After Li Meiqi's Trinity knocked down several security guards neatly, she took out her cell phone to make a call and said "I'm in".

Her body and the world she was in were blurred into green digital codes.

In the next shot, countless green codes turned into the real world.

The glass of a skyscraper was suddenly smashed. Trinity was still dressed as before, but she was holding two guns and turned back to shoot while flying.

Translucent bullet trajectories kept passing through the air, some fired by Trinity and some fired by the agents.

The two were still shooting at each other while falling.

This shot was presented in slow motion, "bullet time" plus the flying glass fragments, which looked quite shocking.

But what puzzled the audience was that Trinity in this shot seemed to look a little older than before, and occasionally the picture was a little unreal.

"The CG feeling is a bit strong!" Hu Qian wondered.

Just as he said this, Trinity was shot, and the bleeding scene was even more fake, very much like the shot in the game.

Just as more people were wondering, Trinity fell on a car and smashed the middle of the car.

The next second, the male protagonist played by Wu Yizu woke up in bed.

"Fuck, it turned out to be a dream!"

"Director Jiang likes to start with a dream!"

"Yes, the dream beginning of "Lion Camel Ridge" is good. I really didn't expect that Tang Seng died in the first life!"

Except for the amazing shots at the beginning, the following plot is a bit dull. It explains that the last stronghold of mankind, Mount Zion, is being excavated by an army of 250,000 robots, and a group of "captains" gather together to discuss countermeasures.

At this time, a man in black knocked on the door to find Neo.

Because of the backlight, the audience could not see his face clearly.

This man said he wanted to give Neo a gift because he let this man go.

The guard took the envelope and closed the door. Neo came out and tore open the envelope to find that it was a headset, which was exactly the one worn by the agent in the first film.

"The meeting is over, go back to your posts, the agents are coming!"

"Agents?" The two guards exclaimed.

The next second, the iron gate was hit and bulged, and after two more hits, the iron gate was opened.

Three agents in black suits and sunglasses walked in and besieged Neo, but were easily solved by the male protagonist.

The fighting scene was chic and smooth, with a sense of showing off.

In the alley, after Neo defeated all the agents, he made a starting posture that was a bit like Tai Chi, and the ground under his feet actually had a circle of large ripples like the surface of water.

The next second, he soared into the sky, and the masonry walls on both sides were shaken by the shock, and then returned to their original state.

In general, where the male protagonist appears, there are more and more bugs.

Two identical Smiths walked out of the alley, which made it seem less and less like the real world.

"Fuck, has the virus library been upgraded?"

"It should be. When the male protagonist was fighting, he said that those guys had been upgraded and were stronger than before!"

"What do you mean by releasing them? Could it be that the antivirus software has turned into a virus?"

On the screen, the conversation between Morpheus and the spacecraft communicator also proved the audience's guess.

It was discovered that agents suddenly appeared in the matrix, and many coding errors appeared. The encryption program was also unprecedented.

Trinity, who was driving, was concerned about the male protagonist and asked him where he was now?

The spacecraft communicator tapped the computer a few times and smiled helplessly, "I'm playing Superman!"

But above the clouds, the full moon was like a basin, and the male protagonist flew over, his windbreaker shaking like Batman's wings.

One rose up, and then dived down, stirring the clouds to roll, handsome as hell.

The male audience in the venue envied and the female audience was obsessed.

"Oh my god, this is so cool. If I were the hero, I would not fight against the robots, but live in this matrix world and do whatever I want!"

"This is God, it's so cool!"

"If I were the hero, I would enjoy it directly!"

"He is the savior!"

"He is not the only one, he has been there before!"

"Fuck, won't those in front be corrupted?"

"It's hard not to be corrupted in this situation!"

The next part is the plot of Morpheus's spaceship returning to Zion Base, showing the internal situation of the base, which is full of spaceships and various large machines.

The overall style is both cyberpunk and a bit sci-fi.

Morpheus went to see the commander of Zion Base because he was held accountable for leaving a spaceship in the matrix without authorization.

The two sides had a big disagreement. The commander meant that the robot army was about to attack, and all the forces should be used to protect Zion Base.

Morpheus thought that he should leave a spaceship and wait for the guidance of the prophet in the matrix world.

Because he felt that there was only one way to save mankind, that was Neo!

The commander was very angry, but unfortunately he did not have absolute power and could not remove Murphys from his post.

The lower-level Zion people did not know what had happened and had a grand carnival.

In the matrix world, the two people left by Smith finally got the message from the prophet, and one of them left first with something.

Just as the other named Bane was about to leave, Agent Smith appeared, and saw his palm enter Bane's chest.

A mass of black "venom"-like substance covered Bane. When the "venom" dissipated, Bane turned into another Smith, then picked up the phone and disappeared.

"This Smith, has he really become a virus?"

"It's obvious that he has infected the other party!"

"Are you going to infect the computer on the spaceship along the telephone line?"

As a result, the camera turned and Neo waited for the message from the prophet, and a group of people were ready to set off.

Bane hid in the dark, first cut three lines on his palm with a knife, and then walked out quickly, as if he was going to stab Neo to death with a knife.

Fortunately, because of another person's shouting, Neo and others turned back, and the assassination failed.

Neo and others did not notice Bane's abnormality, boarded the spaceship, and entered the matrix world.

On the bustling city streets, Neo walked on the road and immediately entered a slightly Chinese-style room. Zou Zhaolong was wearing Chinese clothes and sitting cross-legged on a stool drinking tea.

Neo looked around, but saw a world composed of green codes, while Zou Zhaolong was composed of golden character codes.

Zou Zhaolong got off the stool and called himself Sairov, and could take Neo to see the prophet.

But he had to say sorry, and then punched him.

The two fought together, and the soundtrack was mainly Chinese drums. After a brilliant fight, Sairuofu called a halt and led the male protagonist to see the prophet.

The two walked through a long corridor with identical doors on both sides.

Sairuofu opened one of the doors, and Neo looked and saw a community square.

The prophet, played by Zheng Peipei, sat on a chair and fed pigeons.

The prophet said that they could have a good talk, starting with the simplest.

The male protagonist asked, "You are not a human, right? Are you a program from the machine world?"

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