yu Feihong after that, and how they will develop, still depends on the specific situation.

If Yu Feihong takes this aspect seriously, he is not too interested in adult games.

Then it's "no inspiration, the script is incomplete", and this matter is over.

Early the next morning, Hu Qingquan packed his luggage and went out.

There was a burly white man walking with him. He seemed to have a sense of security. There is a reason to be expensive, and he felt reassured that the road would be safe.

After Hu Qingquan went out, Lu Pingan and David picked up Yu Feihong.

After Yu Feihong got in the car, Lu Pingping asked her: "How is the script?"

Yu Feihong pursed his lips and replied calmly: "It's not bad."

"Oh, that's just average. Hey, it seems I really don't have any talent. Forget it, I won't write anymore."

"I'm kidding you."

"Hahaha, you change your face very quickly."

"I am also an actor after all, okay..."

There was laughter and laughter in the car.

The two chatted about the script, and their relationship seemed to have gotten closer unknowingly.

Although the driver David didn't understand, he was also very happy because the boss said that he could directly enter the male lead's retest and prepare well in the past few days.

In fact, Lu Pingan has decided to give him the leading role, unless someone can surpass his high score of 9.9.

It's just that naturally you can't give this kind of thing directly, just Chinese people. For foreigners, Lu Ping'an doesn't have much empathy.

Half an hour later, the car arrived at a new breakfast restaurant recommended by David. He said it was guaranteed not to be too sweet.

After having a meal, sure enough, it was not bad!

The car then continued to the top.

Summit Wattsberg arranged an office room for him to use for projects.

Today's task is both simple and tedious.

Props production, scene layout, shooting schedule development, and preliminary casting of actors, etc.

Lu Ping'an encountered problems when he started formal work for the first time.

It’s still language.

Through the use of language learning cards, Lu Pingan's English level has improved several levels, but he still has some difficulties in dealing with such professional matters.

Fortunately, this is easy to solve. Even if you are not familiar with it, you can learn it quickly. For example, the slang included in it is just like the "boss" and "tiaozi" in China. Foreigners who have learned written Chinese will be confused when they hear it. , but you will understand it after using it a few times.

During this period, Yu Feihong gave a lot of help.

"As expected of someone who has lived in the United States for several years!"

During the break, Lu Pingan praised.

"It's not bad, I just know a little more than you know."

Yu Feihong was full of humility, and turned around to praise Lu Ping'an again, "You are not bad, your speaking has improved very quickly. When you went to Berlin to give your acceptance speech, you always spoke with a Chinese accent."

"Sister Yu actually knows this? Oh my, it feels so good to be paid silent attention to!"

"Fine words mean you are a good person at work!"

"You have wronged me. I have never been a good person!"

After hearing this, Yu Feihong burst into laughter, and then quickly replied seriously: "Continue working!"


The next work went very smoothly.

The people at Dingfeng are all veterans in the industry and know how to do anything.

Of course, it's more about them leading the way safely, because the rules in Hollywood are relatively strict, and everything can't be solved by just "working overtime" or "getting over it."

By the time I get off work in the afternoon, my work is basically arranged, and I can divide the work and follow the plan tomorrow.

After get off work, Lu Pingan still walked with Yu Feihong, but they went back not to Lu Pingan's residence, but to Yu Feihong's house.

Arrive at the place and enter the door.

Lu Pingping took a good tour.

There's not much to see, and there aren't many things. It's obvious that Yu Feihong doesn't plan to stay there for a long time.

After a while, Yu Feihong prepared dinner, which was steak.

"Just make do with it. Here, the chopsticks are here."

"Steak is a luxury item in China, and it's made by Sister Yu. How dare I despise it."

Lu Pingan took the chopsticks and bit them.

After finishing the meal, the two continued to talk about the script.

"Saw" accounts for a large part, and "I Love You" accounts for a small part.

Because Lu Ping'an still kept it secret and did not reveal the next content, the reason was that it had not been conceived yet.

Yu Feihong lost his temper, but she was not in a hurry. She had already seen that this was a hook specially designed to hook her.

One puts the hook, and the other lets him put the hook.

So this is a game between adult men and women, pulling and tugging, that's the content of the game.

After all, I'm over 30, so I understand.

After chatting until 10 o'clock, Lu Ping'an left, and the day's work was over.

The next day it was still the same.

And this pattern has remained.

In the following time, Lu Ping'an did the preparations for "Chainsaw" during the day and checked the special effects rendering progress of "Source Code" at night. Lu Ping An's special effects computer room in Laomei is also in Santa Monica. Xiang Guoqiang has completed it a few days ago, and it cost 80,000 US dollars. It is not a very high configuration. Lu Ping An is not in a hurry, just do it slowly.

The most unstoppable thing during this period was to send Yu Feihong home after get off work, and then cook, eat and wash dishes together.

Over the past few days, the relationship between the two has become closer again. They splashed water on each other while washing dishes and played around, pushing the relationship to the breaking point.

It depends on who breaks the window paper first and takes the first step.

Lu Pingan also noticed that during this period, Yu Feihong did not ask Lu Pingan about anything about his relationship, nor did he make any insinuations.

The same goes for Ping An Lu.

Therefore, the matter of past relationships has become a tacit forbidden area between the two.

Do not inquire about each other.

It's obvious what this means.

This tacit understanding lasted until June 28, the day when "Saw" started filming at Summit Studios.

At this time, all the actors were in place.

Actor auditions started seven days ago.

The first day is a preliminary audition, just to see which roles are probably suitable. Lu Ping'an's task is to collect actor cards, and then go back and use the simulator at night to pre-shoot the movie and arrange the actors.

This approach is extremely efficient.

After several nights of hard work, Lu Ping'an had a good grasp of filming and was very confident about casting.

When it came time for the re-examination, no actor who came over had a score lower than 9.2.

During this period, there were many gorgeous actresses who wanted to use special means.

But with Sister Yu here, how could Lu Ping'an be the kind of person who acts randomly?

Sister Yu asked: "Director Lu, why don't you just do as the Romans do?"

Lu Pingan had a righteous look on his face: "I am a gentleman!"

In fact, even if Sister Yu is not watching, Lu Pingan will not mess around.

After all, this is the United States. Who knows what weird diseases these people have!

When it came time for the final audition, the driver David was under a lot of pressure, because at a glance, he seemed to be on par with him.

The actual situation is indeed true. There are 36 people in total, all of whom scored 9.5 or above.

David's 9.9 can only rank third.

Fortunately, second place is a black man, 10.0, and this man is also the original actor Danny Glover.

The first one is an actress, 10.1, named Ina Janevis, she is very beautiful, but like David, Lu Ping'an is not familiar with her.

There is no shortage of actors like this in Hollywood.

They all have good personal abilities and are good at singing and dancing, but there are only a few who can stand out, a handful in the pyramid.

The rest are just cannon fodder for dreams.

So much so that "Saw", a low-budget, foreign-directed film that won't impress you at first sight, attracted nearly a hundred people to submit their resumes on the first day.

Under the stars of Hollywood, there are all bones and bones.

After the emotion was over, the audition was over.

David got the lead role, with a score of 9.9, which is fine for him.

David thanked him profusely and was extremely excited.

"This is the first leading role in my life, boss, thank you, thank God, I want to call my mother!"

The other actors have also confirmed that the average salary is US$8,000.

The most expensive one is Danny Glover, who later became more famous and has acted in many movies now, but he is still a supporting role, and he got it for 20,000 yuan.

Once the matter is settled, the next step is to sign the contract, send out the script, and then officially start filming on the 28th.

. . . . . . .

On the first day of shooting, Lu Ping’an spoke to everyone before the shooting started:

"My name is Lu Pingan, you can call me Lu. I am the director and producer of this film. To put it simply, I paid for this film and I have absolute control over the project. If you come down, there’s no need to say more, right?”

"Understood, boss! I will work hard!"

David was the first to respond, followed by others.

They are all Hollywood dreamers, so they naturally understand the rules.

If Lu Pingan didn't say that he had the initiative, they would probably just regard Lu Pingan as an ordinary director.

The position of director can be replaced at any time in Hollywood, especially foreign directors.

Now, Lu Ping'an is the producer and has absolute control, so this is really related to the issue of employment.

So everyone, I just threw away whatever thoughts I had left in my heart.

The filming started next, and Lu Ping'an's "skill" surprised everyone even more, including the Summit staff.

Everyone present has more or less met many of the crew, and everyone knows the general process of filming.

Basically, it will not deviate from the rule of "half an hour to prepare, half an hour to adjust, and 10 minutes to shoot." This is just a few shots in the same scene, and it does not include the time spent on pre-production makeup, etc.

After all, this is creation, not copying homework.

But Lu Pingan was very different. After putting on makeup, Lu Pingan's preparation and adjustment time only took less than ten minutes. In the next ten minutes, filming started, and then he trained the actors over and over again, including performance, movements, tone and lines.

"Relax more."

"Say your lines faster."

"Be more nervous, okay, that's it!"

There was no thinking, no "try another way of acting", no "I think this is possible, come on, change the angle of the camera", and no "this doesn't work, change the lines again".

The whole scene was spot on.

Once it's in place, it clicks.

Efficient, concise, precise and rapid.

It felt like it had been filmed countless times.

This also made the actors feel that this was indeed a small-budget movie with only 1 million, and it was really awesome!

However, when they saw the replay on the monitor, the feeling was different.

David gave a thumbs up: "Boss, that's amazing! I didn't expect that I could act like this!"

Nonsense, I have filmed you more than twenty times, I already know your acting habits!

Lu Ping'an felt a little proud in his heart, but he said, "You don't know if it's good or not when you perform it? Stop flattering me and move on to the next performance!"


David returned to the set in a hurry.

So does everyone else.

Now in their eyes, the impression of Lu Ping'an as "20 years old", "Chinese" and "non-native" has completely disappeared.

The rest is just precision, efficiency, and ability!

The actors were discussing during their break:

"Do you think Lu looks like Kobe Bryant of the Lakers?"

"A bit, he's very capable, why not call him Peter Pan."

"Peter Pan doesn't sound good. Let's just call it Sidewinder Missile. It hits wherever you point it. It's terrifyingly accurate."

"Okay, let's call him an Asian rattlesnake."

“Are there rattlesnakes in Asia?”

"Whatever, it didn't happen before, isn't it happening now?"

"makes sense."

So Lu Pingan was nicknamed "Asian Sidewinder Missile".

In the afternoon, it was simplified to "Asian rattlesnake", which is very similar to the dragon crossing the river.

Lu Ping'an had a keen ear, and after hearing this nickname, he searched for words in his mind for a long time. When he finally understood it, he was speechless.

This is only the first day with this nickname, and no one else has it.

But Wattsberg, who was at the top, smiled happily.

"Lu, this proves that the actors like you. If they hate you, believe me, they will definitely not give you such a nice nickname, Los Angeles Rattlesnake, you are so majestic. I have begun to envy you. It seems that you have integrated into Hollywood very smoothly. ah!"

safe trip:"..."

This book is not about a single female protagonist, and I will not write about a single female protagonist. My writing power is limited and I cannot write this kind of thing. I have already said it in Chapter 65, so let me say it again now.

You won’t be able to expose half of the sky with the continuous fire, but you will definitely have interactions with actresses. If you don’t do it innocently, a book has one or two million words. In the future, you will meet all kinds of actresses, and you can’t really do it. Just don’t touch anyone, that’s so boring, right? It’s entertainment, don’t say you don’t like it!

Also, I don’t know whether to be happy or sad about the studio. Is it so impersonal that it might misunderstand you?

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