Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, "The Matrix" was already a work four years ago.

Over the past four years, countless movie fans around the world have called on Jiang Heng on major forums not to delay and to release a sequel as soon as possible.

Some movie fans also found the phone numbers of Xiangjiang Youteng and Beijing Aiyouteng companies, and took the trouble to call, annoying the company's front desk.

After understanding these situations, Jiang Heng reviewed the shooting plans of the past few years, and felt that it was time to release a sequel.

As for this film, he has no plans to involve other companies, including China Film.

As for the large number of foreign actors needed for the filming of the film, just arrange for the personnel of Aiyouteng Company to hire them directly.

At this moment, Jiang Heng is well-known internationally. It is easy to find Hollywood artists and make independent films.

When Zhou Xingxing heard the news that Jiang Heng was going to film "The Matrix 2", he was also surprised, "Ah, to be honest, I still quite like the concept of that movie. It's really groundbreaking. You said Is it really possible for this world to be virtual?”

Jiang Heng smiled, "I think the probability is high!"

"Then what is the meaning of our existence and struggle?"

"In order to live a more enjoyable life, even if it is really a game, players who pay money to kill everyone can have whatever they want. It is difficult for civilian players to kill monsters, and they cannot leave the novice village for a long time, and they can't even buy a piece of equipment. It takes a long time to save, and you may be killed and the equipment will be exploded. How do you choose?"

"Well, then I also think it's quite fun to be a cash-earning player!"

"That's right, you should enjoy your life!"

"Then why haven't you found a girlfriend?"

When Zhou Xingxing said this, he glanced at Tang Yan in the distance.

No matter how affectionate Zhou Xingxing appears in the movie, the love of his life, and he is still unmarried, he has always had no shortage of girlfriends.

"Well, I haven't met anyone who's too excited yet!"

The real reason is naturally that he was hurt by all the girlfriends he dated in his previous life.

Stephen Chow patted him on the shoulder and said, "Flowers can only be broken when they bloom, but don't wait until there are no flowers to break the branches."

Jiang Heng left without waiting for anything to say.

Three days later, Zhou Xingxing finished filming his guest role and flew back to Hong Kong to prepare for "Kung Fu".

Jiang Heng is still in the intense filming process.

How nervous is it? The crew only has two days off on New Year's Eve and the first day of the Lunar New Year, and then they have to come back to film.

And given the level of transportation at this time, most people want to spend the New Year in Beijing.

Tang Yan's parents were afraid that their daughter would be too lonely in Beijing, so they rushed here early. The family lived in the apartment arranged by the company for Tang Yan, and they could also cook and make dumplings.

"Tangtang, you must be exhausted during this period of filming. Are you still getting used to it on the crew? No one is bullying you, right?"

Although she made countless phone calls during this period and Tang Yan reported on her situation, Tang's mother was still worried about her daughter and kept asking questions when she had time.

"Fortunately, I've long been used to it, and the people on the set take good care of me!"

"Where's Director Jiang?"

"He is just busy every day. He is either filming on the set or working on new projects!"

"You're young, but you're quite motivated!" Tang's mother admired, and suddenly asked: "Does he have a girlfriend?"

"Maybe there is, I haven't heard of it, and I haven't seen anyone come to the set!"

"That shouldn't be possible!" Tang's mother said to herself.

Father Tang was a little unhappy, "Why do you care about that?"

"I don't want my daughter to have a good relationship with others. With his current status, how many detours can Tangtang avoid with just one sentence?"

Tang's father remained silent, and Tang's mother asked again, "By the way, it's Chinese New Year, have you given him anything?"

Tang Yan was confused. She was only nineteen after the Chinese New Year, so she didn't understand the worldly ways.

Tang's mother taught: "He chose you to be the heroine, and he has helped you. Although we can't repay you, we can't forget our roots. We should express our feelings during the holidays!"

Father Tang became increasingly unhappy, "Why are you telling her this?"

Tang's mother said: "It's normal to treat guests and give gifts during festivals. When have you ever dared to do this? I'm telling you, Tangtang, those who are leaders may not remember if you give them to them, but they will definitely remember if you don't give them. Will remember it!”

Tang Yan couldn't laugh or cry, "He's a director, so it's different from that one!"

Tang's mother said: "But he is also a big boss. With so many companies under his name, small employees are not qualified, but those executives will definitely express their opinions. You are an artist under his company, and your status is no worse than that of the executives."

Seeing that the father and daughter were silent, he added: "I heard that Xiangjiang TVB, ATV and so on, there is a dispute between the first sisters. It will definitely not hurt if you have a good relationship with the boss."

When Tang Yan heard this, he just said lightly.

Tang's father just said "you" and went to the hut.

Tang's mother asked again, "By the way, your boss, what do your parents do? Do you also come here to celebrate the New Year?"

Tang Yan said: "I heard that his father passed away and his mother remarried. She should be alone in the capital!"

"Oh, then, then...!" Mother Tang originally wanted to ask Jiang Heng to come over and eat dumplings.

But look at the crowded environment of this apartment, how can we invite people over?

"Tangtang, give him a call and tell him that you want to send him some dumplings and ask him if he wants it. If he wants it, just send it to him. If he doesn't want it, forget it. Anyway, we got what we wanted!"

"Ah, okay, okay? He is from Xiangjiang, so he may not eat it!" Tang Yan had never experienced such a thing and found it difficult to talk about it.

Tang's mother said: "Ask what you are afraid of. If you don't dare, just give me the phone and I will tell you!"

"Well, I'll say it myself!"

I picked up the phone shyly, went back to my room, closed the door, and called Jiang Heng.

"Hello, Director Jiang, this is Tang Yan, Happy New Year, I'm calling just to ask, have you eaten dumplings?"

"Ah, no!"

In 2002, there were not many restaurants in Beijing that made New Year's Eve dinners. Jiang Heng spent a lot of money to order a table of banquets, but it hasn't been delivered yet!

"Well, my parents are here, and they made a lot of dumplings. I want to send you some!"

"What kind of filling?"

In his previous life, Jiang Heng lived in Beijing for many years and liked to eat.

"Three fresh shrimps!"

"Uh, it's too troublesome, it's New Year's Day!"

"Then..." Tang Yan wanted to say, okay.

Fortunately, he suddenly had an idea and said, "That's not a problem, I can drive, and I'll deliver it in a while!"

Jiang Heng didn't refuse and told the address.

After hanging up the phone and walking out of the room, Tang Yan's heartbeat was still accelerated and his cheeks were slightly red.

"What did he say?" Tang's mother asked.

"He asked what kind of filling it was, and I said three fresh shrimps, then he declined, and I almost said forget it!"

Tang's mother pressed her daughter's forehead with her flour-covered fingers, "Silly girl, I tell you, the leaders will be happy if you give them gifts!"



"Just a plate of dumplings!"

"It's Chinese New Year!"

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