It is not just Tu Jingwei who thinks so. Many domestic movie fans regard "Lion Camel Ridge" as the pinnacle of Chinese mythological movies. On Chinese forums such as Tianya and Mop, there are more than 2,000 posts about "Lion Camel Ridge", with a total of over 100,000 replies.

That is to say, there was no "Douban" in those days, otherwise the score would definitely start at 8.5, and it is very likely to be over 9 points.

If "Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother" can surpass "Lion Camel Ridge", it will definitely be a visual feast!

Although I don't know what the plot is, judging from the consistent level of Jiang Heng's works, the special effects scenes will definitely be no problem, and there will be dozens of celebrities guest starring, which makes people excited just thinking about it.

At this time, hearing Tang Yan praise "Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother", the reporters outside the fence seemed to be excited as well, and all kinds of cameras in their hands "clicked" and took pictures non-stop.

Under the huge poster display board, Tu Jingwei asked again: "So what do you think, Director Jiang Heng, is a kind of person?"

"Well, I think he is a very, very good, and very, very talented person!"

"How good is he?" Tu Jingwei asked with a smile.

"He took great care of me. He never scolded me even when I made a NG. I'm really lucky to meet such a nice person like Director Jiang Heng on my first filming!"

"Wow, it seems that Director Jiang Heng really takes good care of you! Then Tangtang, how about you go into the venue first and talk about this later?"

Tang Yan smiled and nodded, and walked towards the venue. Tu Jingwei continued to interview and soon welcomed a big-name contestant, Jet Li.

"Wow, Mr. Jet Li, I really didn't expect to see you here. Say hello to the media friends!"

Jet Li shook hands with Tu Jingwei first, then faced the fence on the other side of the red carpet and waved to the reporters crowded together.

"Hello everyone, I am Jet Li. I play a very powerful master of heaven in "Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother". I have a rivalry with Director Jiang. This film is very exciting. Please support it!"

Jet Li was about to leave after saying that, and Tu Jingwei pretended to stop him.

"Teacher Lianjie, wait a moment, wait a moment, can you answer two questions?"

"You say!"

"What do you think of Director Jiang Heng?"

"A natural martial arts genius!"

"Wow, really, Teacher Lianjie?" Tu Jingwei had an exaggerated expression.

The reporters not far away were even more crazy, their cameras were flashing "click-click" non-stop, and the camera was directly cutting the face close-up.

"Of course it's true, of course it's true, there is no first in literature, no second in martial arts, how can such a thing be fake! Whether he is a kung fu master, you will know as soon as he appears on the stage!"

As soon as these words came out, the reporters present were almost crazy with excitement.

When the crew of "Hero" was filming, rumors spread that Jiang Heng was a martial arts genius. The tabloid media also described the Jiang family as a martial arts family and said how powerful Mr. Jiang was.

But although these rumors were hyped up and rampant, Jiang Heng, Li Lianjie, Zhang Yimou and others never talked about this in front of the media.

Some of the famous people in the "Hero" crew did not mention it in the media interview.

Those who accepted the interviews of the tabloids, regardless of the matter, were basically special guests and extras.

Therefore, although the rumors are hot, the authenticity has always been questionable.

Now, Jet Li publicly acknowledged Jiang Heng's title of Kung Fu master in such a highly anticipated occasion, which is more official than the official certification!

"You said that Director Jiang Heng is a martial arts genius. What is the reason?"

"Many action routines can be clearly felt that Director Jiang Heng had never learned them before, but once he was told and practiced them a few times, he learned them, better than many people who practiced for many years. I can't think of any other words to describe it except natural martial arts genius!"

"Wow, it's really amazing. Will you two make action movies together in the future?"

Jet Li smiled and said to the media at the fence: "I am very much looking forward to it. I don't know if you are looking forward to it!"

The reporters naturally shouted their expectations, but Jet Li had already strode forward and went to the venue.

Tu Jingwei continued the interview. More and more stars walked on the red carpet. Sometimes there were four or five stars at a time. She could only interview those who were famous and talked about.

For example, Cheng Long, Zhou Runfa, Zhou Xingxing and others must be stopped to say a few words. These people naturally praised Jiang Heng.

But in comparison, Cheng Long's performance was more calm.

"Rush Hour 2" released last year had a North American box office of 226 million US dollars and a global box office of 329 million US dollars. Although it was not as good as "Pacific Rim", it was still far ahead of other Chinese-language films.

Among the Hollywood blockbusters, it can also be ranked.

Zhou Runfa's compliment to Jiang Heng was a bit exaggerated, because he was really average in Hollywood. Although "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" made him well-known to many European and American audiences, in the eyes of Hollywood film producers, Zhou Runfa still couldn't carry the box office.

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" has been off the screen for so long, and no big production has come to him.

If he can't make it back home someday, he still hopes to get a starring role in Jiang Heng's film, so of course he has to speak well of him.

Zhou Xingxing's answer is quite special, it sounds both exaggerated and simple.

"Well, I think Director Jiang Heng is very likely the best Chinese-language film director in the past 100 years!"

"Why do you say that!"

"Well, for the new film I'm planning to shoot, when we discuss the plot, the suggestions he gives are often the kind of suggestions that hit your heart right away, making you feel that you don't need to consider anything else, this is it, this effect must be good!"

"Really? He is so talented!"

"It must be true. Many directors can only produce a masterpiece in one or two years or even two or three years, but Director Jiang Heng has produced so many classics since he took over as director..."

Although Tu Jingwei knew that many of them were just being polite, he couldn't help thinking that he was helping a film master host the premiere red carpet show when he heard Zhou Xingxing's sincere tone!

After seeing Zhou Xingxing off, a young and handsome figure appeared on the red carpet, which instantly caused huge cheers.

"Director Jiang, Director Jiang!"

"Director Jiang, Director Jiang!"

Jiang Heng walked the red carpet show as an actor, but a group of reporters and fans still cheered him as "Director Jiang".

Seeing this person getting closer and closer, Tu Jingwei couldn't help but get nervous.

"Director Jiang, hello. I really didn't expect to meet you here. You look much more handsome than before!"

"Really? I feel the same way. You look prettier than before!"

"Thank you, Director Jiang!" Tu Jingwei's tone was not coquettish, but when she saw Jiang Heng, she couldn't help but slur her words.

"Just now, during the interview, I heard everyone's comments about you. The one that impressed me the most was what Mr. Li Lianjie said, saying that you are a martial arts genius. I want to ask, is that true?"

Jiang Heng nodded and said to the microphone, "It's true!"


The scene instantly erupted with huge exclamations. Reporters and fans looked at Jiang Heng with surprise and a little doubt.

He actually admitted it. Is that true?

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