In Beijing, the compound of the Beijing Film Studio is full of beauties, all dressed up in fancy clothes, young and beautiful, all of them are girls who came for interviews after the preliminary selection.

Tang Yan came here accompanied by her parents. Although her family did not support her to take this path, they agreed after her daughter insisted.

"I didn't expect so many people to come, I'm afraid there are thousands of people!" Tang's mother looked at the scene in front of her and was extremely shocked.

It happened that Yang Mi passed by with her classmates, and Tang's mother was stunned.

"Oh my, the two who just passed by were only about 14 or 15. They wanted to act at such a young age, and their families were not with them. Aren't they afraid of being cheated?"

Tang's father said, "They should be locals. They have been wandering around the city since they were 10 years old, and their parents are used to it. They are not likely to be cheated. Director Jiang Heng is afraid of being ruined!"

Tang Yan said, "Yes, they are not that famous, and there is also China Film!"

Tang's mother said, "You can't know a person's heart by his face. They say that this industry is very chaotic. It's not wrong to be careful!"

The three continued to move forward and lined up to register and get the interview number. Tang Yan's schedule was delayed when he came, so he took number 1273 and was scheduled for the third day.

Tang's mother sighed more and more, "Thousands of people compete for one role, it's too exaggerated!"

Tang Yan said: "In fact, there are tens of thousands of people. I heard that less than one tenth of them passed the preliminary selection!"

"If you are selected, it would be one in ten thousand. It's too exaggerated, too exaggerated!" Tang's mother looked around and felt more and more incredible.

Tang's father said: "I heard that the preparation time is too short, otherwise it is possible that hundreds of thousands of people have signed up!"

Tang's mother was shocked and had no words to say, but just kept saying it was too exaggerated, too exaggerated.

The family immediately left the Beijing Film Studio and went back to the hotel to rest.

Jiang Heng was naturally at the audition site. The stage was carefully arranged and two cameras were brought.

When encountering those with good conditions or those who will be famous in the future, they will "hint" the staff to record, which really leaves many precious images.

At this time, Hong Jinbao led "Chang Wei" (Zou Zhaolong) into the door. Seeing a girl auditioning, he stood far away and watched for a while.

After the girl left, he walked towards Jiang Heng and said with a smile: "Director Jiang, haven't you always said that you are missing a suitable villain? Let's see how my apprentice is? He is very good at kung fu!"

Zou Zhaolong was a little reserved, and he respectfully called Mr. Jiang when he came forward.

Jiang Heng stood up and hugged Hong Jinbao, patted each other on the back, and shook hands with Zou Zhaolong, saying with a smile: "Of course I know, you are the strongest villain in our Hong Kong film industry!"

Zou Zhaolong smiled awkwardly, "Mr. Jiang, you are too kind!"

Jiang Heng didn't say anything more, just smiled and looked at Zou Zhaolong, and the "super microcomputer" in his brain began to deduce and generate a short video of Zou Zhaolong's costume. As the hairstyle and costumes of the characters in the video kept changing, it finally settled on one.

Jiang Heng reviewed the appearances of Yu Rongguang, Qian Xiaohao, Zhao Wenzhuo and others, and felt that Zou Zhaolong's was more suitable.

"Well, not bad, you will play the villain in the film!"

Zou Zhaolong didn't react for a while, this was too smooth!

Hong Jinbao was overjoyed and pushed his apprentice, "Why don't you thank Mr. Jiang?"

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang, thank you, Mr. Jiang, I will definitely play this play well!"

"Well, remember to go to iQiyi and Tencent to sign the contract tomorrow!"

After saying this, Jiang Heng ordered people to continue calling people in, while Hong Jinbao and Zou Zhaolong left tactfully.

In the courtyard, Zou Zhaolong was still a little dizzy, "Master, this time it's really thanks to you!"

Hong Jinbao said: "It's your own conditions that are suitable, it has nothing to do with me!"

Zou Zhaolong knew that this was the case, but he couldn't say that, and he still kept "grateful".

On Jiang Heng's side, the audition was still the same.

The one who came at this moment was Da Mimi, who was very popular a few years later.

Although she was only fifteen years old at this time, she was already very smart, but her acting skills were a little immature, after all, she had not received professional training.

Let her perform two segments, and the degree of completion was only okay.

Jiang Heng used the "super microcomputer" to deduce Yang Mi's performance in the play, and felt that the effect was lower than expected.

After a few words of encouragement, she was allowed to leave.

Yang Mi burst into tears as she walked out.

The girls in the queue were used to it. In the past two days, too many girls broke down and cried after auditioning.

But Yang Mi's classmates couldn't stand it anymore. They came forward and hugged Yang Mi's arm, "What's wrong, Mimi, why are you crying!"

"I think there's no hope this time, woo woo!"

"Why do you say that? Hasn't it been decided yet?"

"That director Jiang has been frowning and his face is not good. He must not have liked me, woo woo!"

Yang Mi cried more and more sadly. After all, she was only a 15-year-old girl. Her bestie tried to persuade her at first, but then she cried too.

Most girls in the queue didn't care, and even sneered.

They thought that you looked like a yellow-haired girl, and you wanted to come and compete for the female lead. It's just a fantasy!

But most of those who went in for the audition and came out had gloomy expressions or wiped tears.

Tang Yan came on the morning of the third day. She was heartless. She looked at the girls wiping tears after the audition and wondered, "Why are they all crying? Were they bullied?"

One sentence exposed her "silly and sweet" characteristics!

Tang's father said, "Not really. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment!"

Tang's mother said, "Don't be afraid, Tangtang. We are outside and support you!"

Tang Yan smiled sweetly, "Well, keep a normal mind, work hard, and keep going!"

After that, she made a cheering gesture.

After a while, it was finally her turn to enter.

The 18-year-old Tangtang, wearing a brown windbreaker and long wavy hair, looked like Miss Wang in "Flower".

"Hello, Director Jiang, hello, teachers, my name is Tang Yan, I'm 18 years old, from Shanghai...!"

Tang Yan's voice was very sweet, and her smile was even more contagious.

Several people who "participated" (made up the numbers) in the casting could not help but whisper to each other, thinking that the girl in front of them had a good appearance and temperament.

Jiang Heng even showed a rare smile, which made Tang Yan mutter in her heart.

"He is smiling at me. Those girls also said that Director Jiang never smiles. He...!"

"Hello, Miss Tang. I saw on your resume that your hobbies are singing and dancing?"

"Yes, Director Jiang!"

"Whose songs do you like?"

"Wang Fei, Zhang Xueyou!"

"Can you sing Zhang Xueyou's Stealing Heart?"

"A little bit!"

"Sing a few lines!"

"Who is stealing my heart, unable to distinguish between night and day..."

Tang Yan is not familiar with this song. He only remembers a few lines, but it is exactly what Jiang Heng wants to hear.

"Not bad, go back and wait for the notice!"

"Thank you Director Jiang, thank you teachers!"

Tang Yan bowed and left. When he walked out of the door, he was surrounded by his parents, "Tangtang, how is it?"

Tang Yan pursed his lips with a sweet smile on his face.

"Not bad!"

"How good is it!"

"Director Jiang has been smiling at me!"

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