China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 1 Do you believe that the world is virtual?

"The probability that we live in the real world is less than one in a billion!"

In 1997, in a cafe near Victoria Harbor in Hong Kong, Jiang Heng said it seriously.

Wu Yizu, who was sitting opposite, became interested, leaned forward slightly, and asked in not very standard Hong Kong dialect: "Do you have any basis for saying that?"

"Have you heard of the wave-particle duality of light?"

"I learned some when I was in school!"

Jiang Heng started with the wave-particle duality of light, talked about "Schrödinger's cat", and then talked about the "Mandela effect".

Of course, Mandela was still the president of South Africa in 1997, and the term "Mandela effect" had not yet been coined. Jiang Heng only said something similar to arouse Wu Yizu's recognition.

In fact, what he said cannot prove that the world is virtual.

It is reborn, just like resurrecting in a game.

In the original history, Jiang Heng experienced the death of his father and the remarriage of his mother in early 1997, and inherited a thousand-foot luxury house in Causeway Bay, a luxury car, and more than 10 million in cash.

If he could hoard houses and become a landlord, he could live a carefree life, rich and happy.

However, he didn't know what had happened to him. He actually learned to direct and act in movies, and soon lost all his money.

If he went north to find a way out in time, he would have a chance to become popular with his handsome appearance and the identity of a Hong Kong actor.

He had been stuck in the Hong Kong film industry for more than ten years. When he went to the mainland to develop, he had no chance and could only play supporting roles in some low-cost film and television works. Later, he even fell into the "online movie" studio.

Although his film experience was extremely miserable, he still saved some wealth over the years.

The house he didn't want to buy was unfinished, and the trust he had heavily invested in collapsed. The second loss made him collapse and want to jump off the building.

Jiang Heng went to the rooftop and sat down. He spent a night thinking about his life.

He had lived for forty years and sleepwalked for half his life. His family, career, family affection, love, and property were all gone!

He didn't understand why he was still on the wrong path after planning and choosing carefully. I worked very hard to make a living, but in the end, I had nothing.

He drank beer and smiled bitterly and asked the heaven, are you kidding me, but there was no response!

At dawn, he threw away his cigarette butts and bottles and went downstairs to eat breakfast, but was hit by a flower pot that fell from the sky.

The last thought was, damn, the god of death is coming? ? ?

When I woke up again, it was already the beginning of 1997.

The past memories seemed like a nightmare. Recalling the past, I felt more and more like an NPC in the game.

I often stared blankly without any tasks to do (not many filmings), stayed in the small map (Hong Kong) for a long time, modeling... Well, it seems to be more handsome than before, so that I sighed that I am more beautiful than my ancestors in the north of the city!

What surprised him even more was that there was a super microscopic computer in his mind, which could not only connect to the real world, but also had a powerful self-deduction function.

For example, the dreams of ordinary people have chaotic plots and blurred details.

But with this super microscopic computer, the scenes that he had seen before can appear clearly in his dreams. Even the scales of a dragon and the feathers of a phoenix can be deduced and displayed clearly according to his imagination.

If he gives up reality and indulges in dreams, he will be a god in the virtual world!

However, thinking about the decadent appearance of those people who indulge in dreams in "Inception", Jiang Heng thinks it is better to enjoy the real world.

With the help of a super microscopic computer, not to mention becoming a movie tycoon or the richest man in China, it is still possible to achieve his hundreds of small goals and enjoy wealth.

The method is also simple, just shoot special effects blockbusters.

Although in 1997, when Hong Kong movies gradually lost the markets in Taiwan, Japan, South Korea and Southeast Asia, shooting blockbusters was equivalent to seeking death, but he didn't need money to make special effects!

Just find some new actors with low pay to finish the scenes, and add gorgeous and realistic special effects in the later stage, you can cheat (earn) some retirement money!

Combining his own experience, Jiang Heng chose the classic science fiction movie "The Matrix" without much thought, and the male lead targeted Wu Yizu, who had just graduated from college and came to Hong Kong to travel and work as a model.

At this moment, Yizu had no confidence in filming movies. He studied architecture at the University of Oregon.

It was just that it was difficult to refuse directly after being introduced by an acquaintance, so he thought of coming here to chat casually.

Unexpectedly, after listening to Jiang Heng's outline of the script, his three views were overturned. He really wanted to join the crew, and the salary didn't matter.

"Yizu, you are a newcomer, and the crew's funds are relatively limited. We can only give you a salary of 100,000 Hong Kong dollars. What do you think?"

"For a newcomer, it's already very generous!"

Wu Yizu smiled honestly, "The female lead should be a star, right?"

Jiang Heng smiled and shook his head slowly, "She is also a newcomer!"

Wu Yizu was stunned, and instantly felt that this crew seemed unreliable. Both the male and female leads are newcomers. How do you attract the audience? Just rely on the plot?

Little did he know that the heroine in Jiang Heng's mind was somewhat related to him, that is, Maggie Q Li Meiqi.

Li Meiqi is an Asian American. In 1997, she first went to the island country to be a model, but she encountered obstacles everywhere. Soon she went to Taiwan, but still did not develop well.

Originally, she came to Hong Kong in 1998, participated in some movies one after another, and then became famous with "Naked Agent".

As for now, she is still just a small model who is not in the mainstream, and it is more difficult to find.

Fortunately, the entertainment and fashion circles in Hong Kong and Taiwan are closely connected. If you ask more people for help, there will always be results.

Jiang Heng asked Yuan De of the Seven Little Fortunes, who is the big bald man who played Yang Shuang in the movie "Ma Yongzhen".

This man is excellent in Kung Fu, but his body is too thin to support the aura of the protagonist. He starred in several films in his early years, but later he retired to the backstage to become a martial arts instructor. He won the Golden Horse Award for Best Action Director with Yuan Kui for "Kung Fu Emperor Fang Shiyu".

He is not famous, but he has great skills, extensive connections, and low remuneration. He is simply the right person.

Jiang Heng invited him to be the martial arts instructor of "The Matrix" and the villain in the film, antivirus program Smith. With Yuan De's skills and Wu Yizu and Li Meiqi's looks, it is expected that the action scenes will not be inferior to the original.

After determining the male and female protagonists and the villain, the outline of the crew is ready. As for art, props, lighting, photography, and stage management, it is easy to say.

At this moment, the Hong Kong film market is sluggish, and the number of films shot has dropped sharply. There are a lot of film practitioners who have nothing to do, and they can find people anytime and anywhere.

I just don't know when there will be news from the female protagonist. If I can't find someone, I really haven't thought about who to replace.

While he was thinking, Yuande called.

"Hey, Ah Heng, the matter you asked me to do has come to fruition. Come to the studio to discuss in detail!"

Jiang Heng was overjoyed. After saying goodbye to Wu Yizu, he drove to the Shaw Studios on the Clearwater Bay Peninsula.

When it was prosperous, there were more than 2,000 employees, 14 studios, and several big directors working at the same time.

But at this moment, it seemed a bit desolate and dilapidated. There were not many crews working, and the most famous one was the crew where Yuande was - "Ma Yongzhen".

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