After leaving Hangzhou, Jiang Heng went to Shanghai again.

This time he failed to hide it and was discovered by fans "accidentally".

When he returned to the hotel, the leaders of Shanghai Film Group had already visited him, and the two sides had a brief discussion in the hotel's small conference room.

Shanghai Film Group had plans to cooperate in filming and wanted to invest in Jiang Heng's next movie.

Jiang Heng said that he had sufficient funds on hand, and if Shanghai Film Group's project was short of money, it could also invest.

After such a chat, the atmosphere became a little awkward.

In the end, of course, they kept in touch and had the opportunity to cooperate again.

He didn't want to receive a call in the evening saying that a leader wanted to invite him for dinner.

Most people's first impression of Jiang Heng is that he is a famous commercial film director, followed by an actor, and they always intentionally or unintentionally ignore his identity as a super rich man.

After all, during the heyday of Hong Kong movies, actresses also wanted to marry into wealthy families, which is incomparable to the later domestic entertainment scene.

Therefore, although Jiang Heng has a lot of money and is worth a lot of money, not many places want to find him to attract investment.

This is not the case in Pudong, where people have a broader vision.

Thinking that if Jiang Heng's investment could be attracted, it would be very beneficial for the publicity and promotion here.

Jiang Heng naturally had to give face and readily agreed.

The next morning, a luxury car came to pick him up.

Let's go to visit the development status of Pudong first and reach a preliminary investment intention.

During the meal, the leader suggested that Jiang Heng hold the world premiere of "The Matrix 2" in Pudong.

Jiang Heng thought about it and really wanted to give it a try.

After all, the film was exclusively produced by iQiyi, Tencent Video, and the publicity and promotion was also done by Bonanza, so there was no need to consider the ideas of China Film.

Besides, there have been too many collaborations with China Film in recent years, and they have been too close.

Finally, of course, I had to give the leader face, so I agreed.

Back to the hotel, Jiang Heng called Yu Dong, who was shocked.

"Going to Pudong, so suddenly?"

"Well, the leaders here are very sincere, so I agreed!"

Yu Dong said: "It's easy to handle. After all, the venue in Beijing has not been completely determined. It's not certain that the movie channel will broadcast it, right?"

Jiang Heng said: "The TV station here will send a crew!"

"Then, there is no problem. Give Mr. Han a call!"

Jiang Heng said: "Of course!"

After hanging up, he called Han Sanping again. The latter teased: "Is Director Jiang going to promote new people this time? It's not easy to come all the way to visit the set!"

Jiang Heng laughed "It was mainly because I was bored in Beijing, so I went out for a walk. I accidentally walked to Pudong. The leaders here were very enthusiastic and invited me to invest and said they would help me to hold the premiere. I had to think carefully about the money, but I agreed to take advantage of it!"

Han Sanping: "..."

There was a silence of about two seconds, "You, are going to hold the premiere in Shanghai?"


"Shanghai is Pudong, and Pudong is Shanghai!"

Han Sanping's tone was a little excited. In fact, the film "The Matrix 2" has nothing to do with China Film. It's just that the two sides have cooperated for a long time. When he heard that Jiang Heng was going to Pudong to hold the premiere, he was somewhat disappointed.

However, Han Sanping can be the chairman of China Film and is known as the "head of the Chinese film market". Emotional management is still in place.

He quickly calmed down and said with a smile: "Well, it's not bad to go to Shanghai. I'm tired of staying in Beijing all the time, not to mention the fans!"

Jiang Heng said with a smile: "Then remember to come and support us when you go!"

Han Sanping smiled: "Of course, I will go!"

After chatting for a few words and hanging up the phone, Jiang Heng called a few people he was close to and told them that the premiere location had changed. Everyone was actually very happy.

Pudong treated the premiere of "The Matrix 2" with super high efficiency.

In the evening, they sent the venue location, activity plan, security measures and other related content suitable for the premiere.

They also asked Jiang Heng whether he wanted to build an IMAX screen. If he needed to build one, they would cooperate with the changes.

Of course, it needed to be built!

Jiang Heng's idea was to make the premiere of his new film a "brand" and give the guests on the scene the best audio-visual experience.

To let the fans know that the viewing effect of the premiere is the best and most shocking.

That is to say, 3D technology is not mature yet, otherwise Jiang Heng would definitely use the best playback equipment and adjust the xenon lamp of the projector to the brightest to let the audience experience what super shock is.

After feedback, Pudong adjusted the plan.

Yu Dong also led the people of Bonna Films to come to discuss some details of the premiere and coordinate IMAX to build the screen.

After learning that the premiere of "The Matrix 2" was held in Pudong, CCTV Movie Channel had some internal debates, but soon reached a consensus and sent a crew south.

After all, the premiere of Jiang Heng's new film has become a major event in the Chinese entertainment industry. If the movie channel is absent, it will be picked up by other satellite TV stations.

December 15, 2002, Sunday afternoon.

In Pudong, countless luxury cars lined up outside the Yuanshen Sports Center.

The Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai regions have been prosperous for thousands of years and have never been poor since the Song Dynasty.

Since the reform and opening up, a large number of wealthy people have been born. These people are not short of money and like to show off their status.

It is not uncommon to go to the cinema to watch Jiang Heng's films, but from the scalpers, it is very prestigious to spend thousands of yuan to buy a premiere ticket and bring friends to watch it.

In a Mercedes-Benz, Han Xing looked at the taillights in front of him helplessly, "This is too congested!"

A girl said: "We are all here to watch the premiere, it will probably take a while!"

Hu Qian said with a smile: "I said, park the car farther away and walk here, it will definitely be faster than driving."

Yuan Hong agreed, "Yes, look at the situation, and it will be a while!"

Han Qian said: "We girls are all wearing high heels, how can we have a good image after walking all the way, and I still have to walk the red carpet!"

"Yeah, that's right, there will be so many reporters later, you have to stay beautiful and elegant!" Hu Qian said jokingly.

These people are all classmates from the 2002 acting class of Shanghai Theatre Academy. After knowing that "The Matrix 2" premiered in Shanghai, they were all very happy.

Although they can't walk the red carpet at all with their current status, they also came from a distance to join in the fun and joke.

The car stopped and started, and it took a long time to get off at the door.

A few people did not immediately enter the ordinary viewing channel, but watched the stars who entered the venue one by one in the guest channel.

Seeing Tang Yan coming over, Han Qian enviously said, "She is so lucky. She graduated from a tourism technical secondary school and can become the heroine of Director Jiang's blockbuster!"

Her best friend said, "Yes, she achieved success in one step. She saved many years of hard work. After we graduate, it is difficult to become the lead actress of a TV series!"

Hu Qian smiled and said, "Have confidence. What did Liu Bang say? A real man should be like this!"

Yuan Hong patted Hu Qian's shoulder and pointed to Wu Qizu who was walking in the distance, "You have to say it to that person!"

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