There are many people who came to the cast of "Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother" as guest stars. Naturally, the biggest celebrity is "Double Weekly" and Li Lianjie.

Zhou Runfa made a cameo because Jiang Heng had suggested to Li Yu to hire him, and Jiang Heng invested US$11 million in the film "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", accounting for more than 70% of the total investment.

Nowadays, stars from the Chinese entertainment industry come to guest appearances, and Zhou Run has to show his emotions and reasons.

As for Cheng Long, it was naturally Hong Jinbao who persuaded him.

Li Lianjie taught Jiang Heng many boxing routines when he was on the set of "Hero". Seeing that he was extremely talented and an internationally renowned commercial film director, he naturally had a good relationship with him, so he came over to support him.

As for Zhou Xingxing, Chun Chun found him by himself.

On this day, Jiang Heng was filming a scene opposite Tang Yan in the China Film Digital Studio. Suddenly, his assistant came over and said, "Director Jiang, Mr. Zhou Xingxing called and said he was coming to visit the team. He has already got off the plane and is on the way." The car is coming!”

"He came to visit the class?"

Not to mention Jiang Heng, even the rest of the cast and crew around him were stunned.

Especially Hong Jinbao, he said with a smile: "He always goes to the Three Treasures Hall for anything. It seems he has something to ask you for!"

Yuan Hua said with a smile: "Maybe, seeing that domestic celebrities are coming to make guest appearances, I also want to make an appearance on the set!"

"He doesn't know how!" Hong Jinbao sneered.

In fact, the relationship between the two of them is not good or bad at this time. They are just outgoing and have friends all over the world. An introvert who rarely interacts with others.

Although they are both in a small place like Xiangjiang, they have never cooperated with each other.

When it came to the filming of "Kung Fu", they broke up after only working together once.

Because of this situation, Jiang Heng immediately thought of the word "Kung Fu".

Historically, "Kung Fu" was launched in July 2003.

In this life, I was influenced by Jiang Heng, especially when Zhou Xingxing saw the scene in "The Lion and the Camel Ridge" in the theater, in which countless ghosts with translucent helmets and armors and swords in their hands rushed towards the inn. Special effects were used to shoot Kung Fu blockbusters. My thoughts can no longer be restrained.

But I will be busy with "Shaolin Soccer" and can't spare the time.

After the release of "Shaolin Soccer" this summer, Zhou Xingxing has been busy writing the script for "Kung Fu".

I came here now, firstly because I wanted to cooperate with the special effects company under Jiang Heng's name, and secondly because I wanted to see if I could get some investment from Jiang Heng and China Film.

Although he felt that his film would not be bad at the box office, the failure of "Westward Journey" was a huge blow to him. Zhou Xingxing really did not dare to produce a film independently, nor did he write, direct and star in it. !

Only after the script was completed, he flew to the capital and went straight to the crew of "Splitting the Mountain to Save My Mother".

At the entrance of the China Film Digital Photography Base, Hong Jinbao, the deputy director of the crew, led the crowd to welcome him, "Axing, I didn't expect that you would also make a guest appearance!"

Zhou Xingxing was stunned. He was so focused on the preparations for "Kung Fu" that he didn't think much about it.

Fortunately, Tian Qiwen, the head of Xinghui Company, was smarter and said with a smile: "Director Jiang Heng has made extraordinary achievements and is the pride of our city. Now that he is directing and acting, we must come to support him!"

Zhou Xingxing also said: "Yes, how can such a thing be left out of me? I really can't wait to meet Director Jiang Heng!"

Hong Jinbao said, "You kid, you're pretending to be the same. If I hadn't told you in advance, I might have been fooled by you!" He then led Zhou Xingxing and his group into the set.

At the filming site, Jiang Heng was opposite Tang Yan. Although the latter's acting skills were a little weaker, he was better because of his youth and his personality fit the role better.

After a period of polishing, the performance was passable.

But after Zhou Xingxing watched it for a while, he thought to himself: "This performance is so different from Liu Piaopiao. Why did I find a pure vase!"

But when I think about it, the audience comes to watch this movie just to see the super shocking special effects scenes, as long as the actress is not too bad to hold it back.

Thinking of this, I feel more and more that I need to find a pure, young and new actress instead of a movie queen with outstanding acting skills.


After a set of shots was taken, Jiang Heng asked the crew to rest for an hour, then walked over and said with a smile: "Oh, Mr. Zhou, I was busy filming just now, so I kept you waiting for a long time!"

Zhou Xingxing said hurriedly: "I won't wait long, I won't wait long! Besides, I can also learn something from watching Director Jiang filming!"

Jiang Heng laughed and called Zhou Xingxing to the temporary office prepared aside.

"Mr. Zhou, what's the matter with coming here this time?"

Zhou Xingxing was just about to take the script of "Kung Fu" when he saw Tian Qiwen winking at him, and then he reacted and said: "Well, that's it, Mr. Jiang. I heard that you are filming your first self-directed and self-acted film. I think as a As a member of Hong Kong filmmakers, it is necessary to contribute, so I would like to play a cameo role in your film.”

Zhou Xingxing has an old-fashioned character, and he actually talked about the guest appearance in a serious manner.

Jiang Heng knew that he had another purpose for coming here, but he couldn't help but be "moved" and said: "Oh, thank you so much!"

"No, I don't know if there is any role suitable for me, so I can try it out!"

Jiang Heng said with a smile: "Well, I really didn't think about it at the moment. Besides, Mr. Zhou came here this time. I think he has other things to do. If he doesn't leave immediately, there is still time!"

Zhou Xingxing said seriously: "I do have something, and I want to ask Mr. Jiang!"

After that, he took the script Tian Qiwen handed him and handed it to Jiang Heng, "This is a script I wrote over several months. I would like to ask Mr. Jiang to take a look!"

Jiang Heng was not polite. He took the script and took a look. Sure enough, it was about "Kung Fu", but the plot and actors (prepared) were slightly different.

At this moment, Zhou Xingxing still plans to ask Wu Mengkui to play the role of the charterer.

Jiang Heng flipped through the pages and nodded: "Yes, it looks very good. Is Mr. Zhou in need of investment? My company still has some spare money in its account!"

Zhou Xingxing was stunned when he heard this, and then he was overjoyed.

After all, the news that Xu Ke's "Seven Swords" was rejected by Jiang Heng had already spread in Xiangjiang even before he had even produced the script.

Although he knew that Jiang Heng was unlikely to reject him, he still felt a little unsure.

"Yes, that's great. In fact, what I lack most is not money, but a team for special effects production. Of course, it would be great if Mr. Jiang can help solve the problem!"

Jiang Heng smiled and said: "No problem, what is your total budget investment?"

Stephen Chow hesitated for a few seconds, stretched out two fingers, "Twenty million dollars!"

Jiang Heng did not answer immediately. He leaned back slightly to think, and then asked: "What is the funding gap?"

Zhou Xingxing said with a stern expression, "About 15 million!"

He has some wealth, but most of it is in the real estate market, and since he doesn't dare to invest too much, he can only provide more than four million U.S. dollars, which feels like a huge risk.

Jiang Heng still had a thoughtful expression on his face. He hesitated for a few seconds and said, "Money is not an issue, but if this film wants to be released in the mainland, I suggest adding China Film. Let them contribute part of it, and I will cover the rest!"

Zhou Xingxing said hurriedly: "That's for sure. I originally wanted to visit Chairman Han, but I just can't take the liberty to come. I want to ask Mr. Jiang for a recommendation!"

It is said that "Shaolin Soccer" failed to be released in the mainland, which caused him a lot of losses. This time, he must bring China Film to join him no matter what!

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