Chen Kaizhen's words are really not nonsense.

Since Jiang Heng's special effects blockbusters have continued to be released, many filmmakers and investors who are envious of his box office success have gathered together to discuss which one is easiest to copy successfully.

Don't even think about science fiction movies like "The Matrix", I really don't have that idea.

"One Hundred Million Years Before History" is quite easy to learn, but monster blockbusters are not up to par. Domestic commercial film directors had a literary dream in their early years. Even people like Feng Xiaogang wanted to be masters, so they couldn't get over this hurdle when making monster movies.

Not to mention "Pacific Rim", I have never been influenced by mecha culture at all.

Wang Jing did make a movie called "Atlantic Rim", but the special effects were only 50 cents, neither Chinese nor Western, so he lost a lot of money.

After thinking about it, only mythical special effects blockbusters are the easiest to copy.

Whether in terms of cultural heritage or familiarity with the story, mythological themes are the easiest to get started with.

In the field of special effects, there are many production companies in the world. As long as the money is enough, there are many people willing to work.

Having encountered such a very ideological novel as "The Legend of Wukong", Chen Kaizhen is confident that the box office performance of his new film will surpass that of "Shituoling" and "Split the Mountain to Save His Mother".

Especially since the North American box office of both films exceeded US$200 million, he was very envious.

Among them, "Shituoling" is worth 260 million US dollars, and "Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother" is 207 million US dollars.

Perhaps due to the film's lack of novelty and aesthetic fatigue, "Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother" not only excelled in the mainland market, setting a new box office record.

In other markets, the box office performance of "Pacific Rim" has declined to varying degrees.

For example, in the Japanese market, it only amounted to 13.3 billion yen (approximately US$106 million), barely surpassing the box office performance of "Jurassic Park" in Japan in 1993.

The global box office was US$575 million, which was nearly half of the US$939 million of "Pacific Rim".

Upon seeing this, some domestic tabloids and media outlets began to criticize Jiang Heng, saying that he had lost the favor of the European and American markets.

Judging from the ironclad market rule that "sequels have always been bad movies since ancient times", Jiang Heng's sequel to "The Matrix" is likely to be a hit.

This is probably the reason why Jiang Heng filmed two films in a row. He wanted to maximize the profits before the reputation of this series completely collapsed.

This article has detailed content and uses data to speak for itself, which has deceived some people.

Even some larger newspapers and periodicals began to reprint it, and the sales volume increased significantly.

Aiyouteng Film Company, in the boss's office, Jiang Heng stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and answered the phone.

Han Sanping said: "I asked around. An intern reporter wrote that young people are so brave and dare to say anything! Even if the box office of "Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother" drops, it still has a global box office of more than 500 million US dollars. We will make a lot of money. . It seems like we are losing money when we ask them to write!”

Jiang Heng chuckled, "Isn't this lower than expected earnings? Some people think they can make one million this year, but they will only make seventy by the end of the year, and they tell everyone they have lost thirty. This film has such a strong domestic performance , everyone thought it could be over one billion US dollars, but it turned out to be more than 500 million US dollars, but it didn’t feel like a loss.”

Han Sanping said: "This is a movie. It's amazing if every movie can make money. How can each one be better than the last? Even Spielberg wouldn't dare to say that!"

Jiang Heng chuckled, "So don't pay any attention to this kind of article!"

Han Sanping said: "The Matrix 2 will be released in less than two months, will it have any impact?"

The entire "The Matrix" trilogy is exclusively invested by Jiang Heng. The only difference is that the first part was produced by "Youteng" Pictures, while the second and third parts were produced by "Aiyouteng".

Han Sanping and China Film had nothing to do with the sequel, and Bo Na was responsible for the distribution.

Considering that Jiang Heng is a very important partner, I only asked this question.

Jiang Heng smiled, "It's okay, a little trick, the market confidence cultivated by five special effects blockbusters cannot be shaken by this little slander."

Han Sanping thought about it. As soon as the screening activities were held and the movie-viewing reputation in major ticket-rich cities was released, the influence of such comments would disappear.

Only Jiang Heng's unwillingness to do some screenings shows that there is really something wrong with the quality of the film.

After chatting for a few words, we hung up.

After sitting back on the boss's chair and resting for a while, I listened to the message and clicked on it to see that it was from Liu Tianxian.

After calling him uncle during the first meeting, Liu Tianxian went to the set twice more.

Because we were busy filming, we didn't talk too much, and then we just exchanged text messages.

Following the historical development trajectory, Liu Tianxian won the role of Wang Yuyan and joined the cast of "Dragon".

She would send a few text messages every now and then to talk about her filming experience on the set.

"Uncle, the teacher who plays Duan Yu is a bit old. He really should be played by a young and handsome person like you. Besides, you have that kind of nobility that you don't have to act."

Jiang Heng pursed his lips and smiled, thinking to himself, does this girl not understand the concept of "fan position" at all?

If I acted in a movie, I would be scolded by movie fans for lowering my status. If I acted in a TV series, I can’t imagine it!

I typed back: "Duan Yu is really a character I like very much, but it's a pity that I don't have the chance to star in it!"

"It's fine if uncle doesn't act. If you come to act, I'm afraid I won't be able to portray Wang Yuyan's feeling of being rejected by others thousands of miles away!"

Jiang Heng couldn't help laughing when he saw it, and said to himself: "The little girl is quite good at talking, isn't she that dull when facing the outside world?"

Replied: "Then I can't delay your acting!"

Liu Tianxian waited for a while before replying, "Uncle, are you still so busy recently?"

"Fortunately, I can take a break for half a month, and then "Hacker 2" will be released, copyrights purchased and promoted!"

"Is it going to be screened again?"

"Well, I have to go to all the top ten cities in the country!"

"Then I will take a leave to watch it!"

"Okay, I will help you arrange the itinerary then."

Then, it was two hours later that I replied.

The content of the message was that someone came to visit the set, and someone came to visit the set a while ago.

Jiang Heng just responded with a few words.

The next day, Liu Tianxian mentioned the visit again.

Jiang Heng "reacted" and thought, does this want me to go and take a look?

The problem is that he has never visited the set of all the actresses he has worked with.

This Liu Tianxian has never worked with him before, and if she shows up rashly, she will probably be on the news!

But on second thought, is he still afraid of this?

Thinking about it, there is really no work recently, and I have been in Beijing for a long time.

The crew of "Dragon Babu" is filming in Zhejiang now, so it would be nice to go there and take a look.

He ordered someone to book a flight ticket, and the next day he flew directly to Zhejiang with his assistant, driver, and bodyguard.

Then he chartered a car and headed straight to Fangyan, Yongkang.

Fangyan is a typical Danxia landform area, with dangerous peaks, strange rocks, beautiful waterfalls and strange caves, which is very suitable for filming martial arts dramas.

In addition to "The Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils", the later popular "The Journey of Flower" was also filmed here.

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